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“Not much farther,” Nero muttered as he wandered to his next mission. The mission was a simple one with some demons hanging out at a cathedral. The main reason that he had taken it was that it was on the way to his next one, so he would be able to get two missions done at once. He stopped when he stood outside the gate of the cathedral.

“Alright finally made it to the place,” Nero said. He went up the gate and was about to push it open when he noticed that there were chains and a lock wrapped around it.

Nero pulled out Blue Rose and fired at the lock. The padlock went flying as the chains went slack. With a smirk, he pulled the chains off and tossed them to the side. He pushed the gate open and walked to the front entrance. When he made it to the front door, Nero cracked his neck and kicked open the door and his eyes darted from one spot to another.

He saw a large red carpet between the large ornate wooden pews that led up to the altar. Stained glass filled the windows of the place, depicting a knight figure fighting monsters in one of them. Of the journey of a hooded figure, and various other events.

Nero walked between the pews, his body lax, seemingly without a care in the world. He stood in front of it and looked up as if he was studying the wooden carving.

Suddenly, Nero moved to the side, avoiding a large curved blade attached to a . Before the monster could do anything Nero put the into a headlock as he pulled out Blue Rose. He fired his gun multiple times. The demon slouched over dead and he tossed the corpse to the side as he turned around.

Nero turned and saw multiple demons crawling out of their hiding spots and took a quick head count of them. They all lumbered toward them, one of them bellowing at him as if in defiance.

“Thanks for coming out and making it easy for me to find you guys. Here I thought that I would have to wait around for you guys,” Nero smirked as he pulled Red Queen off his back and rolled his shoulders.

One of the Scarecrows lunged toward him, and Nero rushed to face them. He easily forced it back with a swing of his sword and then leaped into the air after it. Before it could hit the ground, Nero was in front of it and swung his sword, severing its upper body from its lower half.

The Scarecrows moved around him, trying to find an opening that they could exploit, but Nero was more than capable of following their movements. Before one could even try to attack he brought his sword down on them as if he was punishing them for even thinking that they could hurt him.

Nero reached to grab the leg of one with his Devil Bringer and the demon appendage formed a spectral ethereal appendage that grabbed the leg of it. He spun it over his head, laughing as he did. When he couldn’t spin the creature any faster he tossed it and it crashed into.

He charged forward and swung his blood and as he did, he revved Red Queen and the blade roared as the power of the blade caused him to zoom across the room. A demon tried to attack his side but he blocked the blow quickly and then kicked it away with his Devil Bringer.

Nero brought Red Queen down, cutting the monster in half with ease. The others moved closer, and Nero grinned as they did. He charged forward, moving from one to another, with eager glee.

Another demon tried to march toward him, and Nero fired Blue Rose at another, sending it back from the power of the bullets. He fired at another demon, and at another Scarecrow. He punched another Demon down and then slammed his sword down on it multiple times. Demonic blood went all over the area as he hacked into pieces until it was dead.

As the boy dissipated, Nero placed his sword on his shoulder and thought about how many there were originally.

‘And that should be all of them but,’ Nero thought as he turned to the last one which lunged at him with its frozen claws raised high.

Nero launched it up into the air, with Red Queen and then leaped after it. He swung his blade, keeping the monster off balance and in the air. Before it could fall he grabbed its leg and spun it around and slammed it into the ground. He brought it back up and slammed it on the ground repeatedly like a child. The demon dissipated in his hand and a cocky chuckle came from him.

“And like that, all of the freaks are dealt with,” Nero smirked.

“My my, not a bad showing young man. I could have done better myself of course, but you were able to put on an interesting enough show,” a seductive woman said.

Nero turned, and raised his gun to the speaker, but blinked when instead of a person’s face he was face to face with a large golden timepiece that rested on a pair of large breasts that drew Nero’s attention. His eyes wandered to her exposed cleavage and then instinctually looked down at them, only to be greeted by a just as striking pair of hips with long slender legs that would have gone for days.

A sultry giggle caught Nero’s attention and he forced himself to look up, quickly trying to pass by her breasts so he could see who he was talking to. The woman was a jaw dropper for more than just her height. She was a fair-skinned beauty with a beauty mark under her chin. She had short stylish hair that was brushed to the side and wore fashionable glasses that had a ribbon design near the lenses.

“You’re quite the innocent little boy aren’t you? Here I thought you would just stare at my breasts, but it seems like I was mistaken,” the woman laughed.

“Who the hell are you?” Nero questioned, his body tense and ready to react to whatever tricks she might try. “And why are you here?”

“Oh dear and here I thought that you had some manners after all. As for why I’m here, I heard about the little cretins and I had thought that I would deal with those pests to entertain myself, but it seems like you beat me to the punch. Though I wonder if it might just be one fish going after another considering that arm of yours,” the woman said as she walked closer.

Nero narrowed his eyes and readied himself for a fight.

‘There’s no way this is just some woman,’ Nero thought, noticing how she moved. Her steps were made with a purpose, and a clear goal, and her body was taught and ready to act the moment something happened as if she was a serpent.

She shot forward and attempted to deliver a punishing straight kick to his stomach, but Nero raised his sword and was able to block her kick. Nevertheless, Nero was pushed back from the blow. He came to a halt and hissed as he glared at the woman, who smiled in amusement.

“Figured you weren’t normal,” Nero muttered.

“Oh little boy, you’ll find out that I am anything but normal. Now then let’s see how well you do against a real woman,” the woman cackled as she brought out two guns and fired them as she moved closer.

Nero fired Blue Rose at her shots, his shots managing to knock her out of the air. He rushed toward her, readying himself again for when they would fight up close.

When they were close enough, the woman swung one of her guns and Nero avoided it. He tried to swing his sword at her, but she merely stepped to the side to avoid it. She tried to hit him in retaliation, but he avoided it. He tried to put some space between them so his movements wouldn’t be impeded, but she continued to get right in his space, preventing him from using his sword to its fullest. It quickly became a dance with them tradining, parrying, or blocking a blow from the other.

Nero was able to meet her blow for blow, but knew something was wrong as it continued. She was slowly being forced back due to the right raw strength behind his blows. Instead of trying to outmatch him in might, she instead parried and avoided his blows. He swung his arm at her chest, and for a moment she seemed surprised, before she moved. His knuckles brushed against the edges of the clock, which suddenly glowed at his touch.

The woman’s eyes widened and she let out a gasp as she hit him away with the hilt of her gun. Nero slammed into another one of the pews, which skidded and forced the pews behind it back. He was about to launch himself forward, but the shocked expression on her stopped him.

“What’s gotten you so shocked?” Nero questioned. “Cat got your tongue or something?”

“...It isn’t just demonic blood that’s inside of you, but you…you also have the blood of an Umbran Witch in you,” Baynoette said, her voice softer than it had been since their entire encounter had begun.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about lady. Never met my mom,” Nero’s hand inched toward his gun, while the woman’s smirk only seemed to have grown.

“I'm sorry to hear dear, my name is Bayonetta,” the woman said. “Tell me, what is your name?”

Nero considered just flipping her off and walking out of here, but his instincts told him not to relax, just yet. He carefully got out of his chair and cracked his neck.

“C’mon dear, I’m sure that you were taught your manners at least. It’s rude to keep a lady waiting,” Bayonetta said as she crossed her arms underneath her bust.

“Nero,” Nero growled, averting his eyes from her cleavage as his grip tightened on his sword. If it was made out of anything less than it was, the handle would have been crushed in

“A lovely name, and fitting for you dearie. I have a deal for you sweetheart. You have the right gumption and your no slouch with that sword of yours, though I think you need a little more…refinement. It would be a shame to let such potential like you just wander around when you can learn so much more. Interested in learning about your family history?”

“Not looking for any teachers!” Nero snapped. “Especially after a meeting like that.”

“It’s adorable that you think you have a say in this,” Bayonetta giggled.

Nero brought his sword down as fast as he could, but Bayonetta stepped back and threw her attire at him. Red Queen split the dress she wore.

Nero growled but then blinked when he saw that Bayonetta was dressed in a revealing gray skin-tight bodysuit with a thorn-like pattern and a frilly collar. She had sharp shoulder pads and a cloak of hair over her chest, as well as triangular earrings. The gloves of the suit were blue with frills at the wrists. The back of her suit features a diamond-shaped opening, and several diamond cutouts on her legs, showing some of her plush thighs.

Nero’s face burned as his eyes roamed over her form. He tried to look away, but he couldn’t bring himself to do so. The sexual appeal that she was exuding was too demanding for him to do anything else.

‘How the hell can she walk around wearing something like that?’ Nero wondered as his face burned again.

“Oh, you are so precious with how your face burns up like that,” Baynoetta teased. She thrusted her well-developed chest out and blew a kiss at him that made Nero’s face burn brighter. “Feel free to admire as much as you want. You wouldn’t be the first and you certainly won’t be the last.”

“Shut up!” Nero cried.

“Oh your reactions are just adorable!” Bayonetta laughed, making Nero’s temper flare. “I’m going to enjoy teaching you.”

Bayonetta raised her guns and managed to shoot the bullets Nero had fired out of the air. She laughed playfully. “I’m sorry dear, but you’re going to have to do much better than that!”

Bayonetta laughed as she continued to parry and dodge his blows, using the guns on her heels as well to divert Red Queen away. The two traded blows, Bayonetta moving faster then she had before, even though Nero was stronger then her.

“You have plenty of fine skill and training darling, but you lack the grace befitting of a witch, but you certainly know how to swing that sword of yours,” Bayonetta praised. “You might even be able to match me one day with the right training.”

“Not looking for tips considering how we’re meeting,” Nero scoffed.

“Consider it a view into your new teacher’s skills and what you might be one day!” Bayonetta declared as she slipped in another blow in. “Speaking of which, let me show you why you don’t fuck with a witch.”

Bayonetta slammed her hand down and the ground erupted and a large ornate wooden table underneath Nero that forced him onto his back. Before Nero could move, metal chains wrapped around Nero’s arms and legs, ensuring that he wouldn’t be able to get away.

“What the fuck!” Nero cried.

“This is one of the perks of being an Umbran Witch,” Bayonetta laughed. “Something you’ll find out to be quite…beneficial down the road once we get your training started.”

Bayonetta turned the crank, and the chains let out an ominous creek as they did. Nero groaned as the chains pulled on his body and struggled to fight them off. His bones and muscles ached as

“If this is your way of trying to hurt me then not sorry to say, but it isn’t working?” Nero snarked.

“Oh now who said anything about hurting you darling?” Bayonetta questioned then pulled on the crank a little harder, earning a wince from him.

As Nero struggled against the tightening chains, his muscles shrunk. Every bit of muscle that he had got smaller, almost as if they were disappearing. His arms and legs lost some of the definition they had as the muscles there became thinner and smaller.

Yet, despite how much smaller they were getting, they still maintained a trim athletic tone to them that showed his power remained.

“Now then I think that’s enough of that,” Bayonetta said and tapped her foot on the ground.

The stretcher that kept Nero in place disappeared, causing Nero to fall onto his back. He shook his head for a moment and quickly stood up. He tightened his grip on his sword

Nero immediately noticed that something was off by how loose his clothes were now, despite his height still being the same. He looked down and saw portions of his clothes drooped against his frame. His coat hung off his shoulders and his arms looked almost like twigs with how big the sleeves looked against them. Even his pants seemed slightly off with how they drooped against his thighs and hips.

“What the hell?” Nero muttered at how much thinner his arms looked. If he still wasn’t as tall as he normally was, it would have looked as if he was a scarecrow wearing some old threads.

“Don’t worry darling despite how much smaller your arms look. They are just as powerful as they were before. There is still plenty of definition on them. Though we do have to do something”

Nero charged at her again, and then reached out, this time causing a large spectral version of the Devil Bringer to appear above his arm to grab her with as well. Before the limb could grab her she seemed to disappear from place and appear to the side, far out of reach of it.

“I wondered when you would try that again darling. I almost forgot about it,” Bayonetta admitted. “Though just because you have a special arm, doesn’t mean that you’re going to win with that.”

“Well then let me show you why I’m going to win this then,” Nero scowled.

Nero lunged at her and brought his sword down for a cleaving strike, but just like last time she stepped back. He followed up with several quick slashes. On a slash aimed to split her down the middle, Bayonetta knocked Nero’s sword out of his hand as her body was covered in a purple aura. He tried to punch her, but just like with his sword, she deftly dodged every attack he made with ease.

He stepped back and tried to surprise her with a strike at her side, but just like everything else he had thrown at her, she avoided it with ease.

Bayonetta grabbed his wrist and twisted his hand. She forced him to open his hand, causing his sword to slip from his hand and land on the ground. With grace, Bayontta slipped the thumbscrew over his human hand.

“There we go, now with that, let’s work on that hand of yours,” Bayonetta said.

“I ain’t letting you do anything else with me,” Nero said as he tried to force her off. He lifted her off the ground and swung his arm all over the place as if she was a flail. Despite how sudden it was, Bayonetta held on, tightening her grip to ensure she wouldn’t fly away.

Nero tried to slam her onto the ground, but Bayonetta planted herself on the ground and twisted his hand, making Nero’s body lock up. His eyes twitched as a harsh hiss came from him. He tried to lift his arm, but she twisted his wrist again, making a lightning bolt of pain shoot through his body as his snarling face morphed into a wince.

“You’re stronger than me when it comes to raw power. I'll give you that little boy, but that hardly matters when you know how to flex your body,” Bayonetta instructed.

Nero bucked and tried to fight against her, but Bayonetta was able to exert greater control over his body by how she held her wrist. He tried to twist his hand out of her grip, and for a moment, she struggled against his hold, before asserting her dominance.

“Now, now darling, just let this next part happen, or else you’ll find yourself in a more uncomfortable spot,” Bayonetta warned.

“We’ll see about that!” Nero spat.

“Don't say that I didn’t warn you, darling.”

As the thumbscrew tightened on Nero’s human hand, it slowly changed. Nero shuddered in slight pain as her power coursed through his body. The nails on his human hand refined as they grew slightly longer as if they had just come out of a nail salon, while the rest of his digits shrunk.

The calluses on his hands softened as they gained new life to them. His palms shrunk as well as conforming to Bayonetta’s power. Low pops came from the digits as they lost some of their girthy ness. His wrist let out a crack as it adjusted along with his palms.

Nero tried to pull out Blue Rose, but Bayonetta turned and forced him to move before he could pull it out. Even though his other hand was the one trapped in the thumbscrew, his demonic limb was filled with such agonizing ain that he struggled to curl his hands, let alone form a fist. His nerves were on fire and twitched at their own will. Yet he didn’t let that try to stop him. No matter how painful it was, he continued to try and close his hand, only to be forced to let go when it became to much for him.

Bayonetta tightened the thumbscrew on his human hand, earning another hiss from Nero as dull pain shot from him. His thin limbs slimmed even further, looking off on his still primarily masculine body. Even Nero’s Devil Bringer arm was affected, though not to the same extent that his human hand was. Just like his human arm it slimmed down, gaining the same almost feminine appeal as his arms thinned. His coat and the sleeves of his shirt. His biceps deflated, but still maintained the defined definition that was worthy of a model. A pop resounded from his shoulders as their broadness and gained a slenderness that accentuated the new feminine appeal that his limbs had gained.

Bayonetta raised Nero’s transformed hand to his face as she looked it over and then ran her hand over the nails. She struggled for a moment as Nero continued to try and force her off, but again she was able to twist his wrist and make sure that he held him in place.

“Much better,” Bayonetta said, she let go of his hand and the thumbscrew that she had been using on Nero disappeared. She twisted him around and gently kicked him along with a kick on the butt.

Nero stumbled as he shook his hand and frowned at the sight of the dainter womanly hands he had. There was no trace of the original width that it had before. The sharp nails he had now looked far to clean.

“Don’t worry, it might seem a little off at the moment, but it's nothing to worry about,” Bayonetta said.

Bayonetta’s voice broke through his confusion and pain, reminding of where he was and what was happening. Nero raised his gun, ready to react to whatever Bayonetta might do next. However, instead of being in a fighting pose, or taking advantage she just stood there.

“Go ahead darling, pick it up,” Bayonetta urged as she twirled one of her guns in her hand. She examined it as if she was making a purchase. “I know how much people like to play with their favorite toys, especially boys like you.”

Nero’s grip tightened on Blue Rose and he was half tempted to pull the trigger now. Yet the first time that he had fired his gun at her rushed forward and he knew that it would have been futile to try.

Nero went over to Red Queen and picked up his sword. He kept his gun raised, ready to use on a moment’s notice. When Nero was right next to his sword, he put Blue Rose back into its holster and then kicked Red Queen into his human hand. He pointed the tip of his sword at her, with narrowed eyes blazing with fury.

“See darling I might be pushing you, but I won’t be kicking while you’re down. This is just the first lesson after all. I won’t bully you too much…unless you want me to,” Bayonetta said flirtatiously.

Again her words made Nero’s face burn brightly that someone would have been able to use as a stop light. He breathed through his nose, trying to shove him embarrassment down into a deep dark hole that it would never be able to escape from.

“You better be able to fix this,” Nero threatened as he plotted is next attack.

“I could, but why would I do that?” Bayonetta questioned, looking like a smug cat with a canary in her mouth.

“Because if you can’t fix the crap that you have been doing with me, then you’re going to find out how bad I can make things for you!” Nero proclaimed.

“I’m sure you could if you were given the opportunity darling. Now then whenever you're ready sweetie,” Bayonetta urged.

“I’m going to make you take me seriously in a minute, lady,” Nero growled.

“Oh sweetie, I had been taking you seriously from the start,” Bayonetta admitted as she raised her arms to the side. “I’ve just been having a lot of fun going about this as I did.”

“We’ll see how much fun you have after this next bout!” Nero declared as charged at her again with his sword raised high, ready to show her the error of her ways.

This time Bayonetta summoned a katana and went forward to meet Nero head-on. Again the two of them clashed, their weapons a haze of steel to anyone else. Bayonetta’s grin faltered ever so slightly as she tried to keep up, but Nero’s superior sword skill quickly proved to be to much for her. Nero brought his sword down repeatedly, refusing to give Bayonetta even an inch. He brought his sword up, and her weapon slipped from her fingers, earning a look of shock from the witch as she leaped back.

“Got you!” Nero proclaimed and went to stab her.

Bayonetta summoned her magic and giggled as she slammed her foot onto the ground as she coked her hips and brought her hands up behind her head.

The ground erupted and something wrapped around Nero’s legs that stopped him in place. He looked down and saw long black and gold engraved stocks that went past his kneecaps. He brought Red Queen down to try and break it, but the magical stocks only gained a small scratch on them.

“What the hell are these?” Nero questioned as he continued to try and break out of them with little success.

“Just another little spell of mine that is based off a not as well-known torture device, but I would say that it more than does its job quite well in keeping little troublemakers in their place,” Bayonetta smiled. “Can’t let those little spoilsports getaway now. I don’t use it much, admittedly, but this is a special circumstance. Now then why don’t you tell me how this feels on your legs darling.”

Nero groaned as his legs ached. Small rough studs rubbed against his legs and squeezed them. Again Nero tried to break the magical torture devices that Bayonetta summoned, but it proved futile as they tightened further. The studs dug further into his legs, so much so that he swore he could feel them digging into his bones.

“Don’t worry, just give it another minute and it will be over,” Bayonetta said. “The more you struggle the worse it will get for you.”

After a moment, the magical torture boots disappeared, Nero gasped at the freedom that he had regained. He stumbled from the sudden release and immediately noticed that his legs felt different. His boots and pants legs had been ravaged with torn frayed segments, showing bits of his legs altered.

Nero kicked off his boots and frowned at how easily they had come up, and his mood soured further at the sight of his feet. They were smaller, cleaner, more petite looking.

“Damn it,” Nero muttered, knowing that the rest of his lower legs had gone through a similar change.

“Tis a shame about the boots, they were rather nice, but I want to get a better look at those legs of yours.”

“Like hell you are!” Nero seethed.

There was none of the control that he had previously, only a wild rage that didn’t even put a moment’s thought into what he should do. Every swing of his sword was made without any thought or idea of what he could do next. The only thing going through his mind was striking her down so that smug look of her would finally stop.

“Oh dear now you’re getting sloppy,” Bayonetta laughed as she avoided Nero’s strikes with ease. “Darling if you want to have any chance against me then you better shape up.”

“Shut up!”

“Now why would I do that love? Especially since you clearly need someone to help you.”

Bayonetta parried one of his blows and then grabbed the hem of his pants. She brought up one of her legs and kicked him away, still holding onto his pants legs tightly. The pants tore off his body, and she held them up if they were a trophy. She laughed and then tossed them aside.

“Gahhh!” Nero cried as he stumbled again, seeing his boxer shorts fully exposed. For a moment, his mind warred with itself. His grip on Red Queen loosened as he wondered what he should do now. His first instinct was to cover himself, but with him being in a fight stopped him from doing so.

It didn’t help that he could see his new lower legs and the new feminine appeal they had. Much like his arms, they had a slender appearance, but still maintained the muscular tone they had before they had changed. Yet what pulled away from their charm was his unchanged thighs, which looked like massive tree trunks in comparison to the lower half of his legs.

“There we go now we can get a real look at those legs, though we got to do something about thighs. They are just so boring, and take away the appeal that the rest of your lower legs have. Don’t worry dear we can fix that up in just a second.”

Again she rushed forward, this time firing her gun. Nero swung his sword, sending all of the bullets Bayonetta had fired back at her with the strength of his swing. He blinked and saw Bayonetta was already in front of him. Nero grimaced and instinctively brought his Devil Bringer up to punch her away, but she shifted to the side and slammed her hands on his thighs, making him stumble back.

Nero swung his sword, but she jumped back and cartwheeled away with a laugh. He was about to chase after her, but his legs suddenly trembled.

“What now?” Nero growled as he tried to get his legs under control, but couldn’t.

After a moment, Nero’s thighs strained his boxer shorts as they ballooned. The fabric of pants tightened around his thighs making him shudder. It was as if someone was gently squeezing on the more they grew. A small primal part of him wanted to play with his altering thighs and see how much more pleasing he could make it be. His grip loosened and clenched the longer it went on and his legs trembled. Blood rushed down below and his member rose, making his tight boxers even tighter. A pair of killer sexy toned thighs that would have been perfect for a model to strut around.

“There we go, now those are some lovely legs. All we need to do is put on some good tight pants, or a nice short skirt, or even better leave them out in the open depending on the situation,” Bayonetta tittered. “Oh so many ideas are coming forward.”

Bayonetta’s voice cut through Nero’s confusion as his rage spiked once again. All of the discomfort that came from his undergarments and hard on were ignored. His grip tightened on his sword.

“Like you’re going to see any of them!” Nero snapped and charged at her again.

Again Nero swung at her, his rage blinding him. Now there was hardly any thought put into his attacks. Any skill that was in was mostly instinct. There was no rhyme or reason. Just a blind rage that empowered his strikes, but even so Bayonetta avoided every one of them with ease.

“My now you’re just letting yourself get sloppy dear. That temper of yours is going to get you in trouble. We might have to make it so that you remember to use it to strengthen you. Let me show you the reason why you can’t just act like a brutish thug,” Bayonetta frowned, disappointment seeping into her voice.

Bayonetta holstered her weapons and grabbed Nero’s sword arm and threw Nero over his shoulder. She quickly got onto him, straddling his hips, earning a yelp from that made her laugh.  Magic surrounded her hands and encompassed her form as roughly dug her thumbs into them, making small holes form on his already straining underwear. Nero swung Red Queen at her, but she leaped off him and landed on her feet.

“Tell me little boy did you enjoy having my body so close to yours? You let out such a cute little squeak I got to know. Tell me did you enjoy my butt and did it feel nice? I know you watched it as I moved,” Bayonetta smiled.

“Who asks questions like these in the middle of a fight?” Nero spat leaped from the ground, trying to push the feeling of her large toned rear out of his mind with little success. It flashed in his mind and his nostrils flared.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” Bayonetta laughed.

A loud snap resounded from Nero’s body, earning another aggravated moan. Nero stumbled from side to side as his lower body tingled and his sense of balance was in complete disarray. He stabbed Red Queen into the ground before he could fall over and leaned against the blade ae he struggled to stay standing.

“Damn it!” Nero bellowed as he forced himself up. He wanted to continue to fight back, but knew if he tried to continue the fight, he would be knocked over in an instant. “Not going to try to push your advantage?”

“Now darling, where would be the fun in that,” Bayonetta questioned. “Besides this is a lesson after all. Consider this your…orientation.”

Nero twitched as his hips suddenly felt as if someone was massaging his hips as they widened. His boxer shorts tightened further, making him breath a little harder. He stared as they got wider, adding a small but noticeable curve that would Nero tightened his hold on his sword as he shuddered in pleasant glee.

“Please no,” Nero muttered.

“Oh are you enjoying yourself dear?” Bayonetta questioned.

“No!” Nero hissed and looked away, trying to hide his blush and focus on anything else aside from his hips.

Desperation welled within Nero’s breast as arousal shot through his hips like a lightning bolt as he tried to clear his mind. The outline of his toned glutes became more apparent as his underwear rode between his cheek with such force it was almost as if someone was cupping his butt. His dick was pushed harder against the front of his undergarments, making the outline stand out all the more, especially as it hardened, feeling like someone was gently stroking his members. The tears that Bayonetta had made to his underwear became slightly larger, earning a fearful gulp.

After a moment, the strain on his underwear caused by Nero’s hips ceased and he looked. His hips were wide striking, and with his trembling brought attention to how much wider they were. They had a roll to them that made his butt bounce, even though he was trying to stop himself from making it happen. There was a pleased warmth from them that made him wish it had continued for just a little longer, despite the situation.

Nero took a deep, heavy breath as he finally regained a small measure of control. It wasn’t just them but his thighs as well. Even though they were toned they still had a jiggle to them as if they were demanding people pay attention to them.

“My my, some lovely hips you have there. Everywhere you go you’ll have a sway in them. Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll teach you how to strut those legs and show them off,” Bayonetta smiled and then let out a sight at the thought.

“Quite fantasizing such bullshit!” Nero growled, her face red with embarrassment and shame.

Now that it was over, Nero thought about all that had happened to his body. Again he examined his altered limbs, dreading how much smaller they had become since their clash had begun. His hips made him grimace at how much wider they were now. He rolled them around, noticing the slight added sway they had.

“What the hell are you doing to me you crazy bitch?” Nero spat.

Bayonetta’s smile fell in an instant, replaced with a glacial look that promised pain and humiliation. Nero snarled, not at all deterred by the fury that Bayonetta was exuding from her body.

“Oh, dear looks like we’re going to have to take things up a notch for that. Make sure that you’ll watch your mouth a little more in the future,” Bayontta frowned. “Looks like someone needs a good punishment. Thankfully I know the best way to do it.”

“Bring it on then!” Nero cried as he pointed the tip of Red Queen at her.

“Certainly dear,” Bayonetta said and charged forward.

Again they went for another clash and right as Nero’s sword was about to hit her, Bayonetta’s changed into a colony of bats, making Nero’s eyes widen.

“What the?!” Nero cried. He closed his eyes and lowered his face. The bats brushed against his head, some of them scratching him as they did, but the wounds quickly healed.

As soon as the last of them passed, Nero turned around and swung his sword behind him. Bayonetta grabbed his sword arm and planted a kiss on his forehead that made Nero’s mind stall for a moment.

Nero blushed at feeling a soft pair of lips kiss his head. He froze. Then instinct kicked as Bayonetta moved away from him and swung at her again.

“What the hell was that?” Nero demanded, his face burning brightly.

“Oh how you get so flustered and your face burns is just so adorable,” Bayonetta smirked

Nero’s face burned. A popping erupted from his face as his skull shifted. His jaw opened closed of their own accord as he struggled to fight his muscles. The nerves in his fired as if he had been punched in the face. For a moment, his nose didn’t work as if someone was squeezing it as hard as they could before they let go. A stinging sensation came from his lips as if someone was pinching them, digging their nails into them. Just as quickly as those sensations came they passed as if he had just imagined them.

“My oh my you are a beauty now,” Bayonetta praised.

Nero hesitantly turned Red Queen and used it as an improvised mirror. He let out a horrified gasp when he saw a distorted image of himself. It was as if someone had painted an ideal version of what he would have looked like as a woman. Everything about it was nothing short of a beauty who should have been on the cover of all the

“Now darling you shouldn’t at all be worried about how you look. You’ll be knocking people over dead and having boys go crazy for you even though we haven’t even finished bringing your figure. I’m really curious now about what the rest of your curves are going to look like. I wonder how much that demon blood is going to influence it,” Bayonetta wondered.

“You call this a punishment after all the crap you’ve pulled?” Nero spat. “You’re going to have to do a lot more crap then this after everything else you pulled!”

“Oh no, that is not the punishment,” Bayonetta clarified as she summoned a pair of large demonic claws.

Again she suddenly leaped forward with her claws.

Bayonetta grabbed Red Queen with one of them and pried his favored weapon from his hand and then slammed him with the other. She rushed forward and cocked her hip and brought her hands together as she rushed him. Her hands ran over his body, streaks of purple and black magic forming around Nero’s body. The moment she pulled back, a magical corset had formed around Nero’s body.

“This is the punishment. It’s funny how people used to wear these all the time for the sake of fashion. Now though they might as well be torture devices for the damage they could do on the body,” Bayonetta said.

Bayonetta pulled on the strings of the corset as hard as she could, earning a ragged gasp from Nero. All of the hair in his lungs was immediately expunged from his body. He wheezed and tried to desperately fill his lungs. His stomach gurgled and for a moment his cheeks puffed out like a puffer fish as if he was about to throw up before he forced it away.

“As you can see it does hurt the body quite a bit,”

Nero felt as if his midsection was being crushed between two boulders. He flailed around, trying to break her hold, but Bayonetta didn’t let go at all. Nero struggled to fill his lungs as he gasped and rasped for air. He brought his demonic arm down and tried to rip through it, but he couldn’t even make it go up an inch. She brought one of her legs up and pushed him down onto the ground as she pulled harder on the string.

“Suck it in boy, cause it's only going to get worse from here,” Bayonetta grinned, for the first time it had a malicious edge.

“Gahh!” Nero gasped as the corset kept getting together across his body. The mass of his core shifted the tighter the corset was . He looked down and could feel his waist give into Bayonetta’s power. The flair of his hips became more apparent and stood out more as his core continued to change. Even his abs weren’t safe as the outline of them disappeared. He glared at her as best he could. He tried to reach out and grab it, struggling against the corset.

“I didn’t say you could play with your toys,” Bayonetta said as she poured a little magical power into the corset.

Nero hissed as electricity surged through the corset, making him spasm. Still he tried to resist. Stars entered his vision and his struggling slowed, despite his efforts. He was starting to lose consciousness. The sense of feeling that he had disappeared as time passed.

“I think that is enough for now,” Bayonetta said and let go of the corset, which disappeared. “Next time though keep in mind just who you call a bitch. Especially if they are stronger then you.”

Nero fell and greedily filled his lungs with as much air as he could. The stars that clouded his vision disappeared. His sense of feeling returned and his shirt drooped over his core again. A wave of nausea came over him that forced him to shake his head.

“Damn it!” Nero spat as he quickly forced himself up. “Is this just a game to you? You look as if you have been playing me from the beginning.”

“Oh no darling if this was a game then I wouldn’t have used all of my skills,” Bayonetta praised. “You should take some pride in the fact that you’re able to push me. It’s just that you’re not quite

up to part.”

“Yeah right.”

“Believe what you want dear, but I’m just saying how it is. Now then, raise that shirt and let’s take a look at how your body looks there now,” Bayonetta ordered.

Nero wanted to flip her off, but instead he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and hesitantly raised it. He flinched when he saw that strong masculine abs. Now he had a trim toned core that fit perfectly with his feminizing build.

“Now that is a lovely waist, I wonder how much nicer it will be when the rest of your figure comes in,” Bayontta commented. She brought her hands up to her chin and examined them intently. “With those thighs you'll be able to make the boys and girls go crazy, even if you are lacking up top and down below.”

“Are you…you’re turning me into a girl!” Nero spat as he let his shirt fall.

“You can’t be an Umbran Witch otherwise, after all witch does mean a woman after all,” Bayonetta sighed. “Looks like you might need a few lessons then. Though that temper might be the real issue there. We'll figure it out in time. “

Nero’s Devil Bringer glowed brightly as a blue aura surrounded his body. His eyes glowed red. Yamato appeared in his hands. Behind him a large blue spectral demonic figure appeared, holding a katana in its right hand with its left arm having a large sheath attached to it.

“Oh now this should be good to see dear, show me what you got!” Bayonetta cheered. “I had wondered if that was all that you had.”

“Well if that’s what you want I’m more than happy to oblige after all the crap you pulled on me,” Nero spat.

Nero swung his arm, and the specter behind him sent out a wave of power. Bayonetta twisted her body to the side and took a cautious step to the side. Her hair and coat fluttered as the blade of power zoomed past her and exploded when it hit the wall, utterly destroying it.

Bayonetta looked at the destroyed wall. She whistled and then turned back to Nero.

“That would have been bad if it hit. It’s nice to see that you do have a few more tricks up your sleeve, well done,” Bayonetta praised.

“Well then let’s see how you handle this!” Nero said and rushed at her again.

Again they clashed, Nero gaining the upper hand. The giant spectral being forced her to watch how she moved. Whenever she was about to try and go on the attack, the specter followed right after, forcing her to back off.

“That blue friend of yours is quite the troublesome fellow,” Bayontta commented, forced to parry.

“Getting scared now?” Nero smirked.

“Hardly, just forced to try and figure something out,” Bayonetta scoffed as she blocked the demonic shadow. “And looks like I’ll have to get serious since you’re going all out now.”

Bayonetta’s body was again covered in magical purple power, and her hair exploded behind her until it rested just above her butt, yet Nero didn’t let that stop him.

“Don’t know what that is, but I ain’t backing down because of that!” Nero proclaimed.

Nero’s sword collided with Bayonetta’s gun, sending some of the debris around them back. The upperhand Nero had disappeared, and now they stood on an even playing field. Their blows were just as strong as the other. Bayonetta moved with a speed and power that rivaled Nero, much to his dismay. He went in for another swing, but his Devil Trigger deactivated, much to his shock. Red Queen collided with Bayonetta’s gun, and she smirked as she looked at him.

Bayonetta uppercutted his stomach and then kicked him away, sending Nero flying. He crashed through another set of pews and skidded across the ground, his vision darkening slightly. Again the world spun and he struggled to get his body under control.

“You aren’t the only one who can pull off that trick,” Bayonetta smirked as her hair returned to its previous length. He was getting rather bothersome to fight.

Bayonetta smirked as she strutted forward. She placed her foot on top of Nero’s privates with a smirk and then in quick motion she slammed it down on his privates.

“Owwww!” Nero squealed like a pig as his privates quickly retreated into his body. Both his balls and his shaft entered his body in one quick sudden motion. A hole quickly formed between his legs as a new pair of folds appeared down there.

Nero could only lay there, her new rosebud aching in pain from how sudden the transition was. Small tears formed at the edge of her eyes as her fingers twitched. Her inner thighs ached from the blow and her mind could only focus on the blow. She slowly managed to move her hands over to her aching crotch and covered.

“I think a breather for you is in order after that,” Bayonetta said. “After this little clash you must have tuckered yourself out.”

Bayonetta kicked up one of the fallen pews that were still intact, standing it up rightfully now. Share struck a pose, and long strands of hair appeared in a magical circle and formed into a giant demonic hand. With surprising gentleness, the gigantic limb lifted Nero off the ground. It moved her to the nearest pew and gently sat her down before it disappeared.

Nero laid there unable to resist, still holding her aching crotch. Her throat burned, and continued to worsen as her Adam's apple got smaller. The painful whimpers and moans rose in pitch, her strong voice becoming more fitting for a woman.

“Don’t worry darling, I know how sensitive those can be. I’ll give you a few minutes to get used to the fact that those are gone,” Bayonetta said. She gently patted Nero’s head, almost as if she was a mother trying to comfort their child. “But you really should watch who you insult. Otherwise you might find out how much of a bitch they can truly be.”

Nero couldn’t respond. She stifled and forced the tears in her eyes away. Her breathing slowed and she focused on it. The pain between her legs and her throat weekend. She looked up at Bayonetta, who seemed at peace as she stroked Nero’s hair. Her anger boiled as she recalled how far she

“Get off!” Nero demanded as he moved. Again a blue aura surrounded her form, but this time there were twinges of purple in it. Unlike before though, this time her clothes were torn apart and destroyed. Her gun went flying away, lost somewhere among the room.

“What the hell?” Nero cried in embarrassment, she tried to cover herself, but stopped when she noticed how her hair was acting

The healthy shine it had became more apparent as it traveled down her body. The soft locks of hair stayed close to her body, not even a single blade moving away as it gently caressed her body. It trailed down her shoulders and continued to grow. The moment it passed her crotch the locks of hair merged and formed into a tight silver leotard that perfectly matched her hair. It tightened around her frame, making Nero gasp.

Nero flushed at the silvery-white leotard that she was wearing now. It hugged her body, painfully making her aware of her new curves. She tried to cover herself up, even though there was no one else around.

“Oh darling there is nothing that you should be ashamed off. Your hair is beautiful, and with a body like that, you'll leave the boy’s drooling, and the girls will wish that they had one as nice as you. Besides, that’s a lovely leotard that you’re weaning,” Bayonetta giggled.

“What the hell did you do to my hair? Why did some of it grow and…turn into this?” Nero demanded, not noticing her new voice’s pitch.

“Oh there’s nothing to worry about sweetie. It’s just your Umbran Witch genes kicking. That is another unique thing about being an Umbran Witch. You can simply use your hair to create clothing,” Bayonetta explained.

“This is bullshit!” Nero spat and then blinked when her words finally registered in her head. “Wait…”

Nero raised her human hand to her throat and finally realized her Adam's apple was gone.

“Oh my god,” Nero muttered, frowning at the new unfamiliar voice coming out of her mouth. It was no longer her deep strong voice. Now it was a brash harsh voice fitting for a young woman, with a slight boyish rasp to it, almost as if it was a reminder of her original gender. “Why do I sound like a damn girl!”

“Well it couldn’t have stayed the same if you were becoming a girl. I wondered when you would realize that changed. That new voice is far more fitting and better for a lovely young woman wouldn’t you agree. I’m sure that you’ll be fulfilling plenty of fantasies for others with it, even if you aren’t trying to,” Bayonetta laughed.

“You fucking bitch!” Nero cried and went to attack her.

Bayonetta smiled as she struck another pose, and summoned a giant Totrure Wheel behind Nero. Unlike when she normally summoned the Torture Wheel, this one didn’t have spikes on it and had stands on the side of it that prevented it from touching the ground. Chains erupted from it and latched around Nero’s limbs just like when she had summoned the rack.

“Ready to go for a ride darling?” Bayonetta smirked and then kicked the wheel hard, sending it spinning.

“Whoa!” Nero cried as she spun rapidly around the wheel. Pressure formed on her spine as the wheel continued to spin. She tried to force herself off, but all she could do was raise her head and barely force her arms up. The main pressure was on her spine which only continued to increase the more it spun.

Bayonetta watched it spin around with an amused look. The scream of shock and the growls coming from her amusing her, the longer they went on. She  snapped her fingers and the chains along with the torture wheel disappeared, sending Nero flying through a pillar.

“Did you enjoy the ride darling?” Bayonetta questioned.

A tired groan was her response as Nero forced herself off the ground as the world spun around as if she was standing on a top. She stumbled forward, and almost fell over again, but managed to regain herself.

Nero then noticed that her posture was different. She could feel that there was an arch in her spine that automatically made her push her flat chest out.

“You know darling if you just let me continue then you won’t have to go through any more pain,” Bayonetta suggested. “I’m sure I can make it quite enjoyable for you.”

“As if I’m just going to bend over and let you do what you want to me after you took away my dick!” Nero spat.

“Oh you truly are a rambunctious one, you must have been a troublesome brat for your teachers. Still that fire of yours is nice and adds to your appeal. Perhaps a good spanking is in order?” Bayonetta smirked and again posed as her body was covered in a purple aura.

Before Nero could launch herself at Bayonetta for another bout, medieval stocks trapped her, ensuring she couldn’t get away. Nero’s face darkened again when she realized that she was positioned in a way that showed off her flat butt and would have given everyone a perfect view of her cleavage. She tried to break out of them, but the stocks kept her in place, preventing her from getting out.

“There we go,” Bayonetta said. “That should keep you nice and in place for this next part.”

“Oh god damnit!” Nero cried. “How many more magic tricks are you going to pull out of your damn ass? Wait, what the hell do you mean by next part?”

Bayonetta didn’t answer and instead smiled playfully, which sent a shiver down Nero’s spine. She turned her head to follow her, but the stocks prevented her from seeing Bayonetta’s face. Her hands balled into fists. She bit her lips. Her heart pounded a little faster.

‘What is she going to do now?’ Nero wondered.


“Ahh!” Nero cried as her face burned. Pain shot through her hindquarters as Bayonetta giggled in naughty glee. “What the fuck are you doing!”

“Spanking you, something that clearly none of your teachers ever had the nerve to do. Perhaps this will make you you calm down,” Bayonettea answered.

“Calm  me down! This is going to do the exact opposite of it!” Nero cried. Another


“Are you doing this shit now just to humiliate me?” Nero winced.

“Darling if I truly wanted to humiliate you then I would have done this with a crowd or recorded it. Perhaps I should do that now that you say it. I’m sure that quite a lot of people would enjoy seeing the show,” Bayonetta smirked.

“Don’t you dare!” Nero threatened. She struggles against the stocks with renewed vigor, desperately trying to break free.

“Oh you still think you have a chance after how our entire fight is gone?” Bayonetta sighed. Then smacked Nero on the ass again.

“Gahhh!” Nero cried.

Bayonetta smirked as more padding appeared on Nero’s end, increasing its size. With no hesitation or mercy she spanked Nero as hard she could, earning another scream from her. Nero winced at the pain that went up her spin. Her buttocks bounced again as another bit of mass was added to her rear end.

“Wait,” Nero muttered, noticing something was wrong. The leotard dug deeper between her buttocks and crotch, as if it was riding between them. She hesitantly rolled her hips and noticed that there was a slight delay in her buttocks. When she stopped her hips, her buttocks took a moment longer before it settled. She paled despite the arousal and embarrassment that she felt. “Are you making my butt bigger?”

“You tell me,” Bayonetta laughed and again spanked Nero

Nero’s rear swelled as another layer of fat appeared before it regained the same tone it had before. Again the leotard dug a little between her cheeks, before adjusting to her new rear’s size. To her horror, her new clothes felt as if they were lovingly holding her behind and gently caressing them and her crotch.

“Stop it!” Nero demanded.

“No,” Bayonetta rebuffed instantly.


Tears welled in Nero’s eyes, that she tried not to let them crawl down her face. The jiggling of her ass only grew and become more prominent to her horror. It took longer to stop every time. She rolled her hips and frowned at the added mass, which made them heavier, and more sensitive.

‘At least no one is seeing this,’ Nero thought. ‘Dante would probably laugh his ass off if he did.


The tears in Nero’s eyes grew at that powerful smack as her booty swelled again. Her legs quivered from that last assault on her ass.  A pleasing heat erupted from it, that she struggled not to get out. She bit her lips, trying to keep a lustful moan under.

Bayonetta hummed as she admired the slightly red cheeks, somewhat surprised by how large it was. She looked at her own refined tight bum and then back at Nero’s.

“My, my, dearie, I didn’t think that it would wind up being so…fat,” Bayonetta said. She grabbed a cheek and massaged it, earning a squeal from Nero. “And with such tone as well. Everybody will be watching you walk away with this. You have to see it for yourself darling.”

Bayonetta stopped the ground and the medieval stocks that kept Nero in place disappeared.

Nero flinched the moment that she turned herself around and winced the moment her buttocks touched the ground. She got up, her ass jiggling to her dismay, and the leotard she wore, still lovingly caressing the bottom of her cheeks, sending a slight twitch of arousal through her being.

Nero’s mind stalled, unable to fully comprehend her new phat ass. With a heavy heart, Nero hesitantly grabbed her cheeks and shuddered as another round of heat went through her body. The impeccable ripe tone in it only served to emphasize its new immense size. She squeezed, making her shudder again as her parts of her escaped between her fingers. Her digits went in less than she thought they would.

“Why the fuck is my ass so huge!” Nero cried, blushing.

“I wouldn’t have put it so crassly, but your buttocks truly is rather huge. My magic only made your butt grow. It only got that big because of your genetics. I can only imagine how large your breasts are going to be by the time that we’re done.

“Oh hell no, you are not giving me tits too!” Nero cried.

“Sweetie, it would be criminal to not give you those, especially after how far you have come,” Bayoetta laughed. “And besides I’m more than a little curious to see just how big those girls of yours would be by the time they finish growing.”

“Well then you’re going to have to keep dreaming, because there is no way I’m going to let that happen!” Nero exclaimed.

Nero charged at her, raising her Devil Bringer right Bayonetta posed again, as magical power encompassed her form. It traveled to her hands and formed what seemed to be a pair of clawed tongs. She placed them on her chest and squeezed.

Bayonetta raised Nero’s Devil Bringer with one of them, and smacked him on the hip with the other as if it was a club. Nero stumbled as Bayonetta brought up the tongs. She slammed them on Nero’s pecs and squeezed, earning a gasp from Nero as they roughly pinched her pecs. Right after doing so, Bayonetta pulled them away.

Nero looked down at the holes that the tongs made, which immediately repaired itself. She looked back up and saw Bayonetta leaping back, sitting on the broken pillar.

“Looks like my dreams are about to be realized darling,” Bayonetta smirked as she dispensed the magical weapons. “Now then let’s see just how big your girls become.”

Nero glared at her and was about to go on the offensive when a heat formed in her chest.

“Oh no,” Nero groaned as her nipples perked underneath the leotard. They grew against her chest and her face burned again as they did. She pressed down on her chest, trying to get an idea of how much larger. Her breathing picked up when her fingers brushed against the tip of her nipples, yet no matter hard she tried to figure out how big her areola was, she couldn’t.

“Now then we get to the fun part. Feel free to get a feel for your new girls as much as you like.

Nero panted as small little lumps formed on her chest. They rapidly swelled in size. Nero whimpered as her growing spheres pulled on her back muscles. She panted heavily, unable to fight the pleasant warmth that invaded her chest.

“Please stop,” Nero pleaded. She looked down and watched as her bosom ballooned. Her feet were quickly hidden by her new bust. Nero hissed and tried to smoosh them down, but all it earned was a cute moan from her.

“Oh dear…I thought they would be big, considering how phat that ass of yours was, but I didn't think they would be quite as big. Some ladies might call you a cow, but remember darling they’re only jealous about how blessed you are,” Bayonetta smirked.

“S-Shut up,” Nero glared, her voice cracking as she bit back the moan that wanted to come out. “This isn’t a blessing!”

“Many would beg to differ darling. I get plenty of looks from women, because of my breasts alone. Seems like you’ll be dealing with it a lot more with those knockers,” Bayonetta tittered.

“I don’t want that!” Nero spat.

“Don’t worry, you might learn to like it in the future. Trust me there is plenty of fun to be had,” Bayonetta laughed.

Nero wanted to lash out of her, but her trembling legs made her stop herself. Her toes curled as the heat in her chest continued to build.

“What’s the matter? Worried you’ll fall over? Don’t worry I’ll make sure to catch you like a good teacher,” Bayonetta cooed.

“I doubt that considering what you’ve been like so far,” Nero scoffed as she rolled her shoulders back, grimacing at the ripple of her new breast flesh.

“Tough lough Nero darling. You won’t get any better if I take it easy on you, and you’ll be able to handle most small fry, but you need to be more. As my apprentice, Ill make sure that you’ll be able to punish anyone that even thinks about messing

Nero growled, but another spasm from her ballooning bosom broke her train of thought. She looked back down at her breasts, grimacing at their weight, and comforting warmth that came from them. Yet to her relief their growth slowed. Her fingers curled, gently cupping her swelling chest. She mushed them together, her breathing picking up slightly. Her bust finished growing when they had become a huge G-cup that rivaled milk jugs.

“There we go, and oh darling you are just as beautiful as I thought you would be!” Bayonetta cheered. She leaped from the broken pulled and rushed over to Nero.

Nero blinked and looked at Bayonetta. She growled and moved to get into a fighting stance, but before she could do anything, Bayonetta pulled Nero into a tight hug, lifting her off the ground with ease.

“Mhhh!” Nero mumbled as she struggled against Bayonetta’s bust. Her face darkened. She flailed around trying to escape, but the lack of leverage made it impossible for her to escape Bayonetta’s loving embrace.

Suddenly Nero’s leotard changed. Sleeves and legs extended from the top and bottom of her leotard. Nero tried to look down to see what was happening to her uniform now, but Bayonetta’s sizable bust prevented her from doing so. The sleeve on her human hand wrapped around her hand, while the one on her Devil Bringer ended right above where the Devil Bringer began. The strands of hair wrapped around her feet and formed into a pair of high heels.

“Need a little air darling?” Bayonetta questioned.

“Hmmmm!” Nero cried.

“Well then I’ll be a generous master, Bayonetta laughed as she let go of Nero.

Nero fell to the ground and almost fell from her new heels. She looked down and grimaced at what the leotard had become.

Her leotard has changed into a silvery white bodysuit that exposed her Devil Bringer

She was left in a silvery-white bodysuit that would have made anyone with even a drop of warm blood aroused. The right sleeve of the suit went down to her bicep, ending just above her Devil Bringer. To her dismay, the diamond on her back, her cleavage was still on display and the heart-shaped hole on the back.

“Why the hell am I wearing heels?” Nero demanded.

“There we go! Now it seems like your Umbran Witch blood has fully awakened!” Bayonetta clapped. “Now when we start your next lesson we can truly begin teaching you everything you need to know. The only thing you're missing is your guns. We could probably get you a spare made and then set them up on your heels. You might not be able to make a pact considering your heritage, but we can just focus on the magical aspects.”

“Lessons? You think that I’m going to take any from you after all of this?”

“We will need to get you an Umbran Watch, though that wouldn’t be any trouble at all,” Bayonetta giggled, ignoring Nero. “Though what would be the best way to put it? If we just leave it on your chest then it might get lost between those tits of yours.”

“Hey, I'm talking to you!”

“But before we do that we’re going to need to get you some new clothes. No cute little student of mine is going to be lacking at all in the stylish department. Thankfully you don't seem to be lacking at all in the stylish department. We can keep the punk look, but we can certainly get you some nice clothes along with some other ones,” Bayonetta pondered.

“Shut up dammit!” Nero cried. She threw another punch with her demonic limb, aiming at Bayonetta’s skull.

Bayonetta smiled as Witch Time came into effect again. With a flick of her wrist she summoned a choker and wrapped it around Nero’s neck.

“What the?” Nero said. She patted her neck and frowned when she noticed the choker. “When did you slip this on?”

“Umbran Witch trick love. Until you learn to mind your manners, that choker is going to stay on,” Bayonetta explained.

“I’m not a damn dog!” Nero cried. She reached up and tried to rip it off, but it remained firmly in place.

“Stop!” Bayonetta said. “No tugging on your new collar now, you’ll bruise your neck before you manage to get that off.”

The choker glowed. Suddenly Nero let go of her choker, yet not of her own accord.

“The hell!” Nero cried as she tried to force herself to grab the choker, yet her arms refused to do so. She raised her hand to her neck and was able to touch it, but she couldn’t wrap her fingers around it to try and pull it off.

“Now then let’s go darling. It's time that we work on getting you settled. There’s so much stuff we need to do and so little time to do so before it gets dark.”

“As if,” Nero said as she picked up her gun and sword.

Bayonetta looked over her shoulder and sighed. She snapped her fingers and a long leash formed in her hand. The leash led all the way up to Nero’s collar. She pulled on it, and the leash diminished.

“Hey!” Nero cried as she almost fell over from how hard Bayonetta was pulling. She struggled to stay standing as it got smaller. “Stop pulling damnit!”

“If you’re going to act like a child, then I’m going to treat you like one. Now come along darling, or will I have to drag you like a dog until you learn to just go with the flow?” Bayonetta questioned. “I think it might be a little fun to do so.”

“...,” Nero blush. Whatever smart remark she had died on her tongue in a fiery blaze.

“Seems like someone doesn’t like being embarrassed. That’s a good girl,” Bayonetta giggled.

“Don’t call me that,” Nero snapped.

“Then you better be a quick learner if you want me to call you by your name sooner,” Bayonetta laughed.

‘Just you wait you witch,’ Nero mentally snarled, glared at her. ‘I’ll get you for this bullshit. We’ll see how you feel about teaching me once I’m kicking your ass with all that you taught me.’

Nero wondered how Bayonetta would feel when she kicked her ass with her own techniques. She smirked at the thought. Still a part of her liked the idea of learning more about her mother. To have a true connection to her heritage and what her family was like. Yet her thoughts were brought to an end when she stumbled, earning a bounce from her massive rack and colossal butt.

‘Wish I didn’t need these tits like barrels or an ass like watermelons in order to do so though,’ Nero thought. She glared at her breasts, wishing that they would get smaller, but sadly they remained just as big and eye-catching as when they finished growing.


“Oh darling its good to see you again dear!” Jeanne cried as she walked

“Oh Jeanne, its been quite a bit of time how you are you doing?” Bayonetta cheered.

“I’m doing well. Been dealing with some pesky insects and teaching my students.”

“I would say that you’re here for a holiday, but I have the feeling that there is another reason you came,” Bayonetta smirked, which Jeanne returned.

“I heard from Rodin that you have gotten an apprentice of all things and I had to see and hear for myself,” Jeanne smiled.

“Oh Nero’s a quick learner. Already a crack shot, and is masterful with a blade. Her progress for spells is a little slow though, and making a pact with demons is out, since she’s connected to the Legendary Dark Knight Sparda.”

“Oh my that’s quite the lineage,” Jeanne smirked. “If I had found her, I would have snatched her up immediately. Talent like that shouldn’t just go to waste.”

“Indeed, Nero has a lot of power, plenty of tricks up her sleeve, and even more potential. Even before I began training her, she would have been able to handle a good amount of demons and angels without too much issue. I even had to get a little serious when we first met.”

“You got serious? Are you losing your touch?” Jeanne teased

“I’m telling you, she’s skilled and has a lot of potential. She’s taken to fighting with guns on her heels far faster than I thought she would. Underestimate her at your own risk. Would you like to see her?” Bayonetta questioned.

“Of course, I want to see the newest little witch,” Jeanne smiled. “Where is she?”

“Oh she’s just in the dressing room. Decided to treat her to another shopping trip after the latest session we had. Nero darling, are you having trouble, or do you need some help?”

No response came from the dressing room. Jeanne looked at Bayonetta questioningly. Bayonetta however smirked.

“Do I have to come in there and drag you out? I’m sure that many would like it, especially if your not fully dressed, ” Bayonetta teased.

“....I’m coming,” Nero spat.

Nero stepped out of the booth in a tight silver dress that did nothing to hide her curvaceous frame. There was slight black veil over her bust.

Nero froze when she saw Jeanne next to Bayonetta. Her eyes went over to her frame. The first thing that she noticed was Jeanne’s height, and then the Umbran Watch that was on her hip.

“Oh no,” Nero groaned.

“Oh my she certainly is a cutie. Everyone would go crazy if they saw you at school,”


“Oh Jeanne is a school teacher,” Bayonetta explained.

“So this is your new apprentice?” Jeanne smiled as she leaned down to get a better look at Nero.

“Not willing,” Nero stated.

“Like that matters,” Jeanne scoffed. “Perhaps I should give you a private lesson myself, at the very least to measure your skills and see if they are as good as Bayonetta thinks.”

“Bring it!” Nero glared.

Blue and purple power encompassed Nero’s form, replacing the dress that she wore. It hardened around her frame and formed into her bodysuit. For a moment she stumbled, as copies of Blue Rose appeared on her feet, while Red Queen appeared.

“That’s the spirit Darling!” Bayonetta cheered, much to Nero’s ire. “But save it back for Rodin’s love. Last thing you want is to pay for the damages. Otherwise I’ll have to give you another lesson.”

“Perhaps I would be able to give you some pointers on how to properly punish her. Our little witch here might need another lesson on manners,” Jeanne smirked.

“Fine, we’ll duke it out at Rodin’s,” Nero growled, before her suit and weapons disappeared and were replaced with the dress she wore. “And then I’ll show you just how far I’ve come.”

“Right then, I’ll see you then little girl,” Jeanne laughed as she left the store.

“Consider Jeanne, your next big test," Bayonetta said. “To give you a little extra motivation. If you win…I’ll remove the choker.”

Nero turned to Bayonetta with wide eyes. She stilled.

“Then you better be afraid, because if I win, then your ass is the next one I’m going to beat,” Nero smirked.

“Oh you’re welcome to try darling. I would love to see just how far my cute little student has come since we first met,” Bayonetta laughed.


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