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Ichigo frowned as he tried to think of what to do. He was walking around Karakaura after finishing training with Xcution. His body ached, but he was happy with the results. Still he didn’t feel like he was strong enough. With what had happened to his friends and what might happen in the future, he needed to be stronger.

“I got to get stronger. If I’m going to protect the others from him then I gotta access them faster.”

Everything he had learned about Tsukishima had painted a ugly picture. The powers he had learned about him from Gingo would have made him a threat to anyone. He had only just completed his Fullbring and yet it wasn’t enough.

His hand tightened around the badge. For the first time in a long while he felt like he wasn't holding the others back or was locked out of the loop.

“Now I can protect all of them again.”

Ichigo saw a figure standing off to the side. They leaned against a wall. In their hands was a book. The figure turned to him and Ichigo went still.

“Tsukishima!” Ichigo readed himself for a fight.

“Hello Ichigo, it’s good to see you.”

Tsukishima pulled out his bookmark and it transformed into a katana with the bookmarked shaped tsuba.

Ichigo pulled out his Substitute Badge. Dark reitsu formed around his body as he tried to will himself ready for a fight. His Fullbring formed around his body. He drew his sword and readied himself a clash. He zoomed forward, aiming for Tsukishima’s head, however Tsukishima was able to block the blow with ease and went to counter it.

Their weapons bounced off each other. Both of them tried to gain an advantage over the other, but neither can gain a foothold they needed to gain the upperhand.

No matter how hard he tried to get an advantage over Tsukishima, it seemed as if he knew what would happen next.

“Getsuga Tensho!” Ichigo sent out a beam of energy at Tsukishima who smirked at its approach.

Tsukishima brought his sword down, destroying the energy attack with little issue. The strength of his swing and the explosion of energy sent out a gust of wind.

Ichigo was forced to cover his eyes, he glared and then jumped when he saw Tsukihima in front of him. He moved to step back as he braced himself to block an attack, however a sharp pain erupted from his stomach.

He looked down and saw Tsukishima’s blade pierced his stomach. Tsukishima smirked. He pulled his sword out of his stomach.

“And with that everything will be decided.”

Ichigo’s hand rushed to where he had been stabbed, but there was no wound. Even the clothes lacked a hole.

Ichigo gasped as his body felt off. Reitesu surrounded his body. He glared at him, ignoring the pain and power through his body.

A gnawing sensation filled his head, but he forced it off. His breathing picked up as he readied himself to go on the offensive.

“Hey why the hell are you backing away?”

“There is nothing else that needs to be done, Ichigo. This fight is over now. We can end things now.”

“As if! Not after all the crap you have done!”

Ichigo charged at him again, putting everything he had into his attacks. But still Tsukishima did not go on the offensive. The only thing he focused on was defending himself from Ichigo’s attacks. “What trick did you pull?”

Tsukishima smiled. “Now why should I tell you what had happened now? I’m sure you’ll be able to figure it out. At least, before your memories change.”

“You think I’m going to let it get to that point?”

Again Ichigo rushed at Tsukishima. He put everything he had into his attacks. Every open angle, anything he could use to push his advantage, or try to take him by surprise he did, but no matter what Ichigo tried, Tsukishima was able to repel it with ease.

“There is no need for this fight to go on any further. Now it has finally come to an end. Relax Ichigo, and simply enjoy yourself.”

Ichigo breathed out and took a moment to catch his breath. His lungs burned and his muscles ached. He stared at Tsukishima, who just stood there patiently. His clothes just as neat as when the fight first began. The smile he had on his face remained.

Ichigo raised his katana again. “Let’s see how you like it when I wipe that stupid smile off your face!”

Before Ichigo could try again, his stomach gurgled. He groaned as he held his gut. The gurgling got louder and he shook his head. A brief bit of nausea came over him. His cheeks puffed up as if he was about to spew all of the contents in his guts.

Ichigo’s stomach softened. All of the power there he had gained over the years from the various training exercises diminished. The outline of them vanished as they got flatter. Gone was any sense of the defined abs he had gained, and in their place was the trim flat as a board stomach.

Ichigo ran his hands over his flat gut. He frowned at the lack of muscle there. His fingers pressed into it, but hardly moved in. Yet there was a part of him that recalled them always like this.

More memories filled his mind, making his head ache. He tried to shove them aside, but they kept rushing forward, despite his best efforts.

“What’s the matter Ichigo Kurosaki? Are you having any trouble? If you need a moment to relax then we can stop now. We could stop and grab a drink or hit up a restaurant if you want. I am feeling a little peckish myself.”

“You expect me to believe that when you attack me out in the open like this? Ginjo told me everything about your powers, and I know that no matter what, it's just something you did to me.”

Tsukishima smiled remained. In fact it seemed to have gotten brighter for some reason. “What makes you think Ginjo knows everything about me? There is another aspect of my powers that I discovered, that he doesn’t know about.”

Ichigo froze. ‘Is he telling the truth? He has to be lying, but what if he’s telling the truth?’

Too many possibilities rushed forward if he was telling the truth. All of the knowledge he had learned about Fullbrings came forward. ‘Gingo never said anything about Fullbrings have another ability? Could it be something like a Bankai, or did he learn something new about his powers?’

Ichigo exhaled and resolved. His grip on his weapon tighter. “Then whatever it is, I’ll stop you before it finishes whatever it does.”

Ichigo was about to go on the offensive again, but groaned as he could feel the sides of his waist dig in. Again he tried to fight the sensations coming through his body, but it only worsened with every second. He ran his hands down the sides of his body, trying to ease the pain he felt from them.

It kept getting smaller with every second that passed. It was as if someone had grabbed him in a bear hug and was trying to break his spine. Stars indeed his vision as he struggled to recover. He tried to fill his lungs with precious air, but no matter how hard he inhaled, it felt as if it was only getting a momentary breath at most. It finally finished shrinking when it had become a small trim waist that would have rivaled Rangiku’s with how much smaller it was.

The moment it finished shrinking the pain and tightness on Ichigo’s body ceased. He filled his lungs with air, alleviating the burden on his body as much as he could. It was all he could think to do as he placed his hand on his chest and pulled every trick he could to fill them with air. When his breathing finally came under control he noticed the change to his midsection and froze.

“What the hell is this? Is this supposed to do something to me, you bastard?”

“This is but the beginning of what will happen to you. Tell me Ichigo, does it feel strange for your waist to be as small as it is now?”

“Of course it is!” Ichigo screamed. Then grimaced at how wrong hos words tasted on his mouth. Despite knowing this was a recent change, there was still a part of him that believed he always had this.

“You seem unsure Ichigo. If you would like some time to think it over then we could go to a nearby bookstore and relax.”

“As if! I don’t know what else will be happening because of this! But I’m willing to bet, taking you out will fix things!”

“Considering how our recents outs have been, I must ask, do you truly think you can win?” Tsukishima raised his sword.

“Just watch me!”

Again their blades clashed. Throughout the fight, Tsukishima’s smile remained. His smile seemed more at ease. There was a playfulness in his eyes as the glee in them grew.

“You think you’re gong to win if you just stand there doing nothing? I know there’s something wrong here, which means your power isn’t working on me like it should so why are you smiling like that?”

Tsukshima laughed. “I am simply eager for this training session of ours to finish.”

“Training session?” Ichigo balked. Again memories came forward of the two of them deciding to train. It was harder for him to put them to the side. “This isn’t a training session. This is a fight.”

“Aren’t training sessions just another form of a fight?”

“Will see if you’re still smiling when I’m done kicking your ass!”

Again the two of them traded blows, trying to gain an advantage over the other, but again Ichigo didn’t gain anything. Tsukishima parried and dodged his blows with indifferent ease. Ichigo growled as his frustration grew. The two locked blades. Ichigo glared at Tsukishima, who stared at him with the same calm smile.

Tsukishima twisted his wrist and then smacked Ichigo’s legs. Ichigo gasped as if a sledgehammer had been taken to his legs. Pops came from them and he swore he could feel the bones in them shatter.

Ichigo stumbled as the rest of his legs felt off on his body. It was as if he was standing on water. He tried to stand up straight, but his legs quivered. Ichigo tried to get himself into the air, but the control over his Reitsu had been completely shot.

“What’s wrong with me?”

Tsukishima rushed forward. Due to Ichigo's footing was, Tsukishima was easily able to overpower him.

Ichigo went tumbling back from the blow. He skidded across the ground.

Suddenly, Ichigo’s Fullbring dissipated. The katana in his hand disappeared.

His body felt hot as if he was standing in front of a heater. Sweat poured down his body. Ichigo tried to call upon, his power again. The badge glowed around the edges of it, just like when he had been training to use his powers, however this time they remained inert.

Ichigo saw his hands were changing next. His nails which he had paid little thought to, gained a small more refind edge. Some of the meat on his fingers disappeared, almost as if they were decaying away. A light splash of nail polish appeared on them, further adding the sense of refinement they had. All of the calluses he had gained from years of training to protect those he loved softened. He pressed down on the altering flesh and felt softer smoother skin in their place. A cracking noise came from his hands as they altered. His fingers finished changing when they had become dainty feminine digits that he had no right belonging.

The altered fingers completely captured Ichigo’s attention. He pulled on them and tried to make sense of them. The softer flesh made him recoil as if a Hollow was hugging his body. His heart pounded in his chest as he tried to make sense of them. A shudder went through his body as if someone had poured cold water on him.

All of the muscles in his arms diminished as they gained the same slender and refined look to them. He pressed down and pulled on them, trying to bring them back to their original size, but not matter how hard he pulled, they refused to go back. His biceps which had earned a defined power of the years softened slightly. Thankfully some of their power remained, but lacked the size they had previously. In the end, he was left with fit womanly arms, that would have left others in awe of how they were now.

A slight pop came from his shoulders as they altered. The girth they had diminished and gave his upper body a rounder appearance. Ichigo reached, his fingers brushing against his shoulder blades and rubbed them. A slight pleasing warmth came from them that put him at ease.

Tsukishima chuckled, getting Ichigo’s attention. “It would seem despite the change in your past, it has done little to alter your physique. I’m happy with how you are coming along.”

“My past? What are you talking about?” Ichigo forced himself to stand. He continued to hold his badge, trying to make it work so he could continue the fight.

“I suppose a brief explanation couldn’t hurt with how far things are now. I had played around and discovered that I could do more than implant memories. By pouring more power and putting more effort, I could alter the individual I cut to my wishes. This method takes longer and requires power, but I think none could argue with the results.”

Ichigo fell to the ground with all of the strength he had in his lower body vanished. He was able to stop himself from hitting the ground. He lay there, struggling to push himself off the ground, but his legs wobbled. He couldn’t even get a proper footing to push himself off.

“Just relax Ichigo. There is no need to push yourself so hard.”

“Shut the fuck up!” Ichigo tried to launch himself at Tsukishima, but all he did was go a few inches forward.

His toes curled. Faint cracks came from them as they compressed. His shoes loosened around his feet as they got smaller. The glare on his fac struggled to remain as his eyes twitched. His lips quivered and moved from side to side. His feet curled on themselves, and lost a third of their size. Even through his shoes, Ichigo knew they had become petite womanly feet, that contrasted heavily with the rest of his frame.

“If you would like to look at your feet Ichigo I wouldn’t stop you.”

Ichigo brought one of his feet up and frowned at the elegant toes he could feel underneath.

“You can take your shoes off if you want, that way you can see how much they have changed.”

Ichigo shuddered as his lower legs changed. A shock went through them as his muscles tightened. A charlie horse went through them and made his hand ball. Pins and needles sensations assaulted his legs. All of the muscle he had on there thinned and compressed. They lost none of the power they had. The sensations passed when his lower legs finished turning into slim trimmed claves that would have fit perfectly on a runner.

Without even a moment’s respite for him, Ichigo’s thighs swelled. His jeans tightened around his body. The hem of his pants dug into his body, as they swelled larger. He groaned and pulled on them, trying to make the tightness they had disappear, but it returned mere seconds later, tighter than before. Ichigo gaped at how different his pants looked on his body now.

With how much his legs had changed and how large his thighs had become, they made his pants look like they were skinny jeans.

“Such lovely legs”

“These legs I earned from taking good care of myself and aloof the fighting I have been pulled into!” Ichigo blinked as those words registered in his head. Memories again rushed forward. Years of running and performing various exercises with Tatsuki came forward. The two of them going to the gym together as they pushed each other. “Wait!”

Ichigo groaned as a sudden surge went through his hips. It was as if someone had stabbed their sharp nails into his hips and were dragging them across his lower body. It kept getting worse. A low hiss escaped.

He stared in defiance of Tsukishima, trying to resist the pain going through them. His hands dug into the palm f his hands. He could feel them getting worse.

The pain reached a new plateau and the moment they did they widened.

Again the tightness of his pants intensified. He struggled to contain himself. The seam of his pants dug between his cheeks. A slight thrill went through his body as the back of his pants tightened further and pressed down on his expanding curves. His breathing picked up and he struggled to keep the flush on his face from growing more prominent. They kept getting wider with every second that passed. The tight strain his pants had, got even worse.

Thankfully it ceased moments later, yet Ichigo’s frown deepened further at the sight of them. Broad striking hips that would have made it impossible for him to go anywhere, without having a delightful hypnotic sway to them.

“Lovely. I’m sure everyone has been admiring how you walked with those wonderful hips.”

‘He’s right there.’ Ichigo frowned. Again memories rushed forward, of how people had stopped and stare at him as he walked ever since he had gotten. Even the boys couldn’t help but stop and stare. No matter how hard he tried to stop swinging his butt around he brought attention to it.

Tsukishima cupped Ichigo’s chin. Ichigo wanted to lash out, but for some reason he couldn’t bring himself to lash out. His fingers tightened and he gulped as if Rangiku was exposing her cleavage. Tsukishima’s smile brightened and looked more real. His eyes softened. “You truly are such a beauty, Ichigo.”

Ichigo’s face darkened immensely at the compliment. His anger was dispelled. For a moment, all he could do was babble mindlessly as he opened and closed his mouth. Again he tried to move his body, but he could sit there, his body locked up.

Again memories ran to the forefront of his mind. Events of what people had thought of him and tried. Teachers who questioned why he was wearing the boy’s uniform instead of the girl's came and his response after. All of the looks he had from boys over the years. Even Keigo had been enraptured when they first met and thought he was a girl too. It wasn't until he saw him in the boy’s locker room he realized he was a boy.

Ichigo’s face burned as his skull shifted. The hardened features softened. The fairness it had increased as his cheekbones rose higher. A crack came from his nose, as if his nsotils shrank. His lips swelled,filling with a delightful plumpness as they gained a slight redness to them. Gone was the face of a young man, and its place that of a mature beauty to rival the likes of

Ichigo ran his hands down his altered cheeks, not sure what to make of them. Even though he couldn’t see them, he knew they looked like his mother’s.

“You truly are a beauty Ichigo. And with such fine hair, you certainly had many admirers, I’m sure.”

Ichigo’s orange hair suddenly exploded. It traveled down his body, tickling the back of his body as he did. His growing hair tickled the tips of his ears as it moed and traveled further down. A healthier shined appeared in it. His hands ran over it and he shuddered at the softer, fluffier hair tickled the back of his neck. It was almost as if someone was gently caressing his back as it traveled won. Despite it all, he relaxed as it did, as if someone was holding him. A figure entered his mind, but he couldn’t quite make out their features. Yet the mere image only further relaxed. His hair brushed against his back as it moved down, its growth slowing down when it reached his mid-back.

Ichigo grabbed some of the longer locks and moved them away from Tsukishima. He held it as if it was precious gold that might be stolen by him. The soft locks calmed the anxiety that gnawed at his heart like a security blanket.

“I just…I like my hair long. There is nothing wrong with that!” Again it had earned her some looks and only added further to her feminine appeal, but she liked having it long. Brushing them back behind her ears to regain some measure of control.

Tsukishima chuckled. “Of course there isn’t Ichigo. You’re free to wear your hair anyway you would like. Such lovely locks of hair. I’m sure it caught the attention of everyone around you.”

A blush adorned Ichigo’s face. He tried to fight the smile that wanted to come out, but in the end it did. Suddenly, his original memories rushed forward and broke through the glee and embarrassment he had.

“No!” Ichigo slapped himself, trying to gain control. For a moment, the onslaught on his min ceased and he could think clearly.

Tsukishima frowned. “You shouldn’t hit yourself like that. Its a sin to hurt a beauty such as you. I would rather you never hurt yourself again”

Again, Ichigo’s mind stalled, unable to fully process his words. Shame welled in his breast at the mere though. The frown on his face made him look like a wounded gazelle.

‘I can’t believe I made him look so-’

Ichigo caught himself and was reminded once again what the truth of the situation was.

He wanted to slap himself again, but Tsukishima’s words made him stop.

The figure in his mind who had mae him feel so much better and and safer flashed in his mind. Their features were a little clever, but were still overlaid with an intense fog that prevented him figuring out who they were.

“Get away from me!” Ichigo stepped back. He gripped the badge tighter, trying to transform back, but it wouldn’t answer his call. “C’mon! Work dammit!”

A sharp pain shot through his crotch, as if someone had punched him in the dick with a spiked iron gauntlet. The pain worsened as if someone was twisting and pushing harder on it. His member trailed against his thighs, making him painfully aware of every centimeter lost as it retreated into his ball. His other hand went down and he instantly regretted it as if he had just taken a kick to the balls. A low wet slurp came from him.

“Careful Ichigo.”

Tsukshima rushed forward and grabbed Ichigo, holding him in place.

His balls trailed against his thighs, making their way closer to his aching hole, as if they were chasing after her member. They entered her new hole and she screeched in aroused glee.

She swayed from side to side. The pleasing euphoria that went through her body. Her head rested against his chest and her agony and dismay softened. The warmth Tsukishima’s radiated put her at ease despite everything that had happened.

Ichigo nuzzled against him almost like a cat. Her hands balled, the muscles hidden underneath his shirt, making her smile.

‘Everytime we’re like this I feel so….Good.’ Memories of Tsukishima came forward, the two of them together. Him helping her with her homework. All of the fighting they had done to save Rukia, Orihime, and fighting Aizen. She couldn't have asked for anyone better to be with her. ‘If it wasn’t for him, then I wouldn’t have gotten as far as I did.’

“I love holding you like this.”

Ichigo shuddered as Tsukishima’s hands went lower. His hands traced the curve of her bum. Her first instinct was to shove him away, but then she remembered she was in Tsukishima’s arms and she restrained herself. His hand kept getting lower and she shivered slightly. Her teeth dug into her lips as her hands curled around his shirt.

Another bolt went through her, but his hands remained where they were. She clenched her buttocks together as if something had slipped between her cheeks. Her breathing picked up. She turned her head and her face darkened.

To Ichigo’s shock her hind quarters was swelling, they strained the back of her pants as they grew. The hemline of her pants dug into her body. Her pants legs felt like they were serane wrap trying to dig into her body with how much tighter they were getting. The shape of her buttocks became more prominent as her gluteus maximus pushed against her pants. Her zipper and underwear rode her buttocks and vagina the tighter it got.  The growth of her rear slowed and finished growing into a large thick rear end someone could have used a shelf someone could use. She gently poked and prodded it and it felt like she was pushing against a football

Tsukishima grabbed one of her cheeks, caressing the growing curve. He squeezed and noticed the growing tone in it. His fingers were pushed further away and he squeezed harder to compensate. He opened and closed his hands in a rhythmic pattern, making her cling to him as if he was a life line.

“S-Shima!” Ichigo moaned.

Tsukishima laughed. “If you want me to stop, then all you have to do is tell me to.”

“Someone might see!”

“Is that such a bad thing?”

Ichigo’s mind scrambled, trying to think of something, anything she could say to make this end, but every excuse she might have had was ruthless shot down. Yet her thighs moved closer together. Her mouth drooled slightly as the blush on her face darkened further.

‘Why does he got to be so damn handsome and make me feel like this?’

“I love your butt.”

“You shouldn’t just say that you do!”

Tsukishima laughed. “You’re so cute when you’re all flustered like that.”

“....” Ichigo looked away, trying to hide her embarrassment.

Tsukishima felt something soft pushing against his body. He looked down at Ichigo's chest and saw two defined points poking through Ichigo’s shirts. They became more prominent as the outline of small but perky breasts formed. He smiled at the sight of small little lumps forming on her chest.

Ichigo groaned and blinked as she rolled her shoulders.

They kept getting bigger, pulling her body down. She rolled her shoulders back, standing up straighter, but no matter how hard they tried, her bust kept pulling her down. A grin formed as pleasurable bolts kept surging through her body. Fair cleavage poked through her shirt. The bra she wore smushed her bust as the shirt she wore strained against her shirt. Their growth finally slowed when they had begun to rival honeydews. They finally finished growing when they had become a massive H-cup that were easily the size of basketballs.

Tsukishima smiled. They had grown to rival Orihime’s massive bustline. One of his hands sneaked up her body and grabbed one of them. A lurid moan from Ichigo made him hard as a rock down below. The giant breast far eclipsed his hand. He couldn’t bring himself to stop massaging her soft tit as if it was a giant stress ball.

Ichigo blinked and gasped. The figure in her memories was now as clear as a painting. The figure who made her feel like had stepped into paradise. “Tsukishima it…It was you!”

Tsukishima kissed her on the lips and for a moment her eyes widened. A squeal was all Ichigo could do. For a moment panic went through her body, before she relaxed in his arms and returned the affection. She pressed her body against his, enjoying the warmth his body radiated.

As they hugged each other, her clothes morphed. The ill-fitting clothes leghened in certain places, while it shortened in others.A small dip of her cleavage appeared, while the rest of her shirt did nothing to hide her giant knockers from her view. They did nothing to hide her deliciously supple thighs. The button on her pants returned and closed itself.

Tsukishima broke he hug, but tenderly held her hand. “Perfect. Now then are you ready for our date?”

“Shima…what are you?”

“Are you alright? Are you still a little dazed from our training session?”

“Right, sorry, just a little frazzled and lost in throat it all.”

“Not a problem. And you didn’t answer my question. Are you ready for our date?”

“Of course!” Ichigo grabbed his arm and let him lead her. She smiled gleefully. ‘Maybe tonight we’ll even take the next big step…Though got to worry about dad and the girls. That old goat will murder Shima if he learns we had sex.’’


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