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Percy sighed as he lounged on his hammock at Camp Half-Blood. Most of his friends were busy doing something else, and he felt like just lounging around and taking some time to himself. He thought over how things have gone for him.

Things were going well if he had to be honest. Soon, he would be starting college in New Rome and would be facing another sort of beast entirely. And unlike the

He pulled out his necklace and stared at the various beads. Memories rushed forward all of the adventures that he had over the years. Every year there seemed to be something going on. He wouldn't be surprised if there was another divine anomaly that he needed to deal with. Though he wasn't sure what could top Gaea of all beings. Then again, he was sure that with his life and track record, it would somehow find a way.

"Please let there be no chaos for a little while," Percy sighed. "I want to be able to go through more than a few months without having to worry about fighting for my life or something. I really need to get through all of the college applications and all."

A bright flash of light caught his attention and Percy turned and to his surprise, he saw Aphroodite.

"Me and my big mouth," Percy muttered.

Just like every time that he had seen her, Aphrodite was nothing short of beautiful. Her hair kept changing color as if it was a rainbow kaleidoscope how it kept shifting from one color to another.

Though she would never be the most beautiful woman as far as he was concerned.

'Though never going to let her hear that,' Percy thought. 'That way would just lead to one angry goddess.'

With her permission, Percy allowed himself to relax on his hammock, but still braced himself. Considering how quickly the gods were willing to pull him out of retirement despite his wishes, he knew that it was going to be another quest.

"This one is something that I thought didn't need all the big hubbub and could just be a quick one-on-one. And besides, you might be happier that it is kept that way."

Percy forced himself not to grimace at her words. He gripped his hands tighter and breathed through his nose.

'This is not going to go well for me,' Percy thought, wishing that he could just hide in his dad's domain.

"So what is it that I can help you with Lady Aphrodite?" Percy questioned, wondering what sort of monster he might be facing this time.

Aphrodite smiled and despite knowing how some; people would gladly kill each other for it, Percy gulped and readied himself for something.

“I need you to do a little infiltration for me.”

"Infiltration?" Percy questioned, wondering if he had heard correctly.

"Yes, I want you to get close to one of my children. They're a bit of a late bloomer, but now that things have calmed down, it seems like now would be the perfect time to bring them here."

Percy frowned, feeling something else was off about this. His gut twisted and turned and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He shuddered slightly when he saw Aphrodite frown before her face regained the same beautiful smile that would have made men everywhere melt like chocolate in the desert.

"How about I sweeten the deal for you a little more? I am willing to do a favor for you. Want my help to give you that special night? Make you a little more handsome. Whatever you want so long as it is within reason, I'm willing to do it. I bet that Annabeth would love to visit some of the other monuments."

Percy frowned. Now that something else was on the line, he felt far more willing to do this, though there was still a part of him that screamed something was off. It wasn’t often that one of the gods or goddesses would do something like this. Sill the thought of taking Annabeth to the Parthenon was simply too good to pass up.

"Okay, but where exactly do you need me to sneak into it?" Percy questioned wondering where it could be. "And can't one of the satyrs do it?"

“I would rather trust something like this with the Hero of Olympus. As for where it is…well.”

"A high school. Might be a little nostalgic for you since you're going to college."

“A high school?” Percy frowned, dreading the thought of going back to on.

“Not as happy about going back?” Aphrodite smirked.

“Considering my school years usually involved monsters in some form I can admit that I am not looking forward to the next part,” Percy deadpanned. “Every year had to deal with monsters in some form or another so…”

“Yeah, I can see how that would make things difficult. You shouldn’t have to worry about anything like that due to the protections that he got.

“Oh, so I’m looking for a boy?”

“Yup! I got a pic, and I’ll show you that once you’re there.”

“Alright then,” Percy said, somewhat happy that he had a little more to work with. It wasn’t ideal considering how large some schools could be, but it would give him something at least. “So then are you going to send me over now or what?”

“In a minute, but there is one last thing we have to do first. No offense Percy, but with how you look now, I don’t think you would be able to fool anyone with your current looks. We need to make you look more appealing and less threatening to him, and to the students around him,” Aphrodite said, making Percy blink.

“What? I don’t look that bad do I?” Percy questioned.

“Oh no, not at all, but you clearly are out of the awkward teenage years now. So we can certainly make it a little easier for him to listen to you,” Aphrodite said. “And I know just how to do it.”

“I’ll change you right now with my godly power and give you the best makeover ever!”

Before Percy could say or do anything, Aphrodite aimed her divine power at him and fired at him. Percy blinked as his body shuddered. His clothes suddenly felt off as if they were several sizes too small. Something brushed against his ears, making him blink.

“Oh my, you’re a cutie. It’s a shame that you were born a boy,” Aphrodite giggled. “You would have had the boys go crazy over you.”

Percy looked and saw a decently sized pair of breasts there. His hands were relatively the same but looked smaller. For a moment, his mind blanked, unable to fully process what was happening right now. He rubbed his thighs together, which felt a little larger, and didn’t feel anything between his legs.

“What the!” Percy yelled and was thrown off by the sudden change in gender. She looked down and patted her new posterior which was a little larger and somewhat more rounded. Her hips were broader than she was used to, and her thighs were a little plusher. She ran her hands down her face and shuddered at the altered bone structure, and her nose feeling off. In a mental image of his mind, he could picture with ease that he was a younger version of his mother with his father's coloring.

“Ok this is a good start, but there is certainly more we could do! The whole girl next doo-appearance you have is a little boring. What should we change next? “

“Wait wait!” Percy pleaded. “Why am I turning into a girl?”

“Oh wow you could give some of my daughters a challenge in the looks department, why don’t we make you a little more of a looker?”

Percy winced as she could feel her face altered. In one quick motion, she could feel her face shift. Her jaw let out a pop and her cheekbones rose. Her eyes burned for a moment as she struggled to regain her composure.

“Now there we go,” Aphrodite said. “I think you’re doing some of the best work I’ve done yet. You might even be able to give Helen of Troy a run for her money in the looks department now. “

Anything that Percy might have said was stopped the moment that she saw her face. Aphrodite was right. It was nothing short of beautiful. She wanted to say how wrong it was and yet with her new gender it fit perfectly. It pained him to admit, but with his new looks, not even Annabeth would have been able to compare.

“I know right? You’ll be knocking them all dead when you get there!”

“But I don’t want to knock people over dead!” Percy denied. “And won’t being this pretty bring me to much attention? Everybody will be focused on me.”

“Oh trust me, Percy, no matter how beautiful you are when it comes to your face that isn’t the only thing that matters. A person could look as pretty as you, but if they aren’t taking care of themselves, then their looks will fade away. Besides, you also need the right clothes to highlight those features, and right now the ideas are storming.”

“Lady Aphrodite,” Percy started, but to his dismay saw that she was lost in her own world.

“The preppy look is totally the way to go. A nice smart, looking, beautiful girl. You could be the next school idol.

With a snap of Aphrodite’s fingers, Percy’s clothes changed again. The camp shirt that he wore tightened around his frame. Buttons appeared down the center of it. The short sleeves it had grown longer and trailed down his arms. Again buttons formed at the end of the cuffs, further emphasizing the professional appearance it had.

The blue jeans that he wore morphed. Small white spots appeared on it, almost as if they had gained a faded look. The pants legs merged as the fabric softened, the rough denim becoming a softer cotten. His pants zipper and buttons on it disappeared as the pockets were sewn shut. Small little frills formed as it changed into a pristine long white skirt that went down her legs. Her sneakers morphed into dress shoes with only a slight heel.

Percy’s hair moved. A healthier shine came to it, that would have drawn the attention of many. It moved with a grace of a professional as it stylized itself into a neat professional braid. A passion flower appeared in her hair, right above her hair.

Percy couldn't help but flush at the state of her dress. The clothes she wore were nicer then anything that she had worn. Even her mom’s best dress clothes didn’t compare to what she wore. Yet as nice as they were, she felt as if she was strutting around in a bikini. She tried to cover herself up as if she had been stripped naked, but all she did was bring to mind how different her clothes were.

“Oh, now that is nice. Those colors perfectly suit you as Poseidon’s daughter. I wonder

“Can you stop for one moment!” Percy demanded. “Look, I don’t think there’s any need to change me than you already have. And you didn’t even explain why I have to be a damn girl! Can you please explain for a damn moment!”

The air got colder right after Percy said that. He clammed and realized that he had snapped. “I’m sorry lady…”

“Oh right, there is one thing that we need to do,” Aphrodite said, interrupting Percy’s.

“You know your breasts could be a little larger. Your IQ might as well be as big as your cup size.”

Percy gaped. “Wait what?”

Aphrodite smirked maliciously as she raised her hand. She made a come hither motion to her.

Percy gasped as her breasts ballooned. The buttons dug into her chest, earning a flash of pain before they immediately adapted for her new size. She tried to mush them down, but all it did was make her shudder as if ice cubes had been poured down her back. They blocked the sight of her lower body and continued to grow. Her bra mushed her developing spheres together and propped them as if they were resting on a desk. The straps pressed down, and the small slip of cleavage would tease anyone that would want to see them.

Random facts barrage her head. Equations she never would have known without a cheatsheet or looking at a textbook flashed in her mind. Small minor facts came and nailed her noggin like someone was flicking their finger on her forehead.

Percy exhaled and breathed heavily as she struggled to recover from her new enhanced breasts. She grabbed her new bust, unable to look away from it. She rapidly prodded the bottom and top of it and noticed that her bra now had small thin wires running throughout it. Her face darkened and her thighs quivered at the suddenness of it. She grimaced the cleavage she had now. Before, it was noticable, but now it might as well have been a billboard asking to be looked at.

“Huh, might as well even you a little. Otherwise, it will look a little off,” Aphrodite said.

As if she was turning a button, Percy blushed as she could feel her new underwear move deeper between her ballooning cheeks. She forced the skirt down and flushed as her lower cheeks pushed against them. She grimaced and struggled to keep herself from ravaging her buttocks with the glee of a horny teenanger. For a few more agonizing seconds it continued to get bigger, her underwear teasing her for a little while longer. It slowerd and finished becoming an impeccable rear end that would have been the things off fantasies.

She prodded it. The flesh immediately bounced back the moment she pulled her finger away.

“There we go, maybe in your future you can do some modeling for me or something.”

“Lady Aphrodite, why did you decide to make me a girl!” Percy demanded.

Aphrodite smiled. “Simple Percy. You’re his perfect dream girl type now. He will be more then happy to listen to you. Especially if you put on a little charm and flirt with him.”

“Wait why would I…”

“Because its going to be the start of something wonderful. Now then hope you enjoy yourself Persia. I know I most certainly will.”

A glazed look appeared in Persias’s eyes as she opened her mouth. A dimwitted groan left her mouth, a slight slur of a word coming out. Aphrodite patted her head. She snapped her fingers, and Persia disappeared from the room.

“Well I think my son will enjoy his new girlfriend.” Aphrodite giggled. “And I get to enjoy a new cute little love story that I haven’t seen in a while happen.”

Aphrodite disappeared from the room, eager to watch from her place on Olympus. ‘Now what snacks should I have while its going? There is that wonderful chocolate Aunt Demeter has, and Dionysis’s stash is certainly up for grabs. He still won’t be able to drink any for years.'


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