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Percy gaped. “Wait what?”

Aphrodite smirked maliciously as she raised her hand. She made a come hither motion to her.

Percy gasped as her breasts ballooned. The buttons dug into her chest, earning a flash of pain before they immediately adapted for her new size. She tried to mush them down, but all it did was make her shudder as if ice cubes had been poured down her back. They blocked the sight of her lower body and continued to grow. Her bra mushed her developing spheres together and propped them as if they were resting on a desk. The straps pressed down, and the small slip of cleavage would tease anyone that would want to see them.

Random facts barrage her head. Equations she never would have known without a cheatsheet or looking at a textbook flashed in her mind. Small minor facts came and nailed her noggin like someone was flicking their finger on her forehead.

Percy exhaled and breathed heavily as she struggled to recover from her new enhanced breasts. She grabbed her new bust, unable to look away from it. She rapidly prodded the bottom and top of it and noticed that her bra now had small thin wires running throughout it. Her face darkened and her thighs quivered at the suddenness of it. She grimaced the cleavage she had now. Before, it was noticable, but now it might as well have been a billboard asking to be looked at.

“Huh, might as well even you a little. Otherwise, it will look a little off,” Aphrodite said.

As if she was turning a button, Percy blushed as she could feel her new underwear move deeper between her ballooning cheeks. She forced the skirt down and flushed as her lower cheeks pushed against them. She grimaced and struggled to keep herself from ravaging her buttocks with the glee of a horny teenanger. For a few more agonizing seconds it continued to get bigger, her underwear teasing her for a little while longer. It slowerd and finished becoming an impeccable rear end that would have been the things off fantasies.

She prodded it. The flesh immediately bounced back the moment she pulled her finger away.

“There we go, maybe in your future you can do some modeling for me or something.”

“Lady Aphrodite, why did you decide to make me a girl!” Percy demanded.

Aphrodite smiled. “Simple Percy. You’re his perfect dream girl type now. He will be more then happy to listen to you. Especially if you put on a little charm and flirt with him.”

“Wait why would I…”

“Because its going to be the start of something wonderful. Now then hope you enjoy yourself Persia. I know I most certainly will.”

A glazed look appeared in Persias’s eyes as she opened her mouth. A dimwitted groan left her mouth, a slight slur of a word coming out. Aphrodite patted her head. She snapped her fingers, and Persia disappeared from the room.

“Well I think my son will enjoy his new girlfriend.” Aphrodite giggled. “And I get to enjoy a new cute little love story that I haven’t seen in a while happen.”

Aphrodite disappeared from the room, eager to watch from her place on Olympus. ‘Now what snacks should I have while its going? There is that wonderful chocolate Aunt Demeter has, and Dionysis’s stash is certainly up for grabs. He still won’t be able to drink any for years.’


And with that, the CYOA is wrapped up. I'll post the full draft in a day or two, and then can begin cleaning it up.

I'll be thinking over the next CYOA soon. I got a few themes in mind, but want to get the next candidates for those in order before I do. I will say this though, one would have shorter transformation segments, but hit more characters. Another will be singular transformation focused and hit one character. 

Until then, stay safe everybody!


insert name here

I would definitely be down to see a CYOA take on multiple characters changing to mix things up!