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“Alright, with these, I should be able to summon a strong fighter,” Caulflia said as she placed three more Dragon Balls down.

Caulifla looked around, ensuring she wouldn’t have to worry about anyone disrupting the summoning ritual. It had taken a long, but now she could fulfill her wish to get a new training partner. She grinned, bouncing on the balls of her feet.  “Now then, let’s get to making those wishes.”

The Dragon Balls glowed. A bright golden beam shot into the sky. The sky darkened, even though it was high noon. A giant serpentine green dragon poked through the dark clouds. He had large brown horns and piercing red eyes.

“I am the Eternal Dragon! Speak your Wish, and I shall grant it!”

Caulifla’s eyes widened, and her jaw dropped at the giant dragon. Her shock passed. She cleared her throat and stood up straighter. “Dragon, listen up! I want you to summon a person for me to fight! I need to push myself and from what I was told you could give me a good opponent.”

“Your wish shall be granted!”

The dragon’s eyes glowed a bright red. Lightning went through the clouds. Thunder crackled as the wind picked up.

Another golden light appeared in front of Caulifa. It was a little taller than her and seemed just as thin. Yet that did nothing to deter her.

'It doesn’t matter how small they look. They probably have some powerful transformation or something like that.’ Caulifla thought.

She jumped from side to side, throwing mock punches. Her blood pumped, and her heart pounded faster. She grinned as the light faded away and revealed her new training partner.

The person Shenron summoned was a young man with olive skin. He had short messy brown hair. Loose blue jeans and a jacket hung off his wiry frame. Glasses hung on his nose.

“What the? Where am I?” The young man said.

“Hey, I summoned you here to fight you since I'm in a bit of a slump and thought this would be the best way to get out of it."

The boy jumped back. “Wait, what?”

“Hey what’s your name? If we're about to fight then might as well get that.”

The boy trembled. “My name is Pablo."

“Alright then, now we can get to fighting,” Caulflia said. She moved to attack but then noticed how weak he was. There was hardly any ki at all. Even a Saiyan newborn had more power than he did.

“What the heck dragon? I asked that you would bring me a fighter! Not a wimp who can’t even seem to throw a ki ball! Seriously I could kill him with just my pinky finger!”


“Shut it wimp! Can’t believe that I wasted a wish bringing you here!”

“C-Can I go back home then?”

Caulifla crossed her arms. She harshly tapped her foot on the ground. Suddenly, she went still and then turned to the dragon. “You said that I get three wishes right?”


“Alright then for my second wish, I wish that I have full control over his body and can change it however I want!”


“Looks like, before our fight, I'm going to have to make you a fighter worth a damn! And I can think of no better race to make you then another Saiyan!”

Power suddenly coursed through Pablo's body as if he had drank an entire 12-pack of soda all at once. His breathing picked up. He curled and opened his hands, thrown off by the sudden burst of power he had now.

“Now we’re getting somewhere! Your power spiked immensely right after that. Still we got to make a few more changes before we can have a good fight!”

“No wait, stop! We don’t need to do anymore!” Pablo tried to step back, but Calulifa grabbed his shoulders.

“Even though you’re power is much higher now. You look way too much like a wimp. Caulifla poked his bicep and frowned. “First thing we have to do is fix that body of yours up. It’s not a problem if you have small arms but need some muscle.”

“Stop!” Pablo tried to push her away, but it was as if he was trying to shove a plane.

“Damn looks like even if you do have the power of a Saiyan backing you up now, its clear that you don’t have any power. Let’s begin putting some real meat on these bones.”

Pablo then tried to twist his arm out of her hold but failed. She tore the sleeve of his jacket off, exposing his flabby limb. He stopped struggling as he noticed how much smaller his arms were getting. His hands let out small pops as they became daintier digits and his nails cleaned. A pitiful squeal escaped when he saw the hair lining his arm disappear. He looked closer and ran his hand over it, feeling no trace of the hair that had been there.

“Oh there we go, now you got something worth a damn.”

Pablo stared at his transformed arms. Even though they were thinner, it was clear that they had a lot more definition to them. He flexed his arm, and defined muscle immediately became visible.

“This is pretty cool. Still, we have a long way to go before you are done. Your legs are still weak like your arms were, but we can fix that now.”

“It doesn’t need to be fixed!”

Caulifla grabbed one of Pablo’s thighs, making him jump at how quickly she had moved. She squeezed it, and he could feel blood rush through his body. He tried to pry his leg out of her grip and shove her away but couldn’t.

“Now then let’s get some muscle down there, maybe then you’ll be able to throw a decent punch.”

Pablo convulsed as his legs altered next. He whined as a charlie horse formed and struggled to remain standing. His hands balled into fists. He ran his hands over his free thigh and flinched at the powerful, defined muscle they had. His thighs ballooned in Caulifla’s grip, and she was forced to adjust how she held it as it grew in her hand. Pablo’s breathing picked up as her fingers continued to dig into her body. He whimpered as small pleasurable bolts went through him that made him feel. The more his leg grew, the more pleasing they became as they ripened, becoming twice as thick as they were before.

The process continued down his legs. A slight jiggle from his calves had reduced as they tightened. He stretched as much as he could to feel them and their new definition. A low crack came from his feet as they got smaller. His sense of balance was destroyed, and he stumbled as if standing on a block of ice. He almost fell over were it not for Caulifla holding him, examining his new legs like a trophy.

“Ok now that looks so much better. Now you look like you can throw a decent kick.”

Caulifla looked at his stomach and frowned at the slight bit of pudge protruding through his shirt.

Pablo groaned. “What now?”

“The next thing we are doing is fixing up that stomach. With how soft it is, there’s no way you’re going to be alright from taking a blow there.”

Pablo's stomach gurgled. All the fat diminished seconds later, and he pawed his stomach. It tightened around his hand. He raised his shirt and frowned when he saw a slim, defined stomach. He twisted to the side and was shocked by the muscle hidden underneath the surface. His fingers prodded his stomach and gulped at how smooth it was. Yet what disturbed him the most was the muscle it had now. His fingers hardly moved his tummy, no matter how hard he pressed down on it. He ran his hand up and down it, unsure what to make of how flat it was.

“Not used to having some muscle down there?”

Pablo gulped. “It’s a bit of a change from what I’m used to.”

“Uh huh, whatever, but feel free to admire it as much as you want. Must be nice that you got it, especially since you didn’t have to work for it. Now you are going to pay me back by getting better.”

“There we go, now you can put up a fight. I wonder if you’ll be any better if we take this further along,”

“No, we are not going any further!" Pablo tried to punch Caulifla, but she caught it.

“Man, we have a long way to go before you can be a proper fight. You know I noticed something when I changed you. After I did so, your power spiked. I wonder how much more it would grow if we keep this up.”

“No wait!”

Caulifla grabbed him again, and immediately his skin lost its olive complexion and shifted closer to Caulifla's skin tone. It continued to brighten and clear until it was a perfect match to Cauliflas. The hair burned off like a small ball of ki had been placed against his body. For a moment, the body hair smoked before it disappeared.

Pablo sweated and pulled the front of his shirt to see if it happened there. His jaw tightened as he noticed all the hair on his chest and stomach had disappeared. He checked his lower body, and just like his upper half, it was bare of any hair. “Why did I lose my body hair too?”

Caulifla shrugged. “Oh I thought that would be the best way to go about it for your skin. Might as well just hit multiple things at once.”

“No, there was no reason to do that.”

“Will you quit your whining? It's getting annoying hearing you grumble about everything.” Caulifla grabbed Pablo’s face and examined it. Her frown deepened. “We’re going to have to do something about that mug of yours. It’s getting weird seeing how much you’re body has changed and there is still that face there."

Pablo’s face warmed like he was sitting in front of a fire. Light filled his vision, and he couldn’t help but stare into it. It drew him in like a moth. A tingling sensation came over him as if he was standing out in the open sun, but he didn’t mind. The ball of light that blinded him disappeared, and a grinning Caulifla took its place. He ran his hand over his face and felt foreign cheeks and jawline grace his fingers. A smaller nose and puffier set of lips greeted him next. “You changed my face now?”

Caulflia crossed her arms. “I made your face look like mine, since if you’re going to change then you might as well look like the strongest Saiyan there ever will be.”

“Seriously, even something like this? Are you trying to turn me into a girl?”

Caulifla’s eyes widened as her body went still. She brought her hand up to her chin. A thoughtful look appeared in her eyes.

Pablo’s eyes widened, and he stepped away from her. “Wait no! You don’t need to go that far!”

He turned to run away, moving far faster than he ever could have. The world blurred at the speed he moved, and he immediately came to a stop. A firm hand locked around his wrist and forced him to turn around.

Caulifla grinned. “Now let’s make things a little more interesting!”

Pablo groaned as his thigh muscles screamed in agony. The wind picked up, and the ground trembled. A wave of blue aura appeared around him. His hair waved in the wind and sent a dust cloud flying. Yet none of that interested Pablo. His mind was focused solely on what was happening between his legs.

“Man, now you got some real power behind you. Of course, you’re still ways off before you can make an fun fight, but you’re stronger than some of my gang members. I wonder how much stronger you’ll be as a girl.”

“No, I don't want to be a woman!” Pablo trembled as he could feel his member get smaller. Another wave of power went through his body that made his muscles tighten. He gripped her body tighter, but she didn’t react at all. His breathing picked up as it trailed along his inner thigh, and he slowly squatted. Finally, he screamed as his member entered his body, and the world shuddered. Cracks formed in the ground as his balls followed after his member, completing his transition into a woman.

Caulflla reached down and patted Pablo’s crotch. “Wow there really is nothing down there anymore.”

Pablo squealed at the assault on her nethers, struggling to keep her mind focused. She tried to push herself away but could barely even bring herself to curl her arms.

“Ahhh someone’s all tuckered out.” Caulifla smiled. “Not sorry to say, but we got a little farther before we’re done. With your dick gone now, you’re going to need a new name. Pablo is a weird name for a Saiyan to have, especially a female one. Ok if we’re sticking to the P then you’re name from on will be Parsnep!”

“No.” Pablo weakly struggled in her grip as the world slowly got smaller. It was as if Caulifla's power and presence were crushing him. “It’s not my name.”

“It is from now on. Especially since you got my face and all. The last thing I need is to be marked weird. Got it Parsnep?”

Parsnep flinched and slouched over as if she had been struck; the overwhelming presence that Caulifla exuded just dominated him. The bearing she had, made her seem larger than she was, to the point that it seemed like they were at eye level with each other.

“Oh wow! Your power level is skyrocketing now! Soon you might even be on my level!” Caulifla grinned. “Let’s keep going with this and see how much stronger you can get!”

Parsnep shook as if she had just been shocked and then gawked as her thoughts about Caulifla’s height proved more accurate than she would have liked.

Another beam of energy shot up Parsnep’s spine, making her wiggle her hips as they widened. The loose pants she wore tightened around her body. She grabbed their hemline and stuck her thumb in them. Her pants pressed down on her finger and dug into her sides.

Caulflia pulled Parsnep into a crushing hug. “Now, onto the next part. Let’s work on your waist.”

Parsnep groaned and tried to force herself out of Caulflia’s hold. Unlike before, Caulifla struggled to keep Parsnep’s in her arms. Her waist gurgled and shrunk the longer she was in. Caulflia adjusted her grip, ensuring the pressure on Parsnep's waist didn't relent. She gulped and gagged, struggling to fill her lungs with air. Her hands brushed against the sides of her slender waist, making her flinch. In her mind, she envisioned the slight curve of her abdomen that led to her flared hips.

Suddenly, Caulflia let go of Parsnep, who fell onto her butt. She patted Parsnep’s head. “Man, you’re powering up now for sure. I could actually feel you trying to push me off.”

With every pat on her head, Parsnep’s hair grew longer and gained a spikiness. It continued to get longer and spikier. Her hair stood up as if hair gel was being applied to it. Her hair continued to rise, becoming a shaggy spikey mess styled reminiscent of a crown.

“Alright then, not much left to do now. We might as well bring in your bust. With how strong you’re getting now, you’ll be a good warmup now for sure.”

“No, I don't want any breasts!” Parsnep leaped back and covered her chest.

“After all that we have gone through we can’t back out now! Not when we're so close!”

Parsnep stepped away right as Caulifla leaped at her. “You haven’t gone through anything!”

Parsnep breathed as again a wave of heat came over her body. Sweat formed, and her muscles ached. Her nipples perked underneath her shirt. Two small but noticeable lumps appeared that forced her shirt out a little further. Then, just as quickly as the process began, it ended when she had small B-cup breasts that would have fit perfectly in her hands.

“Relax, they’re just breasts.”

“I never had these before!”

“Well you’re going to have plenty of time to get used to them, especially when we start fighting. Though you’re a little weaker then me, despite how much you changed. I’m sure we can fix that eventually.”

“I don’t want to fight you! How many times do I have to say it?”

Caulifla pinched her brow as her eyes went lower. They rested on Parsnep’s flat boney rear end. She looked at her ass and grinned. “Oh, we’re not done just yet. There is one more thing we can change about you.”

Parsnep glared. “What else is there that you can mess with me?”

“That flat ass you got.”

Parsnep breathed heavily through her nose and looked at her buttocks. The shape of her inflating rear filled her vision. She pressed down on it and gagged at the tightening flesh she felt there. Her finger went in less than usual, and her butt rippled less than it would have minutes ago. She pressed it repeatedly. It pushed against her finger, and she could feel its tone gradually multiply. Her underwear dug between her ripening cheeks, but she hardly noticed it.  The off feeling of her rear ceased, and all that came from it was the slight need to explore it further. While it wasn’t the most fantastic rear she had ever seen, it was a healthy size that would have garnered the attention of many if it was in more revealing attire.

The slight jiggle made Parsnep freeze as if she had just been shocked. Her denim pants dug into her body, especially around her hips and butt. She tried to adjust her pants but failed miserably.

“Too tight?”


“Well, we can fix that easily. Just change those clothes, and bam. You’re good to go.”

Parsnep’s shirt and jacket morphed into a low-cut aqua tube top revealing her belly, low-set purple harem pants, and a pair of pointy dark gray shoes. Her pants darkened as all the features they had faded, melting into the fabric. The zipper and pockets looked as if they were being sewn shut. Long dark gray wristbands formed on her wrists as her shoes morphed into matching shoes.

“Your clothes?” Parsnep pulled on her new attire, trying to cover herself.

Caulifla studied appearance and then at herself. Her eyes went from her curves to Parsnep's. “Dragon, I have one more wish, is that right?”

“That is correct.”

Cauifla put her hands on her hips. “Alright then, for my last wish, I wish that the two of us were sexier!”

Parsnep’s eyes shot open. “What?”

“Very well!” Shenron’s eyes glowed again.

A golden aura encompassed Parsnep's and Caulifla's bodies as they altered. Their clothes strained against their bodies as their athletic frames changed. Their hips widened further while their waists thinned. All of the extra mass was going to their lower bodies. At once, their small but firm breasts ballooned and became the size of volleyballs, while their tight behinds exploded in size and rivaled footballs. Thankfully, their clothes adjusted to their new curves without any issues.

Caulifla grabbed her swollen bust with a mad grin. “Oh wow! These are a little heavier than expected but damn!”

“I did not need the extra mass!” Parsnep looked at her larger tush and frowned. Her fingers poked it, sending bolts of electric arousal through her body. She bit her lips, struggling to resist the urge to spank herself.

“Your wishes have been granted. Farewell.”

Shenron’s form faded into the darkness until he was gone entirely. The Dragon Balls glowed once more and then shot into the air. When they reached the apex of their flight, they zoomed off in different directions. The darkness in the sky disappeared as the sun poked through, the clouds disappearing as time passed.

Parsnep stared at where Shenron had been. “What am I going to do?”

“Don’t worry you’ll be staying at my place from now on. There's plenty of room and food there. Plus the rest of the gang will be nice to you since you’re my sister now.”

“I think I’ll just take my chances on my own considering all that has happened.”

Caulifla grinned and cracked her knuckles. “No, I summoned you here because I needed someone to fight and since you’re now my twin sister, you’re the best person for the job! Besides, I have to get used to these curves and a good fight is the best way to do so!”

“But I never fought before!”

“Hey this will be a learning experience for the both of us. Don’t worry I’ll go easy on you!”

“This is going to suck.” Parsnep quickly got into a fighting stance, her form shaky. She gulped, and her body tightened as Caulflia charged at her.


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