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Guts sighed as he walked with Casca, their arms wrapped around each other as they walked into a restaurant. It was hard to believe that after so long chasing after Griffith for his revenge he had finally done it. It was strange that he wouldn’t have to worry about any Apostles or the Godhand anymore. It was even stranger to be doing something normal like this with Casca, but he was glad that he could. Even if it had been six years since then it still didn’t seem real.

Unknown to the two, they were being watched by a small woman with short green hair and eyes. She wore a purple set of robes and a witch’s hat and in her hand was a long wooden staff with a gnarled end. She would have been called pretty if not for the prominent frown on her face that marred her features.

Schierke gripped her staff tightly as she watched the two walk around, her heart tearing apart the more she saw the two interacting like a couple. It just wasn’t fair. She wanted nothing more than to be in the older woman’s place with him holding her like that. She had fallen for him on their journey together and loved him. The way he stood up and fought for them, his resolve to win, and his drive. But what stood out to her most was that he believed in her. It was different from her master in a way that she couldn’t quite describe. It filled her with glee and made her feel as if she was skipping across clouds.

She had saved him dozens of times and helped him in every way that she could no matter how big or small it was. There were so many times that he was so close to falling into the inner darkness in him, only for her to help pull him. She had seen the beast that lurked in his mind and despite what might happen she wanted nothing more than to stay by his side and help him ease his pain. But this, seeing them together. It filled her with a jealous rage that overwhelmed her and made it impossible for her to think straight.

The now 20-year-old woman in body had hoped he would have fallen for her by now. She had grown up, in the time since they had first met. Her body had gotten more curvaceous. Her breasts might not be that big, but she knew they were bigger than Casca’s. The lack of any real meaningful progress had led to her looking for other ways to hopefully fall for him.

The young woman had come up with a way that would hopefully let her get with him and hoped that it would work. There was no way that she was going to be able to break the two of them apart. The bond between them was too strong much to her dismay and she knew that she would have to get creative and look for alternative ways to get him. She had dived deeper into her magic and learned all she could for a possible solution and believed she had discovered how to make a love spell. It wasn’t the right thing to do, but she wanted to be with him so badly that she didn’t care.

A part of her wanted to rush in there right now to break them up and change him, but that was stupid. She knew more than anyone how dangerous he was, even in his vastly weakened state. He didn’t need a weapon or the Berserker Armor to be deadly. Even if his body had been extensively damaged from continuous use he could still kill anyone. No, the best thing to do was to wait for an opening when it was just him. She was patient and could wait for the perfect time to move in and begin the spell.

For hours she had watched them interact with each other. It was nauseating to the young woman to see them act like lovers. She tried not to pay them too much attention, but it was hard since she was able to hear them so clearly. Still, she reminded herself that once she had done what she needed to do then she would be able to experience them with him. She was grateful that they hadn’t gotten a room together. It might have been what pushes her over the edge and act hastily. After some time, the two of them went their separate ways, Casca having to run some errands.

The young woman sighed happily. Finally, the chance she had been waiting for arrived. She followed Guts knowing he was heading to a secluded area. Even if his body was no longer what it once was from extended use of the armor and the stress he still trained. The last thing she needed was for him to correctly assume that she was the one who had done something suspicious.

When he arrived at an empty grove, he pulled out his sword and wrapped some weights around it. There was no way that it would be able to compare with the Dragonslayer, but the gigantic blade had become a mountain that he would need to rebuild his body to use. The effect of the Berserker armor had taken its toll on him and made his signature weapon a true challenge for him to lift. He could walk around with it, but he could no longer swing it as he once had.

Off to the side, Schrieke watched him swing his sword and with how fast he was swinging in the hot sun, his body was quickly covered in sweat. The young woman licked her lips at the sight of his glistening muscles. Oh, she could already imagine her hands roaming over his form, feeling the hardened muscles that laid underneath. Even the scarred flesh would feel good against her hands. It made her wonder what it would be like when the two of them were in bed and he was taking away her maidenhood.

“No, focus,” Schrieke said to herself. She couldn’t lose herself in her lust now, not when there was work she needed to do. No matter how pleasing the sight might be. She looked back at him and again her face burned. She breathed in and out to calm her beating heart and the fire in her loins. There would be plenty of time for her to admire him later when her spell had finished her work.

The woman breathed out and raised her staff to perform the spell. She breathed in and out trying to calm her beating heart. She hadn’t tried the spell out yet on someone since she had only one target in mind, but she was sure it would work as she intended. She didn’t want anyone else to fall for her when there was only one man she wanted. She had poured over her knowledge, making sure that it would all work to get this spell to be possible.

The green-haired girl could feel the Odd gather in the air at her command and breathed in. This spell required her full focus, anything less could result in something disastrous. With all the power behind this, it could honestly level a good level of the surrounding area. It made her nervous to call upon so much at once, but there was no other way she could make it work.

When the spell reached its apex the tip of her staff came to life. She pointed it at the man she loved and watched the bolt fly through the air. She breathed in and out and jumped when she saw the bolt hit the love of her life. A small smile graced her lips, happy that it had hit her intended target.

The older man gasped as his body felt off. He stumbled forward, the sword falling from his hands. He breathed and shook his head as a fog suddenly came over his mind as if he had been drugged. His senses felt off as if he had gotten up to fast and lost his balance. Stars entered his vision and for a moment the world spun around him as if he was on uneven ground.

Guts breathed in and out, trying to get his senses under control. He stood as still as possible, his legs shaking and feeling like he was spinning. When he finally regained his senses, the older man growled at what happened. He couldn’t believe his body had fallen this far. This should have been nothing for him, especially after using Dragonslayer for so long. It was disheartening for him to be reduced to such a state. He wasn’t sure how much longer he would last, but he would make sure that every moment counted.

The young woman waited a few minutes before she moved in to greet him. It would be too strange if she showed up right after he felt strange. She was on the lookout to make sure that no one else came along and caught his attention first. The last thing she needed was for him to fall for someone else. Then she would have to find out how to reverse it and that could take time.

“Alright,” Guts said as he went to sit down.

Now seemed like a good time for her to show up. The young woman stepped forward, her heart pounding in her chest and trying to keep her face as blank as possible. Her heart pounded in her chest, just like when she was alone with him before, but this time there was the added tension in her from the possibility of getting discovered.

“Guts,” she said calmly, hoping that her face was blank.

“Schrieke,” Guts said, looking down at the smaller girl.

“How are you doing?” Schrieke said sadly, wondering how much pain he was in.

“Been better,” Guts grunted. “Having a hard time with this body still. Is there anything you think you can do for it?”

“I could try again,” the witch said as she looked his body over and tried to heal him. It was a perfect excuse for her to look him over and see if anything was going on with him. She looked him over and tried to heal him of the injuries, or at least make the pain that he felt more bearable. It was still a thing to marvel at and made her sad to see just how damaged his body had become. All of the injuries and the self-inflicted wounds from the armor had taken their toll on his body. It hurt to see his body in such a state and wished that she could do more for him. It seemed like his body hadn’t changed at all from her spell much to her relief.

She snuck a look at him again to see if he was looking at her differently than he normally would, but he looked at her with the same calm collected look that he usually did. The same gaze as if he was looking at a younger sibling. The young woman had hoped that she would be able to see a small sign that he was interested in her as she was in him. If the spell had worked then she certainly wasn’t seeing it in effect, though it was possible it needed a little more time before its effect came in full force.

“I did what I could for your body,” the witch said sadly.

“Thanks, I feel better already,” the older man said and flexed his hand. “Better than I have in a while.”

“Your welcome,” the young woman blinked at his words and stood up a little straighter. She had only done as much healing as she had usually done, and not for the lack of trying to do more. Just like every time she had given it her all to make sure that there wouldn’t be as much pain for him as before.

He stretched and moved and the young woman could tell that his hardened muscles moved with an ease that he hadn’t had in a long time. It was almost as if he had gotten younger again, or at least the pain he felt was easier to bear for him to move about as he had once before.

She smiled, happy despite the disappointment she felt. While her spell might not have the effect she intended, but she couldn’t deny her glee at seeing what was happening. Anything that could help ensure his health was a boon that she wouldn’t be able to deny. With how much damage the armor had done to him, his lifespan had been shortened to the point that no one could say for sure how long he had left. If the spell could extend his diminished lifespan more then it was worth learning more about.

“Thanks, Schrieke, I knew I could count on you,” Guts said, smiling gently at her.

“I-Its nothing, I’m glad I could help you,” she said, stuttering at first.

The young woman blinked and looked closer. She narrowed her eyes as she noticed some of the scars on his body didn’t look as pronounced as they did mere minutes ago. For a moment she played it off as a trick of the light, but the more she stared the more she noticed that something was off about them.

“Guts stop,” the woman ordered.

She stepped forward and ran her hands over his body, staring intently at the marred flesh. None of the lust that she had in her before was gone, and the only thing that ran through her was worry over what might happen to him. She put her face close, almost to the point that her nose could brush against his side. The top of the destroyed skin from the scar was lowering, and the bottom was rising higher at a slow but steady rate.

The berserker looked at the other side of his body to see if he could find what had gotten her so worried. He ran his hands over his body and didn’t feel anything off. After a moment the man could see what was going on and his mouth dropped in shock.

“My scars,” the older man muttered as he ran his hands across one of his fading scars. He could remember where each scar had come from and how it had happened. It was strange to see something that he had seen on himself and remember so clearly going away, leaving no trace of its existence. He looked at his friend. “You have any ideas of what is going on?”

Schrieke didn’t say anything as her mind went through dozens of possibilities. Was it possible that she had found a spell to revert someone’s body to a previous state instead of one affecting the mind? If that was true then the possibilities were endless. Then she could revert Gut’s body to a time where the damage from all the fighting was gone, maybe even other people had lost limbs to monsters or battles.

The scars continued to fade and get smaller. The two ran their hands over separate ones and marveled at the changing flesh. The roughness and small uneven bits were getting smaller by the second. They touched other scars and could feel the same thing happening to them. Soon all of the ones on his body were gone with no trace of them being there before.

The young woman blushed at seeing him like this. With all the scars his handsome defined features had been marred somewhat by the many scars on his face and body. It was strange to his body void of all of them and allow his body and muscles to come through plainly. Especially for the young woman who had only seen his body after those battles.

“This is...strange,” Guts said. The man breathed out, wondering if this was some weird dream from passing out or something along those lines. If she could have done this then he was sure that the small witch would have done it sooner. It would have helped on their journey if she had and his body would have been in a much better state before many of the fights they had.

“I..,” Schrieke said, not sure what she should say. This spell was going in ways that she couldn’t have predicted with all of her research.

“Ahh!” Guts cried and held the stump of his severed limb, and a layer of sweat covered his body.

“Guts!” Schrieke cried. “What’s wrong?”

“My arm, it’s burning up,” Guts said as he held his limb, squeezing it as tight as he could. It felt like it been shoved into a fireplace and the flames were consuming it. It was getting worse by the second and no matter how hard he squeezed it just got worse as if oil had been thrown on it. The sweat that came down his body was getting worse by the second.

“Guts move your arm,” Schrieke gulped, breathing in and out to calm her pounding heart. This wasn’t at all she had planned, and the results of it were only making everything she felt worse.

He moved his hand and the two blinked as they saw flesh building up at the end. The two watched as the flesh continued to multiply. The stump continued to grow as if they were watching an old wound heal at an insane rate. It reached a point where instead of growing, it widened out and the two realized they were seeing his hand come back. Soon what could only be fingers sprouted from it and grow by the second. It was at first comparable to that of a baby’s, but it continued to get bigger. It quickly looked like a small child’s hand and after another few seconds that of a teenager’s. In moments it became a perfect match for his missing hand.

“What?” Guts gasped, staring at his returned limb. Memories of how he had lost it so long ago came rushing forward. He opened and closed his hand slowly as if he was making sure it was real. The man grimaced the feeling that returned to his limb. He could feel every little twitch of his finger and move it as if he had never lost the limb at all.

“Guts,” Schrieke gulped, not sure what to say or do. This spell wasn’t working at all like she thought it would. It was supposed to make him fall for her, not heal his body of any sort of imperfections. She didn’t think the effects of the spell would be as strong as they seemed to be now. Her mind worried how far the spell would go changing his body. What if he kept getting younger until he was a baby or something. The thought made her shudder.

“Ahh!” Guts cried held his head as a sudden pain over him as if someone had put their fingers in his empty eye socket. He kneeled, still covering his hurting eye. Suddenly the pain ceased and he breathed easier. After a moment he moved his hand and opened his closed eye socket. He gasped when he had a depth perception that he hadn’t had in years.

“Your eye!” Schrieke gasped, staring at the now second eye that he had in wonder.

She had never seen him with both eyes in the real world. She had only seen them in her mind’s eyes, but now that she was seeing both of them in person it was strange. She certainly didn’t want him to go back to having only one since having both would be beneficial.

“Can you see out of it?” Schrieke asked.

“I...can,” Guts said, not sure what to think or feel about having it again. He had grown so used to having one eye that now having both everything felt wrong. It would take some time to get used to having both again. He felt younger than he had in years as if he had found himself back in his body before Griffith’s betrayal. He made a fist and could easily imagine dealing a punch that could knock someone’s head off. He wanted to grab the Dragonslayer and swing it to his heart’s content just to say that he could.

The young girl stared fearfully, waiting for something to happen to him again. There was no way that things would simply end here. She could feel it in her stomach. There had to be more to this to come and she didn’t like the fact she couldn’t tell what it might be.

After a moment, she noticed the eye that reformed was different. It wasn’t the same color as his other one. Instead of it being a dark brown, his new eye was a bright grassy green. She had never assumed that his eyes were two different colors and doubted that it was the case.

“Guts were your eyes the same color?” the witch asked.

“What?” Guts asked.

“Your eyes were they the same color?”

“I think they were the same color,” the man said. He wasn’t sure. It had been ages since he had last seen them and he had never bothered to look at them in a mirror or on a reflective surface. He only took note in passing when he was cleaning himself.

The younger girl gulped. She didn’t like where this was. The fact he got an arm and eye back was terrifying, even though it should have been a good thing. There had to be more. If there wasn’t then she would honestly be shocked.

She stilled when she saw the other eye was starting to change as well. For a moment she thought it had to be a trick of the light, but the more she stared the more certain she was that it was changing color. It brightened as if it was taking more of the lights and changing, like a pool of water, and how it chang in moments it perfectly mirrored its new twin.

Before she could voice what happened, the white patch of hair in his head started to change. Small bits of green appeared in it as if large blades of grass or paint had gotten in it. The white streak continued to change as more green appeared inside it. Soon there was nothing left of the white hair that plagued his head. The young girl could stare at the new streak of hair as if it was some sort of weird animal that she was seeing for the first time. The strand of hair was painfully familiar for some reason.

The rest of his black hair started to change as well. The same tone of green appeared at the base of his scalp and continued to grow. It was almost like watching an infection or if someone was smearing green dirt all over something. The hair and eyes he had now were a bright green that matched her hair. The moment his hair had finished changing color, his hair grew out longer and now rested on the end of his cheeks.

Before either could react to the sudden change in hair, Guts started to shrink. He quickly lost a foot in height and continued to smaller. His clothes hung loosely off his body as he got smaller. It was almost as if he was getting younger, were it not for the age on his face remaining. The man finished changing when he stood at the same height as her. The two looked into each other eye’s. His clothes hung loosely on his body as if he had stolen them on a random clothesline.

“Damnit!” the black swordsman cried as he kept his pants up. With how small he had gotten he no longer looked like a grown man, but rather a young man who was just turning eighteen. If he had a belt then he would have just wrapped it tighter around his waist to keep them in place. Sadly he would just have to make do by holding his pants up to keep himself indecent. The last thing he needed to get arrested by the guards with them thinking he was just streaking across the area. “What’s happening to me? Schrieke do something!”

Guts’s body started to change again. The hard-earned muscles from years of fighting and training quickly got smaller as if his muscles were being eaten by his body to make sure he had enough nutrients. The hard batches of flesh became softer and had a soft noticeable bounce to them, despite the slight tone to them that remained. Soon his arms had been small feminine-looking limbs that would have looked outlandish on him if he was still the same height. He would have looked like he could have been the same age as her and Isidro if his face still wasn’t his.

“I...I don’t know what to do,” the green-haired girl gulped as her mind scrambled, trying to think of something she could do.

A sudden revelation that seemed impossible crossed the girl’s mind over what might be happening to Guts. It seemed so outlandish to her that she just couldn’t believe it. As far as she knew there wasn’t a spell that could cause it. Then again there wasn’t a spell that could make a person fall in love with another and she had thought she found that out. She didn’t know whether to be happy or disappointed with how this was turning out. She had hoped that he would be falling over himself over her and trying to please her any way he could. On the other hand, her spiteful side told her that then he wouldn’t be with Casca and found some joy in that.

“Guts I think….you might be turning into a copy of me,” the girl said.

“What do you mean I’m turning into a copy of y-you!” The berserker roared, only for his voice to start cracking up and rise in pitch.

He continued to cough as if he was trapped in a smoky room not too far from a raging fire. The more he wretched the more his voice rose. The man tried to keep them down, but he couldn’t help but cough. He placed his hands over his mouth, his throat burning. He placed his hand on it and could feel his Adam's apple getting smaller, his throat constricting as if was shrinking. Oon the burn passed and his coughing fit came to an end.

“Finally,” the man said and blinked at the voice that left his mouth was exactly like Schrieke’s. “Could I really be turning into you?”

“It's just an assumption, but it is all I can think of considering that your appearance is getting closer to mine,” the woman gulped.

Guts’s face started to change and soften, even further despite all of the scars he had lost not too long ago. The shape of his jaw and the rest of his skull’s features adjusted as the changes reached them. The frustrated snarl on his face weakened as his face twitched from what was happening to him. His nose let out an audible crunch as it got smaller, his nostrils compensating for the change in size. His eyelashes grew longer and added even more of a feminine appeal to his face. His chapped lips cleaned, and swelled slightly in size with new life and becoming cute thin lips that mirrored the cause of the transformation’s own. Soon the transformation stopped, and Guts face had become a replica of Schrieke’s.

The one who was the most shocked was the witch herself. It was as if she looking at a mirror rather than a person. It unnerved and fascinated her at the same time. The rage on his face was gone and replaced by a look of panic that she had never seen in his eyes before. It was strange to see and made her feel a little guilty about all of this.

The new green-haired man picked up the training blade to look at his face and gasped at what was looking back at him. She dropped the blade in shock.

“Schrieke is there a way you can counter this with one of your spells? Even if you could only delay it for a while,” the man frowned at the voice that left his lips and then let out an almost cute growl.

A pull between the effeminate man’s legs made him stop. He gulped and breathed as for a moment the wood he had between his legs hardened. The changing man let go of his pants from the sudden shock which immediately fell onto the ground.

The witch blushed at the sight of his receding masculinity and quickly covered her mouth, she had always envisioned seeing it, but this was never what she had in mind.

The man gulped and panted heavily as he shimmied in place, his eyes rapidly blinking as if she was blinded. Soon his masculinity had been replaced by a new set of organs, and the new woman breathed out as clarity returned to her eyes. She noticed the draft going on down below and growled.

“Damnit!” The former man cried as she picked up her pants to cover her new femininity. A faint blush covered her face and she quickly looked around, as if making sure no one had seen the two of them.

“Ahh!” the new young woman cried as her butt started to perk up. A dark blush crossed her face as sensations she hadn’t felt in a while came over her. She looked over her shoulder at her butt and saw her behind soften somewhat. The toned muscle in it got smaller as it softened. It finished changing when she had a small cute round butt that was greatly concealed by the pants she wore. Her pants covered the middle and lower part of her rear well enough, but the top was still visible for all to see if anyone was behind her.

“How much more before this is done?”

“Guts there isn’t much but the last is...something,” Schrieke said, not sure how to break it to the older man what would be happening next.

The former man looked down at her body and then at Schrieke’s. The new green-haired girl’s eyes rested on the young woman’s chest. She looked down at her own body and had quickly realized what the young woman meant.

“Fuck,” the new green-haired woman said.

Her new twin’s chest started to push out against the ill-fitting top she wore now. She gulped as she breathed heavily. Her now larger areola and nipples rubbed against the uncomfortable rough cotton fabric and made her shiver. Mere moments after, two small lumps formed and quickly finished growing when they became a supple B-cup and were no larger than full oranges.

The new woman gasped and moaned as the fabric rubbed against her softer new body in ways that she couldn’t get used to. Tears welled in the corner of her eyes, not sure what to do or say. She was freaked out by all of this. It wasn’t as horrible as the many atrocities and stuff that she had done in her life, but this was a different shade of weird that she hadn’t expected at all.

A sudden stabbing sensation came over her head and she held it as it got worse by the second, exposing her lower body again. It was as if she was being stabbed in the eye when she tried to save Casca from Griffith all those years ago. Her head started to fog and the confusion, and the pain eased as a blank expression crossed her face.

“Guts just breathe in, I’ll figure something out,” Schrieke promised. She would find a way to turn him back into his original form. It might take some time but if she could cause this then she was sure that she would be able to make things right.

“Sister,” the new green-haired girl said nervously as if she was testing the word. She then blushed profusely when she felt a draft over her lower body and scrambled to pick up the pants. She held them up as high as she could, hiding her lower body from view.

Schrieke stilled and her eyes widened at the word and the way Guts reacted. It felt like an arrow had pierced her heart, but instead of being disappointed or angry about what happened to the man, she loved. She liked it. Being called a sibling warmed her heart and made her smiled.

“Please help me, sister,” the other green-haired girl pleaded with a dark blush of embarrassment on her face.

“Of course...Mayuri,” Schrieke said. The new name coming to her easily. With a wave of her wand, the ill-fitting clothes on her new twin’s body started to change.

The new girl beamed at the comfortable robes she wore and even twirled around to Schrike’s amusement. She even twirled around as if she was a dancer, earning a laugh from the original green-haired woman.

This might not be what she had intended, but she would be lying if she said that she didn’t like the final result. Especially since she had a cute little sister now.


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