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Captain Falcon jumped around the battlefield avoiding Master Hand and Crazy Hand as they tried to attack him. The captain was on his last leg and he had no doubt that two giant gloved hands knew it too. The rest of his allies had been dealt by the two hands and he was all that remained of them. He didn’t think it would be easy to fight them, even with the help that he had. Even so, he would not back down. He couldn’t afford to give up. Not when there was so much at stake.

He dodged one of the hands that zoomed across the battlefield like a rocket. He leaped into the air and the captain leaped closer to the other hand, who floated around as if waiting for a moment to attack. This was an opportunity that he couldn’t afford to waste. If he could take out one of them then he should be able to handle the other hand, despite how weakened he was. The moment Captain Falcon landed in front of the other giant hand he quickly pulled his arm back as he readied one of his signature attacks. Energy coursed through his body

“Falcon Punch!” The captain cried as he attacked the bird, a large flame phoenix appearing behind as he attacked the Master Hand.

As expected the attack did nothing to faze the giant hand, but he could tell that he had hurt it. When fighting one of the giant hands, it required a person to recognize the motions no matter how subtle they were.

The two giant hands moved as one. Master hand stayed where he was while Crazy Hand moved around erratically making the captain grimace as he tried to keep the two in sight. It was hard with how the two moved around.

With how powerful they were one of them was enough to do some serious damage. He zoomed into the air his fiery leg crashing into Crazy hand and then jumped past it. He couldn’t afford to slow down at all and had to stay on the move. Slowing down or stopping for even a slight second could be all that the two giant hands needed to finish him once and for all.

Then captain was knocked out of the air and slammed onto the floor of the arena. He skidded across the edge and started to fall down into the abyss.

“No, it won’t end like this!” Captain Falcon cried. The captain recovered in the air and jumped but even so, he knew that it wouldn’t be enough and he would need an extra push to get there.

“Falcon Kick!” The captain cried as he moved to a kicking position into the air to give him a little extra room and hope the help that he needed to get up there.

He zoomed through the air, the power of his kick sending him flying into the air. The moment he slowed and the power of his kick was gone he moved his upper body forward to grab the edge of the stage. The captain managed to grab the edge of the stage and breathed heavily.

“To close,” Captain muttered as he pulled himself up before either one of the hands could try anything. He breathed heavily in and out. He was sure that if he took one more attack then he was as good as gone, but that only meant that he had to be extra careful. He growled as he stared at the two giant hands, wondering what their next ploy would be.

Master Hand made a finger gun and the captain readied himself to move, only to be hit from behind by Crazy Hand. The captain gasped as he fell to the ground, and before he could react a pink beam hit him.

The captain gulped and looked down at his body, expecting to see something wrong with it. However, instead of feeling pain he felt nothing as if the attack had missed. He prodded his body with a heavy frown. There was no way that attack had failed there had to be something else that he just couldn’t see or would take effect in the moment.

“What have you two done to me!” Captain Falcon demanded.

The two didn’t say anything and weren’t attached to any larger bodies, but he was sure that the two giant hands were smirking down at him as if they were mocking him.

He could suddenly feel everything going on with his body that made him shiver as if there were ants crawling all over his body. The scratch of his pants and jacket against his body. The hair on his body rubbing against his clothes. All of it was painfully clear to him as if it was happening right now.

“No matter what you have done to me, you foul monster, it will not stop me from defeating you!” Captain Falcon boasted.

Crazy Hand gave him a 50/50 gesture while Master Hand continued to just float there aimlessly.

“You may think light of me, but I don’t care what you have done to me, and you will pay for it!” Captain Falcon declared as he resumed his combat stance.

Suddenly the sensation of his body being rubbed increase, and the captain’s strong muscular body started to et smaller as if he was a balloon losing air. His clothes got looser from the sudden loss of mass. He pulled at them, frowning at how strange the sensation.

“What is this?” “the Captain questioned, trying to make sense of the change. When the changes stopped he growled angrily at the pair.

“Even if you remove my physical strength there is nothing that you can do to stop my spirit!” CaptainFalcon cried as he tightened his belt around his waist to keep his pants up and make his shirt move around less. He tightened the belt that his gun holster was attached to as well.

The two hands didn’t do anything and have faces, and yet he got the feeling that they were looking at him with a flat expression as if they were annoyed by his antics. It made him growl considering all that they had done to him and the others. The fact that he wasn’t even being taken seriously by them only added more salt to the wound.

The captain leaped to punch them, but the two hands moved out of the way. He ran after them and frowned at how much slower he was. It felt like his legs had heavyweights wrapped around them and his body felt uneven. He looked down at his legs and frowned at the sight of the armor that was there. Normally the heavy metal there that would have helped protected now severed as a detriment with how they weighed them down. Still, there was nothing he could do about them now. If he tried to take them off then the only thing he ensured was that he was going to get squashed.

“You won’t get away from me!” Falcon yelled. He leaped to strike at them, but couldn’t jump as high as he did previously something that made him frown.

The hands slowly moved across the field, even Crazy Hand and its normally has erratic movements were slow and measured to a degree. The captain didn’t let it stop and continued to try and take them down. When he was close enough he moved to strike them, but they would suddenly move faster than they had before. It was almost as if they were a person pranking a friend with how they would suddenly move out of reach.

Still, the smaller Captain Falcon didn’t let it stop him. The hands continued to float around, avoiding his attacks, not even trying to fight back. It made the man narrow his eyes at the pair in annoyance and curiosity. It was strange that neither of them tried to fight back or launch any attack, especially in his weakened state.

“Do you think that I am no longer worth your time?” Captain Falcon demanded angrily, honestly feeling insulted that neither of the giant hands tried to attack him.

The gloves didn’t do anything that showed what their inner thoughts might be like. They continued to just float almost aimlessly.

“What sort of game are you playing at,” The captain demanded but received no answer. Not that he expected one in the first place since they lacked mouth. Still, there was no way that he would let whatever they were planning finish. He would just have to beat them before whatever they had done to him finished, and hope that it would reverse the process.

“I have had enough of your shenanigans!” Captain Falcon roared and changed forward.

He moved faster than he had moments ago when the change first happen. He moved in a way to deal with the loose ill-fitting armor. When he was close enough he leaped up into the air with all of his strength and punched Master Hand. His fist managed hit the side of one of the fingers.

As he fell to the ground, the captain smiled at managing to graze one of his foes. He was getting used to his altered body. It might have taken a moment, but now that he was learning about his body and dealing with the sudden shift in weight he could properly act. If he could hit them that that meant that he could hurt them. His techniques might not be as powerful but that didn’t matter as long as he could still fight back.

He moved toward Crazy Hand, which was moving right past him and he jumped into the air and kicked it. His foot crashing against the index finger. The captain fell back from the kick and moved into a landing position. He stumbled when he touched the ground, but it did nothing to deter his grin.

A shadow loomed over him and he looked up to see that Master Hand was hovering over him. It quickly moved its fingers into a poking position and the Captain widened his eyes as it moved to attack.

Captain Falcon blocked the poke with his arms and skidded back across the ground, wincing from the pain. After a moment it pulled back and floated away as if it had lost interest in trying to get him. His arms stung against the blow as if he had taken a barrage from Little Mac. His arms burned like they had when he had been training to take the mantle of Captain Falcon from his predecessor.

His arms numbed as the next change started. His forearms, the main part of his arms that had taken the blow thinned down as if the what muscle he had there morphed and gained an even more feminine appearance. The change then hit his hands and they thinned down. His wrists got smaller and the calluses on the palm of his hands softened. His fingers got smaller and his nails refined and were left with cute feminine hands that looked like they had came out of a nail salon. The changes hit his biceps and they got smaller as well as they softened. The last thing to change was his shoulders which let out a loud crack as they moved inward, giving him a more rounded appearance befitting that of a woman. His thin limbs had become perfectly feminine arms that had a definition to them that only added to their sleek appeal.

Crazy Hand came around on the side of him and he kicked at the other giant hand but missed. The moment it passed, Crazy Hand quickly moved and pressed down on the leg that he had used to kick. It harshly poked his leg, making him fall to the ground. It prodded his other leg and then floated away. The captain glared as he could easily imagine the idiotic giant hand giggling as it did from the way that the fingers kept going up and down.

His legs started to change. His feet started to get smaller, his boots loosening in the process. His toes refined and got smaller along with the rest of his shoes shrinking into cute petite feet. His already loose boots were even looser on his body and felt like he was wearing large clown shoes that made it harder for him to walk around. The rest of his legs continued to morph making them thin down and get sleeker as what muscle ws in them changed and got thinner. The moment the changes reached his thighs they started to grow larger and stockier as if the muscle that was in them was returning. They grew larger, though not just with feminine muscle, but also with strong muscle that added generous curve to them that would make them brush against each other.

The captain frowned at the sight of the now plus thighs. If it wasn’t for his belt that he already tightness around his body there was little donut in his mind that it would have fallen off.

“I think I figured out your goal! You intend to take all of my strength before you finish me off! That is quite a devious of your goal but it will do nothing to stop me!!”

The two giant hands turned to one another as if they were having a conversation. They floated there as if they were suspended in the air. The giant fingers remained put and in their natural state.

The captain took the opportunity to move his body and almost toppled over from the weirdness of his steps. Everything was thrown off by the way that his feet felt. Still, as a hero, he wouldn’t let hit stop him from doing what he must.

Crazy Hand flew and Captain Falcon moved to strike it. He jumped into the air and punched the giant hand. Again his body moved and he was able to strike it. With what was happening to him, he wasn’t sure that he would be able to strike it until he gained an understanding of how to move and fight with this body. It was comforting that he could still put up a fight.

A dark shadow loomed over him and saw that Master Hand had got into position over him.  Master Hand flew down and tapped the top of his helmet with his pointer finger as if he was pressing down on a button.

The captain stumbled back from the blow somewhat surprised by the softness of it. It didn’t feel like a real attack, almost like a soft knock on the head when you poked someone on the head. It made the man frown and wonder what was going to happen to him next. The attacks they have done were nothing like what they used to do and with the current changes he can only imagine what might happen to him next.

Captain falcon’s head suddenly felt like it had been dumped under a bucket of water. The age that was on the captain’s face started to disappear as if the youth on his face returned. The hard-defined lines on his face receded and disappeared replaced with that of a young man. However, that youth started to morph right after. The hard defined face structure that he

The helmet that the captain wore that would have protected his head came loose. Grab the bottom of it and try to keep it in place but a nauseating feeling made him feel as if he was spinning around. Despite his best efforts, it came off revealing soft chocolatey locks of hair that billowed out behind the changing man and rested gently on his back. The captain's nose became smaller and took on a more sharp pointed feminine nose. His lips gained a new bright red shine to them as they grew in size until they were perfect to give kisses.

“What sort of scheme are you trying to pull?” The captain muttered. Nothing about this attack made much sense. The loss of muscle mass certainly did by reducing his capabilities, but the growing hair, and softening skin did nothing to help. The captain tore off the metal shoulder pad on his shoulder and it fell onto the ground. The uneven weight on his body now felt far easier to manage.

“It doesn't matter, whatever it is, this ends now!” Captain falcon declared. A change man rushed forward and leaked into the air to strike Crazy Hand.

Crazy hand turned on its side and caught the captain with its pointer and thumb. It pinched the captain’s waist, earning a groan from him. It rolled him back and forth as if it was a piece of dough that was being rolled around. The captain struggled against the two fingers trying to pry one of them off so he can escape crazy hands hold but he couldn’t move it an inch. When it finished the captain’s waist had become a slim sexy waist that had no place on a man and looked like it could rival one of the many beautiful female fighters.

After seeing its work was done, Crazy Hand let go of the captain and floated away.

The captain groaned as he held his aching stomach and waist. That wasn’t the worst she’s ever gone through but it was certainly up there. It felt as if a tube had been wrapped around his waist. He ran his hands down his waist shuttering from it. It was strange, forign and freaked him out how natural it felt.

The two hands moved as one and got on opposite sides of the changing fighter. Then they suddenly move forward both their pointer fingers out. The two digits collided on the opposite side of the captain's hips, making him gasp. Right after they hit the captain both of the hands floated away as if he was a bomb that was about to go off.

Right as they flew away, Captain Falcon’s hips suddenly snapped wider. For a moment the changing man struggled to stay standing as his hips felt like they would shatter. He had huge striking hips that looked like they belonged to a woman.

“Wait a minute was that your plan this whole time!” Captain Falcon demanded.

The two hands did nothing to show whether he was right or wrong. Again they just floated there as if they were waiting for something to happen. He didn’t expect anything less from the two.

“Don’t think that changing me into a woman will make me any less of a fighter!”

Crazy hand put it self upright and then zoomed up into the air like a rocket, smoke trailing behind it. The captain watched wondering where the giant hand would go. He saw Master Hand move and frowned, wondering where the next attack would come. He heard a loud zoom and quickly turned to see where Crazy Hand was coming from.

“Ahh!” The captain cried in a higher pitch voice that sounds more like a high squeak.

As he flew back he could vaguely feel his masculinity and balls moving into his body whimpering.He fell onto the ground holding his aching crotch, his eyes twitching from the pain as his whimpers rose in pitch. His Adams apple got smaller by the second and soon it was completely gone, changing his voice into that of a young woman’s.

His privates changed into a moist vagina that was eager for attention. The captain turned herself around so her back was to the pair. She rose her butt into many hours look like she was asking for someone to give it a slap.

Master Hand came up behind the former man and poked the captain in the rear sending the woman tumbling down.

The new woman managed to stop her cute face from hitting the floor of the stage with her hands. She growled and looked over in embarrassment and anger. Suddenly she was pushed down to the ground as it pressed on her flat boney rear again. The moment it moved away, her bottom gained little more girth.

“H-Hey stop it!” The new woman cried in embarrassment. She tried to push herself off or move to the side, but still the giant fingers kept poking her rear.

With every prod on the captain’s rear more mass appeared on the new woman’s rear, making her squeal again. It quickly lost some of the tightness as it gained more girth. He continued to prod her bottom with a vigor as if it was a button that they couldn't resist pressing. The young woman could feel her bottom wiggle more every time and it fuled the arousal and embarrassment that she felt.

“Stop it!” The woman gulped as she shuddered from the sensations that racked her body. She looked at her ass and saw it had grown larger. Her tongue came out and she licked her lips.

The giant hand stopped and seemed to observe her rear for itself. After a moment he pinched her two massive cheeks together, earning a squeal from her. She shuddered nad blinked through the aroused haze and noticed that the tightness that she had lost moments ago had returned, and still kept the immense girth that her ass had now.

It pointed its finger at her and a beam of light appeared out of its pointer finger and shot toward the captain.

“There is nothing ahh!” Captain Falcon cried as she tried to get up. Only to suddenly felt like she was being given a strong wedgie.

Her clothes started to change. The legs of his pants shrunk at a rapid pace. They quickly went up past her knee caps and stopped when they reached her mid-thighs. They clung to her new shapely legs emphasizing how much thinner and sleeker they were.A blue and red checkered skirt appeared that vaguely concealed her tight shorts. Her shirt and jacket rose, exposing her flat tight stomach and slim waist. It continued to climb up until her shirt became a small top that would have accentuated her breasts if she had any, while her jacket became a matching blue and red that matched her skirt.

“Uhh,” the former racer groaned as she got up, her new bouncy rear almost too much for her to bear.

The new woman forced herself to get into a fighting stance, ignoring the bounce of her rear. Her legs trembled as if she was about to collapse

Master hand turned around so the back of the glove was facing the Captain and  started making a come hither gesture at her as if telling her to come closer.

The new woman’s chest started to push out as fat piled on it. The last of the young woman gasped as she rubbed her chest. She groaned as her nipples grew against her top and her fighting stance collapsed in a nano second as she shuddered as if she had been shocked with a taser. Her nipples pushed against her top making her spasm worse. There was nothing that the new woman could do to ease if and even if she could, she wouldn’t. The new woman's loins flared as the front of her shorts moistened from the sudden release that she had just gotten, but her skirt protect her deceny and release from view. The poor girl wasn't used to feeling a release like this and it had taken its toll on her mind more than the fight with the two giant hands.

Fat piled on behind her erect nipples pushing her chest further out. She moaned erotically and squirmed where she stood. The new woman looked down at her chest and noticed the small lumps that would gain a moment’s attention before they moved on. A sudden surge from her breasts made her body heaten further. Another surge went through her body and her growing tits gained another cup size to them that made them stand out more then they already had. The captain roughly squeezed her chest as her breast growth finally started to slow down and finish their development when they became a large D-cup that looked like full ripe apples in size.

In the back of her mind, the new woman knew that she should be terrified and exclaiming vulgarities at the sight of them but she couldn’t. Instead, she squealed in delight as she continued to massage her bust. It felt so good, so much better than when she pleased herself as a guy.

She fell onto her fat ass and moaned in delight and proceeded to shimmy from side to side, making the woman's rear explode with pleasure. She groaned as a new fresh trail of drool came out of her mouth. She panted heavily like a dog in heat and bit her lip. The explosive glee that she felt from her rear and groping of her chest made her jump in her seat as if she was being shocked.

The new buxom beauty laid there, fawning over her new body. Her new attire squeaking loudly as she shuffled around, moaning loudly. It was all so different and pleasing, so enticing from what she was used to that she couldn’t bring herself to stop even though she knew that she should.

The Crazy Hand turned to its counterpart and gave it a thumbs up. The Master Hand returned the gesture, and then the two of them high-fived, ignoring the moaning Captain Falcon and what had happened. This was a different way for them to deal with the fighters that they had taken but it was a good way. Perhaps in the future, they could do it to another troublesome fighter that didn’t learn their lesson.


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