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 The final section of my original plans for the Demon Lord's castle. This was a fun series and I'm glad to see it finally reach the end of the original plot. For those who want more there could be more like series and all. If I can think of something or someone decides to add more to it.  

I really have to thank the commissioner for making it so I could actually finish this one. I don't know if I ever would have gotten back to it without their help. 

Hope you like the story everyone. 


Drakon charged through the castle, swinging his sword as he killed lesser animalistic nature demons. the monsters being cut down by his holy blade like wet paper. His body didn’t feel the slightest bit tired from his strikes and he continued further down the castle, knowing instinctively where he needed to go. He could feel the demon lord’s power and his blessing from the gods made it easy for him to tell where he was.

Something felt off as he fought through the castle. It was easier then he thought it would be to deal with the monsters, in fact compared to what they fought on the way here it might as well have been a simple exercise. It might have been their scheme which had got so many of the stronger demons away, but even so, he expected there would be more powerful demons here. On his way here, he had seen and felt the stronger demons fly to the town and snuck in. The only strong demon he felt here was the demon king himself, who let out such an immense aura it almost bathed the other demons in it. 

His friends were currently holding off the rest of the demons in the town and getting their attention to weaken the defenses here. After observing the place for the day, and watching the place to learn what they could and the multiple powerful demons inside they started thinking of options to do so. A frontal assault would be a terrible idea, for the simple fact all their forces would be concentrated there.

If they fought them all at once they could have been overwhelmed and defeated. So they thought it would be best to divide their power and create a scheme, which would hopefully incite the people into joining them. He wondered how much of it was their plan, and how much of it was the demon lord choosing to let him get closer. With the way demons had been sending his forces out to deal with him he had to know he was here. Whatever the case maybe he welcomed it and would never say to the demon lord he was grateful. It would allow him to fight at his best when they clashed. 

Drakon stopped in front of the door and breathed heavily, his mind wandering before the final fight. It felt strange to be here now after coming so far. The journey to get here had been insane and he still wondered if everything that happened actually did. He couldn't believe he had been chosen to be the one to fight this demon lord when there were so many more people out there who were better equipped and trained then him and he was expected to fix things after the world had started falling. 

Things had been getting worse by the day ever since the demon first arrived. The neighboring lands had quickly acted and built up defenses to prepare as others gathered their armies to launch an attack. The forces of the dark forces of the demon lord were met with some resistance, but they were gradually gaining in strength. None of the major kingdoms had fallen yet, but some were getting pushed harder than others. It would only be a matter of time if a coalition couldn’t be met to deal with them.

The new Demon Lord had moved faster than any of them had predicted and started attacking them like lightning. It had put many of them on the back foot. It had also caused other dark creatures to pledge their loyalty to him. The dark elves and the amazons were some of the first to pledge themselves to the Demon King and in return had been given blessings by him for their loyalty. He had commanded his forces to attack and they had moved like lightning across the continent and had taken castles and towns before any true resistance could be built. 

All of the demons and various other forces moving around had made it hard to travel across the land and get the training he needed. Almost at every turn he was forced to watch out for how he would act. It had made hiding, especially because of his powers hard to do. It had taken help from them to suppress his powers and conceal them from sight to do, along with magical gear. 

Just getting into the village was a challenge alone, and staying hidden even harder. The town was being patrolled routinely by demons of various strengths. Even some of the personal demons who had come to warm their master’s bed came here and browsed through their wares and clothing. It made them nervous about how they could react and what the lord of the demons would be like in terms of power. 

After seeing how powerful and numerous the demons were they had thought about how they could get into the castle and deal with the demon lord. They had thought of inciting a riot to get the people to aid them, but the humans here had no interest in anything which could earn the ire of their new lord. Still the amount of chaos they could cause would certainly get their attention. They would keep the collateral damage to a minimum and only cause enough damage by attacking the demons. 

While it would serve to get their attention it wouldn’t be the main objective, the true objective would be for him to get in the castle. His party would do everything they can to distract the demons from him, so he would have the opening he needed to get in there and finish the Demon Lord. By then everything would depend on him and ending the demon lord.

He wished his friends were here with him now. To ease the burden this final fight would have on him. To make him feel secure about what he was going into. With them he felt stronger, as if he could take on anything the demon Fighting him by himself now felt….wrong, almost as if he was betraying them. He wouldn’t have made it this far without them and would have died numerous times if they hadn’t saved him and helped him in the fights they had fought and the skills they taught him.

Drakon shook his head and breathed out and he grabbed the handle of the door. No he wasn’t betraying him, if he gave up now would be betraying him. They were making possibly the ultimate sacrifice for him so that he could get here. To do anything less than fight, especially if they were doing so now. He opened the door and stepped inside to fight, bracing himself for what he hoped to be the final fight of his life. He steeled himself at the sight of what he hoped would be his final foe.

There lounging on the throne in the center of the room was the demon lord, dressed in fine clothes. He was resting his hand in one hand, while he tapped the arm of the chair with his other hand. A light smile graced his face, as if he was seeing an old acquaintance. 

“So you are the one, who had been causing such a ruckus. I wondered when you would show up,” the demon lord remarked. 

“Well I’m here now, and I’m going to put your reign of terror to an end!” Drakon declared as he pointed his sword at him. 

“Maybe so, but we both know the prophecy about you doesn’t mean you will win.”

“It was stated I would be your end!” Draken said. 

“Did it, or did it state that you could be the one to end me? The fate of this world hinges on the tip of a blade and whoever wins this determines how things will go, for the next couple hundred or thousand years. Then another hero could come who might be able to end me, but by then my rule would be solidified in this world.”

“I’m not going to let that happen,” Drakon said and called upon the power with him, making the tattoos on his body shine.

He leapt forward to attack and the demon lord left his chair and summoned his own weapon in response. The two were like a whirlwind of death as they moved. They struck at each other, their blades clashed with each other at such speed they were little more than blurs. The two had no idea how long the fight between them lasted, their bodies burned the longer it went on. The tattoos on the human’s body burning brightly. The chair and tables around them were getting caught in the crossfire of magical blasts. Fire and smoke filled the room.

The two continued to fight throughout the room, Drakon using a small bit of his magic to put out the fire before it could spread. The demon king smiled throughout the fight as if he was having a fierce spar. The castle walls were marked with their blades, even allowing sunlight to poke through some of the cuts along the wall. The longer the fight went on the fiercer their clash got. They would send out magical blasts they would either dodge or hit with their own. 

Asmodeus sent out a powerful blast of dark energy, and the chosen one countered with a ball of light energy.  The two balls collided, causing a loud explosion filled the room and sent the two flying back to the opposite side of the room.

Drakon groaned as he hit the wall and fell to the floor like a doll. He struggled to stand, his whole body ached as if he had gone through several walls. He raised his hand and used the divine power he had been given to heal his wounds. A warm pleasant feeling came over him, and the wounds he felt started to ease. The power he had felt eased his pain and made it easier for him to move. A slow clapping caught his attention and he quickly looked at his foe to see it was him.

“Well done. Good effort, but it is not enough. Now then it's time to seal the fate of this world,” Asmodeus said happily as he raised his hand and fired a beam of energy at the downed hero. 

Drakon raised his arms and called upon his blessing, making a golden light came off his hands as he used his powers to fight. The tattoos on his body glowed brightly as they did and the young man could feel his body burn. 

The two energies clashed, both of them trying to overcome the other. Both of them poured more power into the blasts trying to overpower the other. Sweat rolled down the human’s skin while the demon’s legs buckled from the power. He continued to push and pour more of his power into. He let out a scream and the size and power of the demonic power energy swelled and overcame the divine power Drakon had sent out. The demon’s powers pushed his hands apart and nailed him to the chest. The human screamed as the power hit his chest, and the demon lord ceased the flow of power as he watched with an eager grin. 

The tattoos on his lower body started to change as more of the power ran through him. The faint golden lines which had marked him as the chosen one started to darken. They first turned into a bright silver, but continued to darken until they were a dark black. The demonic power was merging with the divine power running through his body. It made his body feel as if it encased in ice, and yet burned him as if he was on fire.

His body and clothes felt off as if he was swimming through water. The stubble on his chin started to disappear as if it was being cut off. It felt like his clothes had been getting rougher, as if they weren’t being properly maintained. The way they scratched his clothes as if they were rough wood made him want to tear them off. The truth of the matter was the hair on his body was starting to thin down below his eyebrows. It continued to get smaller and disappear as if it was never there before. The young man reached up and pulled the sleeve of his shirt to see the hair on his forearm was gone as if it was never there to begin with.

“W-What are you doing to me!” Drakon demanded.

“I’m going to change you to suit my desires. I have plenty of mistresses, but what I do not have is a wife,” the demon said. 

The hero blinked in confusion and moved to grab his weapon, only for a powerful dark blast to hit the sword and send it flying away. A dark energy encompassed the blade and when he tried to summon it again, he gasped when he couldn’t. 

“It's been a secret for my forces about how I have been recruiting for my forces. I have gone to great lengths to make sure it wouldn’t be discovered. If it was, then all of the kingdoms would do everything they could to make sure it wouldn’t be discovered. I couldn’t let that happen at such an important step if I was going to rule this world. The reality of the situation is that there are no survivors, because I have taken steps to ensure that they wouldn’t be found.”

It explained why there were never any survivors after any battles and they always moved to take prisoners. If they were being changed to reinforce their forces then it would only be a matter of time before they swelled larger if he wasn’t stopped here. 

The hero tried to force more power into his legs and felt a familiar but different sensation run through his body as he moved away to put some distance between them. Instead of the pleasant feeling of his legs near a fire, the warmth felt like warm water was crawling down his body. He stumbled and gulped as he looked down at his legs as they felt off. He looked down and his eyes widened when he looked at his legs. 

The dark tattoos on his legs let out a dark light and he could feel the power in them release. 

His legs started to change and grew thinner. The muscle in them started to change and become slimmer. A warmth spread up his body from them that filled him with arousal, just like when a pretty girl was talking to him. He could his feet start changing in his boots and his toes start getting smaller along with the rest of his feet. It continued up his legs as they started to thin down and more to match his feet. The moment it reached his thighs they started to swell against the confines of his clothes. They pushed the garment farther out as they grew larger, causing rips to form in the cloth and expose his plush thighs. 

Drakon immediately ceased the power running through them and had to force the power to stop, it was harder than it should have been, just like when he was first learning. The moment he did the change to his legs ceased when he was left with model-like legs, befitting many of the beauties he had run into during his time, who had tried to seduce him. 

“Such lovely legs my dear, must certainly fill your mind with plenty of ideas if they were on anyone else,” the demon lord said. 

“Don’t call me your dear monster!” Drakon cried and summoned a ball of divine light in his hand.

The ball of power was a mix of black and gold, almost as if the powers were fighting for dominance. He tossed it Asmodeus, who summoned a shield which blocked the power. The demon’s smirk grew as if he was seeing an entertaining show. 

The hero looked at his hand and gasped when he saw the same glow which had formed from his legs formed on his hands as they started to change. He tried to force it stop and again it was harder then it was mere moments ago. He tried harder as it continued up his arms, causing them to slim down, the scars on them vanishing as they changed into strong feminine arms. His biceps started shrinking the ball of muscle still noticeable.

Drakon gulped, wondering what he would do now. He preferred not to rely on the marks, but with the speed and power the demon king showed it was the only way he would be able to keep up with him. He had to take him out before whatever was happening came to completion. 

He looked at the demon again and his stomach felt a little heavier and his face warmed slightly. The way his face chiseled, the way his muscles glistened as he moved. After a moment, his heart felt as if someone had grabbed it and held it in a vice grip. He knew this feeling, and felt it for a lovely magician in his party. 

“N-No,” the hero cried and desperately tried to fight the blossoming feelings for him as his stomach started to feel off. He hugged himself and noticed his waist felt smaller than it did before. He gulped as he moved his arms and saw the sides of his clothes were hanging looser than before off the sides of his body. He reached down and noticed the fat off the side of his waist started traveling down to his hips. His hips started to grow wider from the sudden fat and muscle from his stomach made its way down below, leaving him with wide delectable hips.

“I see things are starting to take their course. Just imagine all of the children we could have together and what they would look like, ruling over this world,” the demon said. “Just let it happen, and you will know eternal bliss so long as you are loyal to me.”

The transforming hero tried to block out the thought, but it formed despite his best efforts. The changing young man tried harder to fight these feelings and the paintings they produced but they kept growing stronger. The tattoos came to live and he immediately tried to turn them off, but it kept harder. He groaned as he tried harder, but it was as if he was trying to fight a tsunami. It was unstoppable and they continued to shine no matter how hard he tried to stop the power flowing through him. 

The young man’s concentration was disrupted when his face felt as if cold water had been thrown on her face as his face quickly went numb. The sensation of someone gently pressing their hand against his face made him flinch as if he had just been struck. He could feel his nose get more pointed and sharper as it started to get smaller in size, until it became an adorably cute nose which helped heighten his feminine features. The reverse happened with his lips, which started to get larger, as if he was suffering a reaction to some sort of concoction or food. 

“Your mother must have been a beauty,” the demon lord remarked as he summoned a pillar of water to act as a mirror. “I find it comforting that every adventure or person who stands against me seems to turn into a beautiful woman naturally. It means a little work for me and that I don’t have to worry about any butter faces which might show up.”

Drakon blushed from the praise he received and felt the attraction for the monster grow. His mouth went dry and his mind fumbled as the words he had in mind were mixed with thoughts of arousal that corrupted them.

A sharp pain formed above his butt and the young man gulped, wondering if his pants would be able to survive the next change. He wasn’t a genius by any means, but even he would be able to put things together. 

“And now it seems we begin to see the demon inside you,” Asmodeus remarked curiously. 

A snow white tip formed out of his tail and continued to grow larger, until it reached down the bottom of the floor. His back ached as if someone was repeatedly nailing his back with dull spiked gauntlets. The pain continued to grow and he reached around to claw at his back to hopefully let them out and make the pain cease. A ripping sound filled the room and the pain he felt seemed to have reached its apex. The scorching pain in his back as if someone had stabbed him in the back ceased, and was replaced with a nice comforting warmth, as if he was resting by a fire pit. He felt the new appendages unfurl as if they were of their own will. The young man looked and saw he now had large snowwhite bat wings emerged from his back and unfurled as if he was about to take flight. The changing young man tried to move them to see how much control he actually had over them and managed to make the wings twitch and slightly. 

“My I must say you have such unique wings,” the demon lord said. “I have never seen a demon with white wings and a tail. It might be related to the divine energy coursing through your body.”

Drakon opened his mouth to reply, only for the new demon felt a pull between his legs and forced himself to reach down. He could feel his masculinity stand proud as if it was being massaged by a lovely woman. It continued to feel as if it was growing, until it started to pull into his body and his balls started to rise as they did the same. The man reached down and the moment he did, it felt like he had started to softly caress them. He touched again and the caressing feeling grew as if someone was increasing their pace. The first ball slipped into his body, and it was followed by the other. The transitioning man whimpered as he kept poking his remaining ball, making his body spasm with surges of pleasure like electrical shocks. His other ball went into his body and the tip of his masculinity immediately followed it. A new moist virgin vagina appeared and took its places, aching to the former male to be used. 

The changing man groaned and held his head as if someone had slapped both sides of his temple. Small little points the size of pebbles were poking through his head and were growing larger. Geen horns poked through his head and curled up back over his scalp. The man gulped as they continued to push out of his skull and finished growing when he had long elegant dark green horns. 

“So you do have horns, I must admit I thought you wouldn’t after a moment, still they look nice.”

Drakon gasped as his skin started to change, once dark skin started to take on an unusual tone. His dark olive colored skin started to change as a small patch of dark pink skin formed and continued to grow out as if he was suffering from drinking too many mana potions. It continued to grow larger and expand out, hitting every part of his body like a terrible rash. He closed his eyes and saw the bridge of his nose was changing color. He closed the other and saw the same change was happening on the other side. He touched it and could almost feel the transformation happening as it moved as if it was a strong gust of wind.

“Very good. Out of all the girls I have warming my bed, you will be the one I think I will take the most pleasure in being with. Once your transformation is finished we shall make sure to throw a proper celebration, with all the mistresses and plenty of guests to see our union,” Asmodeus said and gently kissed her on the lips. “It will be sung for hundreds of years.” 

The clothes he wore started to change as his pants and the gamebson he wore merged together and squeezed her form as if it was being stretched out. A cut formed above her chest of the cloth and started to grow larger, until it showcased her flat chest, and would have shown her breasts off if she had any. The top of her pants separated from their legs and merged with the bottom of her gameson. Holes formed which opened and supported his new appendages as if they had been designed for him. 

The armor shifted from a dark grey and started to brighten, as specks of green appeared on it, as if paint had fallen on it. The armor continued to brighten and change as the trim gained a bright gold. Large red slitted eyes like a serpent’s formed inside the armor and grew larger, until they became very prominent parts of the armor. The cloth underneath the armor on his boots darkened into a dark maroon and clinged tighter to his skin, and showed off his new sexy legs. Heels formed in the back of his boots, making her stand taller and stumble. 

“And thus the transformation is complete,” Asmodeus sighed, in joy, his eyes roaming over the new demon’s form.

“No, this can’t be!” Drakon cried and looked down at her voluptuous form. She stumbled and almost fell back. She breathed heavier, making the rise and fall of her bust more prominent. “I’m a man! This shouldn’t have happened!”

“We both know it could have happened this way,” the demon lord said as he stepped forward, causing her to step back into the wall. He placed his hands down on both sides of her head, making the girl flinch and her face darkened. “Do not worry I shall do everything in my power to make sure you are happy.”

The transforming man and the demon lord turned to the doorway, and the hero’s eyes widened when she saw the group. On the way here she had seen them fly out to deal with what was happening in town. Her mind buzzed with possibilities and her mind went numb. Her jaw opened and her tongue felt like a piece of cloth had been shoved in it. On the other hand, the demon smiled and let go of his newest victim. 

“Welcome back girls, I take it you were able to stop the mess that was happening in town?” Asmodeus asked as he stepped away from her, making the new girl slouch as she stepped away from the wall and slowly moved to the window.

“Indeed, we have caught the troublemakers and placed them in the dungeons for now. We were thinking of just killing them, but thought it would be best to talk to you first,” the dark haird

“I see, good thinking Alisha. Keep them in the dungeons for now and make sure they are well fed and cared for. I’ll decide what to do with them after the wedding. After all they should see their hope’s new future.”

“No!” Drakon cried.

“Wedding?” Alisha questioned, her voice quiet.

“Oh, you must be the hero who led the troublemakers in town. Welcome to the harem,” the other silver haired girl chirped as she looked at the former human. She walked behind the new divine demon and grabbed her breasts, forced to stand on the tips of her toes to look and her breasts pushing against her back. “Wow you are even bigger than me. It's a little strange to no longer be the biggest girl in the room. My one would think you were a cow girl with how big you are. Did you influence her body’s growth my lord?”

“Actually no,” the demon lord waved. “Her growth must have been influenced by a combination of the divine power and my own interacting. It matters little now though, they will be my wife in the future, once we go through with the ceremony.”

“Oh congratulations, trust me you’re going to enjoy being the master so much,” the armored succubus said sensually and fondled the hero’s chest again, though little rougher than before. The blue haired girl nodded in agreement though her’s was much more stilted. 

The former man looked at the group and saw the darker haired succubus exuded an aura of jealousy. The girl groping her continued to do so and her breathing grew a little stronger on her ear. 

Asmodeus leaned over and oppressed his lips against her, making the former hero’s eyes widen. She struggled in her gasp as the woman behind her grabbed her nipples, making her gasp. The demon lord snuck his tongue inside as his other hand started going lower between her legs and played with her down there. 

The new demoness squealed and her face darkened as her mind started to assault with more images of the two of them together in a bedroom. They were in a variety of positions getting more erotic by the second, and could hear the loud sexual screams they were making in her head. Her lower body moved seemingly of its own will and massaged what was going in between her legs and what was hidden underneath his pants. It made her mouth water and added to his appeal in her mind, as her crotch warmed further. The former hero moaned as she pressed herself against him, her head spinning and the sensation of his tongue in her mouth like a drug. 

The two broke away after a long passionate kiss, in which the silver haired girl continued to roughly grope the newest member of lord’s harem. She smiled as one of her master’s hands reached over and squeezed the side of her breasts. 

“I love you!” the former hero declared as she broke away, and looked deeply into his eyes. 

“I love you Druella,” the demon lord said softly with a warm smile.

The two passionately kissed each other again, their hands roaming the others form. The new woman moved lustfully, as she pressed herself against so he could feel very inch of her body. Her new organs ached for attention and he was more then happy to oblige her. The two broke apart and breathed deeply. 

“I think its time we have a celebration for our engagement,” Asmodeus grinned as he lifted up his new fiance in a bridal style. 

“It’s not unheard of for some wedded couples to have sex before the actual ceremony.”

“That sounds lovely,” Druella said lustfully.

“Should we bring in Fulgrim? She has been asking to join in more.”

“...Why not I’m sure she could use some exercise,” Asmodeus replied. 

“I’ll go get her,” the blue haired succubus said and left to get the petrified gargoyle. 

“Thanks,” Alisha said as she placed her bust on his arm.

Hel, grinned as she took the other arm and pecked his cheek. She smiled at him and looked at the other girls with an eager predatory expression as she licked her lips. 

The demon lord grinned as he looked at his new lover and the rest of the girls. His body getting hard down below as more images of the girls came to him and what they would be doing. He looked at the feral demon and whistled, getting her attention. Asmodeus said, “Come now Freki it's time for us to have some fun.”

The dog followed after the group, all of them eager to explore, and welcome their new lord’s wife, and the newest member of their harem. With her at their lover’s side, they no longer needed to worry about what would happen next, and knew all of his plans would be able to come to fruition. 


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