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And we have reached two characters I have been wanting to do for a while. I still need to think of a title for this one, but had fun with the character interaction in it and the scenario itself. 

Hope you like this precleaned draft. 


Matt and Carlos wiped their brows as they walked down the sandy beach, following the crowd of people to the large stage. Their friend, Wendy, had learned there would be a swimsuit competition being held and wanted to check it out, even going so far as getting some VIP seating. It sounded pleasing to them and would be the first one they had gone to so they were a little curious about what they might see. The fact there would be plenty of girls dressed up in swimsuits showing off to the crowd made it easy to decide what they would do. 

There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and with the clean ocean blue waters, which made it obvious to them what they would do after the show. They could find a nice area with a little distance from everyone and then go for a long swim. It had been a long time since they had gone swimming at the beach or the pool, and they were going to enjoy it as they took in the rest of the sights. They had plenty of food and drinks with them, so they could stay here as long as they wanted.

“Hey wait up for me you goliaths!” their female friend called out. “I’m the one with the tickets!”

The two turned and snickered as they watched their female ran after them and almost stumble over from the sand. Her long brown hair was done up in a ponytail and her bright blue eyes shimmered. She wore a pair of thin rectangular glasses on her face. She wore a blue and white one sleeveless one-piece swimsuit that looked almost like a school one. She was carrying a bag her purse along with the cooler of drinks they had brought 

“How did you learn about this even anyhow?” Carlos asked.

“A girl has to stay on top of these things if she is going to get anywhere,” Wendy said as she stood up straighter with a prideful smile. “The moment I learned there would be a bunch of girls showing off in bikinis I knew I had to come down here. And take plenty of pictures.”

“You better be willing to share some of those pictures you get,” Matt said. 

“Of course anything for my two best buddies,” Wendy replied. 

They went over to the gated area people were entering from and got in line to get in. Carlos and Matt waited patiently to get in, while Wendy grumbled and her foot bounced. With every movement of the line, Wendy got a little more impatient, which the two boys knew would be a very bad thing for everyone. The boys let out a sigh of relief, when they got to the front of the line, Wendy dug through her purse and pulled out their tickets. 

“Alright, and good luck in the competition,” the gatekeeper said, earning a look from the two men. 

“C’mon let’s get our seats,” Wendy said and quickly led them to their area before they could question him.

They went to their seated area, passing by the crowd of people, who talked eagerly about the show and what they hoped they would see. It made the boys relax as they imagined a bunch of girls in cute and sexy swimsuits walking up and down the aisle. The roar of the crowd as they strut their stuff. They found their seats without issue and to the boys' shock, were practically right in front of the stage. They would be able to get the perfect angle to see the competitors and wouldn’t have to zoom in on their cameras to get good shots. They sat down in their seats, enjoying the soft seats and the shade they were given. 

“Now then gentleman let’s have a drink to celebrate the glory we are about to perceive,” Wendy said as she started pulling out cans of soda.

“Cheers!” the group said and taped their cans together. 

They all started to chug down their drinks and when they were finished slammed them down on the table.

“That was good, especially with how the sun is beaming down on us,” Carlos said. “So how did you get these tickets.”

“I was able to get them for cheap because I know people are going to take part in the competition. It still costs a little bit of cash, but the price is reduced for competitors, which is bogus and should just be able to get some reserve seats. Anyway, I’m sure they’re going to win.”

“Really?” Carlos asked. “Who are they? Have we met them before?”

“Well you see, the thing is you two are actually in the competition,” Wendy smiled sheepishly.

Matt choked on his drink and beat his chest to help the contents go down. Carlos looked at her bugged eyes as his mouth opened and closed. 

“In case you haven’t noticed the two of us are guys,” Matt deadpanned, once he got his coughing fit under control. Then his eyes widened as he looked at his drink as if it had suddenly sprouted legs and was crawling away. “Oh no.”

“Oh don’t worry that won’t be the case for long,” Wendy said, her smile growing.

“What did you do,” Carlos demanded, glaring at the small girl.

“I...might have placed a special elixir in your drinks when you guys weren’t looking,” Wendy said, her smile turning mischievous.

“Should have known there was an ulterior motive to this,” Matt grumbled. “How did you reseal the soda and get the potion?

“Magic...duh, just putting a lid back on and making sure a soda keeps it fiz is something simple for someone like me.”

“Ahh hell,” Carlos groaned as he ran his hands down his face.

“Look just think about the bright side, when you guys win your divisions, we’ll have plenty of cash to treat ourselves with. Besides this way, you’ll be able to get up close and check out the other girls.”

“You always do this to us, honestly we wouldn’t mind so much if you just told us about this,” Matt said. 

“But it wouldn’t be as fun if I told you it was going to happen to you,” Wendy pouted.

“For you maybe,” Carlos stated. 

The two of them started to get smaller and the two of them gulped as they looked down their bodies. The ground was starting to look closer to them and could feel their swim trunks starting to loosen. Their hands and arms looked roughly the same, but smaller. Matt finished shrinking when he stood only two inches taller than the witch, while Carlos when he was about the same size as her.

“Damnit!” Matt said.

“We better get you two backstage before the transformation gets a little more...pronounced,” Wendy said as she grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder. She grabbed the two of them. She dragged them backstage and was stopped by security.

“These two are in the competition,” she said and gave the man their tickets again.

The man took their tickets and looked at them. After a moment he gave them back and said. “Alright go on in, You better get moving quickly, it won’t be too long before the competition starts.”

“Don’t worry these two don’t need anytime to get ready,” Wendy said as she started dragging them to the dressing room.

“That guard didn’t seem surprised or concerned with the fact two guys are apparently taking part in the competition,” Matt sighed. “More of your power at work?”

“I got a small charm around you guys that’s going to make people just go with things,” Wendy replied. “You guys are immune since it's you guys. Could still get in trouble so don’t just randomly grope a hot girl you find.”

“We’re not you, you lustful dork,” Carlos said.

“I find it appalling you guys would think so lowly of me,” Wendy pouted. 

“Remember your birthday where we ended up serving you as bunny girls and had to do what you said,” Matt deadpanned. 

“You guys owed me for helping you with those test scores, and you had plenty of free time to wear what you wanted, and explore. Besides I know you two still have the pictures as well,” Wendy smirked. 

Before the boys could respond, they arrived at the dressing rooms, and the group stopped when they saw a bunch of girls in bikinis. The group could only stare admiring the views in front of them. There were a variety of beauties: redheads, brunettes, blondes, all with gorgeous bodies. Some of the girls were even slipping into their swimsuits. 

“Ladies we have entered paradise,” the lone natural female said. 

“Don’t call us that,” Carlos said as he looked at a girl who was clipping on her bikini top over her bust.

The two boys held their stomachs as they could hear it gurgling and started to feel as if someone was pressing down on it. Their stomachs started to move inward as if all the fat they had there was starting to change. It hardened and the sense of flab their guts had was getting less pronounced. Their stomachs started to get sleeker until they had smooth flat stomachs, which looked more fitting on women than men. Neither of them were fat by any stretch of the word, but now it looked like they had worked out extensively. 

“And as always your stomachs look good,” Wendy said. She moved Carlos’s arm and started poking it, her fingers going in a few centimeters, but not aside from that not at all. 

“Hey stop it,” Carlos commanded and batted her arm away. 

“I can’t help it, your stomachs just look great,” Wendy replied and moved to prod Matt’s only for him to already be covering his, glaring at her. 

The two boys gasped as they suddenly shivered.as the feeling of cold clammy hands suddenly came down their sides. It continues again and again making them shiver. They looked down and saw their sides start to slim down, just like their stomach had. They rubbed them up and down trying to warm themselves up as if they were out on a cold day and hadn’t dressed warm enough. They continued to slim down and get smaller, making their already fit stomachs look even more perfect. They were left with slim sexy waists fitting for any of the girls that would be taking part in the competition. 

“Well now that you have the stomach and waists I wonder what’s going to happen next,” Wendy said, eying their bodies up eagerly. “Damn you two are already on a good start to becoming the best in the competition if this is any indication.”

The two felt the same cold sensation come over their lower bodies and looked down as they saw their feet start changing. The boys' feet let out cracking noises as their toenails started to clean up and refined. Their toes started to get smaller as the rest of their feet started to as well. In moments their feet finished changing into small petite feet that greatly contrasted the rest of their legs. 

The change traveled up the rest of their legs, slimming down as if excess fat was getting removed from his body. When the change reached their thighs, they started to swell larger, as if the vanished fat and muscles on their lower bodies were returning. They continued to get larger and larger and would have been mesmerizing to the two of them if it was anyone else.

Matt’s thighs finished growing when they were large plush thighs, but then they started to tighten. They grew more refined as if he was working them out, and soon he was left with large strong thighs that looked like they belonged on a runner. He poked and prodded his thighs and could feel the strong muscle. He flexed his legs and saw a faint wiggle in them.

Carlos’s thighs continued to swell larger and rippled in size until they looked three times as big as they used to. Unlike Matt’s though, his thighs didn’t look as toned and allowing people to see a delightful jiggle in them. The young man gulped and squeezed his thighs, a surge of pleasure going through him as they gave in to his hands work. Oh if only it was a romantic partner with these thighs he would have found them heavenly.

Carlos looked at his friend’s legs and noticed the difference between them. He remarked, “Guess the girl you this time is more fit than me.” 

“Yeah I guess,” Matt said, not sure how to feel about it. 

“Dem thighs,” Wendy remarked happily as she fully admired their legs. “Now I can’t help but be reminded of the age-old question of what makes better thighs. Is it size alone with a good bit of jiggle to them, or is it how refined and toned they are. The hardest question for people who can’t have both.”

“Can you stop acting like we’re not here?” Carlos deadpanned. 

“As long as you can see it and admire them without getting in trouble you’re good,” Wendy said.

“Then you fail miserably with how uncomfortable you make us,” Matt said

“It's different because we’re friends,” Wendy shrugged.

Matt raised his one of his hands and as he did and noticed the hair on the back of his palms was starting to disappear. He held his hands out flat as they continued to change. 

“When the legs change the arms aren’t far behind,” Carlos sighed. He raised his own hands to his face and the unevenly cut bit nails started to grow longer and clean themselves.

The group watched as the rest of their fingers narrowed, almost as if they were getting younger. The rough patches on their fingers from working out and various other activities, until they were gone. The palms of their hands started to conform to the rest of their hands, making their changed fingers look more natural. A light layer of fingernail polish appeared on their nails. Soon they had small feminine hands, belonging to supermodels.

The changes continued up their arms, the hair on them starting to disappear. A delightful sensation of their arms being massaged by an unseen masseuse came over them and the boys could feel the knots of stress they had there starting to unravel. Their wrists slowly shrunk down as the rest of their forearms started to change and slim down. The muscles they had in their arms changed just like their hands. Their biceps looked like they were deflating in size, as if some of the lost mass was lost, however, there was a difference. Just like Matt’s thighs were changing earlier and gained a hardness to them

“Look just think of the money we’ll make when you guys win. We could go out and treat ourselves to something nice for all three of us.”

“What do you mean we? You're not getting half of what we win,” Matt said steely. 

“But I turned you guys into girls! Without me, you wouldn’t have even been able to take part in the competition. It's only fair I get a cut of the rewards.”

“Yeah, but you did it without our consent. You ain’t getting half of what we make no matter what argument you make,” Carlos hissed. “If we talked it out and agreed to it then we would have given you a cut, but nope. You just roped us into this without any warning beforehand, so consider it a reduction.”

“Damn it,” Wendy groaned. “Well, at least I’ll still be able to look at all the pretty girls.”

Matt groaned as the next change started to come over him. He felt like he had just had a can of soda thrown on his face and breathed heavily through his nose as it started to get smaller. He frowned and glared at Wendy

“Why are you glaring at me like that?”

“Because we both know you would use the opportunity to feel my new body up,” Matt replied.

“Oh no,” Carlos groaned as his face felt like he had just applied a facemask to it. He held his face and could feel it start morphing. He pressed his fingers and could feel his chin start to soften. 

The boys continue to keep their eyes on Wendy as their face changed, the lone natural girl smiling at them. She could only marvel at their faces as they started to change and lose the masculinity they had before. Their faces continued to soften and gained more of a roundness to them. Carlos’s green eyes started to change color as if purple food coloring spilled in them. The purple parts of his eyes continued to grow until his eyes were a mesmerizing light purple like amethysts. Unlike Carlos’s eyes, Matt’s blue eyes were changing very little. The blue color of his eyes became more pronounced and became a brighter shade of light blue. Soon they were both beautiful pretty girls who looked like they belonged on the cover of a fashion magazine, even if their bodies were currently lacking. 

The moment their faces were done changing, their hair started to change. Matt’s hair started to change color as if dye had been placed in his hair. The blonde hair started to lose color as if a bucket of bleach was going through his hair. It continued to lose color until it was almost a stark white, were it not for a faint pinkish tone to it when the light reflected off of it. When it was finished changing color, it started to grow out longer. It tickled his neck and his cheeks as they traveled down, his bangs framing his face as it did so. His new hair finished growing when it reached his shoulders.

Carlos’s hair stayed the same color as a new silky shine entered it, which made it look healthier but started to grow out longer. It billowed out behind his body and traveled down his body. It continued past his shoulders without any sign of slowing down. It brushed against his back and made him jump as the silky smooth locked continued down. It brushed against his flat buttocks and yet it continued to grow. The pull on the young man’s head continued to grow and the growing weight made him turn his head to get used to it. It finally stopped growing when to his relief it ended at the back of his knees.

“Why did I have to get such long hair?” Carlos groaned

“At least your hair looks normal,” Matt said and pulled at his softer hair. 

“I would rather have your hair than this long monstrosity,” Carlos said as he lifted some of his long hair and tried to think of how he could manage it better.

“I think it looks cute,” Wendy said.

“You have no say in it when you never had your hair this long,” the brunette deadpanned. 

“And now we’re down to the big three. Which one do you think is going to happen next?”

The two boys froze as they looked at each other and then back at her. They couldn’t believe they had forgotten about the last major steps in the transformation. The two gulped and wondered what would change first. The two feminine boys looked down at what was hidden underneath their clothes and gulped as they felt a pleasant sensation between their legs. 

“So found who the winner is?” Wendy asked cheerfully.

“Shut up,” the two boys said in unison as they did their best to look calm. 

Suddenly the pleasing feeling was added with the familiar sensation of someone grabbing their balls and scrotum and pulling on them. The feeling grew and the two boys winced and jumped as they felt the pair start slithering in between their legs. They could feel their masculinity started to shrink into their bodies as their scrotums were the first thing to move. It was immediately followed by their balls as they moved. Carlos rubbed his plush thighs together and whimpered as he felt it start to get erect. Matt breathed and waited with bated breath for the familiar pulling to begin between his legs. Neither of the two were worried about how long they would be without them. They knew they would come back once this was over, or drank the right potion.

“I always hate this part,” Carlos groaned and clutched his jewels as if they were a treasure. After a moment he breathed out and let go of them. It would be more painful to hold them as they did and the stretching.

“Yeah, it's a real pain,” Matt moaned as one of his balls was sucked into his being.

“Oh just suck it up you big babies, it can’t be that bad,” Wendy said. 

“Then why don’t you become a man and go through it yourself,” Matt countered, making the girl go quiet. “Yeah don’t talk a big game until you actually go through the process.” 

The two stood there and moaned sensually as the remains of their masculinity were sucked inside of them. Matt gently poked where his manhood was and winced from a small burst of pleasure from grazing the outside area of his new anatomy. It made him grimace about being a girl, more out of how this was happening than being one. With how many times she had been schemed into being a girl, she had more than enough time to get used to being one. If she wasn’t out in public and in front of Wendy she would have done a little exploring.

Carlos reached down with a heavy sigh and cupped the area where his equipment would have been, but instead, he felt a flat surface. It made her jump at the sudden shock went down her spine. The perverted part of her wanted to reach down and explore, but then it would mean giving Wendy a show. 

“Look after this I’ll change you back when you're ready,” Wendy said. “I promise.”

“Whatever,” Carlos sighed. 

“Ahh yes one of my favorite parts,” Wendy said as she dug through her bag again and pulled out her camera. She turned it on and made sure she was ready to commit it to memory as well. 

“Stop it, no recording!” Carlos said and tried to grab the camera, only for Wendy to stay out of reach.

“Like hell, I’m going to miss this,” Wendy said steely as she moved to the side.

Her grin took a more perverted turn as she could see their butts start swelling. 

“You aren’t getting to peek,” Carlos said. 

“I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can’t deny,” Wendy said as she tried to circle them to get a shot of their butts. 

The two kept turning around to her dismay, preventing her from getting a full picture of their backsides. At best she was only able to get pictures of the sides of their asses, which wasn’t bad at all. Their butt continued to put more pressure on their trunks as they continued to how larger. Combined with the pressure from their enlarged thighs it made their pants feel more like they were wearing a tight pair of briefs or swim trunks. Much to their satisfaction, their behinds growth stopped when they started to dig into butts, and thankfully not sure the outline of their anatomy. Despite how loose their swim trunks it was still plain to see just how curvy they were down there. 

“Just stop and let me take one quick shot of your butts please?” Wendy said as she stopped and started breathing heavily in and out. 

“Not happening, and you're only proving our point with how perverted you are,” Carlos said. “It's a miracle you’ll ever get a date with anyone if this is how you act.”

“Hey I might not be a boob monster but I hit the cute factor.”

“That is very much up for debate,” Matt remarked, getting a nod of agreement from Carlos. 

“Screw you guys,” Wendy huffed. 

Matt looked down and his eyes widened at the sight of her nipples enlarging. He looked down at Carlos’s eyes and saw that his chest was going through the same change. Wendy stopped trying to circle them and grinned as she stood there. 

“And now we finally get to the titties,” Wendy said and licked her lips. 

“Carlos covered yourself,” Matt said and covered her chest. She did her best to keep her breasts from being seen as her chest started to feel off as if water was running down it. Her legs quivered in arousal as her engorged nipples rubbed against her arm and the slight shivering felt as if someone was playing with them. She could feel a slight plush coming from her chest and pushed down on her developing bust as if it would slow it down. 

Carlos stopped her attempts at trying to take the camera and pressed down in her chest hard as the same feeling of warm water running down her chest appeared. She stepped back and stopped her attempts at grabbing the camera. Instead, she moved closer to Matt and placed her bottom arm, underneath her other arm.

“Just relax and enjoy yourselves. You guys always do when it happens,” Wendy said from a good distance away.

The two said nothing but shot her flat looks with blushes on them. Neither of them could deny that they both agreed they always enjoyed the breasts' growth. They still enjoyed it just as much as they did the first time, and if Wendy wasn’t in the room they would have been squeezing them and pleasing themselves. If they did, then it would just be vindication to her that she was right and probably lead to her changing them more often without their consent. 

The two could feel the growing softness against their chests growing, making them push down on them harder. It made them wince in pain, but they refused to let Wendy get any sense of satisfaction. 

Despite their best efforts their respective cleavage was starting to poke through their arms. Matt’s breasts finally finished their growth when they became the size of full ripe apples, a large DD-cup if the trio were not mistaken.

Carlos’s breasts continued to swell larger and grew past Matt’s new bust. Her growing breasts continued to swell sizes unseen by the other two in quite some time. It made the former boy whimper as she had to keep adjusting her stance or else she would have fallen over from the weight. She looked at her friends and glared at them as her bust continued growing to the point it was starting to hurt her back. Any sense of intimidation was ruined by the aroused embarrassed blush on her face and how it looked more like a pout. 

“Quit staring!” Carlos cried, and tried to cover her immense chest, with no success. The only thing she succeeded in doing was making her bust look even larger. She glared at Wendy and said, “Don’t even think about it.”

“But they’re so big,” Wendy said, marveling at the heavenly round orbs Carlos had. “I got to know how they feel!”

“No you don’t and you aren’t going to,” the new brunette replied as her chest continued to grow larger.

Matt could only stare at her best friend’s bust, admiring, and committing every second of their expansion to memory. The desire to reach out and grab them flashed in her mind and for once helping the magical pervert get a feel as long as she could do the same.

“Not you too,” Carlos groaned.

“You did the same when my breasts were growing that big that one time!” Matt said. 

“...You got me there,” Carlos admitted and blushed at the memory of those wondrous melons. Oh just remembering them made her hands ache and the desire to squeeze them come forth. Now she knew what it was like to be on the other end she supposed. Much to her satisfaction, she could feel the swelling of her bust finally start slowing down. She still pressed down on them hard, and they finally finished growing when her breasts were a massive F-cup which looked like they could rival beachballs. 

“Alright, now here are your swimsuits,” Wendy said as she went through her bag again and pulled out two bikinis. One of them was an American flag based bikini, with the right cup of the bra and the bottom piece being white and red. The left cup was blue and filled with multiple white stars. Along with it was a blue jacket. 

The other was far more intricate in design and was a stylish white and gold string bikini. It had a matching headpiece and a large veil that would rest over her butt. 

Carlos slowly stepped forward eyeing the smaller girl up warily, as if she was a viper which would lash out. She quickly snatched the more intricate from her and glared at it, as if she was hoping magic powers would morph the swimsuit to her desires. 

“No peeking,” Matt ordered and stepped into one of the empty stalls which would give some privacy while Carlos stepped into the other. 

The two moved to a more private part out of Wendy’s sight, earning a grumble from her.

When they finished changing they stepped out of their respective areas with dark blushes on their faces. Their bikinis pushed their breasts up while at the same time mushing them together. Their bottoms dug into their backsides, leaving nothing to the imagination. The two looked at each other and eyed the other up. The two knew they were attractive and couldn’t deny the other was just as appealing for different reasons. 

“How did you know what size we would be?” Carlos asked. “I doubt you knew about how big we would get before we were done.”

“I just enchanted the clothes to be a one size fits all. I might have been able to influence what I wanted you to look like, but I didn’t have too much control over the final results in the curves department. Either way, I’m happy. By the way, your names for the show are Musashi and Xuanzang,” Wendy said, pointing at whose name it was respectively. “I figured if I give your foreign names it might give you a boost with the crowd and maybe the judges.”

“Well that’s good to know,” Matt, or rather Musashi said. 

“Yeah, because that would be our biggest problem,” Carlos or Xuangzang said.

“It really isn’t, and I think you might win, because of your breasts alone Xuan,” Wendy said.

“Alright girls, it's time almost to get up on stage,” a member of the stage crew announced. “Form a single file line and I will tell you when to get on stage.”

At once all the girls started to move as the cheerful chatter between them stopped. They formed a line and got in one behind the other. They all stood there waiting for the signal to be given. There was a heavy feeling in the air, competitiveness in the air that could be cut with a saw.

“Well you better get moving, don’t want you guys to get in trouble,” Wendy said and smacked the girls on their round booty’s.

The two new girls squealed as they moved away from her. They glared at her before grumbling off, looking down at their prodigious busts and blushing. No matter how many times they had been roped into something by her they just couldn’t get used to the way their body bounced as they moved. Thankfully they had learned how to compensate for the weight and adjust their posture so they wouldn’t fall. 

As the two walked and joined the girls at the end of the line. Musashi whispered into Xuanzang. 

“So how are we going to get her back for this? She owes us now, especially since she pulled this without any warning.”

“You think she should serve us for a day?” Xuanzang said.

“I don’t know, I don’t trust her to turn it around on us,” Musashi replied. 

“We can figure it out later. Up for a makeout session later?”

“Sounds good,” Musashi smiled 

“And go!” The stagehand said.

At once the girls moved and stepped onto the stage. Musashi and Xuanzang blushed from the hoots and hollers they were getting from the crowd and smiled as they waved at the people in the crowd. They saw Wendy in the seats they were at before and had to fight the urge to flip her off. She had her camera out and was taking one picture right after the other. The two moved their arms as they followed the rest of the girls in their introduction. Their smiles grew more genuine when they noticed they were at the perfect view of getting a look at the girl’s busts. Well, they couldn’t deny there were some benefits to being part of the show after all, even if they hadn’t chosen to be in it. 


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