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Tobio hummed one of his favorite songs as he cleaned another glass. It had been a slow day business-wise, but he was certainly not complaining. Other times he would feel like he had to rush to make sure something was about to explode and get set on fire. Considering that a good number of his business stemmed from the supernatural community and how eccentric it could be, it seemed more likely than it should. He had taken every step he could to make sure the possibility of damage from someone too deep in their cups or prideful would be mitigated, but there was always a chance. 

The door opened and he opened his mouth to greet them with a practiced smile. It became more genuine when he noticed the visitor was Issei, who was holding a large box. Tobio’s smile grew and he placed the glass he was cleaning down. He jumped over from behind the bar. Professionalism didn’t matter when friends were here, and there was no one around to judge. When it was just the two of them, he didn’t have to keep up appearances and could do as he wanted to. 

“Hey Issei, what brings you here?” Tobio asked. 

“Hey, I’m here to bring Lavinia some books that she wanted,” Issei answered. 

He could tell that Lavinia still held a flame for either him or Vali. It wasn’t hard to tell how much she hanged off of them, and how affectionate she was. Every moment she got the blonde human would pull them into a tight hug, pressing their faces or limbs between her breasts. The way Vali blushed and looked like a child looking like he wasn’t sure what to do made him laugh. It was the perfect payback, considering the way he would smirk when he was the one receiving a hug from her. It made things even more fun when Vali tried to wipe the smile off his face and started a fight. 

It made him feel guilty that he hadn’t said anything about how he wasn’t interested in any of that way. He wasn’t interested in any of the girls vying for his attention and it wasn't them, but because of him. They were all interesting beautiful women that any guy would be lucky to have, and would no doubt make any guy lucky to have. Despite how bad they tried it would never be enough. None of them could ever become a thing, because he wasn’t interested in women at all. 

The way they aggressively tried to get his attention and argued with one another made him worry about what would happen if he told them the truth. Not only would they be heartbroken, but the chance of them doing something drastic crossed his mind and made him stop. He might be overthinking things later, but he wouldn’t take a chance like that when one of them could do something out of depression. 

The only one who knew about his preferences was his childhood friend, Sae Toujou. She had been hurt to find out what he truly liked but supported him anyway. It filled him with such relief there was someone he could have talked to about his feelings. He couldn’t imagine what he would do if he couldn’t confide in her. It probably would have led to him becoming an edge lord, or something until he could finally find a healthy release for his feelings. The thought of his best friend made him wish he could talk to her now about the feelings he had for Issei. 

He wasn’t sure what to make of Issei when they first met and was kinda reminded of himself when he was younger. They were both ordinary high school students who seemed to have just been thrown into the supernatural by chance. As time passed, he had gotten to know Issei; he had admired his strength, kindness, his passion and everything else. Over time that admiration turned into love, and he fantasized the two of them together. Every time they were together, he imagined what it would be like for them to kiss, go out on a date, and even go further. 

No matter how bad he wanted to be with him, he restrained himself and hid his feelings for the Crimson Dragon Emperor. His heart ached. He wouldn’t be able to act on his feelings because he knew what Issei’s would be. The way he went on about breasts and women made it more than obvious to him that he would have been turned down in the nicest way possible. 

With how often Issei stopped by it was hard for him to let his feelings for him die down and get over them. It made him wish, Issei would stop coming so he could let things end and stop deluding himself. It would hurt, but it would be for the best so he could move on with his life and truly find that special someone. Every time he came, he felt the feelings he had for Issei return with a new vengeance and that spark of hope he had for something more forming return. It made him angry about it and wished to push him away, but he didn’t have the heart or will to voice it. 

He heard the door open again and saw the person was Issei. He blinked when he saw a beautiful buxom young woman with long flowing blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes with him. She wore the blue and white mage robes she usually wore and had a blue star hair clip in her hair. What stood out the most was the distressed pondering expression on her face as if she was faced with a tough problem and didn’t know what to do. 

“Hey Tobio, there’s something we need to ask you. Has something been going on with Vali?” Issei asked. 

Tobio blinked, a little surprised by the question. He thought about the last time he talked with Vali, before and after a spar they had. The silver-haired half-devil didn’t act strange as far as he recalled. “No, he seemed fine last I talked to him. Did something happen?” 

“Well, it's just that Ophis stopped by and asked some weird questions after she hung out with Vali,” Issei answered. “They were about love, and I answered her questions as best I could, but you know those kinds of questions are hard to answer. When I was done, she thought over it and then performed a magical spell that didn’t seem to do anything.” 

Tobio hummed, wondering if Vali was going through some romantic woes. If he did then it might be good to talk to him and see if he’ll say something. The half-devil might say what has been bugging him and maybe give him some relationship advice since that seemed like what it was. Well, he couldn’t give him any good advice now that he thought about, considering the fact he had his own romantic problems. It was more likely whatever he said would only make things worse for him. 

A beeping noise went out that made their conversation stop. Issei pulled out his phone and looked at the time. His eyes widened as he read the reminder and cried, “Oh crap I gotta go! I completely forgot I had an appointment!” 

Issei placed the box on the bar and quickly hugged Lavina and fist bumped Tobio. 

“Later!” Issei said before the circle activated and he was gone. 

Right after Issei left, Tobio shivered as a sudden cold feeling went down his spine. He rubbed his arms and after a moment it passed. It must have been the air conditioning acting up now. Wouldn’t be the first time he suddenly felt a cold shiver while he was working, and since Lavina wasn’t speaking in that sickeningly sweet voice that vaguely promised pain depending on his response concluded it had to be it. 

“Well I’ll be heading off to put these books away,” Lavina said as she picked up the box of books. She giggled as she left the room, and muttered. “Oh, I can’t wait to see my Va-kun later.” 

Tobio watched her leave and wondered just how much she actually cared for him. The way she went back and forth with her feelings at times made it hard to tell if she was teasing him or not. She was playful by nature and didn’t mind waking up next to him in only a shirt and didn’t mind showing off her body in skimpy outfits. Not to mention the way she would hang off him and put his body between her breasts, like his arm or face. Positions any straight man would have loved to be in, like Issei, but ones he didn’t care for. 

He had turned her down for Sae’s sake, and because of his orientation and she didn’t seem to mind. She still was playful with her actions and acted as she did before, but it was less frequent. Though there were moments where it seemed as if she had transformed into some monster whose voice whispered damnation if you went against her. Both him and Vali had been on the receiving end of it numerous times. His body would lock up and the voice would still have the playfulness to it, but there was something in it that said listen for your own sake and do what she wants. So long as that aspect wasn’t directed at him, he was fine with whoever else was on it. 

“Well better get ready for the night shift,” Tobio muttered as he got to work. He mentally went through the list of what he would need to do to get ready and got to it. He went back to cleaning the glasses, for when the next group of customers came in. He was sure the moment it did, everybody would start coming in. 

As he worked on the glasses, his scalp started to itch. When he was finished cleaning a glass he reached and scratched his head. As he did, his short black hair started growing longer, the silky appearance it had grew as a new shine entered it. For a moment, Tobio wondered what was crawling down his back, until he saw strands of hair enter his vision. It finally stopped growing when it rested above his butt. He blinked and wondered why his hair was suddenly so long, and then felt like smacking himself. 

“Thought I adjusted this earlier,” Tobio muttered as he grabbed the loose strands of hair soft inky black hair and moved them behind his ears. He had thought of getting it cut, but Issei had complimented his hair and suddenly the thought of cutting it went out the window. He wanted every compliment he could get out of Issei, despite the fact he was trying to distance himself from the boy. He still fondly remembered what he said and rubbed the top of his head as if he was a dog. 

“Better make sure we have everything in stock,” Tobio said and grabbed a clipboard and papers of their stock. He started looking through the various bottles they had, taking notes of how many bottles they had and their stock. During his time as a bartender, he had been able to keep track of how much stock was left as he worked. He hadn’t taken a moment to see where the stock was since the lunch hour rush. For all, he knew most of their most popular stock was gone. 

He started looking around at the various bottles that were around the bar, putting numbers next to them on how many they had. As he took notes, underneath the sleeves of his shirt, the hair he had on her limbs started to disappear as if he was using magic to get rid of them. Soon his arms and legs were completely free of hair as if they had meticulously shaved to make sure not even a trace remained. He rubbed his arms, a little surprised by how the fabric seemed a little different. He poked through a hole in his sleeve and scratched an itch on his flawless skin. 

As he did, he had to fight the urge to scratch everywhere around him. It suddenly flared up as if someone had poured a bottle of itching powder over him. He was strong and could handle it, and breathed in and out, biting his lip to stop himself. He shook his head and forced himself to get back to work. He still needed to clean the tables and cleaning the floors wouldn’t hurt. If people didn’t show up when he was finished cleaning the tables then he would give it a few minutes and start cleaning the floors. 

He pulled out some of the cleaner and started to clean the tables adding an extra layer of shine to them. As he did his hands started to change. His nails got cleaner and grew slightly longer as if days were passing by. The moment they finished growing they looked like they were neatly trimmed as if someone had carefully clipped them. It had been the source of teasing from some of his male friends about how he maintained them, something they still did from time to time. It had also been something girls had asked her about over the years, especially for tips. If he cared about girls, he probably would have used it as a way to get closer to them. 

His fingers started to shrink, slimming down and taking on a more feminine appearance. The calluses on his fingers started to get smaller to match his changing digits. Most of the roughness on his hands disappeared as if they had been lathered in a fast-acting moisturizer. The palms of his hands softened, the roughness from holding weapons and training diminishing to points that softness will still be prominent there. After a minute his hands had finished changing and he now had small petite womanly hands. 

When the change reached his wrists, they let out a low cracking noise, that made Tobio stop his scrubbing and twist his wrists. They let out low popping noises as they did as if he had been stretching or holding a pose for a long time. The pain passed and as he did, he couldn’t help but narrow his eyes as he looked at his hands. He swore his hands looked different, but then shrugged as he realized that it was just the feelings making him think that. 

The transformation continued up his arms, his forearms slimmed down to match. They narrowed, the muscles becoming slimmer and giving off a more toned appearance. His elbows ached for a moment as if he banged into them just right, making his funny bone ached. When the transformation reached his biceps, they started to get slightly smaller as well, and soon stopped, completing their transformation. 

Tobio sighed when he finished cleaning the last of the tables. If he could, he would have used his magic to do it instantly. He still didn’t have the control over his magic to the point he could use it to clean everything, something that annoyed him despite how much it would help him in these times. He had been trying as hard as he could to gain the control necessary to do so, but the training exercises he was taught just didn’t seem to work. 

As he went back to the closet to put the spray and towel away, his shoulders started to push inward. The brunette winced and rolled his back, hoping to alleviate it. The moment he put it away he reached around scratched at his shoulders. He sighed happily as he scratched harder into his aching itchy shoulders, feeling a sense of comfort grow the harder he did so. The more he scratched the more liberated and happier he felt, and the change in his body steadily grew faster. When they finished, he had a smaller narrower build, that added more of a feminine appeal to his body, right as the itching sensation finally passed. 

“Much better,” Tobio sighed happily as he looked around for the mop and the cleaner he would need for the floors. After a minute he managed to find the heat mop and prepared to do what he planned to. When he was finished setting it up, he looked at the window waiting for someone to pass through. He heard the ticking of the clock on the wall and could hear his heart steadily pound in his chest. He looked at the time and watched as the hands spun. After five minutes passed, he sighed and turned on the mop, and as it heated, he started swiping it back and forth until steam rose higher. He proceeded to clean up everywhere he could, intent on getting all the stains he could and make it shine. 

As he did, his legs started to change. He stumbled as his feet started getting smaller, feeling as if pins and needles were pricking them. The first thing to change about them was his toes. They crunched as the rest of his legs started to change. The sole and bridge of his feet crunched as they started to become more compact, almost as if they were shrinking. His heels conformed to match the transformation as well. They finished changing when they became small dainty feminine feet. 

The moment they finished changing, it continued raveling up his body. His ankles slimmed down to match his changed feet, as his calves strengthened slightly and had a more athletic tone. His knees changed with a quick and sudden pop, making Tobio lose his balance and grab the table for support. When he found his balance, Tobio’s thighs started to grow larger as if fat was being centered on them. They kept growing larger until he had thick sexy thighs that would rival Lavina’s. 

As he walked around, he frowned as his shoes suddenly felt much looser. As if he was wearing shoes that were suddenly several sizes too large. The sides of his shoes hardened as they started to shrink. The top of them started to recede, exposing his black socks. A sight pillar formed on the back of them. When they were finished changing, his shoes had become sleek black heels that some girls would adore to have. 

“Whoa!” Tobio cried as he almost toppled over from a sudden change in his posture. He felt like he had been raised higher, almost as if someone had put small stilts on his feet. He took several cautious steps and found it easier to walk the more steps he could. He looked down and blinked at the sight of stylish black heels he wore. For a moment he wondered why he was wearing these, and then relaxed as he recalled he had slipped them on because no one was around. He must have taken a bad step that threw off his balance. 

This only reinforced why people shouldn’t wear heels when they were working. He had a pair of dress shoes behind the bar and when someone finally arrived, he would quickly slip them on. As cute as they were, there was always the pressure they would put on someone’s feet after an extended amount of time. Even with all the time he had, and his training, heels were somehow still able to hurt his feet. 

He always had a bit of a fascination with footwear. Just all the different styles they came up with and sold to the public. One of the things he noticed in his youth was just how different they sold for men and women. Men’s shoes were mostly the same, with the greatest differences he could think of were between shoes and boots and how thicker they were. When it came to women’s footwear, he was astounded by all the different ideas he had seen incorporated into their making. All the different styles, how much they showed off piqued his curiosity, and made him wonder why guy shoes weren’t like that. 

In his younger years, he had snuck into his mother’s room and tried on the shoes she had in there. They were too large for him, and it was a challenge to walk in them because of their size and the heels they had. 

When he entered his teens, he decided to buy a set of heels to see what it was like, saying it was for a special girl to the cashier. When he got home, he locked his door, and hesitantly tried them on. To his satisfaction, they were a good fit and felt different from what he was expecting. He stood up, and almost fell over from having his sense of balance thrown off. 

It had been something he had done a lot to hide from boys before he became a member of Slash Dog. He knew if they found out they were his, it would have been a source of non-stop humiliation. Some of the girls had even asked for his advice on clothes they could wear. 

“And done,” Tobio smiled as he got the last of the floor. He went over to the closet to put it away, his mind thinking over what else he might need to do. The bathroom was good for now, he handled that before Issei came along. 

With that everything was done, and the store was ready for whatever the night shift would bring. He took his place behind the counter once again and grinned as he waited for the door open to bring in his next customer. After what seemed like an hour, but as actually ten minutes, his smile dropped, and he slouched over the counter. 

“Where is everyone?” Tobio wondered aloud. The bar usually had some people around this time, especially considering this was a popular nightlife spot. Usually, someone would be in at this time and there would always be someone until it was closing time. He sighed as he pulled out his phone and started thinking about what he could do. He had a few app games he could play to pass the time. 

As he entertained himself with the game, his face softened and grew more feminine. His cheeks rose higher and became more rounded. His lips swelled in size and became plump kissable lips that many wondered would feel like. His nose crunched inward as it got smaller and became an upturned nose with small nostrils. When his face finished changing, he had a beautiful womanly face. 

If anyone were to see him now, they would think he was a girl at first glance, and his build would only have helped those thoughts. There were very few indicators of his original being, the most prominent was currently in between his legs, limp. 

His penis hardened as if he was getting aroused, making Tobio grumble as he moved to adjust his pants to get rid of the sudden discomfort, and failed spectacularly. He focused more on his work, hoping that by doing so it would make it stop. Again, the thought of Issei came to him and groaned as the blood continued to rush below and make what he was feeling stronger. No matter what he thought of, he just couldn’t stop thinking of Issei. He was completely unaware that his balls were rising higher. They rose until they were both sides of his scrotum and looked like they were trying to force themselves into his body. 

He continued his work, as he focused harder on his work, trying to suppress the desires that were in him. The transforming young man groaned as the discomfort from his pants was starting to decrease. The erection he had was starting to recede as his penis got smaller. It continued to get smaller and shrink into his body. The moment that all that was the head of his penis it stopped as if it was stuck on something. 

“Damn it, this is the last thing I need,” Tobio muttered and reached to adjust. He reached down and pushed it into his body, eliciting a loud moan as the last vestige of his scrotum was sucked into his body, leaving a hole there where it used to be. The moment his shaft was gone, his balls slithered into the hole. The moment they did they changed into a set of ovaries and took their new rightful place in his developing female body. 

Tobi’s legs shuttered and toes curled in her heels. She breathed heavily in and out and gripped the table. 

“I didn’t push that hard, did I? I know I ain’t that weak in the knees for some pleasure,” Tobio muttered. 

She rubbed her pants, wondering if she actually cummed, and much to her relief, she didn’t. The only thing she felt between her legs was a strong warmth that felt almost as if she had just had some ‘fun’ with herself. She rubbed her legs and didn’t feel any added wetness or stickiness. She opened the front of her pants and for a moment felt shock and fear go through her being. It quickly passed as she wondered where it suddenly came from and was relieved to see there wasn’t anything there. For some reason, it felt as if there should be something else there, but that was impossible. There was nothing else that should be there. 

Tobio giggled at the thought of what had gotten her so aroused came to her. She couldn’t believe the mere thought of Issei was enough to make her have some fun, even though she was supposed to be working. It made her smile and chalked it up to show how enraptured she was by him. Still, she needed to control herself, she couldn’t let herself get so worked up to put in public. The possibility of someone seeing her was enough to make her want to crawl into a hole and hide until she was better. 

For some reason, she just felt better about everything now, so much so she couldn’t even recall why she was angry in the first place. It was as if all her worries were suddenly gone and she could do what she wanted. Perhaps this night off, not having to worry about anyone was doing better for her than she thought. She might not make any money off this, but if this extended break was making her feel better then she didn’t want it to stop. Which would make it more tragic when it did. It would be a shame but the burdens of having to work and make ends meet waited for no one. 

Her pants legs shortened and crawled up her legs, until they stopped on her upper thigh, barely hiding her panties from view. The short melted and looked like they became goo as they reached out and merged, forming a tight black mini skirt that showed off the curve of her immense rear.

She looked down and breathed heavily as if a sudden heat flash came over her. The former man gulped and blushed as she saw her erect nipples poking through her vest. She brought her hands up and tried to cover them, blushing as she looked around to see if anyone was here. “W-What?”

“Ohhh!” She cooed as the warmth on her chest suddenly started swelling in size. The small mosquito sized breasts she had on her chest grew at a steady pace. She pushed down on them as if she was trying to hide them from view, or stop their growth. Her efforts proved futile as they continued to grow in size as if she had eaten a whole thing of supplements and it was accelerating her growth. 

Her breasts quickly became the size of pancakes and quickly grew into the size of small fruits. The more they grew, the more her hands were being pushed away and had to adjust her grip as they got wider. They quickly became the size of softballs and yet they continued to grow. Her hands wrapped around them and she squeezed them, making her moan and her legs quiver. The heat between her legs spiked and made her coo. She squeezed them again on reflex, and again, and quickly couldn’t stop squeezing them as they continued to get larger. 

The top buttons of her blouse shot and crashed into the wall like a speeding bullet and she forced herself to stop groping herself. The blushing brunette blush grew with embarrassment as her arousal continued to grow. Her thighs trembled like a child just learning how to walk, as the pleasure she felt grew more intense and she needed to grab the bar for support. No matter what she did, the breasts she felt continued to grow and she couldn’t properly deal with it. Her breasts finally stopped growing when they were immense round spheres that no one would be able to grasp. They looked almost like soccer balls that were painted black on the sides with how the vest and blouse were strained by her bosom. For a moment she wondered how big they were until she remembered that she was a giant G-cup.

“Wait...why was I playing with them?” Tobio said in confusion. She looked around hoping no one saw her and sighed in relief. As fun as it was, no one needs to see her playing with herself, except if it was Issei. If he was here, she would have loved to continue playing with her bosom for as long as he wanted. She noticed the top buttons of her shirt were gone and quickly adjusted it, fixing her top. She hoped none of the earlier customers had seen it earlier, but that would explain the slightly more generous tips she got. 

Well as much as she would prefer Issei staring at them, at least it worked to her advantage at times. It helped her get the money to treat herself to something nice. All the tips she got because of them made up for them at times, and most people were polite enough to only look at them. Those that tried to get a little more aggressive than they should have, learned the hard way why they shouldn’t have tried to push their luck. It led to her having to ban them from coming back.

“Why am I getting all hot and bothered by everything? I’m not this easy to please,” Tobio muttered. Tobio wondered what was going on with her and wondered if she was getting a little needy lately for some attention.

She and Sae had...experimented a year ago to see if they truly did like boys since none of the ones around them were appealing to them. So, they had a quick steamy make out session, with them exploring each other's bodies. 

She still remembered what it was like for the two of them. The two of them were red-faced and weren't quite sure what to do at first. They slowly pulled each other close and their hands roamed over each other's forms. They gently squeezed and kissed each other, Tobio gently kissing her friend along her neck. 

The moment her best friend touched her breasts a fit of anger seemed to come over her which made her squeeze tighter than she should. A small growl escaped her friend's lips as she squeezed. Tobio tried to make her stop, but Sae ignored her as she continued to molest her breasts. The thought she had of her letting out some pent-up frustration about her being smaller than she crossed her mind but didn’t call her out on it. While their bodies had enjoyed the attention they got, they didn’t feel any better, or a sense of right. It was at least one thing they were happy to have figured out and agreed never to speak of it again. For a little bit, they wondered if they were really attracted to anyone, or if they just wouldn’t be. Their thoughts changed the moment they fell for Issei though. 

They had thought it might have been that they just rushed into it, and so decided to see try and take things a little slow. They tried a few small dates to see if it would go anywhere, but no matter what it just didn’t quite settle right. In the end, they decided to just break it off and continue with their lives. They were still friends, but there was slight tension there. It was Issei who helped smooth things over between them, and get back together, making them fall for him too. It just goes to show the moment you meet the right person how everything could change. 

“Alright, the place is as ready as it's ever going to be,” Tobio remarked as she put the cleaning supplies away. When she was finished putting it all away, she went back behind the bar and waited for someone to enter the bar. 

As time passed, she raped her fingers against the bar and pulled out her phone to pass the time. She kept glancing at the door waiting for someone to enter, even if it was just to use the bathroom. The moment they did, she knew she would be able to rope them into getting something else. A few honeyed words and a quick bounce of her bust would be enough to wrap her fingers around them and they would do what she wanted. It would be a bit of a hit or miss if it was a woman, but it would be easy if it was a guy. 

“Hello Tobi-chan,” Lavina said with a bright smile. “Business not doing well?”

“Hey Lavina,” Tobio said. “And nope, which is strange. Usually, this place would be filled with all kinds of people at this point. I would be wondering if the sign was working if I didn’t see the light coming off from it.”

“Well since no one is here, why not close the bar early for the night and let’s go have some fun.”

Tobio hummed as she thought over what the mage just said. It didn’t sound bad to her, especially if the place wasn’t getting any business when they should be filled up for the night. She sighed, “That’s not a bad idea, but what do you think we should do?”

“Why don’t we go surprise Issei-kun,” Lavina said.

Tobio hummed as she mulled the idea over in her head, her mind recalling the rest of her group. She didn’t know what to make of the fact Issei kept drawing girls to him, like bees to honey, but he made all of them fall for him. It had thrown her for a loop with how he made all of the girls fall for him. Kuroka had jokingly called it the harem wars at one point, because of how the two groups would interact when they were together and was a humorous comparison of what it was like. When they were together, the Gremory girl and the Team Slash Dog would keep trying to one-up whatever the other one did. When the girls of Team Slash Dog were alone, they would talk and laugh about it, remarking how cute they were since they were not as mature. It was adorable how worried they were about them stealing Issei when it was clear Issei was the alpha of the harem.

“I like that idea,” Tobio admitted, but frowned. Her heart warmed at the prospect of seeing him again, even though they just saw each other not too long ago. It would be nice to actually hang out and have some fun together instead of a quick chat. Maybe they could play some games together, go see something. She couldn’t think of them as dates if Lavina was going to be there as well. “But how are we going to find him. He’s probably in Kuoh, but we don’t know where.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I can find him easily,” Lavina said, with a chipper smile, making Tobio blink. A magic circle appeared in her hand and in a flash an item that looked like it was a tablet appeared in her hand. “Introducing my dragon locator! I had placed a bug on Issei that would allow me to track wherever he goes? Now if I ever need to find him, I can just use this to do so.” 

Tobio could only stare at the blonde, a mix of emotions growing. On one hand, it was a direct invasion of privacy and if Issei were to learn about this would surely want it removed. Then again, it would help them if a situation were to ever come up. Issei had died twice and every time it had broken her heart and made her want to pick him up and hide him somewhere, he would be safe. At this rate, he would keep dying and coming back every few months as if he was a comic book character, something she wouldn’t allow. Her heart wouldn’t be able to handle it if it kept happening. 

At least she was getting some use out of this, but she would talk to her later. If she couldn’t convince her to get rid of it, then hopefully she could convince her to give her a remote to track him with as well. Especially if she wanted her to keep quiet about this. It would get the rest of the girls to act and try to get rid of it or take it for themselves. Something they would no doubt use to fully capitalize on spending time with Issei or watching. Especially if he went out on a date with one of his little harem members. She still remembered how Rias and her little group went spying on Akeno’s date, and then Vali’s. It made her wonder if she should expect such attempts when she finally managed to get a date with him. 

Either way, she would be able to use it to her advantage and would make sure she got the best deal. Even if she would have to handle Lavina’s ice-cold demeanor and attempts to intimidate her into submission. She would be able to handle it, to get such an advantage over the rest of the girls. She had to if she wanted to win.

“Just give me a second to close up shop,” Tobio said. She turned off the sign and flipped it over to close. It felt strange to do so, but the thought of seeing Issei again, and doing something more than made up for it. When the brunette was finished turning off everything, she took a little cash from the register for later use in case she needed it. She stood next to Lavinia and said, “Could you please?”

Lavina nodded and quickly brought for her power. A magical circle appeared below, and it grew brighter. A sudden flash filled the room, and they were no longer in her bar. They stood outside the city, away from anyone that might have seen them. Tobio looked around, and inwardly let out a sigh of relief. She half expected to be out in the ocean somewhere, or on the other side of the country with how obsessive she could be. 

“Well, now we’re in Kuoh, how much farther is he?” Tobio asked, getting rid of any wrinkles in her attire. 

“He’s not too far, let’s go!” Lavina cried, running ahead.

“Hey wait up!” Tobio cried and followed the mage. 

It was easy for her to keep up with Lavina. As they ran, the excitement she had continued to build inside of her along with joy. She felt like a little kid about to visit an amusement park for the first time. An impatient part of her wanted to run ahead, but Lavinia was the one who had the remote and if she did, it would take longer to find Issei. A grin formed on her face, eager, her mind thinking about what they would do together. 

Lavina stopped, promoting Tobio to stop as well. She could see the blonde was looking around. She let out a happy gasp, and Tobio looked where she was, and her grin turned into a smile when she saw Issei. 

“There he is!” Lavian cried as if a switch had been lifted the two of them rushed over to him.

“Issei!” the two cried as they saw him with Rias and Vali.

The two of them were right next to him and knocked the two of them and hugged the lone boy against them. A small moan escaped Tobio’s lips as she snuggled closer to Issei. This was what she wanted to do earlier. The feeling of him against her body, made everything feel so right and perfect. Oh, she wanted to take things a step further, but stuff like that needed to be built up over some time. 

“There is a Stray Devil that needs to be dealt with,” Rias said. 

“If we’re going to deal with a nasty little devil, then Tobi-chan why don’t you get in something much more appealing,” Lavina giggled. 

“You got a point there, give me a second to fix that,” Tobio said. With a single use of her magic, she made a magical circle appear and her bartending outfit started to change. 

Her skirt started to brighten and light up and continued to do so until it was a bright grey. The moment the color stopped changing, her skirt ripped in and formed small pants legs. The legs started to crawl down her body and formed into a sexy tight pair of jeans that hugged her lower body. A belt formed around her waist, that made her pants stick even closer to her body. Various straps formed on her thighs that accentuated her plush lower body, and black knee pads formed on her legs.

Her heels grew thicker and heavier as they started to cover her feet. Her heels covered the top of her feet and continued to spread up. Small holes formed on them and were immediately filled by black laces. They finished changing when they formed into a pair of black combat boots. 

Her white shirt tightened across her body as black spots appeared on it. The spots grew larger by the second as if they were water spreading over a floor. The spots touched one another and merged as they continued to spread throughout until her shirt had become a light black that bordered on grey with black lines. The soft cotton fabric of her shirt changed, as the buttons on it dissolved into the fabric. The cuff of his sleeves vanished as they grew smaller and took a more casual approach. When they were finished changing, they looked like they belonged more on a casual T-shirt. 

Her vest changed and broke down the middle, the buttons merging into the cloth. It grew longer and longer until it reached down to her knees. Pockets formed on the side, for her to put stuff in. The fabric hardened from what it was previously and turned from soft cotton into a hard polyester. 

When her clothes finished changing, a long black dog tail sprouted above her butt, and matching dog ears on top of her head. The long tog tail swayed from side to side and her new ears

“There we go,” Lavinia remarked. “These clothes are much better for hunting messy strays.”

“Yeah they are, thanks Lavinia, these turned out great,” Tobio said and inwardly let out a sigh of relief. She half expected Lavinia to do something that would lead her to an embarrassing situation. “So, do you know where the stray is staying specifically?”

“We know the general area of where it is staying, but we should be able to find it the closer we get to it,” Rias said. “It’s on the other side of the city. It shouldn’t take us to get there and find it.”

“Hey, Tobio why do you have uh dog ears and a tail?” Issei asked, his eyes locked onto her new appendages. 

“It was something that Serafall suggested and I thought it would be cute,” Tobio smiled. Her new tail wiggling in joy at getting his attention. 

“We better get moving if we want to deal with this stray!” Rias quickly exclaimed, looking intently at Issei and Tobio. 

“Right,” the group mumbled as they followed the buxom redhead. The group traveled across the city and arrived at the warehouse and factory district. It had been a place none of them had any real experience in, and in Issei’s case a place his parents had told him to avoid. Back then he didn’t have the power he had now and could handle himself now, but he still did his best to avoid the area, only to avoid any trouble that might come up. He didn't have any reason to go there before and still didn’t. It was only because of special reasons like this he would have gone there. 

They went deeper into the district and were slightly put off by the smell. The place reeked off trash, pee, and other stuff they wished they didn’t know. The streets were covered in dirt and grime. What few people were around didn’t look like the most trustworthy of people, and others looked like they wanted nothing more than to get out of there. 

“How much farther until we find it?” Tobio asked. 

“Shouldn't be too much longer, it’s close I can feel it,” Rias said, her voice dripping with eagerness. “We just have to pin it down exactly where.”

The group went down to the abandoned factory area. This was an area that could have been restored and used, but for one reason or another nobody had bought it. It would have allowed people to hide out here without anyone being the wiser. The lack of people, from the homeless, gang members, or people just passing through tipped them off. There were other things as well, such as the old musty stench filled that made them want to cover their noses

“It's close, really close,” Tobio said, sniffing the air. The smell of blood was faint, but she could tell where it was now. 

She led the group in the direction it was coming from, passing several buildings to see what she could find it. Her guard remained up, the chance they were walking into a trap or could be ambushed as she did as such. The closer she got the more power she could feel coming from it and smirked. The power it was emitting wasn’t anything special, only a mid-class Devil at best. 

She stopped when she felt it wasn’t much farther and looked up to see it was in another one of the abandoned factories. 

“It’s in here,” Tobio smirked. She wondered if Issei would give her a nice reward for finding where the Devil was exactly. A kiss would certainly be lovely and a perfect reward in her opinion.

“Now that we found it, don’t let your guard down no matter how powerful it is,” Rias said.

“RIght Buchou!” Issei said, pumping his fist.

“You got it!” Lavinia and Tobio said in unison. While the two of them might have much more experience than her Rias needed this. If she was going to lead in the future, then she needed more experience, even though Tobio was a better strategist. It would be a good experience for her to lead since her brother is gone now. Besides this was a good low stakes situation for her, the sheer power of their group would have thrown off many, and only the strongest of them would have tried to fight them off, even less if they knew who they were. It only solidified the fact to them; the Stray here must not have been particularly bright. 

They carefully and quietly stepped inside the building. They looked around and could see cobwebs were in between the machinery and could hear the scurrying of small animals and insects. They went deeper into the building, and as they did, they saw the inside was cleaner and knew they were on the right track. Someone wouldn’t have a reason to clean this place up unless they were going to put it to use, but they would be getting rid of the old rusty equipment and would have put up signs. If someone were to get into an accident before this place was properly cleaned up it would have been disastrous for the owner. 

They heard movement and stopped. They waited to see if the figure would come out as they heard their footsteps get louder. They saw a figure that resembled a Greek minotaur, due to two small bull horns that were starting to push out of their head. The figure had blue snake scales spreading up their chest, and small patches on their arms. Their feet looked more like their toes had been hardening and merging, with visible signs of what had to be the start of hoofs at the bottom of his feet and toes. 

Tobio smirked, feeling antsy. She slowly leaned up, ready to move and attack and snuck a look at the rest of the girls. Just like her, they were all ready and eager to attack the beast so they could spend more time with their Issei. The longer they were here the less time they would have, especially when more girls arrived.

“There you are!” Tobio yelled and summoned a black scythe in her hand. 

The stray turned to them and summoned a silver sword. It used its weapon to block the blow and stumbled back from the power behind it. It let out a growl when the others came into view and summoned another weapon. 

Tobio smirked as she flared her power and the rest of the group did as such. The Stray Devi gasped from the power displayed and shivered from the looks it was getting from the girls and moved to run away, but before it could ice formed at the bottom of its feet. The ice crawled up its body until its entire lower body was encased in ice. 

“Now where do you think you’re going?” Lavina asked with a smile, that would have made Akeno proud. She brought forth more of her ice magic and it started to pierce its body. It was as if an iron maiden had gone off inside of its body as spears of ice poked out of its body.

It fell onto the ground gasping for air. Lavinia stepped forward and leaned down to the Devil, her smile just as cold as a glacier. “You shouldn’t have come here. I had special plans in mind, and because of you, they had to be put off for a while. Think of this as karma for what you did?”

The slight twitching it gave out told everyone that it was still alive, if only barely. Its finger twitched and it struggled to tilt its head to look at them. It opened its mouth and rasped as it tried to speak, only for blood to escape its mouth. 

Tobio frowned, even though the stray didn’t say anything she knew what it was trying to say to them.

“Don’t worry buddy I got you,” Tobio said softly as she stepped forward and raised her scythe. In one quick motion, she brought it down and cut off its head. The head rolled off to the side, blood pooling around its severed head and its empty neck.

“Well, now that he’s dead we’ll need to clean up the body or something.”

“I can take care of the body, Lavinia could you deal with the blood?” Rias asked as she used her Power of Destruction to destroy the body, leaving not even a trace they were there. Lavina used her magic to clean up the blood that was on the ground. The spots they had hit were clean of any dust or dirt that had littered the floor. 

“Alright, now that stray's been dealt with, we can go back and have some fun!” Rias said cheerfully and pulled Issei close.

The others cheered at their success and they quickly left the building. Their minds were filled with excitement about all the things they would get to experience together. 

When they arrived at Issei’s home they went inside and relaxed. Tobio sat down at the couch as she looked over the others, who were holding onto Issei. She lounged on the couch, stretching her legs and pushing out her chest. She grinned when she saw Issei’s eyes on her breasts. Suddenly the redhead blinked and let go of her lover. 

“Lavinia, could you help me out with something really quick? I need your help with something concerning magic,” Rias said

“Sure, I can help you with it,” Lavinia said happily.

The two left the room, leaving Tobio and Issei alone in the room. Now that they were alone, Tobio wasn’t quite sure what she should do. She knew what she wanted to do, but she didn’t want to just jump him and take him like a bitch in heat. As much as he no doubt would have loved the idea of them having a passionate makeout session, he probably would've been thrown off, by the suddenness of it. 

She noticed that Issei was sneaking looks at her. His eyes would roam over her body, and stare for a moment at her breasts and then would rise higher, looking at some other parts of her. She was quiet and let him do as he pleased, as she tried to figure out what he was looking at. If he kept staring at her breasts, she would have squeezed them or mushed them together. He would have loved to see that, even more, if he could squeeze, which she would allow gleefully. 

“Something on your mind Issei?” Tobio asked. 

“It’s your ears and tail. I know you don’t have them normally, and I’m wondering if you feel this?” Issei asked.

Issei slowly, carefully reached out to touch them. He was suddenly reminded of Koneko and Kuroka and their ears. Just like when he was going to reach them, he was reminded of how it felt. He remembered how he accidentally squeezed or pat their ear a little too hard and it caused them discomfort. If they were real, then he didn’t want to do anything that would hurt her. His mind wondered if they were soft just like their ears and somewhat hoped they would be, and if he finally had the true addition of a dog girl in the harem. He finally reached out touched them, gently scratching them. 

Tobio stiffened as a sudden surge of pleasure shot through her spine. Her hands dug into her seat and her toes curled in her shoes. The dog ears on her head twitched, and her tail quickly swayed from side to side. She rolled her shoulders and shimmied in her seat as he continued to put his wonderful hands to use on her hands. She smiled and licked her lips, savoring the way she felt. 

Issei blushed as he continued to pet her and used his other hand to scratch behind her new dog ears. She let out another moan, and her mouth dropped as she became little more than putty in his hands. She pushed her head against his hand, to get more out of it. 

“Whoa! Issei cried as he was knocked down. Tobio over her, her breasts pushing down on his chest. 

The door was slammed open, making the three of them jump. They turned and saw Vali staring down at the group. She looked haggard, breathing heavily, as she stared at the duo. 

“Oh hey Vali,” Tobio said, smiling. She got off the ground, moving her loose hair behind her ears. 

She had been so happy to see Issei and have fun with him, that she completely forgot she had been there earlier. She felt a little guilty that she had completely forgotten about her earlier and didn’t notice until now. It made her want to make up for it in some way, like treating her to a meal or something. 

She opened her mouth to say something but stopped when she noticed Vali glaring at her. The brunette blinked wondering why she was so angry with her suddenly. The air grew heavier the more she stared at her and could have sworn she saw the image of a dragon over her. She opened her mouth to say something when she suddenly saw where her eyes were locked on. She looked down and saw that the half-devil was staring at her breasts. She blushed slightly from it, despite how often she had been looked at by others, she couldn’t help but be embarrassed about it.

Still, she was happy she was larger than the other girls. It gave her more to work with when she was with Issei and just as large, if not larger than Akeno. It made her happy she had something the boy she was attracted to like. Especially because she had so much, she could do all sorts of things she wanted to with it, and he could as well. She couldn’t understand why she was envious or angry, she had a good set of boobs as well that caught Issei’s attention. The younger girl had plenty of boob flesh to use as she pleased with so long as she got creative enough. 

“Oh, Issei what are you doing on the ground?” Lavinia asked as she quickly rushed forward and helped him off the ground. She looked him over, just like a doting mother would and eyes his clothes. “Oh, your clothes are just filthy.”

Issei blinked and looked at his clothes. There wasn't any sign of dirt or grime on them. The only they had that could be considered dirty was the wrinkles from being down on the ground. He looked at the others seeing if they were seeing the same thing, and saw they were just as confused as he was. 

“You should get out of those clothes and take a bath. Oh, speaking of that we should all take a bath together,” Lavinia said as she wrapped his arms around his back. “We all should take a bath together.”

The group froze the moment she said that as their minds started to be filled with naughty fantasies. 

“I agree we all could use a bath after recent events,” Rias said with a happy smile. She quickly moved forward and grabbed one of the arms before the others could. Her smile turned into a victorious smirk as she looked at the others. 

Vali was the only one who looked confused, no doubt because she had no idea about the stray devil they had encountered. Still, the blush on her face was more than enough indication that she was interested in the idea, even if she had to share it with the others. It was preferable than sitting out and letting them do as they pleased. 

“Your right, I can still smell the blood that came off of it from when we killed,” Tobio said, her tails wagging enthusiastically as she latched onto his other arm.

“This was supposed to be my special day,” Vali muttered quietly, so quietly that she almost didn’t hear the younger girl say it.

“Oh, don’t worry Va-chan,” Lavinia said as she got off Issei and pulled the silver-haired young woman to her.

As they walked, Tobio couldn’t help but think about the future. Soon, she and Vali would be moving into the Hyoudou residence along with the rest of the girls from Slash Dog. Her friends Suzaku, Sae, and Natsume, all of them beautiful in their ways, would be returning soon from their training trips and move in as well. After spending more time with Issei, she had decided to introduce him to the rest of the girls. Just like her, Lavinia and Vali they all fell for Issei because of one reason and another. 

Thinking about it now, they still needed to move into his house. The only reason why the two of them hadn’t moved in yet was because of all the craziness that had happened in Issei’s life. It seemed like every week something was happening that required them to stop what they were doing and rush out to go deal with it. 

Sure they could have done it while he was away, but it meant a lot more if he was. Not to mention there were also the good memories they could make doing so, especially the hot ones. Possibly him finding some clothes that got out of their boxes, or put them away. Maybe get a few naughtier outfits just for that occasion and wear them later when they were alone. He would certainly love that, just as she would love getting his attention.

It was a good thing Issei had a mansion for all of them to live in, or else they would have had to scramble around and make room. Something which would be amusing and lead to some arousing situations but would quickly lose its charm. All of them needed their own space eventually.

The girls threw off their clothes and hopped into the bathroom, making Issei giggle and smile perversely as he admired their lovely mountains. As the tub filled Rias went over to Issei and flirted with him. Lavinia went over and hugged the moping Vali who looked like she was about to cry for some reason. Tobio could only smile as she watched and sighed happily with all the turns her life had taken. 


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