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Alex sighed as he went through his room, looking for stuff he could do. He had recently been laid off his job and had been staying at home as he looked for a new one. As he waited to hear back from the places he put in, he had been looking for ways to pass the time. He had finally managed to catch up on his gaming quota and there were no games he wanted. Companies had been putting up sales, but he didn’t want to buy anything just because it was on sale. He had been looking through his games, and the gaming systems he had to see if an old game would call him and make him want to go through it again. 

It was an amazing trip down memory lane as he looked at his PlayStation Vita and the numerous games for it. He knew that he still had them, but he didn’t think he had as many games for them as he thought. He remembered the fun he had playing them and the time he spent playing them during trips, with his family when they were getting to their destination. It was glorious how he would have his earbuds in his ears, and no one would annoy him as he played. It made him feel like an old fart in all honesty. 

Alex pulled out another draw and saw a red and black bag with straps on it. He opened the bag and saw inside a silver Nintendo DS, a black DS Lite, and an aqua 3DS. He carefully pulled them out of the bag and looked them over, and much to his joy they were in good shape. He still remembered he had gotten the first two as Christmas gifts and the last one he bought himself. 

“Wonder what games I got in here and if they still work,” Alex muttered to himself as he started looking through the game cases. He saw the Fire Emblem games he had, including the Gameboy advances games, Tales of the Abyss, and the Shin Megami Tensei games. All of them were games he almost forgot he had.

He stopped when he saw a game called Yugioh GX: Spirit Caller. Memories of his youth and time spent in elementary school, trading cards, buying packs, and the duels they would have. The exuberance he felt as he watched the anime, wondering what cards he would see appear. It had made him fall in love with the show and act like such a dork as he tried his best to imitate it when he dueled his pals. Something which earned him much ribbing from his buddies. It had been years since he had played Yugioh or any other card game like it. With how they just kept making new more broken cards that became the meta, that it turned him off to the point he stopped playing.

Yugioh GX had always been his favorites series from the franchise. There was just something about the show that just drew him to it. The monsters it featured, the plotlines, and the characters. He found all the elemental heroes looked and wondered what more of their fusions would look like. There was also how it had in his opinion the sexiest and cutest girls in the franchise, with Alexis being his favorite in GX. Her design was impeccable to him, and the attitude that she had certainly helped draw him to her.  

His memories shifted from the show as he remembered the duels he had played on the game. He never did fully beat it and wouldn’t have to worry about any meta decks. Meta decks were what killed Yugioh for him, and any drive that he had to collect the cards. It would be an average fun game of Yugioh where he didn’t have to worry about getting mullered by a sudden field of monsters from out of nowhere. 

He started the game and watched the opening, feeling a little nostalgic as it continued. When it was over, he logged in and smiled as he looked through the deck he had made. That was always part of the fun he had made. Building the deck, he wanted and making it his own. With these types of games where your character just suddenly shows up and joins the cast, it was expected it wouldn’t have the best story. It surprised him what cards were limited or banned back then if he tried to use a few of these cards now, he had no doubt they would have been banned.

He didn’t remember where he was at plot-wise, but he didn’t care too much. To him, this game was about building a cool deck that fit his desires and beating. If he was close to a plot point, then it would inform about what he was doing, and he would go deal with it when it came.  He wondered who his first opponent would be and remembered the strategies he had developed for his desk came to him.

The duelist Rader changed colors as it got closer to finding an opponent and he circled the area until it jumped. He eagerly went over and saw the mysterious duelist he found was Alexis Rhodes. He remembered that she was one of the mid-class opponents in the game, and her deck was built around Cyber Girls. They were a little weaker power wise when it came to attacking, but they made up for it with effects. He vaguely remembered the trouble she gave him when he played. It would be an even chance at first, so long as the heart of the cards favored him. 

As the duel went on, he kept getting cards that couldn’t help him with this situation. Such as high-level monsters, or spells that couldn’t help him in this situation. It frustrated him, that no matter what he got to hold his ground, it would only be delaying the inevitable. With every turn, he lost more of his life points and, desperately needed something thing to turn it around. Soon he was down to his last couple hundred life points. If he had drawn mirror force that would have at least bought him another turn, and if he had a monster after it, would allow him to counterattack. 

Alexis attacked him directly and he lost whatever life points he had left. He frowned as the game told him he lost the duel, but quickly reminded himself it didn’t have to be the case. He remembered years ago back when he was a kid, that when he lost, he would turn off the game and start over. It was how he kept a perfect winning streak in the game and a tactic of his so he would always earn points. It might not have been how the game was meant to be played, but having fun was more important than that, especially when it didn’t harm anyone. 

He turned off the game system, but it didn’t turn off. Instead, the screen flashed, and he saw a jumble of words appear on the top and bottom screen. They sped across the screen so fast he couldn’t see what they were saying. The young man’s heart pounded in his chest and worried it was some sort of system shock or something. A light shock went through his system as if he was plugging something in and touching the metal prongs. 

“Ow!” Alex cried as he dropped the DS down onto the couch as the screen blacked out. He shook his hand and stared at the DS as a tingling sensation ran through his body. He carefully picked it up and tried to find where he had been shocked but couldn’t find an exposed port. He turned it on and touched where he had been shocked and still didn’t feel a shock. He checked the data he had on it and saw it was all there. 

“What was that?” Alex muttered, trying to figure out what went wrong. Something like that never happened and he hadn’t heard anything like it online or from one of his friends.

The tingling sensation from the shock continued to grow and become more noticeable. A sudden itch hit his bicep and he scratched. Another formed on his other arm and he did. His body started to itch all over as if ants had gotten in his clothes and were biting everywhere. He moaned as he attacked the itching zones, but no matter how hard he did, they just kept coming. The itch kept getting worse. His scratches brought momentary relief, but the sensation came back twice as strong. 

Unknown to him, the hair along his body started to fall off where he had been scratching, vanishing before they even touched the ground. If he hadn’t been so focused on what he was doing, he might have noticed the changes. The small stubble he had on his face fell off, leaving not even a shadow of what was there left. The moment his hands finished moving past a zone, hairless streaks formed on his limbs, just like a mower after it cut tall grass in a yard. Hairless holes formed on his chest from where he scratched. Soon, not even a trace of body hair below his eyebrows remained.

“Why the hell am I so itchy all of a sudden,” Alex cried as he continued to scratch his body, as it continued to itch relentlessly. He moved over to the wall and pushed himself up and down like a dog to help deal with the itchiness. As he did, his tanned skin started to brighten as the moles and freckles on his arms and body started to recede, vanishing as if they weren’t there. A small t shaped scar he had years ago from a biking accident started to disappear. Much to his glee, the more he scratched, the more he could feel the itchiness start to cease.

“Oh finally,” Alex cried as he slouched against the wall, his body relaxing as a sensation of cold water came over him. The moment his arms entered his field of vision, he blinked when he saw the smooth hairless limbs. “The hell?”

The young man reached up and rubbed his hands over them, shivering from the cold breeze. He hesitantly touched them and flinched from the smoothness of them. It was unnatural and reminded him of when he was younger before he went through puberty. He rubbed his hand over the rest of his body and didn’t feel a trace of what was there before. He marveled at how smooth they were and knew it would have been impossible to get them this clean of his own efforts. This was a type of smoothness that no man could get unless they worked hard to get it this clean daily. 

His blue eyes stung as if soap had gotten in them and he quickly rubbed them. Hissing and moaning as the pain in them continued to grow despite his best efforts. His eyes felt funny as if after was pouring from the sides. He opened his eyes and struggled to keep them open and they shut of their own accord. He tried again to open them, but it felt like he was under saltwater. When he could open his eyes, they had finished changing into mesmerizing hazel, not that he was aware.

Alex moaned as his face felt like he was under a shower as a light ache resounded. His cheeks ached as if he had suddenly placed a large icepack against his face and was pressing them down. They went numb and he placed his hands on them and rubbed them up and down, hoping it would alleviate the cold. He didn’t feel anything pressing against his cheeks and he gulped as his nerves started to jump. The young man blinked as he could feel his hands moving out, and slowly started moving his hand to feel what it was like. He could feel his face rounding out, along with his chin as a faint pulling feeling went through it. It stopped changing when he had a soft rounded face, clean of any facial hair. 

He hissed as a sudden feeling of someone pinching his nose went through him that made his face scrunch. The young man groaned as he reached up and grabbed his nose and pulled his nostrils. He didn’t feel anything pinching them and massaged them. Suddenly it felt as if something had hit it and it felt as if his nose had been caved inward. The sudden pain made him touch it and he felt a smoother incline there that shouldn’t have been. He reached down and could feel the nostrils were getting smaller to fit his shrinking nose.

A shock ran through his lips and he placed his hands on them, fearing what would happen as they quickly got numb. He could feel them swelling against the tips of his digits as if they were infected by something. It unnerved him as they grew and pulled his lips and winced from how sensitive they were. They stopped growing when they settled into a natural pout.

The moment the numbness and the slight shock passed he could tell his face had stopped changing. He ran into the bathroom to see what he looked like. He flinched the moment he saw his face. It wasn’t his old one, but that of a beautiful mature young woman. There was something familiar about the face, the eye color, and his new skin. The way it blended vaguely reminded him of someone he had seen somewhere but couldn’t place who it was.

As if responding to his thoughts, his mocha brown hair felt off, as if warm bird poop had landed on him. He reached up, expecting to feel some gross sticky substance, but didn’t. It suddenly started to grow longer and tickle the back of his neck. It continued to grow longer, the growing strands of hair tickling his back as they did. He grabbed his bangs and watched them start to brighten, almost as if someone was using a slider in a video game. It finished growing when he had long dark blonde hair that reached halfway down his back.

The feminine young man looked back at the mirror and gasped as it suddenly came to him why his transformed face looked so familiar. It was because it was the face of what Alexis Rhodes would look like if she wasn’t an anime character. The hair and eyes just added up to her perfectly. At the very least he took solace that he wouldn’t turn into a scarred character from a show or game. 

Alex felt like something had wrapped around his throat, like a soft fur collar, or a blanket. He reached up and blinked when he didn’t feel anything. He gulped as he feared what the next part of the transformation would be like. So far it felt like someone was manhandling him, and toying with him as if he was a life-size doll. It worried him what it would feel like later down the line. 

“Oh no!” Alex panicked and grabbed his throat, trying to remove the invisible pressure he felt that was suffocating him. He scrambled in panic, his fingernails scratching the side of his neck. No matter where he touched, he couldn’t feel anything except his soft flesh. After a moment he realized thankfully he could still breathe normally as the pressure continued to tighten. It did nothing to calm his nerves since one hard squeeze or the pressure might grow to the point, he wouldn’t be able to do so anymore. He gasped when the pressure suddenly stopped and could feel the collar around his neck was finally gone. He smiled and patted his throat to make sure it was truly gone a laugh escaping his throat that sounded like a girlish giggle. 

“Thank goodness!” Alex cheered and immediately frowned as it wasn’t his voice. The voice that left his mouth was softer and higher than his old one, and yet he recognized it immediately. To make sure he sang. “I have a lovely bunch of dragon balls here they are all sitting in a bunch of… what the fuck!” 

He sounded just like Alexis from the tv show. It had been years since he had seen it and only had seen clips over the years. He felt his stomach twist and turn and felt like he might vomit from how sudden the changes were. Yet he couldn’t help but feel excited about it and wonder what the next change would be.

Alex winced as he felt a sudden pressure form on his body as if weights had been placed all over him. The now blonde watched his reflection get smaller in the mirror and gulped. He looked around the room as everything was starting to get larger. He finished shrinking when he had lost a few inches in height. The feminizing young man let out a breath, too many of his friends he would have been short now, but to quite a few girls he had seen he would have been average. It did little to bring him some comfort, but he would take it wherever he could. If he was honest with himself the sudden height change, while discomforting wasn’t bad.

The feminine young man shivered when his shoulders felt like someone had placed their soft cold hands on his shoulders. He would have looked over his shoulders if it wasn’t for the mirror. The invisible hands he felt on his body pressed deeper into shoulders.

“Ahhh,” Alex moaned in comfort as the hands rubbed against his shoulders, the pressure they were exerting growing as they continued to massage him. He rolled his shoulders and leaned deeper into them, permitting them to do what they wanted.

A small cracking noise escaped his shoulders as they started to move closer together. A sensation of cool water being poured down his back, made Alex moan in delight. The knots he had in his back were starting to decrease as it continued, and he was savoring every moment of it. The feminizing young man slowly walked into the living room and fell onto the couch, landing on his stomach. He could feel his shoulders moving as they continued to be gently massaged and moved. The fear and panic he felt earlier when the transformation first began was being slowly eroded as the soft comfort of this change took over. It stopped when he had smaller, rounder shoulders that added to his feminine appearance. 

The change crawled down his shoulders and started to rub his biceps. He moved his arms upward and could see his biceps getting larger. He had always been a bit thin, to the point he could have been compared to a scarecrow. Soft fat and slim muscle filled his arms, filling him with more power than he had before. As the transformation went down and changed his forearms to match the rest of his arms, he curled his arms and flexed them, staring at his biceps, enraptured by the ball of muscle. He wondered how much more he would have been able to lift. 

The massage reached his hands and he moved his hands in front of him to see. He smiled at how they were changing. The sides of his hands got smaller as they also individually rubbed his fingers. Pressing down on the sides gently as they moved. At once the rest of his hands started to shrink down. They got smaller and the calluses on his hands started to disappear as the palms of his hands started to get softer, along with his fingers. He touched the tips of his fingers against his hands and jumped a little from softness they exuded that matched the rest of his arms. 

His nails cleaned as they grew slightly longer, evening out. He had a bit of a habit where would he chip at them with his fingers when he was bored or nervous. All the damage he had done to his nails to put them in the condition they were in before started to disappear. He had never gotten his nails done before, but even he could admit the change done to them was amazing. It only served to emphasize the change he had gone through. When the change was finished, he had cute feminine hands that didn’t have a trace of the masculinity they once had.

The same comforting hands that massaged his arms came back and started working on his feet, despite the fact he was wearing shoes. He got up and moved to look at his feet as his toes started to curl of their own accord. He could feel his feet crunched inward as the massage continued. He shivered and had to fight the laugh that wanted to escape from the way his feet were being touched, almost as if they were being tickled. When they finished changing, he could feel his shoes hang loosely off his feet and had to try for them to stay on.

The invisible force changing him gently, almost lovingly moved up his legs as it continued its work. His lower legs slimmed down to match his smaller feet and he did not doubt that it would match his feet. The hands working on him reached the bottom of his thighs and gently started to prod, massage, and caress them. He watched with eager glee as they started to grow larger, filling the looseness his pants legs had before. A hint of arousal went through his body as they worked their magic on his thighs. He brought his hands down and started to squeeze and grab as much of his leg as he could, loving the way they felt. He knew he could spend hours massaging his new large sexy thighs.

The young man jumped when he felt as if someone was hugging him, making him stand up and look around, half wondering if he would see something. The hug he felt got tighter as the arms he felt started to go up and down his stomach as if the person was going up and down. He didn’t need to be a genius to figure out the next change, and what signs of his old self he had were diminishing quickly. His waist started to curve inward as it gave in to the pressure being exerted on him. He groaned as he reached down and rubbed his diminishing waistline. It wasn’t as pleasant as when his arms and legs were being worked on, but it was nice to an extent. He kept rubbing his shrinking waist, enjoying the feeling and wondering how small it would get before it was done. His waist finished when he had a small slim waist, that looked like it belonged on a model. 

Alex yelped as a sudden sharp pain formed between his legs as if someone had kicked him down below. He squealed as if someone had roughly grabbed his balls and were squeezing down on them. The squeezing pressure grew after every second and he winced as the pressure continued to grow. He moved the front of his pants and gasped at the sight of his shrinking equipment. He could only stare in mute horror and wonder as they continued to get smaller. It was strange, a part of him wanted to reach down and see if he could save his masculinity, but the arousal made him want to stop and just let what happens next go. It felt so good, and the shocks of electricity that shot up his spine made him feel so relaxed and happy, he couldn’t bring himself to care.

The first thing to go was the shaft of his penis and he whimpered as his knees buckled, shaking as if he ran five marathons. Pleasure coursed through his spine, that made it harder for him to remain standing. The pleasure skyrocketed again when one of his balls was sucked inside of him, which made it a wonder he was able to remain standing. The other ball quickly followed its companion, and the pleasure again skyrocketed to places he didn’t think possible. His body swayed as his legs felt like it was being attacked on all fronts and gave out on him. Thankfully he landed on the couch. 

When his legs felt like they were regaining feeling in his body he stood up. He looked down the front of his pants and saw a new vagina where his old equipment was. He gulped as the realization that he was truly a girl now hit him like a ton of bricks. It made her think of herself as a girl, something she didn’t mind too much. 

“Ahhh!” Alex cried as her butt suddenly felt as if someone had roughly grabbed her bottom cheeks and started to massage them. This massage didn’t have the same soft gentleness as earlier, but instead a powerful dominating hunger that demanded attention. It was still just as pleasing, but in a different way, like a lustful lover who wanted to make love. 

The blonde could feel her butt start growing larger against the powerful workings of the invisible hands. It pleased her more and more, as her pants were further strained by the development of his buttocks. The bagginess in her pants diminished more as her developing backside pushed against the back of her pants. She clenched her cheeks and mewled as she pushed her butt out and wiggled as if she was inviting a lover to do more. As if someone else was there, the strong hands she felt increased their pace as they played, squeezed, and caressed her developing ass flash. 

A small rip resounded through the room, which made the former young man blush in embarrassment. If anyone had seen her now, she would have been the center of several jokes and perverted glances. Her blush grew more as the ripping sound continued, as her butt continued to grow without end. She slipped her finger into the hole and felt the softer flesh there and blushed as the growth of her behind was starting to slow down. After another moment of small growth, her buttocks finally stopped growing. She looked over her shoulder at her new booty and blushed at how huge her behind had gotten. It had grown to the point it looked like someone had shoved a pair of balloons down her pants. 

Alex faced forward and remembered there was still one last part before the transformation was over. The Alexis in the show was quite developed for her age and was around sixteen if he remembered right. There was always the chance she was a little older or a year younger, because of how anime tended to be with ages. The fact he was still missing a pair of breasts on her chest told her the transformation wasn’t finished, but it was close. All that remained before she turned into the anime girl, she loved in her youth was her boobs.

As if waiting for her to realize that, her chest started to ache as the feeling of someone massaging her chest came over her, and she instinctively grabbed them. She hissed, her nipples feeling like someone as gently caressing and pulling them. She flinched and looked down the front of her shirt as her pecs started to grow larger. The pleasure she felt from their sudden growth made her weak in the knees. She fell onto the couch as she rocked her hips, bouncing on the bed like a small child that had drunk three cans of soda.

Alex could see a small canyon of cleavage forming that continued to become more prominent. Her pecs swelled larger as the fat continued to get piled on. Her hands moved of their own and clenched down on them of their accord. Her developing tit-flesh continued to swell larger, her excitement and arousal growing in tandem with each other. The warmth between her legs grew by the second the more she and the invisible hands played with her developing chest. She felt something building between her legs as her pleasure soared and wondered what would happen when it reached its peak. Her breasts finally finished growing when they were a large supple D-cup that were larger than ripe apples, which would perfectly fit in larger masculine hands. 

The hands stopped their work on her chest, and Alex reluctantly let go. The warmth her new organs were emitting persisted and the desire to play with herself continued. In the back of her mind, a part of her raged at feeling cheated and told herself to continue what she was doing.

“Okay, I think I’m done,” Alex said. she looked down at her baggy clothes in disbelief. She could feel her pants slipping down her body, and quickly reached down to hold them up. It was a blessing she was in her own home, and not somewhere outside when this was happening. The attention she would have gotten from anyone that would have seen her would have been embarrassing, not to mention the panic it might have stirred with everyone. It would have made this already awkward situation even more so. 

The new young woman walked back into the bathroom and jumped when she saw herself. She knew what she would look like in the end, but it didn’t make seeing the reality of it any less strange. She pinched her cheek, wondering if this would be the moment she would wake up and find out this was all just a dream. 

“Oh my god, I look just like her,” Alex gulped. “How am I goooooo!”

Alex cooed as her clothes felt like they were changing. She looked down and watched as her loose shirt stated to tighten around her body. Another piece of cloth formed underneath her tightening shirt. It crawled up her body and hugged her slim waist. It reached her shoulders and formed a collar under her neck but was hidden underneath her top garb. Small spots of white formed on her top along with blue trimmings that formed on her chest and neck as the sleeves of shirt disappeared, exposing her arms.

Her pants crawled up her body, as the legs of her pants grew out until they merged. The bottom of her legs was exposed and would have been the sight of quite a few gazes with how long and succulent they looked. They finished changing when they turned into a tight short miniskirt that exposed the bottom of her plush thighs. 

A light blue colored belt appeared on her waist as her slippers started to harden and shrunk to fit her new feet. A heel formed on the back of them, that threw her off-balance and made her almost topple. They finished changing into royal blue boots. A pair of fingerless gloves suddenly appeared on her which reached from her wrists up to her elbows. They softly held her hand and protected her palms as she flexed her fingers. She could easily imagine working out in them, with how tough they seemed. If she did get back into working out, then at least she wouldn’t need to buy some. 

Alex stood there, waiting for something else to change as she stared down at her perfectly cupped breasts. The new top she wore, showed off how large she was. She knew Alexis was a big girl, from how the art made her look, but she didn’t think she would be this big in real life. The longer she stared at them, the more the perverted part of her mind whispered at her to squeeze. She groped her sizeable breasts and shivered from the way she felt and had to stop herself from squeezing more. She opened the top and was greeted to a tight black top that did absolutely nothing to hide her bosom. She thought she was big before but with how the shirt held her breast she felt like she needed a new definition. 

She looked at the time on her phone and saw a picture of the new her with her friends. A calm relaxing wave went over her as she took it in, along with the implications. She went through the rest of her photo gallery and images of her old self with her family her new body. If these photos were anything to go by then this new her was how the rest of the world saw her. It made her slightly more comfortable about her situation and wondered if the memories of her friends and family had changed as well.

Either way, she wouldn’t know until they arrived home. It would be a while before her parents would come back from work and the whole world seemingly believed this was the new her. It made her question what she would do until then. This was a little too much to go back to her original plans of playing a video game or browsing the web.

Her breasts ached, as if reminding her she groped them, and felt hot between her legs. The new woman tried to push those feelings down again, but they persisted, and the heat flared again as if demanding attention. The more her mind focused on the building heat between her legs, the harder it was for her to ignore. She looked down at her erect nipples and rubbed her thighs together, still finding the latter strange there was nothing between her legs. She knew what it was like to please herself as a man, but this would be the first time she would do so as a woman. It sounded tempting to her and she had to admit she was curious. Besides if this heat, she felt was anything to go by, it would continue to persist until she dealt with it.

“I guess, I could use the time to explore this body,” Alex muttered as she went back to her room and hopped on her bed. She threw her top off and unclipped the skirt and could feel an eager grin form on her face as she started to massage her chest again. This might not be the most ideal situation, but she could at least get some fun out of it.


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