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Dear mutants, I am making a lot of efforts at the moment to advance illustrations, but I am going through a moment of overwork that is having a slight impact on my health.

For a time Leena will not be available for editing while she completes her recovery, which is a priority. Together with Sophiie we are trying to maintain a level of quality within our means, but this means that important series, such as The Ogre, The Giggle and Too Much Details will be on standby until Leena recovers.

Also, at this moment, I am organizing a comic and illustration event in my city that will take place on November 2, 3 and 4. This involves illustration fair, workshops, talks and all the logistics of coordinating exhibitors. Also, starting this Thursday I will be at a Book Fair for 7 days with the group that I lead. I will not stop drawing on those days, but I ask for a little patience if there is not as much material as there usually is, but I assure you that there will always be new material.

I hope to get rid of all that soon to regain regularity at work.




Don't forget your health! We need you (and your art) around for a while. XD