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The clock read 10:00 p.m. when Eleine walked through the door.

"Hey, why did you take so long?", replied Trish, her roommate, friend and occasional lover, "I thought we were going to have an afternoon of movies, but instead you went shopping all afternoon."

"Sorry, I thought it would take less time, but it really took a lot of work," Eleine said apologetically.

"What are you talking about, what took you so long?" Trish asked.

Eleine smiled as she wordlessly ran towards her bedroom. Trish didn't understand that she was pretending to do, so after a few seconds she decided to follow her. When she entered the bedroom she saw Elaine naked, displaying a rather impressive chain and piercing arrangement.

"What do you think?" Eleine asked with evident pride.

"Wow,... that's impressive," Trish replied, "I wonder how hard it will be to get it off"

And without wasting any time she began to undress as well.



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