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Story by Sophiie93

Lucy was surfing the television in her apartment while Jessica was applying makeup to Sophie’s face. The three girls were chatting casually while Jessica used them to practice her profession. After some minutes, Jessica placed a mirror in front of the twins, letting them see each other in different makeups.

“It feels so weird to see myself looking so different from Lucy…” Sophie said.

"Indeed. I'm more used to Sophie copying my makeup," Lucy said laughing, while her sister pouted.

“Last time I started with Sophie so in theory you copied her,” Jessica said.

"Hey, whose side are you on?" Lucy said touching the nose of one of Jessica's faces. The three girls laughed until an advertisement on television caught their attention.

A two-headed girl announced the advertisement with images of the attractions in the background “Introducing Soleiwood, our new amusement park in Port Solei! Our attractions are adapted for any type of body. Do you have extra legs and always wanted to ride a roller coaster? Would you like to use your fins in the aquarium and swim with dolphins? Have you ever wanted to feel your slime body in free fall? Than this is the right place for you! We are open from 8:00am to 10:00am.”

"Wow!" Sophie and Lucy said, jumping a little with excitement.

"We should give it a try, don't you think?" Jessica said, watching as her friends nodded repeatedly, looking at the clock and taking their phone from their pocket.

"We have to invite Antonella! I know she's free today," Lucy said, looking for her in her contacts list. Jessica and Sophie waited patiently as Antonella answered the phone call.

"Ey Anto! It's Lucy… yes, are you free today?” Lucy said as she gestured “Yes? Excellent! we're here with Jessica and we thought to visit the new amusement park, do you want to go?”

A few seconds passed in which they could hear Antonella speak before Lucy answer "Yes, Sophie came too... you are very funny" Antonella's laugh could be heard on the phone "And if you're afraid of attractions that's one more reason to go! You need to face your fears my friend” Jessica gave a thumbs up to Lucy as she heard her.

"Okay... good, see you later!" Lucy finished, hanging up the call and nodding to her sister and Jessica "Let's go get Antonella!"

"Yeeey!" Jessica said happily picking up her bag, then stopped and looked at her outfit "Am I okay like this?"

Sophie and Lucy responded with four thumbs up. Jessica smiled and approached the girls to fix their makeup so they matched.

Minutes later, they were getting ready inside Antonella's house. Showing her the ad on the phone while the four of them bought tickets online.

“Oh wow, they charge us one ticket for the two of us,” Sophie said.

“Yeah, the app even works with our online profile as mutants,” Lucy said, using the phone they both share.

"Aww, they don't give me discounts!" Jessica said protesting.

“You also pay a single ticket…” Lucy said as she shrugs.

“There are only promotions for conjoined twins and for mutants with certain levels of vulnerability,” Antonella said, reading the app notes.

"Well, we could always use the mutagen and fuse-" Lucy said, being interrupted by Antonella immediately.

"No! That was a crazy night... I'm not sharing my brains with you again!" Antonella said gesturing with her hands and blushing.

"Oh... don't you want to talk about your memories?" Lucy said, smiling mischievously.

"Anto, remind me also not to say yes to everything these two propose" Jessica said, crossing her arms and remembering that day.

“Yeah, I will…” Antonella said as she took her things and prepared to leave.

“Wow, you make us sound like villains,” Sophie said as they turned to Jessica. Antonella surprised them by hugging them from behind with all six arms and resting her head between the girls’ necks "You are the best and sweetest villains!" she said, laughing. "Don't talk about my memories. I also have many that I collected from you two... even about what you two think of each other.”

Sophie and Lucy blushed and looked at each other. "Are those… good thoughts?" they both said.

"Yeah, don't worry… it just made me jealous of how much you two love each other" Antonella said, releasing them and touching her lips with a finger while she spoke with her tail "Maybe one day I'll write a story about those memories"

"Don’t you dare!" the girls said.

"That would be interesting to read… but let's go before it gets too late!" Jessica said practically pushing her friends out of the house.

Upon entering the amusement park, the girls were surprised by the size of it and the number of visitors and attractions.

"You can tell this place is quite the novelty... Just look at how many people there are!" Antonella said, somewhat intimidated as her head subtly lowered trying to not attract attention.

“It is a beautiful place but we did not come here to admire the landscape. Which attraction do we go on first?!” Jessica said excitedly.

"If possible, one where Antonella's tail doesn't fly off" said Lucy, laughing. Antonella reacted by wagging her tail in front of her and hugging it as if she tries to protect it "Wasn't this a park made for mutants?!"

“It is, relax… you know how Lucy gets sometimes. Be thankful you don't have her with you 24/7,” Sophie said with a sigh.

Lucy seemed hurt to hear that but she immediately smiled when she saw how Sophie smiled and winked at her "I'm just kidding, I love you"

"I don't think my heads get along as well as those two girls... not even synchronized" Jessica said.

“I think I understand,” Antonella said.

"Hey, let's go on that roller coaster!" Sophie said pointing towards the biggest roller coaster that attracted the most attention.

"Sounds good!" Jessica said. Antonella stared at the rollercoaster that took up almost the entire landscape "I-I don't think I'll survive that... I'm afraid of heights"

The girls turned slowly towards her, looking at her tail. Antonella returned their gaze "Yes... I know, that's why I never raise my tail too much"

"I don't know if that's funny or cute," Lucy said, taking one of Antonella's hands "Let's go to something simpler first, you have to get rid of your fear... remember?"

"The Hammer?" Sophie said.

“I think that's worse…” Jessica said. Antonella pointed towards the Ferris wheel "I think I could handle that..."

"Not a bad idea" the twins said. The four girls headed for the Ferris wheel, getting on it after a few minutes in the queue. They entered in the cabin and made themselves comfortable, beginning to enjoy the ride as the Ferris wheel slowly ascended.

Antonella seemed distracted talking to them until her eyes turned towards the window, seeing the landscape from high above. Both of her faces immediately turned pale and she started sweating.

Her friends took a few seconds to notice, while they continued talking and laughing. From one moment to the next, the cabin wobbled from side to side, which was normal for these rides but something certainly unexpected for Antonella, who used all six of her arms to hold on as tightly as she could to her friends and the seat, while closing the eyes of her heads.

The three girls noticed the tension in Antonella and held her "Antonella, calm down... you're safe" "We're with you, you won't fall" "Open your eyes slowly..."

Antonella sighed with both heads and slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was Sophie and Lucy faces, very close to her. One of their hands pointed out the window.

“Look how beautiful the city looks, there’s so many lights!” Jessica said. They didn’t released Antonella's hands for a single second while she relaxed looking at the horizon.

Antonella's faces relaxed as did her hands. "Are you okay?" Jessica asked.

"Yes, I think so..." Antonella answered, moving a little, "...I have nothing to fear with you three here"

"Awww... marry me, please!" Lucy said laughing

"Your sister doesn't miss an opportunity to flirt with her, right?" Jessica said. Lucy just winked at her as Antonella kept looking out the window. After several seconds her tail turned towards them, "I think you were right. I just had to face my fears"

"NICE! Can we go on the roller coaster then?" Sophie said.

"NO!" Antonella said with both heads.




I love how vibrant this looks. Very good job!