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Monica left her hotel room early to head to her interview. Her work as a journalist forced her to travel constantly and sleep in hotels, it had already become a habit that she enjoyed in a certain way. However, Monica had a small flaw that had intensified over time: she liked to secretly masturbate in public places, and when you're a futanari who can separate your head from your neck, there's a world of fun possibilities.

Monica walked down the hotel hallway wearing a beautiful dress that showed off her generous cleavage and her tanned skin as she rhythmically waved her arms. From her waist down she wore a full skirt that seamlessly concealed her penis, while her legs walked elegantly in her high platform sandals. She had braided her pink hair, giving her a rather youthful appearance.

Shortly before reaching the elevator, a message on her phone took her attention.

“Hi Monica, I'm very sorry but due to an emergency I won't be available in the morning. Could we see each other this afternoon? Kisses”, the message said briefly. Monica just sighed a bit annoyed. If the message had arrived an hour earlier she could have continued sleeping, taken advantage of the hotel pool or just masturbated healthily "Yeah sure, don't worry. In the afternoon it's fine. Kisses,” she answered and put her phone away.

"It would be a shame to go back to bed and deprive the world of this beauty," she told herself as she gazed at her figure in one of the hotel mirrors. She blew her reflection a kiss before going into one of the hotel's sitting rooms.

When she entered, she noticed that no one was there, possibly because it was too early. She leaned against the window to feel the fresh air and see the views. From there she could see the hotel pool where there were already people enjoying it. There were some very beautiful girls, as well as some boys with very good physiques. A young woman who had four enormous breasts and a contagious laugh caught her attention.

"Wow, there's a good view from here," she thought. At the same time, she noticed that her penis began to react to the scenery. “Oops, I'm really just a pervert”, she chuckled to herself.

She quickly looked to see if there was a security camera in the room, just to find out she was relatively safe. She quickly detached her head, lifted her skirt with one of her many hands and opened her mouth as wide as she could to shove her penis into it as far as it would go. She then dropped her skirt, hiding the fact that her head was clasped between her own thighs as she sucked on her own penis.

"Shit, I love how good the pressure of my thighs against my cheeks feels," she thought to herself as she sucked. It took all of her willpower to avoid playing with her breasts as she gave herself a blow job.

"Hi there, good afternoon! I hope I don't bother you" Monica heard the voice of an older woman entering the room. She froze for a moment in terror but instinctively waved with one of her many hands. “I haven't seen girls without heads lately. You guys are really amazing,” the woman said, “It's funny to think about how you eat or communicate, even where you have your brain. Mutants are amazing, right?"

Monica felt momentarily relieved. The woman thought she was a Dullanhan. She then felt that more people entered the room, although they all assumed that she had no head. Monica only waved lightly with one hand when someone spoke towards her.

Little by little, the feeling of fear began to transform into a powerful excitement. She was there, giving herself a great blowjob while there were people around.

“This is the best thing that's happened to me lately,” she thought to herself as she played with her tongue around her penis, “I hope they're not here too long though. It will be difficult to walk holding my head between my thighs.

During that short period of time Monica came three times, filling her mouth with her own cum. She had to make an untold effort to maintain her composure with each orgasm.

"Hey mom, here you were", Monica heard a young girl's voice, quite similar to the voice of the beautiful mutant in the pool. "Dad was looking for you. The Buffet already opened”

“Right, I'm going to go right away,” the woman said, standing up.

Monica felt how people began to leave the room, apparently attracted to the Buffet, which was quite convenient since the presence of the beautiful girl was reinforcing her erection.

"Look, there is a girl with four breasts like you but she has four arms and she has no head," said the woman to the beautiful girl with four breasts.

“Wow, you are right! Go ahead, mom, I want to talk to her," said the girl. Monica felt the footsteps of the beauty getting closer.

“Wow, hello, it's great to meet another mutant here. There aren't as many as in Port Solei”, she said with a very sensual tone of voice, “I was looking for a shop that makes mutant clothes around here, do you know of any?”

Monica felt a strange mix of emotions racing through her head. She felt a bit of despair, as well as enormous excitement. She tried to think of what to do but one last and very powerful orgasm filled her already full mouth with more cum and caused her head to roll down her legs, bounced in her legs and rolled a few feet further until she was in front of the beautiful mutant.

“Holy shit!” the beautiful girl exclaimed.

With lightning speed, Monica took her head and placed it on her neck to swallow all the semen accumulated in her mouth.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to scare you. It's just… well,” she stutter a bit.

The girl looked at how a huge bulge formed on the front of Monica's dress. “Wow, I think I understand quite well,” she said as she stared at her mesmerized, “So, you took your head off and you were giving yourself blowjob in front of all these people?”

"Well, yeah… you got me," Monica said blushing.

"Wow… spicy," said the girl with a very suggestive gesture, "You know, something similar happens to me"

"What do you mean?" Monica asked.

The girl just smiled and pulled down her tiny shorts exposing her crotch. Right in the place of her vagina a sexy mouth was licking its own lips. She moved a little closer to Monica and extended her tongue just enough to remove the semen that was still dripping from Monica's penis.

“Wow, that felt amazing,” Monica said on the brink of another orgasm.

"My name is Kristy, in case you want to have some fun," she said brightly, "I'm into mutant girls too much"

Monica smirked “You know, I don't have anything to do for several more hours. How about we take a walk around the hotel. I have been here before and I know several places without security cameras”

“That sounds great to me,” Kristy said, stepping in front of her and taking Monica's exposed penis into her vagina with her mouth as she pressed her impressive breasts against hers.

Never before was Monica so grateful that an interview was postponed.




Love hidden and secret stuff


Could you tag stories which include vagina mouths like these with that tag? that makes them easier to find