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“This is crazy,” Roy said as he walked down the dimly lit hallway to Abigail’s apartment. The two had been friends for awhile but rarely went out together, partially due to Abigail’s rather adventurous lifestyle. But tonight, they were actually grabbing dinner together. It was supposed to be a relaxing friend’s dinner, but that went against Abi’s very nature. Roy patted his own cheeks trying to calm his racing mind as knocked on her door.

When Abi swung the door open almost immediately, Roy’s jaw nearly hit the floor. She looked stunning in a white low-cut blouse and a short black miniskirt. On her feet were delicate sandals with a much lower heel than she usually wore. He wanted to tell her how beautiful she looked but he couldn’t get the word out.

"Ah, right on time! I like a punctual man.” She noticed he hadn’t budged or said anything. "Is something wrong?"

"Huh? I mean, no… nothing wrong. It's just, you look really pretty," Roy said, unable to hide his blush.

Abi’s face turned the same shade of pink that Roy’s had. “Thanks. It’s not my usual style, but I'm really glad you like it,” she said. “I’d invited you in, but we actually need to get going or we’ll lose our reservation.”

"You made a reservation?" Roy asked, surprised.

"Of course. I wanted this to be a really nice dinner,” Abi took his arm and led him down the hallway. This felt more like a date than a dinner between two friends, and Roy liked that a lot.

It didn’t take them long to get to the restaurant. It wasn’t the finest restaurant in the city, but it was known for great food and a nice cozy atmosphere. A waiter came and took their order almost immediately after they sat down, and Abigail ordered them a nice wine to accompany their food.

“A toast to your new job,” Abigail said as she lifted her glass and clinked it with Roy’s.

“Thanks, that really means a lot coming from you.”

“Just promise me you won't forget about me. Even if you are very busy and end up traveling all over the world. Promise me we can meet up at least once a month for dinner and drinks.”

"I promise. Although can we maybe not talk about your…uh…escapades?"

“Come on Roy, if we only see each other once a month I’ll have so much to tell you!” Abi said with a laugh.

They continued chatting for quite a while, conversation flowing between them as easily as the wine. Abi didn’t fail to notice just how much Roy was smiling and laughing. He was usually a bit more uptight and serious. Seeing him like this made her heart race. “It’s sad we won’t be working together anymore,” she said. “But I’m really happy for you. This new job seems like a great opportunity.”

“I think at some point we all need to keep moving on and trying for something better,” Roy sipped his wine. His eyes lingered on Abi’s a little too long. “I think you should as well.”

"Me?" she asked, surprised.

"Of course. You’re incredibly smart and have a ton of experience to boot!”

“Yeah, true,” Abi said as she swirled the wine in her glass. “But I’m afraid. Looking for a new job is scary, and I’m happy enough where I am.”

“Be careful getting too complacent,” said Roy.

Abi sighed a bit and tried to change the subject. "You know, we really should’ve done this a lot more."

"You mean go on a date?"

"Exactly. What kind of friends don’t get together?”

Roy smiled into his wine glass. "Remember when we first met, that first time we went out together?"

Abi couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh yeah. That didn’t work out quite so well.”

“Not at all. We were on completely separate pages back then.”

“What do you mean by that?” Abigail asked.

“I remember when I first asked you out. We’d only just met, and I was already drawn to your beauty. But some friends had to talk me into asking you out,” he said. “At that time, I hadn't met Mary yet and liked you a lot. I was shocked and thrilled that you’d said yes.”

“And I completely misunderstood,” Abigail said as she rested her face in her hands. She hadn’t thought Roy was asking her out in a romantic sense and it had led to a lot of disastrous moments throughout the evening.

“When I saw the way you were dressed, I admit my jaw dropped. I thought you were absolutely gorgeous. But then everything got weird when you made me your wingman the whole night. At the end of the night, you left with a beautiful brunette and didn't even say goodbye.”

"Shit, I'm the worst. I’m sorry," Abi said and shook her head. "Would it help if I admit that for a moment I thought about having a threesome with you and her?”

“Maybe a tiiiiiiiny bit,” Roy said with a laugh. “But seriously, don't worry. It was a little awkward when you arrived at work a few days later and proceeded to tell me all the intimate details of your exploits with her but that was years ago now.”

“Ugh, I'm definitely the worst,” Abi said as she covered her face with both hands.

“But still, it was weirdly fun too. And hey, we became best friends, regardless of how much I liked you."

Abi dared a peek over her hands. “Do you still? Like me I mean.” It wasn’t like her to be this shy, but she found herself caring far more about his answer than she wanted to admit. The two glasses of wine she’d drank helped keep her a bit calm though.

Roy turned redder than a ripe tomato. "Wow… well, you're an amazing girl, very beautiful and funny and more talented than you give yourself credit for."

It was dark by the time the pair left the restaurant and the stars were shimmering like diamonds overhead as they walked home. "So, I won’t see you at work tomorrow?”

"No, I'm starting my new job tomorrow. So, you gotta make sure you’re on time. I won’t be there to cover for you anymore,” Roy laughed.

"I know, I know. Give me some credit here,” Abigail said playfully.

“Do you want me to walk you home?” Roy asked.

“Only if you have enough time to stay a while,” Abigail said. She felt her cheeks flush red immediately. Such a strange situation for a girl like her to be in. Normally she had no qualms with inviting a man over. But Roy was different.

"I- I would really like to, but I have to be at the new job pretty early," Roy apologized.

“Right, sorry, I forgot. Blame the wine,” said Abigail. “In that case don't worry, I can get home on my own.”

When the next taxi passed by Abigail flagged it down and climbed inside. Before it pulled away, she rolled down the window and told Roy, “Remember you promised not to forget me!”

"I promise I will never forget about you. Thanks for the lovely evening,” Roy said and watched the taxi drive away.

"Maybe I should have gone to her apartment," he thought as he walked home. "Eh it's probably better this way."

Meanwhile Abigail was leaning against the cold window of the taxi cab.

"Where to, miss?" asked the driver.

“Take me to Mendel avenue and R street. No, better yet take me to the Black Leaf Pub. I still have a few things to drown,” Abigail replied sadly.

The taxi rounded the next turn almost on two wheels as it turned towards downtown.




Oh no, hopefully it isn't the end for this story.