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Story by Sophiie93

Bernard was sitting at the bar near his office, waiting for his girlfriend who was late for dinner. Both of them were very busy during the week due to their jobs so they had planned this date together for a long time.

He looked at the door and his watch with some anxiety. Sidney was usually very punctual, especially if it was a date with him. Suddenly, the doorbell sound and the steps of heels walking towards him drew Bernard's attention.

His eyes fell on those heels and they began to go up. No doubt it was her girlfriend's legs, her hips, her voluminous breasts, her… another pair of breasts? Her arms and… two heads on her shoulders that were breathing heavily.

“S-Sorry…” “…putting on my makeup took me longer than I thought” both of Sydney's heads said as she sat across from the surprised Bernard.

“Sydney? Darling?" Bernard said without getting out of his astonishment.

"Yeah?" both heads said at the same time "Oh, do you notice something different about me?" the left head said flirtatiously as she smoothed her hair.

"O-Of course... you've... you've mutated..." Bernard's eyes darted from one face to another.

Sydney pouted with both her heads “Sigh…” “…men, always think about the obvious”


"My hair!" Sydney said with both heads as she pointed at them with her hands, one of her heads had a completely different hairstyle “I've changed my hair style…” “…men really don’t pay attention to details!”

Bernard couldn't help but laugh "Honey... believe me I noticed it. You're beautiful... I'm just in shock because..."

"You noticed but you didn't say anything!" Sydney interrupted “Something tells me you didn't notice and you're hiding it. Don't think I didn't realize that the first thing you looked at was my breasts"

Bernard covered his mouth and looked away from her "Yes, well... they're big and now you have two m-"

"Let me guess, will you use the excuse that I grew two more?" Sydney interrupted again. Bernard looked at her again ready to argue until he noticed how the faces of her girlfriend stuck out their tongues playfully.

“Just kidding silly…” “…yes, I mutated this morning. Do you like my new look?" Sydney said, arranging her hair on both heads.

Bernard nodded repeatedly and quite excited to which Sidney responded with a double smile "I know you like mutants, especially two-headed ones... so I chose this look to mutate"

"What are you taking about? Can mutants choose their mutation?”

“Nope” said Sidney laughing and lifting her lower breasts with her hands “It was just a nice coincidence, and these new toys came as an extra…”

Bernard's eyes went straight to her breasts "I’m happy that you need two more hands for them"

"Hehe... and you haven't seen the party down here," Sidney pointed to her legs while she winked with one of her heads "Let's just say that now I have more vaginas than heads"

Bernard adjusted his tie as if he was trying to catch his breath "I think... I want to go to your apartment after dinner"

"That's the plan," said Sydney in a flirty tone.

“Though… I don't think you should keep a different hair style with your heads or you'll be mistaken for conjoined mutants”

“Oh come on… don't exaggerate, those are just rumors,” said Sydney.

"Ladies, what are you going to order?" the bartender said as he approached Sydney. She just looked at her boyfriend, who was smiling at her with a victorious expression. She lifted her hand and loosened the hair from her second head, ready to explain.




Love the make up, necklace, and outfit!