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“Are we there yet?” Sharon asked as she sighed and slumped in her seat. She was bored out of her mind.

"You asked that five minutes ago. Nothing has changed. There’s still a fair bit of ways to go yet,” Terri answered. Her knuckles were turning white from how hard she was gripping the wheel in frustration.

Sharon yawned and stretched in her seat. “Ok well can we at least have some kind of fun on the way?” There was no hiding the flirtatious tone in her voice and Sharon made no effort to anyway. She’d been very horny that day and aside from being bored she was becoming sexually frustrated as well.

“Not that kind of fun!” Terri said as her cheeks turned red. Whether from embarrassment or anger she wasn’t sure. “I just cleaned this car. I don’t want it getting all smelly already.”

Sharon tightened Terri’s scarf around and then crossed her arms over her chest like a spoiled kid pouting. Outside streetlights zoomed pass them, though there wasn’t much else in sight. AT least not until something caught her eye. “Hey, look. There's a motel up the road.”

"Yeah, so?"

"Well, we could stop there and rest for a while."

“The more we stop, the longer it will take us to get there.”

“But I need to use the bathroom,” Sharon whined. “Plus, it'll help us relax, and you've already been driving for several hours. Besides, it’s getting dark.”

Terri sighed heavily but she had to admit she was pretty tired. "Ok fine. You win this time.”

“We can also have a little bit of fun, riiiight?” Sharon said with puppy dog eyes.

Terri’s blush returned. “Yes, I suppose we could do that.” She didn’t try to hide her smile. Even she’d been pretty horny that day. It was hard not to be with Sharon making lewd comments and putting ideas in her head.

The motel was just a single story, slightly run down stretch of rooms with each of the doors leading directly outside. Not many cars were in the parking lot and the girls had no issues getting a room for the night. The lights were dim in the room, and it looked like the entire place needed a facelift.

“At least the bed looks comfortable. I admit that you were ri-” Terri’s jaw hit the ground when she watched Sharon walk out of the bathroom entirely naked. She’d removed everything she’d been wearing, including the scarf that was covering her penis neck. Terri could see exactly where it was inserted into the vagina on her shoulders. “OH. Uh, aren’t you cold?”

Sharon just giggled. “Please. Like we need clothes for what we’re going to do,” she said and stood right in front of Terri. “Watch I wanna show you something.” Her head began to twist around, doing a full 180. Then kept going, rotating faster and faster until it launched right off her shoulders and landed on the nearby bed. Her head was clearly dizzy, but Terri’s eyes were fixed on the penis extending from it.

“H-how the hell did you do that?” Terri gasped and licked her lips.

"Maybe I’ll show you sometime. For now, I think it’s time for you to undress,” Sharon's head said from the bed. Her hands, however, reached for Terri to start removing her clothing. Her eyes went wide when she removed Terri’s scarf revealing the same mutation Sharon had. She took her girlfriend’s head in hers, lifted it off Terri’s shoulders, and tossed it onto the bed beside her own.

“Hey, watch out! We almost hit each other,” Terri said. She had to admit she was pretty excited though.

“Sorry, you know I’m not great at aiming,” Sharon replied, sticking out her tongue playfully.

Sharon made quick work of removing the rest of Terri’s clothes then began sensually rubbing up against her. Terri's body responded on reflex, rubbing right up against her girlfriend’s.

“Mmm nice show we put on,” Sharon said, her voice thickening with lust.

“Absolutely.” Terri couldn’t take her eyes away from the dancing bodies rubbing up against each other. She had a secret voyeuristic side that thrilled at watching her own body be teased and played with. It didn’t take long before she was very visibly aroused.

“Let's up the ante then,” Sharon said. Her body best over and rubbed her neck-vagina hard against her girlfriend's. Terri began to moan loudly.

“Oh God…this is…intense,” Terri stammered. It was getting harder to breathe with the way her body was tightening. “You're more…enthusiastic than usual.”

“I’ve been hot since this morning. I can barely contain myself anymore,” Sharon panted, tongue lolling out of her mouth.

Amid the rising moans, Terri suddenly screamed. As they watched their bodies, they noticed something weird. It was like their flesh was melting. Or…merging? It was mixing with each other’s, drawing each body further in until it was impossible to tell where one started and the other stopped.

“Oh god our bodies are merging!” Terri exclaimed. Sharon couldn’t respond though. She was too deep in ecstasy and the only sound she could emit was moans as an intense orgasm washed over her like a wave. Terri could barely contain herself either as she felt their bodies slurp and their bones reshape and settle into a new frame. By the time their bodies had completely merged another orgasm took them both over, leaving them panting and unable to speak.

After a few seconds, Terri and Sharon opened their eyes. In front of them, standing sweaty and aroused was a headless Amazonian body, almost seven feet tall with four arms and enormous breasts. Two prehensile tails swished on its back. They had to really look for it, but each body retained each girls’ unique skin tone, too. It was a very subtle difference though and not one that was readily noticeable. Finally, above the new body’s clavicle was a huge vagina for a neck.

“Holy crap, we're SCREWED!” Terri gaped. The Amazon brought one of her many hands to her full breast and gave it a good squeeze. A thin stream of milk rained on them. “Sharon, you did that?”

“Yeah! Crazy, I just thought to do it, like when I did it with my body.” Sharon gave another squeeze to their now huge, shared chest. Another hand slapped hers making her release their breast.

"Don’t do that right now! Don't you see the problem? OUR BODIES MERGED together, what are we going to do?” Terri said, scared.

Sharon smiled and said, “enjoy the benefits.”

“B-Benefits?” Terri asked, flustered.

"Well yeah! Our families can’t come between us anymore, and we’ll save a ton on tickers for things like movies and travel. And it’s not like this will cause any issues with wok since I’m currently unemployed. So, the body is all yours. You can go to work and my head will wait for you at home.”

“Y-yeah, that’s true…” There was still something bothering Terri though she couldn’t put her finger on it. She knew there was some truth to what Sharon was saying and that things would be easier in many ways now.

Sharon saw her girlfriend struggling and used her penis like a snake tail to scooch closer to Terri's head and placed a soft, tender kiss on her lips.

Terri calmed down a bit and slowly regained her ability to breathe normally. “Thank you, that helped,” she said.

"You’re welcome. Besides, that had the added benefit of seeing if our heads would merge when they touched as well,” Sharon said mischievously.

"I guess not.” A small frown tugged at Terri’s lips. “Though now we have to figure out how to handle this giant body of ours. I don’t know if we even have any clothes will fit it!”

“I think some of my leggings might stretch enough to fit it. And one of your sports bras and that oversized hoodie you like to wear might fit as well.”

“Yeah, that could work. Shoes will be hard though. We’ll have to drive barefoot tomorrow and hit up a shoe store,” Terri said. “Plus, there’s one other problem.”

“What’s that?” Sharon asked.

"We only have one vagina... and two penis necks…"

Sharon stared at their new merged body. "Hmm that’s true. Well, one of us could occupy the top vagina and the other the bottom."

“I'm not going to walk around with my head hanging in my crotch,” Terri protested.

“Let me try something,” Sharon said. She brought her head closer to Terri's and began to wrap her penis around her girlfriend's. Terri moaned at the sensations but let Sharon do as she wanted. When their penises were completely twined together like a screw, the girls inserted it into their vagina-neck. Their knees trembled nearly causing them to fall to the ground.

“OH WOW,” Terri exclaimed. “That was amazing!”

"Yeah, and we don't look so bad,” Sharon said as they looked at themselves in the mirror. A curvaceous and powerful body with four arms, two tails and two heads was reflected back.

"I agree. I think it’ll just take some getting used to,” Terri said as she modeled in front of the mirror.

“You know what would help us do that?” Sharon said flirtatiously.

“Oh, I already know where your mind is and I’m right there with you!”




Great story and awesome mutations! I hope we get to see Terri and Sharon again soon!