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Story by Sophiie93

My mutation would be more inconspicuous in a place like Port Solei. However, here in my city, the fact that I have four arms already makes me the center of attention. When I decided to live on campus, I didn’t think I’d be sharing a room with the only other mutant accepted to my college. I’m pretty sure that was done on purpose.

Fortunately, she's a very kind and sweet person. Her name is Lilian, and she is a more delicate mutant with four beautiful breasts and a pair of horns coming out of her head. At least that was the case until a year ago when a second mutation hit her in our dorm while I was in class. She called me that day, scared and screaming while she was on her way to the hospital for checkups.

When I got home later that night, I found quite a different Lilian. Her butt had extended into a taur body, and she now had six legs. I must admit I got a good chuckle watching her trying to walk like that at first.

I couldn’t help noticing the way she kept looking at my four hands and my breasts. I assumed that it was because of the mutant hypersensitivity, which caused her libido to skyrocket, and that she would soon calm down.

I was wrong.

Lilian had gone from a shy quiet girl to dating multiple guys at once. I imagined her mutation would make her popular, but I was surprised at how quickly she jumped at every opportunity to be with someone. It was so opposite of how she used to be.

"Are you listening to me?" Lilian asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. She was sitting across from me while we ate dinner.

“Wh-what? Yeah, sorry… I know Rick is an idiot…” I said as I finished my plate.

“It's not that he's an idiot, but…” she covered her face in an attempt to stop her tears. “He also… he can't please me either… I’m too much to handle.”

"What are you talking about? Well, I can assume that since you grew more hips you have a couple more vaginas that need attention... but guys have hands and mouths, don't they? They can put them to work."

Lilian's face turned red as a tomato. “HEY! You don't have to be so specific!!” she shot up from her seat. "I’m going to go change. But just so you know. They all try to please me but none of them have four hands, you know.” And with that she stormed out of the room.

I pushed the rest of the food on my plate no longer hungry. Her words echoed in my mind. “…four hands?” She had six legs which likely meant three vaginas. Why were four hands such a big deal? Was she trying to flirt with me?! I could feel my cheeks turn red as I got up and headed down the hall to her room. The door was cracked so I didn’t bother knocking before pushing it open. "Lilian, were you trying to fli- OH MY GOD!"

Time stopped. My heart may have, too. Lilian was completely naked, only wearing her six heels and her two rear vaginas were in clear view. Most interesting were the FOUR penises that dangled just below the vaginas. She was looking at me with a shocked expression as she stood there petrified. Her penises were hard and erect, almost begging for action, though they were clearly hard for her to reach.

She immediately turned away and closed her legs as much as she could. “Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?”

I was shocked she didn’t just throw a shoe at me or shove me out the door. Instead, she just stood there, turned away from me. I closed the door, the sound of it latching filling the room. She jumped when she started to turn around and discovered I was still there.

“You were supposed to leave!” her feet stomped on the ground.

“Are you sure you want me to go?” I said gently. “I do have four hands, after all.”

I didn’t think it was possible for her to turn any redder, but she managed to somehow. “I-It's just… I-I…” Lilian took a deep calming breath. “I’ve always found you attractive. Very attractive.  At first, I thought that the only one who would understand a mutant would be another mutant, you know? But then I mutated again and…well….four hands seemed to just go really well with four…” she motioned to indicate her penises. “I didn’t know how to tell you. I tried to look sexy. Even tried to make you jealous but…”

I lowered my head somewhat embarrassed. "I’m sorry I didn't notice. I don’t always pick up on things like that, and besides, I thought you were only interested in guys.”

When she smiled it was the most genuine one I’d seen on her face in a long time. "Honestly I thought that too. But I’d always end up imagining four hands on me and they all belonged to same person,” she said with a wink.

"I have never been so happy to have been born with them. Just wait until you see how dexterous I can be."

"Oh? Do you think you can handle me?" she asked as she looked me up and down.

"Why don’t we find out?" I said as she let her arms fall away so I could see her entire body. I was shocked to discover yet more penises and vaginas. "Oh god, Lilian how many genitals do you have?!"

"Just... 12 penises and 6 vaginas," she told me somewhat embarrassed, barely being able to cover her front groin with her hands.

"What do you mean JUST? My god this is going to be one wild night,” I said as I started shedding my clothes.



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