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Bernard was sitting at a bar by beach, enjoying the sunset over the ocean and sipping a mojito when a beautiful brunette woman approached him unexpectedly.

"Hey there. Haven't seen you here before. I’m Julie," she said, a flirtatious note in her voice.

"You haven’t,” said Bernard returning the smile. “I’m not from around here. Just flew in this morning, actually.”

"Business or pleasure?" Julie licked her lips.

“Little bit of both. I’m an artist. I travel around to different areas and paint landscapes. Came here to do the same.”

“Oh, how interesting! Do you only draw landscapes? Or are you interested in painting things a little more…lively?” she chuckled and leaned on the counter, deliberately showing more of her ample cleavage.

Bernard swallowed and tried not to stare. "Well, now that you mention it. It has..uh…been a minute since I painted anything else. It m-might be nice to switch it up a bit,” he sipped his mojito trying to calm his nerves.

"Well, if you need a model I could-"

"Get lost!" Another woman screamed, interrupting the brunette.

"Uh, excuse me? Who…?” Julie said.

Bernard blushed as a small mutant of about ten inches tall peeked out from inside his jacket. She was wearing some kind of triple top for her six breasts and her four arms were crossed angrily. The brunette stumbled backwards, nearly tripping on her own heels.

“Crap! Maya, don't do that,” Bernard admonished the small woman. Then he turned to Julie. "I’m sorry about that, are you okay?"

“Yeah… I'm fine, but I don't have time to joke around with whatever you have in your pocket. Bye,” she said before taking off.

“Bernard ain't got time to lose with girls like you, bitch,” Maya said in a shrill voice.

"Maya, that's enough," Bernard said angrily as he saw the people in the bar watching them. He paid for his drink and left. He walked to the beach and sat on a bench to watch the sunset.

“You didn't have to do that, you know,” said Bernard scolding the little mutant inside his jacket pocket.

"Well, put yourself in my place. I was taking a quiet nap and I woke up to see a slut trying to hook up with my man. What did you expect me to do?”

“There’s no need to call her that. That’s not nice. Besides, since when am I YOUR man?”

Maya peeked out from his pocket as she stared up at him with her wide purple eyes. “It's… it's just a figure of speech. After all, we've been traveling together for a long time… and we sleep together, too."

Bernard sighed deeply as he looked at the horizon. “Maya, we have been traveling together for four months and it was mainly because you approached me at the bus station. You wanted to travel and see places and I agreed to give you a lift. The ride has just lasted for several months, and you sleep in my bed because you didn't want to sleep on the sofa or on the dresser or in my suitcase.”

Maya climbed out of Bernard's pocket and sat on his arm. She looked said. "The way you say it, it seems that my presence bothers you," she said. "I'll still help you with everything that my size allows me to."

"And I thank you for that. That’s why you have continued traveling with me."

"But then, what are we? Because the way you're talking you practically make me feel like a stowaway," Maya asked.

"Well, I don’t know," Bernard scratched his head trying to find the right words. "You are someone who’s company I enjoy and like sharing meals with.”

“…you just described a pet,” Maya said, her ears falling.

"That... no, not necessarily," Bernard said.

Maya sighed and shook her head. She clenched her fists, jumped towards the sand, and began trudging away.

"Hey, where are you going?" Bernard asked.

“I don't know, maybe where the pets go when they run away from their stupid masters,” she said angrily. She had not gone a few meters when a seagull attacked her. Maya nimbly dodged it and ran back to Bernard, climbing into his jacket again.

“Are you okay?” Bernard asked as he chased away the seagull.

“…no… of course not,” Maya said in a barely audible voice, muffled by the jacket.

“I think we'd better go back to the hotel,” Bernard said as he buttoned up his jacket get up.

Back in the hotel room, Bernard set Maya gently on the dresser. She refused to look at him as she sat cross legged on a pile of books.

“Hey, I'm going to take a shower,” Bernard said. Maya just nodded her head, not even bothering to turn around.

When she was sure he was in the shower she walked over in front of the mirror. She looked at herself carefully. Her figure was slender, her six breasts were firm, her tail fell gracefully behind her framing her two beautiful legs. Her face was almost completely human, large lively eyes, silky hair, and small fluffy ears. She smiled a little. "I'm not bad at all. Of course, that's without taking into account that I'm a few inches tall,” she told herself as she began to undress.

At that moment, Bernard came out of the bathroom, finding Maya topless on the dresser.

"Oh, sorry," he said and quickly covered his eyes. "I'll wait for you to get dressed."

"Heh. It’s ok. I know you’ve seen women naked before. You’ve painted nudes after all, and I’m…not particularly modest,” Maya said, a sad note in her voice as she slipped on a pair of pajamas that had been tailor made for her.

“It's one thing to see a model naked, but a completely other thing to see a friend naked,” Bernard said.

“Friend?” Maya asked.

"Yes friend. You’re not my girlfriend, and you are certainly not my pet. You are my friend. We've been traveling together for four months, and we've had a good time,” said Bernard approaching Maya. “And the truth is, somehow, I enjoy carrying you in my pocket.”

“So… a friend?” Maya looked at him somewhat puzzled then smiled warmly. “Yeah, I can live with that.”

"Though maybe sometime I’ll ask you to model for me. If you’re open to it,” Bernard said, smiling at her.

“Not everyone has at their disposal an exotic beauty like me, you know. You shouldn’t wait too long,” Maya said with a laugh.

They ate some snacks and watched TV for a while. Maya climbed onto Bernard's chest and snuggled into him tenderly. He couldn't help but caress her gently with one finger.

"Bernard… as friends, of course, maybe we could have a little pleasure, once in a while?"

"What do you mean specifically by pleasure?"

"Well, you know, pleasure. Adult people's pleasure,” Maya said, blushing a little.

“I don't know if you mean the same thing I'm thinking, but I don't think we're… size compatible,” Bernard said.

“I'm very flexible, you'd be surprised,” said Maya, propping herself up on her hands to look at him. “In my family there are more little girls and they've all had children.”

“Wow! Really?" Bernard asked. Maya turned her head and looked at him flirtatiously.

"Yes, just thought you should know,” she said as she settled back down on his chest. “For now, I'm happy to be able to travel with you.”

“And I also enjoy traveling with you,” Bernard replied.

“Even if it ruins your chance to sleep with a beautiful woman?” Maya asked.

“Well, somehow I'm still in bed with a beautiful woman,” Bernard said as he watched Maya blush. “Now let's go to sleep, I'll paint early tomorrow.”

Bernard turned off the light while he could feel Maya's small breath on his chest. They both fell asleep quickly and with smiles on their faces.
