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This is a classic drawing, back in 2005, done in ink on a block of sketches. I was expanding the universe of Accessland High School and I thought it was fun to make this drawing where two very special girls faced each other in a 2 vs 2 match. Stefi, with her two heads and Kazumi with her many arms.

I don't remember if it was entirely my own idea or if someone suggested it to me.




Kazumi is awesome and needs her own feature. I also love how you updated the PS2 to a PS5 :)


Nice detail, switching the PS2 for a PS5. Though, if this is canon, this has some serious implications on how mutants age


These illustrations are not a continuation, but rather a remake of the original mid-2000s arc. The girls are still teenagers coming of age.


I figured as much, though it does make me wonder how middle-age/elderly mutants fit into the access-verse