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"Wait... you want to be WHAT?" Lindsay shouted.

“A clown!” Crystal said, waving her incredibly flexible arms in excitement.

“A clown? Are you serious?" Lindsay asked again. "I can't believe that’s really what you want."

"What's so weird about it? I like to make people laugh and having stretchy arms suits that well,” Crystal twisted her arms together until she had two braids hanging down her sides.

“Well, first of all, clowns are scary,” Lindsay said.

"That's not true! Well, yes, maybe to some. But I'm not scary, I'm adorable and cute," Crystal crossed all four of her arms in front of her into a knot as she pouted.

"Yeah, ok, you are cute, I admit that," Lindsay said. "But it's still a weird choice, unstable… I could even say precarious."

"But it's fun, it's free, and it makes people happy!"

“Ok let me say that again. PRECARIOUS,” Lindsay repeated, enunciating the word as slowly and clearly as she could.

“You just want me to go into accounting like you did,” Crystal said, rolling her eyes and tightening her arms around her chest.

“At least accounting is necessary!”

“Yeah. And BORING,” Crystal said, thoroughly annoyed.

Lindsey sighed. She and Crystal had been friends since kindergarten, and she was always surprised how Crystal could use her mutation to make people laugh. She had to admit that Crystal had a knack for that, and that being a clown would suit her very well even if the profession was a little unstable.

“Ok if it means that much to you. Then I’ll support you,” Lindsay said.

Crystal’s face immediately brightened, and she jumped up. "Really?! Ok, wait here a minute. Let me get dressed and do my makeup!"

Lindsay sat on the couch while Crystal got into costume. A half an hour later she came back a beautiful short colorful dress, matching heels, and a hat with cat ears. Her typical clown makeup was very tastefully done and made her look really cute. It also went really well with her turquoise hair.

“Tada! See? Don’t I look pretty?” Crystal said as she twirled and curtsied.

"I have to admit that you do," Lindsay said, pleasantly surprised. "Though your skirt might be a little too short for children's parties."

"Hmm you might have a point. I can figure something out for that later," Crystal said. "Want to see a trick?"

"Okay, surprise me…"

Crystal began to stretch her upper left arm out in front of her. With her other three arms, she twisted and tangled it until it looked like a puppy made from a balloon.

“Oh wow. That’s really good!” Lindsay said, genuinely shocked.

“Aw thanks! That’s the only animal I know so far, but I want to learn more.”

"Alright you’ve convinced me. A clown is kind of the perfect job for you,” Lindsay said. "

"Thank you, Lindsey! You're the least boring accountant I know,” Crystal said, jumping up and down, unable to contain her joy.

“…I guess that was a compliment,” Lindsay said, laughing.




Wow them legs!