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Story by Sophiie93

I vividly remember the moment Charlotte, my girlfriend, saw the blood test results. She tested positive for the mutant gene with high mutagen factors. The possibility of mutation was imminent. Could be days. Could be minutes.

We had been living together for several years in a small apartment in the heart of the city, close to our jobs. As far as we could tell there wasn’t a single mutant in the neighborhood. If Charlotte mutated she would be the only thing anyone talked about for months. She was worried. She didn’t want to be some spectacle, some circus freak. She constantly worries about what other people think of her already and this just made it all worse.

As the days passed, uncertainty permeated our surroundings. Charlotte found it difficult to sleep. Our intimate life came to a standstill. She would stay up late wondering what her future held – how she would make a living, how much she would need to spend on new clothing, what if she would grow a new head that wouldn't get along with her?

I did my best to reassure her, while privately feeling a thrill of excitement at the prospect of her mutation. I wondered what my new girlfriend would look like, or if even if I would end up with two girlfriends! It was a bit selfish, but I couldn’t help it. Regardless of the outcome, I knew I would stand by her side. I find all mutants incredibly captivating.

It didn’t take long before her worries became real.

"Dany!!!" I heard Charlotte scream from the shower. I rushed to the bathroom, already imagining the worst. When I threw open the door, I found my girlfriend in a state of panic, staring at her rapidly transforming body.

Her mutation was so sudden that I barely had a chance to take it all in. Her hands were now at the tip of two tails that extended from her hips, and her breasts had grown from a B cup to a D. Additionally, a duplicate set of breasts had formed below the original, and her hips had expanded to accommodate her third leg that grew between the original two, two vaginas between each pair. She wobbled in distress. She could barely keep her balance on her new legs and while her tails had hands her original arms were entirely gone.

Charlotte's eyes locked onto mine, almost desperately. "Dany... help me..." she said as she stumbled against the tile floor of the shower. I moved quickly, grabbing a towel and turning off the shower to wrap her tightly in it. "Calm down, calm down. I've got you," I said.

"My arms... they're gone," Charlotte cried as her tails thrashed out of control.

"I know, but everything will be okay. Trust me," I reassured her. "Can you walk?"

I helped her to her feet, and we made our way to the bedroom. Despite her shaking legs and unsteady balance, she made but, but she leaned on me heavily for support.

Once we reached the bedroom, I helped her sit on the bed. My heartbeat was pounding in my ears. I was so thrilled by her transformation. However, I knew I had to keep my excitement in check for her. Knowing how aroused I was would just make this worse. She obviously wasn’t as excited as me.

"Dammit," Charlotte said, close to tears. "I thought I would grow more arms, not lose them! This is even worse than I thought."

I sat in front of her and looked into her eyes for a few seconds, then smiled. "You know, I was curious about how you would mutate. And the truth is, you look beautiful and hot."

Charlotte's eyes drifted from mine as her cheeks flushed. "This is no time for jokes, Dany. I don't like being a mutant. I want my arms back!"

"I'm not kidding," I said with a sincere tone. "I knew that no matter how you changed, you would still be a beautiful woman."

She made herself comfortable, straightening her torso and resting her weight on her triple butt. All three of her legs relaxed on the bed in front of her, moving slowly, as if she was unconsciously practicing with them.

"You really think so?" she asked, gesturing with her shoulders as her tail hands appeared at her sides, moving her fingers. She was gaining more mobility with her new body parts with each passing second.

"Yeah," I said, pointing to her tails. "Besides, your hands are still there, just… relocated. These new ones should have more range than your old arms did, too. You’re like a superhero!"

She turned to look at them, moving them gently in front of her face and calming down a little. "I-I’ll have to practice a lot with them though. It feels too weird to have them coming out of… well...."

I reached out my hand, unwrapping the towel from her body. "Then we'll just have to practice," I told her. The mutation was traumatic but, I couldn’t help but notice a look she had on her face, an embarrassed look she only had when she was aroused. I've always loved seeing how the shy Charlotte that all my friends know doesn't flinch at all when she's naked in front of me, not even with her new body.

"That's a good idea," she replied.

The sight before me was captivating as Charlotte's eyes remained fixed on mine. Her cheeks had a slight flush and her upper breasts rested delicately on her lower ones. Her tails swayed and clung to the sheets, and her legs were spread apart subtly, tempting my gaze and shifting in a way to prevent me from seeing her multiple vaginas.

I couldn't help but smile as I remembered what I saw in the shower. "Charlotte," I asked, "answer me this, do you enjoy being intimate with me?"

"Yes, of course," she responded, looking slightly confused. "What kind of question is that?"

"Well, you do realize that now you can experience twice, no, FOUR times the pleasure, right?" I said, a mischievous smile on my face as I gestured towards her hips.

Charlotte's gaze lowered, and she bit her lip. "Oh, believe me, the sensation of the fresh air on them is reminding me of that every second."

"Mmm, now I have a girlfriend with four vaginas," I said, my tone becoming increasingly sensual. "Would you allow me the luxury of exploring your new body, my lady?"

Charlotte simply sighed and leaned her body against mine. As she moved all three of her legs, brushing them against each other, she replied, "It would be my pleasure."

"You wanted more arms, right?" I said in a very seductive voice. "I'm glad that didn't happen, so I can offer you mine to bring you a pleasure you've never felt before." As soon as she heard my words, both of her tails wagged happily from side to side. Repositioning herself on the bed, Charlotte leaned back against the pillows and spread all three of her legs wide, inviting me to join her.

“Go slowly… please. My body still feels so strange.” I could see all four of her vaginas exposed. It was beautiful. I took off my clothes and practically pounced on her. One of her hands caressed my cheek as I gently held the other one. A loud moan escaped her mouth. “Oh, OH GOD!”

“What’s wrong,” I stopped suddenly. “Did I hurt you?”

She shook her head and tugged me closer with her hands. “No but, oh god it feels so sensitive. It feels so good. God please. Touch me.”

I had read about this. Mutant hypersensitivity. Sometimes mutations could make your body ultra sensitive due to the new nerve connections that just formed. It also had a tendency to drastically increase libido. I wanted to take advantage of this while I could.

I lowered my hand slowly from her face to her chest, caressing her two left breasts and then pressing mine against her side. By the time my hand reached between her first pair of legs, Charlotte was panting heavily like a dog.

“Let’s see. Which side first?” I said, bringing my fingers to her middle leg to rub over her thighs. She tilted her head toward mind, almost hiding behind me. I kissed atop her head and moved my hand to her left groin, gently rubbing the tips over her soft pussy lips. She moaned again. I couldn’t help myself. I thrust two fingers into her and heard her scream in ecstasy.

“Does it feel good?” I whispered into her ear?

“Mmmmhmmm,” she said in the barest of whimpers.

“Let’s see how it feels with two at a time,” I said, as I brought my second hand down to stroke at her other vagina’s clit. As soon as I made contact she screamed out loud. “OH GOD OH YES GO ON OH GOD!”

I had never seen her react like this. The sheer ecstasy on her face, it was almost enough to bring me over the edge. And this was only one pair of vaginas! I continued masturbating her for a few seconds, her tri hips bucking with each thrust of my fingers, her feet sinking into the sheets. She had her eyes closed, as if she was trying so hard not go come.

I stopped, my fingers resting in her vagina, but she gasped out of strained breaths

“No no, please keep going,” she begged.

“I’ll need help. It’s not fair your other vaginas are so ignored. Please.” I guided her tail hands down between her other legs and softly inserted her fingers into her other set of pussies. Her back immediately arched as she screamed out in sheer se xual bliss.

“OH GOD THIS IS INSANE!” she said trembling.

“Are you close?” I asked.

She shook her head and bit her lip thrashing in the blankets.

“N-No… A-ah- No… it's like y-yes… ugh…. like it started all over again… b-but… DANY MOVE YOUR FINGERS!” she told me firmly.

She had never commanded me like that before, and I happily obliged. I kept thrusting in and out in and out. Her mouth and eyes opened wide. Her whole body tensed up, her vaginas closing tight around my fingers as I felt her shake in pleasure. “OH GOD DANY DAMN YESS YESSSSSS!” She stayed tense for a good few seconds as the org asm rocked through her before falling nearly limp on the bed. Her eyes were filled with pure pleasure.

“W-wow…” was the only thing I managed to say. She barely had enough energy to lean up and kiss me.

“Thank you, oh god thank you,” she said.

“Hah, I guess this means you are happy with your mutation,” I chuckled.

"I don't know yet, you'll have to make me cum a little more to confirm it" she said winking at me.

"Sounds good to me... how many times do you want to do it?"

She smiled and licked her lips. "As many as you can."



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