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Story by: Sophiie93

"I really can't wait to see you again!" Ivy said, on a call with her friends. “I assure you that you will love how I look now… oh, you have no idea! Yes, yes… on the beach, at 2pm… see you there!”

It had been about ten years since Ivy had seen Claire and Carla, her childhood best friends. They were one of the only mutants in town, being conjoined twins from birth, although their nerdy looks and unconcern about their appearance made them go quite unnoticed. Ivy on the other hand was the opposite, she always loved putting on makeup, combing her hair, buying sexy clothes and taking care of her physique.

About 5 months ago, Ivy had a spontaneous mutation that only improved her physical appearance even more, giving her four arms and five generous breasts in the shape of an inverted triangle. Her self-esteem skyrocketed and she eagerly awaited the summer season to show off her new body in a bikini tailored to her breasts.

"Carla! Claire” Ivy's voice surprised the conjoined girls who were waiting patiently at the entrance to the beach, wearing a large jacket that hid their body.

“Oh… Ivy, hi!” "It's been so long, you look great!" they both said with some embarrassment seeing how Ivy was wearing a very revealing summer blouse. They could immediately see one of Ivy's mid-breasts barely covered in the bikini.

"Have you grown more breasts?" Claire asked. Ivy just smiled and turned around. "Hah, not only that... look," she said, letting her top fall over her upper arms and spreading the lower ones that were hidden under it, showing her entire figure in a bikini that barely covered what was necessary.

The conjoined mutants could only blush and look away from her "Shouldn't you cover up a bit more?!" Carla said a little indignantly. Ivy just held one of the girls' hands and practically dragged them towards the beach “You two shouldn't hide so much… it's summer! Learn to have fun, plus… boys love to see girls in bikinis!”

"You know we don't like boys..." "...that hasn't changed in these years" they both said, barely able to keep up with her friend's speed.

“So you will spend the whole day in that jacket? Didn't you bring a bikini?” Ivy said as she prepared the towel and umbrella where they would sit. The gazes of the people around them immediately focused on Ivy. It was evident that they were not used to seeing mutants, much less three of them together in the same place.

"You see? They're already looking this way… cover up a bit, Ivy” Carla said, fanning herself with her hand as they both sweated.

“You shouldn't care so much, why don't you try? They are all looking with eyes of admiration, not displeasure!” Ivy said proudly posing with all four of her hands, even winking at the boys and girls who were looking in her direction. "If you don't take that jacket off, you will dehydrate pretty quickly..."

Ivy made a drink as the twins looked at each other and considered it, knowing that Ivy had a point. They sighed and opened their jacket, removing it in one motion. The girls' bikini was pretty normal, though it could barely support the massive size of their breasts. Even only having two, they completely dwarfed Ivy's five breasts, who just watched in shock and some jealousy as the conjoined girls made wind with their hands.

The sweat running down the girls' pale skin and down to their shared cleavage caused their eyes to immediately stray from Ivy to the her friends.

"Pfff..." Ivy said protesting and sitting on the towel, sticking her legs to her chest and surrounding them with her four arms "Quality is better than quantity... I see"

The twins sat next to her “Phew… much better” Claire said “Although now we draw even more attention” added Carla.

“Mmhh…” Ivy replied. Her spirit had clearly gone out and she just stared at her drink, moving the liquid inside it. For a few seconds there was a rather awkward silence.

“How am I supposed to make someone fall in love with me against those two huge rivals?” Ivy broke the silence holding her head with two free hands.

“E-Eh? Is that what you came to the beach for, Ivy?” Claire said. Ivy sighed "Yes... but I think you guys have overshadowed me today..."

"Do you think that quality is better than quantity, as you said before?" Carla said as they took the same position as Ivy.

"You saw the looks... who wouldn't be attracted to breasts like that?" Ivy said looking at Carla and Claire's breasts, who curiously didn't seem bothered by it.

"Well... we believe that quantity is better than quality, you know?" Claire said as they both looked away a little embarrassed.

Ivy just smiled and took a long sip of her drink. "So since you guys ruined my potential dates with those massive toys, you're going to have to go out with me!"

Claire and Carla turned slowly with their eyes wide open "A romantic date?" They both said at the same time.

"That's up to you... do you like girls after all don't you?" Ivy said offering them her drink.

"Yep!" “Seems like a fair deal!” They both said with a big smile, taking the drink in their hands.




Those are definitely very high quality indeed


I vote quality in this case