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(This story was written based on a poll on Access’s Discord. If you want to have a say on what mutants we write about next, join the Discord and voice your opinion!)

Emilia Estrago was a growing politician who know, better than most, how to play the game. She had become a figurehead in her party for how incredibly charismatic she was. She had the face of a kind mother, but the voice of a fierce warrior. She wore proper suits and skirts, hid her eyes behind glasses, and put her hair up in nice proper buns, all to make herself seem like the pinnacle of proneness, the model female politician.

And she was awful. Nothing she said had any value. Every single one of her speeches was full of buzz words and scare tactics. She preyed on her voter bases fear. Fear of sickness. Fear of being poor. Fear of losing your status. The same old talking points making people get riled up worried that their way of life was being lost.

Her most popular platform, a hard anti-mutant stance. She believed mutants were a disease. She pointed to the growing mutant population, now in 2023 growing to nearly 15% of the female population and 5% of the male population (who themselves had mutated to be women or futa girls). Twenty years ago these numbers were far lower, only 5% of females and 1% of males. She argued that instead of accepting mutants into our societies as people we should be finding a way to cure them! She also pointed to the increase in crime caused by mutagen trafficking of several mutant crime families and argued that this could never be good for our society.

And it worked. Her terrified anti-mutant voter base kept rallying behind her and getting bigger and bigger at each speech. Soon, she would announce her bid for a senate seat. She had worked tirelessly for months to prepare for this moment, and she was determined to make her mark on the political landscape, no matter how underhanded she had to be.

It was the day of a massive rally. She stepped up to the podium to the sound of canned pop music and thunderous applause. She smiled confidently and began to address the crowd, her voice clear and strong as always.

“Mutation is not normal!” she shouted to another round of applause.

“They are not human, they are monsters, abberations!” another round of applause.

“Think of what a mutant future will hold. Extra limbs and breasts everywhere. The complete eradication of the male sex. Literal animals walking the streets like they were people!”

The crowd was eating out of her hand like usual.

“When I am elected I will put in place legislation to control these aberrations, and work toward curing them of their afflictions. We WILL have a mutant free world.”

This would have been her best speech yet… except just as the crowd grew to its loudest roar, a pain grew in the side of her neck. As she continued to rile up the crowd, she began to sweat, a bulge growing in the side of her neck. She rubbed it as if it were a muscle cramp, but it just kept growing.

She tried to stay on course, but the pain was too much. Soon, the cheers of the crowd began drowned out by murmurs of confusion as the growth got larger, and larger. Unkempt brown hair grew atop it. New feminine features formed. Soon a second head had grown on her neck, and was shouting at the top of their combined lungs.

“Don’t listen to her!” it shouted. “She was diagnosed as a mutant since she was a child!” it said. “She’s ashamed of herself and wants a cure for her own purposes. She wants to get rid of me!”

The crowd was now in an absolute angry uproar. They were calling her a freak. Throwing trash at her.

“Don’t listen to her!” the original head begged. “This is exactly why we need to find a cure look what’s been done to me!”

But the crowd was not having it. The crowd was booing. Some started rioting. It took Emilia’s own personal security to eventually cover her in a towel and take her away from the scene.

Needless to say, Emilia’s political career did not take off that year. Though strangely, she did not stop. The next year she announced she would be running for a senate spot again… well… both of her were. Emilia had not given up her anti-mutant position, but her second head, now going by the name Amilie, had decided to run two, on the opposing platform, in the same state, in the same county.

Their rallies were certainly… interesting… considering their biggest opponent was always in attendance.

But good marketing does go a long way, and each state does have two senate seats to fill.



Ian MacLaren

There’s always that politician who advocates for less rights for those not exactly like them.

John Wallace

Hah! Who needs Magneto when you have karma?


Reminds me of that anti-gay Hungarian politician who was caught running from a gay orgy.