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Theo was sitting under an umbrella, looking out at the beachfront that Port Solei offered. There was quite a bit to look at and for a guy like him with a clear obsession with breasts and having a good number of mutants usually offers a good prospect.

Suddenly, something caught his attention. Walking along the beach was a very unique mutant, or rather most than usual. She had green skin and darker green line patterns, furious and abundant red hair that swayed in the wind, four arms and the most impressive four breasts. Theo thought it was worth the risk so he put on his sunglasses and confidently approached the girl.

“Hello, beautiful”, he said with the best tone he could do, “I couldn't help but look at you, you really do stand out,”

"Oh thank you… I hope I do in a good way," she said gesturing as if she was blushing.

“In a VERY good way. You are so beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes off you as soon as I saw you”

“You probably say that because of these four, right?” The girl said as she wiggled all four of her breasts. Theo's eyes nearly bugged out of his head.

“No… of course not. I mean, they are beautiful but I liked your whole figure, your beautiful red hair and…”

“Theo… don't lie, I know it was because of my melons. I know you,” said the girl, completely changing her attitude to a much colder and more ironic one.

“H-How do you know my name? Have we met?” Theo asked nervously.

“I'm Andrea, silly. Or have you already forgotten about me?" she said, noticeably annoyed.

“Andrea? Oh yeah, Andrea,” Theo said nervously.

"Exactly. Your ex-girlfriend, the same one you broke up with three years ago because she didn't "meet your expectations in terms of anatomical measurements," Andrea said as she gestured quotes with two of her hands.

"Hey, it wasn't because of that… you must have misunderstood me"

"In fact, that's what you told me... through whatsapp." Andrea smiled wryly, but her gaze was sharp as a knife.

"Ok… yes, well… I didn't know you were going to mutate"

“Oh! I see, if you knew I would mutate you wouldn't have left me. Right, that makes everything much clearer to me”

“Well, yes… I mean, no”, Theo was having a hard time trying to explain himself, so he tried to change the conversation. "And your mutation turned you green?"

“Yes, my body absorbed a watermelon and now I am a fruit woman,” she said as she reached under her bikini, then pulled out her index finger covered in hot pink liquid. “And believe me, I'm sweet all over now,” she said before sticking her finger into her own mouth.

“Wow… I'd really like to try that,” Theo said excitedly.

"I’m sure you do. But for that I recommend you stop being a complete jerk the next time some girl is unlucky enough to be your girlfriend”, Andrea said before turning around and leaving.

As Theo watched her go in amazement, Andrea was smirking after her little revenge. "Revenge is a dish best served cold," she thought as she laughed.



Master of Muffin

This girl would probably get along great with Gaby