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Mike was getting ready to go to a New Year's party at the Icaro Tower Viewpoint, where he was supposed to meet his friend Erica. As he looked at himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but feel nervous. He had known Erica since school, but they had only recently become closer and Mike wanted more than just friendship.

"Well Mike, today is the day," he said "You're going to start the year off as Erica's boyfriend... or you'll fail and possibly ruin our friendship forever…" He swallowed hard to push down his nerves and headed off.

When he arrived at the viewpoint, it was packed with people who were there to watch the fireworks. He looked around for Erica, but at this point he couldn’t tell one head in the crow from the other. He decided to send a couple texts to try and find her, but she didn't respond. This worried him… but maybe she was just busy.

“Erica!” he shouted. “Ericaaaa!” It was no use. His voice barely raised above the constant rumble of the crowd.

Then suddenly, a large pack of people began shouting. The crowd began clearing in sudden commotion. He had a bad feeling about this. Maybe it had something to do with Erica?

He ran in the direction of the hustle and bustle and continued to shout. “Erica! Are you there? Erica!”

“Mike!” he heard shouted directly from the center of the commotion.

Oh no. Maybe his worst fears were right.

He pushed through scattering crowd until he got to a tight ring of people. When he pushed himself to the center, she was there. Erica, in all her splendor, wearing a very sexy metallic dress and platform heels. However, it wasn’t her oufit which had caught the crowd’s eye, but her body, which had dramatically mutated.

She looked like a pair of angry conjoined twins, one head yelling at the other. The top of her dress was ill fitting across her now widened torso, and her now three breasts which had already snapped her old bra. Her arms were split at the elbows, bifurcating into four forearms and hands. Neither head seemed particularly pleased

"MIKE!" the two Ericas said in unison, before glaring at each other.

"Can you help me here? This impostor just appeared," said one of them angrily.

"You are the impostor!" the other replied with fury in her gaze.

“You ruined everything!” one shouted.

“You are just as much to blame!” the other shouted back.

“Girls, GIRLS! We better go to a place with fewer people.” Mike said trying to calm them down. He moved in front of them and tried to hide her now mutant appearance with his body. He was afraid her breasts were going to pop out of her dress at any second.

The girls looked at each other before curling both their faces into a frown and then turning away. They begrudgingly decided to listen to Mike, however they took no more than two steps before tripping over their heels and falling forward. Mike turned around and caught them last minute before they hit the ground.

"I think you two are too uncoordinated to even try to walk in heels right now. I'd better carry you," Mike said, crouching down. The two girls blushed as they climbed onto Mike's back, and he quickly moved them to a quieter corner. Their conjoined form was just a bit heavier due to her new additions, but honestly adrenaline was coursing through his body and that more than made up for his lack of strength.

He sat the pair down and stood in front of them before shooing away the gaggle of onlookers. When the crowd had cleared he took a deep breath and addressed the new twins.

“Well, there’s no one here now,” he said. “Can you… er… you two please tell me what happened?”

"I was waiting for you, checking my phone,” one of the girls explained. “I was afraid you wouldn’t get here before the fireworks. I thought about calling you, but then suddenly I felt a very strong dizziness. Everything went black, and when I opened my eyes, I had this weird new body and an impostor stuck to me!"

"I remember the same thing, so you must be the impostor!" the other said.

"I was before you! You're not going to ruin my date”


"Girls, please stop," Mike said, trying to calm them down. "Neither of you is the original Erica. Or rather, you both are.

"How can you be sure of that?" asked one.

He looked over them for a while and suddenly noticed some peculiarities. “Well, you each have only half of your face made up. Also your hairstyles are strange, with only one side of each of your heads done up. Plus, only one of each of your ears are pierced. So your original head must have split into two. You are two girls now but you are both equally the same Erica!”

Both girls looked at each other, the slow realization starting to dawn on them as they fell into despair

"No, no, this can't be happening… not right now," one of them said, starting to cry. Her counterpart quickly wiped away her tears.

"What are we going to do now? This… this changes a lot of things," the other said, looking worried.

"Calm down, we'll work this out…" she said as she caressed her sister's cheek, "You know, now that I know we're part of the same original person, I feel calmer"

Her sister took a deep breath "It's weird, but me too…" she said as she leaned her head against her sister.

"It’s good to see you two getting along well," Mike said more relieved, although if Erica didn’t need him to be strong his internal panic would have spilled out by now. “And wow, what a dress you were wearing. My poor outfit is very out of tune with yours"

"Do we look bad?" asked an Erica, tugging at her ill fitting dress.

"Of course not. You look beautiful,” Mike said, making them both blush.

“Well, the truth is…”

"No, don't tell him!"

“It was my… our plan for today. Let's do it"

The two girls took another deep breath as Mike looked on confused.

"Today we had planned to look as beautiful as possible because... well we wanted to tell you that… that we wanted to be more than friends," said one of them embarrassed.

"We wanted to look so that there was no way you could possibly reject us," added the other.

“A-Are you serious?!” Mike asked, completely surprised. This was incredible. The whole time Erica wanted the same thing he did, and it took a mutation for them to admit it!

“Yes… although I suppose now it is more complicated”, said one of them. “I’m not sure how we can now that we’re-”

“Erica… I was planning to ask you to be my girlfriend today,” Mike said, interrupting her.

The two girls looked at Mike in surprise. They then blushed and turned their gaze away.

"And you still want that?" said one.

"Even though now instead of Erica you have two Ericas?" said the other.

"Well… I don't know how this thing works legally, but theoretically you are the same girl that I fell in love with… except now theirs twice as much of you to love! I’m sure that-"

Mike didn't get to finish before the Ericas leaned toward and kissed him, both of them, square on the lips.

“Was that a yes?” Mike asked in astonishment.

"Doubly," said one of them while the other laughed.

The two girls took stock of their body “We are going to need a new wardrobe and…” suddenly, one head frowned as they felt over both of their left wrists. "Oh no, our bracelet."

“II was our most expensive piece of jewelry. It must have snapped off when we mutated,” lamented the other.

Mike didn't say anything, he just took out the small box that he carried with him and handed it to the girls. When they opened it, they found a beautiful inlaid gold bracelet. He coughed awkwardly.

“I thought a ring was too uh… extreme, so I had bought a bracelet as, you know… a gift?”

It didn’t take long for the Ericas to try them on, tears welling up in one set of eyes. "It's beautiful, we love it!" said one of them.

"Glad to hear it. You seem more coordinated now. How is uh… your body doing?” he asked.

“It's easy once you're more relaxed,” said one of them.

"But let's not stay here… let's go to the show. Is going to start soon!" said the other.

“Are you sure you are ready to, woah!”

The girls grabbed Mike's arm and led him to the gazebo, walking perfectly on their heels, just as the countdown was reaching zero. Seconds later, several fireworks crossed the skies.

Mike hugged his girlfriends from behind as they kissed both of his cheeks.

"Happy New Year My Loves"

"Happy New Year Mike"

"We love you"

This New Year would be very exciting for all three of them.
