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Ben was sitting on his couch watching television resting after a grueling shift at the clinic when someone rang his doorbell. It was strange to have visitors at that hour. He peered out the peephole in the door and could just barely make out a hunchback figure.

"Who are you and what do you need?" he asked, a little afraid.

“Ben, it's me! Peyton! Please open up, I need help,” a familiar voice pleaded from the other side of the door. It still had the sweet note it always did, but was tinged with desperation. "Sorry to bother you at this hour, but... I have an emergency," she said.

Ben flung the door open. “Are you ok?! If you have an emergency you should go to an emergency room," Ben said and stepped aside as Peyton pushed her way past him into the apartment. She was wearing the long trench coat he’d lent her some time ago and it hid most of her body as she huddled inside it.

“I know, but it's just… I'm very embarrassed to be seen right now.“

“Peyton, in emergency rooms we are professionals. No one would judge you."

“I know, but it's just that I mutated and things have gotten weird,” she said impatiently.

“You mutated? That’s an even better reason for you to go to the ER,” Ben said. “Did you get a hump on your back, is that what happened??”

“No, it's worse,” Peyton said as she sat down on Ben's couch. She let the coat fall off her and reveal her body.

Ben’s mouth nearly hit the ground at the sight of his friend.The trench coat had been hiding far more than just a hump. Between Peyton’s shoulders was no head but instead a pink vagina. Stretching out from her lower back was a long flexible tail tipped in a second head. The disheveled hair on top of it told him that was the new head. Peyton’s original head was situated on a dick neck that was currently inserted into the mouth of the new head. Ben could just make out the outline of the tip of the dick in her tail. Both heads and the tail were lightly laying against her back - the hump he’d seen beneath the coat.

“Wow. That's… wow,” Ben said.

“I mutated this morning. My original head now has a penis for a neck and I have that vagina on my shoulders. And you see I have a tail with a second head,” she said almost in hysterics.

“Yes, that is obvious. But I don't think your mutation put your neck-penis inside your tail neck, right?"

Peyton turned bright red and averted her eyes. “…I started experimenting with how deep I could give myself a blowjob… and I got stuck,” she said barely above a whisper.

“You mean you can’t stop giving yourself head?” Ben asked trying to lighten the mood a little. He sobered up instantly when Peyton shot him an angry look. “I’m sorry I’m sorry. You’re right, not funny.”

“I tried to pull myself out, but it hurt a little bit and I was scared to keep trying. I’ve never had a penis before, so I don't want to do anything stupid… I mean, anything else stupid,” Peyton said, blushing. "For having two brains I was pretty dumb, I know."

“I see… and you came straight here,” Ben said as he surveyed Peyton's nudity.

“Yeah, well… I panicked and took the coat you lent me last time and left the house. I was going to go to the emergency room, but the situation embarrassed me so I thought I’d come here instead. You’re a nurse and I know you and trust you.”

"Okay, I'll check you out,” Ben said. He hadn’t meant that in a flirtatious tone but his eyes wound up roaming over his friend regardless. “ Uh…have your boobs grown too? They look a lot bigger than I remembered.”

"I think at least two sizes," Peyton said, the blush that had barely faded coming roaring back.

Ben grabbed his stethoscope and pressed it to her chest to listen to her heart. “Sorry for the awkwardness. Um this might be a little cold.” In the process his arm brushed against her breasts and she instantly moaned loudly.

"Ohhhhh… that feels good," she said with the main head that could still speak.

“I see you still have hypersensitivity. That’s perfectly normal for a recently mutated person,” Ben said.

“Ben, I think I feel like I'm moving a little bit,” Peyton said. “I think I…er… lubed up a little when you touched me.”

"It’s possible you were just too dry when you were, shall we say… swallowing yourself," Ben said and looped the stethoscope around his neck in the traditional fashion doctors do. "Let me try something."

Ben put his hands on her thighs and her breath immediately quickened. He ran his hands up her sides as he moved closer to her breasts, his hot breath caressing her skin.

"Oh shit…. w- why am I getting so hot?” Peyton said as she felt her stuck neck-dick in her throat begin to loosen.

"I’m just using the fact that you’re still very sensitive to help find a solution to your current predicament,” he unintentionally emphasized the wrong part of that word.

"Y-yes, please don't stop," she said, visibly excited.

Ben took Peyton firmly by her sides and brought his lips close to one of her breasts. He flicked one of her nipples with his tongue and began to draw circles around it.

"That feels so good, don't stop," Peyton pleaded. She moved her tail to place her original head on top of the vagina between her shoulders and began to lick herself. The combination of stimulation made her feel a great upward pressure at the base of the neck of her original head.

“I think I'm going to… I'm going to… OHMYG….” she didn't get to finish the sentence as her head nearly flew out of her second mouth, barely giving Ben time to raise his arms and catch itt. Peyton's body shuddered in climax as her second head coughed from the excess cu m in her throat.”Oh dear,” she said with her tail head. “My second jaw is going to hurt for a while.”

“But thanks… you saved me once again,” said Peyton's main head in Ben's arms.

"Believe me, it was a real pleasure," said Ben, also clearly excited by the situation.

“You know… why don’t we take advantage of the fact that we're both still excited and that I'm already here and naked to have a lewd moment? I would love to continue testing this body with you.”

“You sure it won't make things awkward?” Ben asked.

“It's already awkward. I've given you a lot of hints you just never seemed to notice,” Peyton protested from her head in Ben's arms.

"What can I say, men don't take hints," he excused himself.

“Well, now I am mutated and naked in front of you. I think that’s a pretty obvious hint, don’t you?” she said.

"It's a very clear message, indeed," Ben said.

Peyton took her original head from him and placed it under her arm. “I'll wait for you in your bed, don’t make me wait please,” she said and walked towards the bedroom, swaying her hips entincingly the entire way.

Ben watched her disappear down the hall. “I don't think I'll get much rest tonight, but I am not complaining!” he mumbled to himself before taking off after her.



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