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There are days when such extraordinary things happen that you just have to pinch yourself to prove you’re not dreaming, days when you wish you could rewind time to experience them all over again.

I am at this moment in the break room of the cafeteria where I work. In front of me, a tall, beautiful and half-naked mutant girl with four arms and four breasts was panting on the floor. I had just witnessed a fusion, and she was the result.

“A-are you okay?” I ask carefully as I walk over. I immediately noticed a cold and penetrating gaze from her.

“Stay where you are, idiot… don't look at me,” she tells me defiantly. Then she shook her head and apologized. "Sorry, I'm a bit flustered… thanks for caring about me, you're so cute." Clearly the two personalities that had just fused were warring inside her.

Just so you understand, half an hour ago Mimy, a beautiful red-haired girl from work, asked me to speak to me alone at lunch. Mimy is cheerful, friendly, very beautiful and a clear sexual tension had developed between the two of us that had me excited. We'd gotten really close over the last few weeks… despite her friend Opal.

Opal was a girl with long black hair. Her beauty was only rivaled by her bad attitude. She insulted me often and it was obvious that she didn't want me around Mimy. Earlier today Opal aggressively entered the dining room and grabbed her arm.

"Mimy, don't even think about talking to this simpleton," she said angrily.

"Let me go, you can't tell me who to be with or not", said Mimy trying to push her away, but when their hands touched, both girls began to shine and moan in ecstasy while their flesh began to combine destroying their clothes in the process.

Now, the new girl was slowly getting to her feet as she looked at her new body.

“Oh hell,” she said, scared. “how am I going to explain this to mom… both moms?"

"This is quite unusual, y-you want me to come with you?" I asked not knowing what else to say.

"Yes please! I’d feel a lot better if you do,” and in a split second her tone and expression drastically changed. “Although maybe you just want to spy on me, you pervert.”

“Ok, I’m just trying to help. You are Mimy… and Opal at the same time, right?”

“Well yes and yes. I think I have all the memories from both of them… and also their feelings,” she said, a little scared.

"What's going on?" I asked.

“It's just… I LOVE YOU… a lot, I like you a lot, but also… I HATE YOU, seriously it makes me want to punch you, you drive me crazy…. but I really want to hug you… and maybe strangle you… or just hug you,” she said clearly bewildered.

"You really are very opposite," I said to myself as I looked for some clothes for her in the back room. I found a rather large grooming apron that would do the job. "You know," I told her while she was getting dressed. "I also liked Mimy very, very much..." I began to feel a knot in my stomach, "God, I just realized that she is no longer here."

The fusion quickly approached me and gave me a deep and warm kiss on the lips. It was tender and gentle yet full of emotion. It didn’t last long enough for me, but I reeled when the fusion pulled back and immediately slapped me.

"I knew you liked Mimy! Surely you just wanted to take advantage of her," she said angrily, then shook her head and hugged me tightly. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm so confused."

I carefully pushed her aside and made her sit down on the break room sofa.

“You have access to both girls' memories right? Can you tell me why Opal hated me so much?” I asked. My cheek still stung from the slap.

"Opal was in love with Mimy… she got upset that Mimy was gradually moving away from her to try to be with you," she said almost mechanically.

"Well, in the end Opal ended up closer to Mimy than anyone else," I said looking up at the ceiling. The girl placed one of her left hands in mine.

"I have to balance this mess in my mind a little bit, and what you just said for some reason made a part of me calm down," she said as she smiled at me. "And you know, Mimy was really falling for you." She pushed me back gently so I was laying on the couch, and then crawled on top of me, sitting on my legs while all four of her breasts pointed at my face.

“You aren’t going to hit me again, are you?” I asked.

"Only when you misbehave, maybe…." she said before giving me a deep kiss, but this time she caressed my face when she parted her lips from mine.

"Mmm, you're a good kisser. Mimy won that bet with Opal,” she said with a chuckle.

“Glad to hear it,” I said as she took my hands in hers. "So, what do we do now?"

"Well, I think I have to talk to Mimy’s and Opal's parents, do paperwork for my new identity, have them make me a new contract, a lot of things really," she said looking up at the ceiling. "Fusing is a lot more complicated than it looks."

"You are missing something important," I said. She looked at me confused. "You need a name."

She thought about it for a moment then said, “Maia. It's the name of a fictional character that Opal liked."

We talked to the manager of the cafeteria. He gave Maia a proper uniform, which with a few adjustments was able to fit her body. And thanks to her four arms, she was able to do both girls' jobs with no problem.

Once the shift was over, I waited for Maia to go talk to her parents. She put on a combination of both girls' clothes, though they didn’t really fit anymore.

"Wow, you sure are sexy," I said almost without thinking.

Maia looked at me angrily and hit me on the head. "Don't be a pervert." Then she reconsidered and using her four arms she hugged me tight, my head laying on her four breasts. "Sorry, the Opal in me is still adjusting."

“Don't worry,” I said between her four breasts. “If you apologize like that I think I'll be able to survive. By the way, what did Mimy want to talk to me about at lunch?”

Maia blushed a little. "She wanted to confess to you and ask you to be her boyfriend."

“Wow, I'm glad she was so determined,” I said. “What do you think? You, as Maia, would you like it?”

Maia looked at me blushing. “Obviously it’s a little different now, and we have a lot to figure out. As I deal with my own thoughts, I don't think I'm ready for a boyfriend, but I'm at least 75% sure I want you to stay by my side."

"Well, I’m glad to hear it. I’ll stay by your side as long as you want me to.”

She took my arm with two of her own and we walked away.




Sexy gf with a kink