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(This story was published with extra illustrations in Mutant Monthly June 2022)

By: Sophiie93

Antonella leaned back in her chair and sighed. Her room was silent save for her own breath and the tip tap of her fingers on the keyboard, and her mind was just as silent. She’d hit a road block in the story, which sucked because she’d gotten up to erotic part of it and yet there was no inspiration to continue on. She just kept writing the beginning of the story, deleting it all, and starting over again. “Ugh,” she said in frustration as she scratched her main head. “Why can’t I do this?”

She turned to check her notes with her tail-head while searching for erotic stories on the internet, something easy to read to hopefully get some inspiration going. Luckily for her erotic stories were plentiful and it didn’t take her anytime to find a plethora. Without even reading the descriptions she clicked on one and began reading.

It was a story about a dominatrix and her three sex slaves, something that was just up her alley. But she frowned when she saw it. Antonella loved this kind of story of course, but she wanted to broaden her horizons and read something different. Maybe that would get the gears of her mind turning again. So, she closed out of that story and clicked on another one.

Information began to flow between her two brains and in her main head, she began to write an erotic scene that she would be quite proud of later. However, the story she was reading with her tail head was too good to be left halfway. Her heads looked at each other and smiled as she severed the bond between them, making them temporarily independent.

“I’ll fill you in on everything that happens later,” the tail head said. The bond severing was instantaneous, and it took almost no time for the two heads to start forming their own separate thoughts.

“That’s fine. I have writing to do anyway!” her main head was already back focused on the story she’d been working on. “Besides when we reconnect, I’ll automatically know everything that happened.” The fact that she could literally do two things at once and still have both of her heads know everything that happened was definitely a perk Antonella enjoyed about her mutation.

After that it didn’t take long for her main head to finish the story. When it was done, she arched her back and stretched her arms high above her head, though only two of them responded. She looked down at her tail, who was focused on the screen almost drooling. Antonella noticed how aroused her body was now.

“Uhmm… is the story that good?” said the main head. Her tail just swiveled towards her with a mischievous grin, eyes wide and full of lust.

"W-what?" said the main head. Nervously, she tried to move her body, but not even her torso responded to her commands. One of her hands took her chin and tilted her face down to stare at her tail head’s eyes, now rearing up in front of her.

"Are you trying to dominate your master's body?" said her tail head. Its voice was thick with lust.

Her main head looked at her tail with a terrified expression. She tried several times to synchronize her two heads, but her tail resisted firmly keeping them separated.

“And now you're trying to take control of my mind? You are a bad pet!” the tail head said angrily as it forced them to stand up. Antonella was just a passenger in her own body, watching as she walked to the closet and retrieved several sex toys.

"W-Wait..." said the main head, still trying to fight without much success. "I'm... I'm you too, you can't do this to me!"

"You think so... but I know you like it, I can feel it in our body!" laughed the tail, taking a leash from the bedside drawer and placing it around the main head's neck. “I know as well as you… that you have always been a switch, but now you will be my pet for life!”

Antonella was silent for a few seconds, contemplating the situation. Her main head had lost control of her body completely, and there was a leash on her neck held by a hand that she couldn't control. Yet, instead of being scared, she felt safe. She knew for sure that she wouldn't hurt herself and there was no point in resisting either. She also couldn’t deny how much she was secretly enjoying this.

To her surprise, when her hand tugged lightly on the leash, her body reacted on its own. A strong heat spread through her. There was no denying this was turning her on. "Y-Yes my mistress," said the main head.

Her tail head giggled and tugged at the leash. "I knew it. I can feel it! You're getting so hot from this!"

The main head just kept silent. Her tail head was correct in that she was a switch. And being both dominatrix and pet at the same time was making her hotter than she’d ever been. Her vagina was dripping wet already. She felt her body begin to move on its own, the tail head letting go of the leash as all six of her hands removed all of her clothing. Once naked her legs carried her towards the bed in the only thing she still had on: her high heels.

She stopped in front of the full-length mirror at the end of the bed, striking different poses and admiring herself. Her tail came up to her ear to whisper while one hand held her chin.

"If you dare to fight, it will be even worse..." said the tail while another hand pulled on the leash again. "Now tell me, how do you feel when you see your mistress’ naked body?"

“I-It's also m-my body…” the main head said. A finger of one hand tapped her cheek.

"Ah ah... wrong answer!" said the tail, waving the rest of the hands in front of the mirror. "It's my body... you're just a pet that I carry with me, is that clear?"

"Yes... Mistress," said the main head. She always secretly wanted to be dominated this way, and it thrilled her that she was finally getting the chance to be.

Before she knew it, one of her hands put a blindfold on her, restricting her vision so she could only see out the eyes of her tail head, and only when her mistress allowed her to.

Currently her tail was looking down at her naked body as she lay down on the bed and rested the main head on the pillow. All six of her hands began to play with her breasts, squeezing them together, and pinching her nipples.

The main head could do nothing but moan. “Wow you really are loving this. Do you enjoy feeling your Mistress’s body? What a dirty little pet you are,” said her tail with a lewd tone.

“I-I love it…” the main head said, sinking her head into the pillow. "Answer me with your legs then… what does my pet want?" the tail said, letting the main head control her legs once again.

Her main head blushed wildly and slowly spread her legs wide. She bit her lower lip, begging in her mind for her mistress to give her vagina some much needed attention.

“Excellent, pet,” the tail head said, lowering four of the hands to the vagina. The main head could not help but writhe on the pillow at the feel of so many fingers rubbing her vagina. Several of them were inside her, others were playing wildly with her clit.

The tail just watched from above as she bit down on her lips, until they both felt the org asm building rapidly. All of their hands stopped just before the orga sm swept through them, making her vagina clench begging for more.

The main head could only pant in frustration as her tail teased her leaving them both on the verge of org asm over and over again. “I want to hear it… if you want to c um you will have to beg me to let you.”

Her main head could barely speak through all the panting it was doing. She started thrusting her hips wildly, needing release. “I want… I want to cu m Mistress… please!! I-I beg you.”

“Ah ah… not enough…” said the tail, stroking the vagina once more and making the main head moan and beg even harder.

“Please… please… this hor ny pet needs to c um… please Mistress!”

Her tail smiled and she slipped her fingers back inside her vagina. “That’s way better!” she said and lowered herself towards the main head to surprise her with a kiss. It didn't take long for their shared vagina to explode in a strong orga sm that made them both moan into each other’s mouth.

Antonella's consciousness seemed to spark during that moment, as if both of her brains had short-circuited. Her hands continued to play with her body and her mind seemed to be synchronizing little by little. Memories of being a dominatrix filled her mind, though the connection wasn't complete, and she still couldn't move her limbs. She didn't know at what point she fell into a deep sleep, but she did.

The next morning, Antonella woke up very confused and not knowing what time it was. She blushed heavily when memories of the previous night came flooding back to her. She sat on the bed and tested moving her limbs, finding that she could easily do so as if nothing had ever changed. Beside her, her tail head was still asleep. Antonella gave it a gentle nudge to wake it. “It was real, wasn’t it?” she asked her tail head, which just sleepily nodded in response.

Everything in her room was normal. There were no traces of sex toys or signs of mastu rbation anywhere. “This is so weird,” she said as she approached the mirror, touching the reflection of her face and looking at it with both heads. An image from last night flashed in her mind, lasting only a split second. It was of her wearing a leash while her tail head smirked and put a blindfold on her.

She moved away from the mirror, scared, and looked at her tail, holding it with her hands and caressing her cheeks. "No, everything is fine... you wouldn’t do that, right?" she said confused before realizing she was just talking to herself. Although she was somewhat afraid, she tried to separate consciousness from her again to be sure everything was okay. Both Antonellas looked at each other in silence, as nothing was different from usual.

"I don't know what that dream was..." said the main head.

"It's strange, I would never do something like that..." said the tai.

"I know that better than anyone," replied the main head as they both laughed.

They walked over to the computer. Her story had no erotic part written on it and she had no search history of visiting any erotic story sites.

"It seems that it was a dream..." said the tail.

"And when did we go to bed?" replied the main head. They both looked at each other for a few seconds, then shrugged and sat down at the computer again.

Already more relieved, she re-synchronized her minds and sighed with both heads, opening another document in which she would record her experience. She titled it "The experience of an evil Antonella".

“Nah… very classic,” she said laughing and erasing the title. She thought about it for a few seconds and then typed "Negantonella" on her keyboard.

