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The young boy was laying in bed, staring at his ceiling. He couldn’t sleep. The best he could do was watch the shadows and let his mind wander. All the times he saw his cousin in those revealing outfits. The rumors of how “well-liked” his cousin was at the university. The… unfortunate shredding of his cousin’s uniform…

There was one thing that stuck out to him.

What the heck did his aunt mean by “…it’d be nice if you took some initiative…”

The sound of footsteps pulled him out of his own thoughts.

“She must be going to the bathroom,” said the boy, assuming it was his cousin. “I wonder if she pees sitting down or standing up.”

He shook his head in frustration. “Stop it! Stop thinking nonsense.” He muttered to himself, as he pulled the blankets over his head and desperately tried to fall asleep.

Alas, it was not to be, as shortly thereafter he heard his door open, and a second later, a heavy weight falling on his bed, pinning him under his sheets next to the wall. It took all his effort just to wriggle his head out from underneath the covers.

Surprisingly… or perhaps… not surprisingly at this point, his cousin was fast asleep next to him. The dim light that filtered through the window illuminated her cute face and her shiny, silky, black hair. She was wearing pajamas that were very short, and revealing, almost as if they were purposefully showing off her figure. It seemed like any mishap might make cause another uniform fiasco and he did not want that.

She jostled in her sleep, pushing herself closer to the young boy’s body, three breasts pushed against his chest. The soft feel of them made blood rush to his face. He nearly passed out… which would have been a good thing… Alas, the comedy or errors was destined to continue.

“Shit! What do I do?” he muttered to himself. “If I wake her up, she will yell at me! It will be this huge problem and it’s not even my fault. This is like a horrible romance anime!” The boy’s mind was racing. He tried to nudge her off of him but to no avail. “Why is she so heavy! She doesn’t look heavy. She looks slim and slender and why does she smell so GOOD! GAH no, I can’t think of things like this. But her breasts, gah the feel of her breasts I’ll never forget them I’ll…”

The boy did his best to keep his composure, but was doing a very bad job. Suddenly her cousin lifted her leg, putting it on top of him. His mind kept wandering about her smooth skin, her soft supple thigh. He jostled his hands under the blanket to hold down the raging erection he already had.

It didn’t help that his cousin must have been having an incredibly sexy dream. Her soft moans and gentle writhing told him as much. Not to mention, she had her own raging erection.

“Shit, control yourself, make your mind blank, it’s OK, think about anything else, glaciers, eternal snow, icy mountain ranges, Antarctica, Alaska, anything not sexy, uh, squids, sports, football, cheerleaders, girls with soft and firm legs like my cousin, FUCK, ok let me start again, ice, ice, ice, ice, ice, ice fields…”

“…I love you…” came a whisper from his cousin’s mouth.

“What?” the boy said as he wriggled around in his blanket prison to hear better.

“…I love you…” said his cousin again.

The boy was stunned. She must have been dreaming of someone she loved. But who? As far as he knew she didn’t have a boyfriend. Did she have a crush on someone in school? It hurt to think about. It hurt a lot. It made him feel… weirdly empty. Why? Why should he care if she was in a relationship? Why should he care about any of this? This is just his cousin, the same little girl who visited him once a year and tormented him! Why did he care so much? Why does he care who she is with? Why…

The endless torrent of thoughts eventually exhausted the boy, lulling him back to sleep.

Khyaaaaaaaaa!!!!, what are you doing in my bed you pervert?!".

The boy awoke to the screams of his cousin… as expected.

“What? Hold on. In case you haven’t realized yet, you are in MY bed,” said the boy… annoyed and sleep deprived.

His cousin stood up and looked around the room disoriented. Her skimpy pajamas were barely clinging to her body. Her panties were practically a thong and her top seemed to be purposefully showing off her three breasts.

“H-how did I get here?” his cousin said nervously?

“You went to the bathroom at night and then you fell into my bed…” the boy said yawning. “Simple as that…”

“Why didn’t you wake me up!?” said his cousin, face red with annoyance.

“I tried!” the boy pleaded. “You sleep like a rock! Besides, if I woke you up then, you’d have just yelled at me then like you are yelling at me now. At least this way I got some sleep.”

“Did you touch?” his cousin said, her tail wagging angrily.

“No, I didn’t touch. I just laid there like a brick!”

“Did you look!” said the cousin pouting.

“It was kind of impossible not to! You pinned me against the wall!”

The cousin got off the bed, and walked to the door, tail still wagging. She turned as she was about to leave the room. “Can we… just forget what happened here…” she said walking into the hall. “But don’t go jacking off to thoughts of me you perv!” before she slammed the door on her way out.

“Jacking off… who does she think I am…” the boy said laying in his bed. The room was silent. All he heard was the clock. “Ah crap, who am I kidding. I’m never gonna stop thinking about it.” He said, before taking cold shower and getting set for the day.

Strangely, the boy didn’t see his cousin much all day. At one point he walked past her door and hear her softly call “Cousin? Are you there? Can you come in please?” He knew better than that. She was probably dressed in something skimpy. This was entrapment!

Later on “Cousin? I could really use your help?” came a call from his cousins door. He shook his head. What did she think he was stupid.

“COUSIN PLEASE HELP ME!” She suddenly heard her scream!

This was serious! He rushed to her room and opened her door.

She was kneeling on the floor wearing only buccaneer stockings and a pleated skirt. Her arms were crossed over her chest while her tail twitched. Her face was flustered and red and she was sweating profusely.

“What’s going on? Are you OK?”

“I… I think I’m goinna mutate again… NNGH it hurts!” the girl said, tears falling from her eyes.



Master of Muffin

The little wet spot from the night-time wood is a cute touch.


Guessing (wishing): a second head that’s a little less inhibited/a tease, and a second set of breasts and arms!


I always thought she might mellow out a bit if she "got a bit closer" to her mom (or maybe her aunt). Hopefully her cousin isn't the only one who shows up to help