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I opened the fridge and scrounged for a snack… something to present to my impromptu guest.

Holly, on the other hand, was sitting on the soft. Her legs were up on the coffee table and she was staring at the wall with a glare that could melt iron. You could practically see the aura of anger around her.

“I… is everything OK?” I asked, bringing a meager plate of crackers and cheese and a few sodas to the coffee table.

No answer.

“Are you mat at your mother or somethi-“

Before I could finish, she turned to stare at me with a dour look that said “continue that sentence and it will be the last word you ever speak” with no words at all. After a harrowing silence, she picked up a few cubes of cheese and began to eat.

“Good food…” she said, with her mouth full. “At least you cook well, insect.”

“Uh… thanks but I didn’t really have to-… never mind.” I figured it was best to take any credit I could in the hopes it would save my life one day. “Do you want to do anything? Watch TV?”

“TV’s crap,” she said, stuffing her mouth full or more cheese and crackers. “Rots your mind.”

“Yeah… I uh… I have CrispyRoll. We can watch anime instead.”

She turned to look at me and made a familiar L gesture with her hand on her forehead.

“L-look,” I said, going into nerd defense mode. “It may seem nerdy but there are some really good shows. We could at least give it a try. Better than sitting here doing nothing.”

She rolled her eyes and sighed, a few crumbs falling out of her mouth. “Fiiiine, insect. But it better be something with fighting. No screaming schoolgirls or lovey dovey stuff.”

I pulled up the app and started the latest anime with an update in the action category “Jibun no gemu no samurai” the story of a mutant girl who ends up being sent to a game world… a fairly standard Isekai.

Holly tried to retain her sour look through the whole episode, but I could tell she had at least moderate interest.

“Heh,” she scoffed. “Whatever idiot came up with this trope of a truck hitting you and sending you to another world never got hit by one.”

“Yeah… I guess it’s just… a stereotype…” I said nervously.

Another episode passed, and another, soon we were on episode for, the big showdown between Ayu, and the Hydra.

“COME ON!” Holly shouted slamming her soda into the coffee table. “Use your tail! You’re barely even fighting!”

“Wait… are you rooting for the villain?” I asked.

“She just had Ayu at her mercy and what, she throws her aside? Bad move! She could have attacked her! Broken her skinny arms! Mutant solidarity!”

“But… wouldn’t you want to stand in solidarity with Ayu? You both have four arms.”

Holly guzzled the rest of her soda. “Ayu is a pretty little girl. The hydra is a monster girl, misunderstood by the public, and being treated like a villain. She deserves respect!”

“I’m not sure that’s-“

“Oh do you disagree with me insect!?” She said, getting in my face and baring her teeth. She was… very into this anime… maybe too much. “Next episode… NOW!” she demanded. I humbly obliged.

A few more chapters passed and Holly was disappointed to see that the protagonist continued to survive. Maybe she didn’t quite get this anime thing…

By the time we hit the end of the first mini-arc, I could tell Holly was holding back yawns. Exhaustion was getting the better of her.

“I think I need to shower, insect…” she said, covering her mouth to stifle another gaping yawn. She didn’t need to tell me twice. I put down a couple of clean towels, turned on the hot water, and showed her to the bathroom. I then retreated to my own room, lest Holly think I was anywhere remotely near her while she was naked.

I laid back in bed and stared at the ceiling contemplating my life. This was the first time I had ever brought a girl home. I never thought it would be a mutant… much less someone who would kill me with her thighs. Holly was terrifying, yet, fascinating. Sometimes I wanted to run away and other times… god I wasn’t quite sure. I hoped I wasn’t becoming one of those internet weirdos who comments “step on me mommy” any time they see a girl with muscles.

Suddenly, the door opened and Holly came in barely covered with two large towels. Her hair was still dripping with water. I scrambled back on my bed and shielded my eyes.

“I like your shower,” she said. “It’s good to be able to stand under the hot water for more than five minutes.” She grabbed a comb on my dresser and began brushing out her hair. Halfway through she stopped, looking at me trembling on the bed. “What’s the matter,” she said in a mocking tone. “Never seen a woman half naked before?”

“N-no, I have I… I definitely have…” I said, an obvious lie.

“HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA oh you are hilarious insect. I’m sure you have, you must have four breasted mutant girls over all the time. They just can’t keep themselves away from you.” She said cupping her breasts.

“Stop it!” I said, angrily. I know she was teasing me, but Holly just continued laughing.

She pinned me to the bed with a mischievous look in her face. “Your virgin brain must be spinning right now. Imagine what it would be like if this huge girl forced herself on you, robbed you of your virginity. Maybe if you ask me nice I-“

I struggled to find something to say. I wanted to sound cool. I wanted to play her game and freak her out. I… probably actually DID want to lose my virginity to her. But the only thing I could come up with was. “Yes mommy, please take me, but be gentle.” EWWWW I was becoming one of those creeps.

There was a long silence and Holly’s face went pale. She backed up suddenly.

“What the hell is WRONG with you insect!!!” she said, practically shivering. “That’s disgusting! Don’t be a creep! Don’t ever ever ever EVER say that again! YUCK!” she shook her head as if she was trying to get the image out of it. “Like I’d lost my virginity to a weedy little pervert like you.”

“A-are you a virgin too?” I asked.

Holly’s face went beat red at her accidental confession. Flustered, she reached over, and grabbed me by the pants before lifting me clean off the ground. “This is my bedroom tonight! No insects allowed!” She flung me like a sack of potatoes out of the room and slammed the door.

I stood up and limped over to my father’s bedroom crawling into bed. I couldn’t stop thinking about what Holly might do tomorrow, after everything that happened tonight? Would I survive another day?

To be honest… I had become quite numb to the fear of death. Whatever happens… happens.

Fatigue and soreness eventually overcame me, and I drifted off to sleep.



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