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Story by  Leena (@MyLifeIsARPG)

Grace knocked on the door to Leena’s room. It was plastered with signs, “Keep Out,” “Danger,” and the like. She rolled her eyes every time she walked past. “Stupid kid thinks she’s so important.”

There was no answer. She reached into her coat, took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter and lit one up. “Hey!” She said knocking on the door again. “Boss wants to know if you got the intel on the hit tonight.”

No answer.

“Hey! Open the damn-“

The door slowly swung open with a loud creak.

“… door…” Grace said taking a puff on her cigarette and mumbling to herself. “Damn kid gives me the creeps.”

She took a few steps into the room and the door shut behind her, leaving her in pitch blackness. Then, a monitor blinked to life… then another… then another. Slowly, Leena’s face came into view, the monitors reflecting off of her cold and lifeless eyes. Her blank expression slowly curled into a wide smile as she laid eyes on Grace.

“Knives…” she said in a creepy, soft, wavering voice. “Such a delight to see you again…”

“Can it freakshow…” Grace said taking another drag on her cigarette. “I’m here for the info. Now do you got it or-“

“Please… sit…” Leena said, her gaze unflinching, her body unmoving. A set of monitors flashed red arrows which pointed toward a ragged couch in the corner.

“I’d rather not…” Grace said.

“Come Knives…” Leena said, putting extra spite on Grace’s codename. “I know you don’t feel at home unless your performing… ‘surgery’ but surely you at least have the social skills to have a tiny conversation…”

Grace gritted her teeth and nearly bit off the butt of her cigarette in anger. She reached into a pocket and took out a gleaming scalpel. “Listen here you little-“

“Nuh, uh, uh,” Leena said wagging a finger. A laser illuminated from a slot in the wall aimed directly at Grace’s forehead.

“I’d be really, really stupid if I didn’t take simple precautions to defend my own web, and Maddie has been very forthcoming with her new mutagen. Now, Grace, what would you like to be? Maybe a slime that that Karin could use to moisturize her skin?”

She used a hand to scroll through some files each showing another strand of DNA.

“Perhaps a helpless puppy for Thea to play with?”  She scrolled through a few more. “Ooooh, I hear that Sophie and Lucy wouldn’t mind a new submissive head… or…”

She pounded her fist on a desk and the monitors around her flashed red. The smile from her face faded. Her eyes narrowed. Cracking through her façade came a rage unlike any other as she shouted. “You can SIT! DOWN!”

Leena opened her mouth and hissed before spitting up a stream of web which hit Grace square in the face. She struggled against it, blind as Leena got up from her seat and pushed her onto the couch. The cigarette fell from her mouth onto the floor. Leena’s rage filled gaze softened back into the lifeless eyes and wide smile. “Smoking’s a nasty habit you know. You really should quit.” She stomped out the butt and threw it in the garbage.

Grace was soon able to tear the webbing from her face, gasping for air. “You’re a sick fuck, you know that!” she said, her heart thumping out of her check.

“Hahahaha, of course I know that Knives? Why do you think the boss lets me live here?” Leena said, her fake smile only made more terrifying with hints of real amusement. “But what I want to know is, why are you here?”

“What? Are we having heart to heart’s now?” Grace said. “I’m doing it for a paycheck. Like every other sane mutant in this lab.”

“Hah! Yeah, that’s what every mutant says. But I… I like to… people watch… and I think there’s more to it than that.”

“Yeah? Why else would anyone take a job like this?” Grace said, tossing off the last bit of webbing.

“Depends on who you are…” Leena said placing a pair of hands behind her head and leaning back in her seat. She pulled up a folder on a monitor that had profiles of all the lab girls.

“Maddie’s just glad she can practice science without any oversight, no ethics to get in the way of her wonderful breakthroughs…”

She scrolled to the next profile.

“Sophie and Lucy like playing mindgames. They like seeing people squirm under their machinations… like fucking with their heads…”

She scrolled again. Her claw made a high pitch screech as it rubbed against the monitor.

“Thea just likes being dominant over people. She treats everyone else like slaves. And the boss… well… I think you know how the boss is getting off…”

She shut off the monitor and turned back to Grace. “Get the picture?” she said with another grin.

“Yeah… I get that you’re crazy…” Grace said with a sneer.

“Oh very. Very crazy. But what about you? What are you? Why, as I asked before, are you here.” Leena said tapping her claws on her desk.

“I told you… the paycheck… And…”

Leena started laughing again, holding her chest.

“Hahahahhaha, hehehheheheh, HAHHAHAHAHHA”

She just kept laughing, like a madman.

“Stop it…” Grace barked.

Leena kept laughing.


She kept laughing.


Grace took out a scalpel and threw it at Leena and it struck home, cutting her across the cheek. Leena did not stop smiling. She merely wiped off some blood on a finger and licked it.

“There… that’s what I wanted to see,” she said. “That’s why you are here!”

“W-why is that?” Grace said, unsure of herself, feeling like she was in a twisted funhouse.

“You, my dear Knives. You… want to hurt people.”

Grace fell silent, and just looked at the blood falling from Leena’s cheek, red, crimson, so inviting.

“You, Grace,” Leena continued, “LOVE hurting people. I see it in the videos of every single hit,” the monitors began flashing of scenes, recorded scenes of each and every one of Grace’s murders. “You love it. You don’t just kill. You torture. You cause pain. You relish in every single cut you make. Because you love to see people in pain. You love to see them beg for their lives. You love to see the life fade from them all because of you, because you held their life in your hands like a candle and snuffed it out.”

Grace slowly got up from the couch and walked closer to Leena, her eyes glazing over. She was possessed by the sight of blood. The very nectar of life pouring out of Leena with each pump of her heart.

Leena suddenly grabbed Grace and pulled her close. “You Grace, live, for suffering!”

Grace couldn’t help herself. She leaned forward and licked the blood from Leena’s cheek. It was practically orgasmic. Deep, rich, like chocolate, but tangy and fiery with the unique hint of her spider mutation. She couldn’t help herself. Her attitude totally faded. Her tough guy act peeled off. Now she just wanted that sweet blood. She licked at it again and Leena chuckled to herself.

“That’s a good girl…”

Grace slowly reached into her pocket for another scalpel. She raised it up and went to strike at Leena’s neck, but two of Leena’s claws came up to catch it.

“Sorry…” she said pushing Grace back. “You only get a small taste.”

Grace rubbed her head and grunted, slowly coming to her senses. She started to catch her breath. Her heartbeat slowed down. “Y-you’ve gone through a lot of trouble to do all this,” she said gasping for air. “But what’s the point?”

“The point?” Leena said with glee. “The point, Grace, is that I think we can be friends!”

“W-what?” Grace said, utterly confused.

“Because, you see, we are alike you and I. I too want to cause pain. Maybe not like you, I don’t quite get off on it like you do, but I want to make them suffer. I want to make them all suffer. ALL of them. I want them to feel a fraction of what they did to me…”

“Who’s… they?” Grace said stumbling back to the couch.

“Who’s they?” Leena laughed. “Who’s they!?”

The monitors in her room suddenly lit up with life, showing cameras spying on all different locations. The lab. Major cities. Banks. Police stations. Jails. Government buildings. Even private homes.

“They, are EVERYONE! I want EVERYONE to suffer!”

It was then that Leena gave perhaps the first genuine smile of the night.

“Just, like, you,” she said to Grace.

Grace started into Leena’s eyes for a long time before collecting her thoughts. She put on a fake veneer of frustration to cover up her blend of curiosity and excitement.

“Do you have the info or not?” she said with her own smirk.

Leena opened up a desk drawer and took out a folder, tossing it into Grace’s lap.

“It’s a warehouse down by the docs. Low security detail. Maddie’s made a gene bomb for you. Set it off and anyone caught in the gas will be turned into armless, legless, slugs. You can bring them back here and milk them for mutagen after you get what we’re after.”

Grace flipped through the pages, “and what’s that…?”

“A mirror,” Leena said dryly.

“A mirror?” Grace replied.

“The boss says it’s special. He says it lets you look into other worlds. You know how he is about this mystical junk. I’d have thought it was worthless except Maddie is also strangely obsessed with it. Wants to use it in her experiments.”

“We’re doing a whole job for a mirror?” Grace said.

“Anything for the paycheck right?” Leena said turning back to her monitors.

“Right… the paycheck…” Grace said. She got up out of the couch and walked to the doorway. The second she was on the other side, she heard Leena call out to her.

“Oh Grace?” she said. It was odd to hear her call her anything but her codename.

“Yeah,” Grace said looking back into the room.

“If we’re going to be friends, there’s one more thing I feel I should tell you.”

She swiveled her chair to look back at Grace and pulled out a scalpel. Grace started fumbling in her pockets. She must have lifted it when she pulled her close earlier.

“I know you like causing pain… but there is no pain, that you can cause me… that is worse than what my own brain does to me every… time… I close my eyes.”

She closed her eyes. Her smile widened. She raised the scalpel to press it at her own neck, before her monitors flickered off, leaving her in a flash of blackness before the door slammed closed in Grace’s face.

“Pff, psychopath…” Grace said, spitting out the word as she walked down the hall thumbing through the folder. She had to keep her mind on the job.

Which was difficult because every so often her mind wandered to Leena’s sweet… red… blood.



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