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Eileen and Airy were making their nightly patrol around the local biochemical warehouse. There had been a number of break-ins recently, so security was tight and they were chosen for the midnight watch.

“See anything,” Airy said, lifting her visor and peering into the darkness with her five eyes. The pair had the keenest sight in the daytime but all the eyed in the world didn’t matter in the dark.

Eileen tapped her finger on her waist. “Nothing in this direction…” she said. “Not like that’s anythin’ new.”

“You sound disappointed…” Airy said, readjusting her visor and walking their conjoined body around the corner, to check the container yard.

“Well, the boss says we gotta be on high alert, but we ain’t ever seen anyone come round here. We sit in our booth and watch TV and get a paycheck…”

“And fool around…” Airy said with a smirk.

“And fool around…” Eileen laughed. “But that’s only when we got time. We are on so many patrols it feels like walkin is all we do. My feet are killing me.”

Airy looked at Eileen coyly.

“OK, OK, our feet our killin US! OK?”

“Thatta girl. Look it’s only going to be a few more hours, then we can go home, soak our feet, take a nice bath, and unwind.” Airy said, leaning over to give Eileen a kiss on the cheek.

“Yeah yeah. I suppose a boring night on the job is a good night. What say we-“

CRASH! A sound came from the nearby warehouse, around the back, like a window had been shattered.

The conjoined pair rushed to the scene, only to find the back window of the warehouse smashed to bits, the security bars bent out of the way.

“Who the heck could have done that?” Said Eileen. “Must be a strong as a truck.”

“Doesn’t matter how strong they are,” said Airy, pulling out their baton. “This is why we do the job.”

Eileen was already radioing for help. “Yeah yeah, just don’t play hero alright. We’re both doin this job and I don’t feel like dyin tonight.”



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