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"Damn, it's so hot!" said the voluptuous mutant woman as she wiped her sweat with one of her many hands. It was quite possibly the hottest day of the year in Port Solei and although she was wearing a micro bikini the heat was unbearable.

“I should have installed that air conditioner last month… and I should have also checked that my fan wasn’t broken”, she complained to herself. Suddenly a memory came to her mind, something that could ease some of her situation.

She walked as fast as her three legs allowed to her closet. There she looked for a box filled with her grandmother’s old posessions. She opened it eagerly and found what she was looking for: her grandmother's fan collection.

She started with one first, feeling the little breeze that eased the heat somewhat. Then she took out another, and another, and another, until she had six hands full of it. The combined breeze felt like a true blessing.

“This feels so good”, she thought, “maybe I should consider a job as a human fan. I'm sure there are guys who would love a beauty like me cooling them off,” she said laughing as she sat down to keep enjoying the breeze of her fans.



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