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It was Saturday morning and I was eating a bowl of cereal when I heard my roommate, Carly, come home. She was out all night partying with some friends that she hadn’t seen in a while. I tend to shy away rom her friend circles. They smoke and drink too much and it’s just not my scene. Luckily, Carly didn’t let it become a habit.

I’d been sharing the apartment with her for about two years now. In those two years we quickly became close friends and, to be honest, a little more. We fooled around, had some good sex, but were careful not to turn it into anything formal. Neither of us wanted that sort of commitment.

I heard her stumble into the bedroom and get undressed. She was loud and making a racket. She must have been drunk or high or both.

“Oh wooooow, that was some goooood stuff I smoked,” she shouted opening the bedroom door. “It makes your eyes all wooobly woo. I’m gonna get some water.” She stumbled out of the bedroom half-naked wearing only a bathrobe. As she crossed my path my jaw hung open, cereal literally falling from my mouth.

“Carly, your eyes, and your… THAT!”

Carly’s big eyes were now four instead of two, arranged like butterfly wings. Furthermore, an ample sized penis now hung from her crotch. She turned around confused before catching a glimpse of herself reflected in the glass of the microwave. She stared with an empty gaze.

“Wooooooah, so that’s why I can see in wide angle now!” She looked down and grabbed her penis flopping it around. “Hah, it’s bigger than my ex’s.”

“Carly… please… react or something! You mutated!” Whatever she was on was keeping her unnaturally calm. “You didn’t do mutagen did you?”

“Naaaaaaaaah… Relax Dani giiiirl. We were just smoking some weed. Nothing weird. Maybe this is that thing the mutant gene interacts with medicine and stuff…” She blinked her four eyes lazily.

“Medicine?” I said skeptically.

“Yeah, you know. Medicine. Gotta get your medical marijuana card you know what I mean hahahaha…” She chuckled satisfied with herself. “You wait here, I gotta pee. I’m gonna try this thing out.”

“Carly I…” Too late. She already went into the bathroom. While she was there I started looking up mutation assistance numbers. I had no idea what to do about a sudden mutation like this.

“Wow, that was quick!” Carly said walking out of the bathroom. “No wonder guys never have a line to the bathroom. Don’t worry though, just checked, still got my pussy. Nothinig will be missed,” she gave me a wink and two finger guns. I could not believe she was taking this so cavalier.

“Carly, I think we should call mutation assistance, and your doctors, and your family!” I was trying to get her to take this seriously. Nope… she was still too far gone, staring off into the middle distance.

“Yeah yeah, right right, whatever you were saying. Does mutating make you hungry? I don’t know I’m hungry… or maybe it’s just the weed.” She opened the fridge and bent down to grab something, but then suddenly stumbled back, gasping and moaning.

“C-Carly? Are you OK?”

She didn’t answer. She just groaned as her arms cracked and bent unnaturally. Her fingers melted down with sickening slurps. Her bones seemed to dissolve. Her arms stretched out, tapering to a tip as they transformed into two long writhing tentacles. She grunted as the very tips split apart and began to peel away from each other, dividing them into four which lashed around, attached to her body.

She gasped for air as the mutation continued. She arched her back, feeling her breasts begin to grow. They grew and grew until they were an almost unmanageable size. Then, they started to pucker in the middle. Like two cells dividing her breasts ripped apart from each other, leaving her with four, massive heavy, slightly pulsating breasts.

Carly bend over as a bulge appeared on her backside. She snaked a tentacle down to her cock and her pussy, to rub at them as the mutation continued. With cracking and crunching sounds her spine grew, pushing out of her, stretching her skin with it. The bulge grew longer, and longer, as her moans intensified. "OH“GOD!” She screamed, as she came all at once, a tail exploding out of her, the end splitting into pincer like appendages.

The moment she came, she practically exploded. Milk shot out of her breasts. Cu m shot out of her dick. Even her pussy was gushing with fluid. She screamed in ecstasy and then collapsed in a puddle of her own bodily juices and tentacles.

“Oh my goooood,” she said, lazily bringing a milk covered tentacle to her mouth, sucking at it and writhing in the aftermath of pleasure. “It’s true what they say about mutations turning you on.”

“OK, this is getting out of hand, you need to make that call,” I said.

“Yeeeah yeeaaah, we’ll do it later. Right now I want to try this body,” she said standing up. I was a little intimidated by her new mutant body. She took my bowl of cereal, wrapped a tentacle around her breast, and squeezed a generous amount of her milk into It with a moan.

“A-are you serious?” I said stunned. Carly nodded happily. I gave her a small nod and looked down at the bowl. I put a spoonful in my mouth. It was very sweet. Too sweet. My head started to feel fuzzy. My body felt tingly. Was I getting high off her milk?

“This high isn’t gonna last forever,” Carly said. “I wanna ride the buzz till the end and then I’ll call the mutant assistance thingy or whatever. One condition though…”

I laughed to myself. My body tingled more, my mind still fuzzy. She was funny, and cute. “One condition? What’s that?”

“Help me taste test this girl!” She laughed a bit and brought a tentacle to her penis.

I laughed back. I felt so relaxed… so horny, and my body just kept tingling more. I grabbed hold of one of Carly’s tentacles as we walked to the bedroom together.




We need to see the end result!