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“See? It’s not as difficult as it seems,” a young mutant girl said, one head speaking to a familiar young boy, the other keeping her eyes solidly on her notebook.

“You’re right! I feel a little stupid for not getting it sooner. Thanks for helping,” the boy said. “The truth is, I haven’t be able to study at home.”

“Let me guess, family? Little brothers? Nephews?”

“Cousin actually…” the boy said, shaking his head. “She has a tendency to… distract me. Yet she still gets good grades!”

“Wait, you’re not talking about your cousin, like the one that goes here? Black hair? Three breasts? Tail?”

“That’s the one… do you know her?”

“Not really. I just know of her. People say she’s smart, kind, pretty…”

“I think I know a different side of her,” said the boy, exasperated. “Anyway, thanks for helping me, both of you… er… I mean you… I mean… uh… I’m still a little confused.”

The girl laughed. “I get it all the time. People think I’m a pair of sisters but I’m one person. It’s an honest mistake, especially if you come from a city without a lot of mutants.”

The boy left the library and try as he may to keep his mind on his schoolwork, he couldn’t help but think of what his friend told him. Was his relationship with his cousin weird? Did she only act this way with him?

Arriving home the boy entered the house, hung up his jacket, and went to the living room only to find his cousin waiting for him.

“Look cousin, I found my old Accessland High uniform! It still fits!”

The boy’s jaw practically hit the ground. “Seriously? That was your uniform! It’s so… sexy…” The boy simply could not take his eyes off his cousin’s legs.

“Yeah, we always kind of wondered about that. But it’s comfortable and you couldn’t say we didn’t look good so we all just kind of went along with it.” She walked back and forth in front of the boy, almost as if she was modeling the outfit. “It’s a bit worn and tight in some areas, but I think I pull it off.”

The boy listened to his cousin’s platform heels click as she made her way to the kitchen where her aunt was preparing dinner.

“Oh honey, why are you wearing that old thing,” the aunt said as she used her many hands to set the table.

“I found it by coincidence this morning and couldn’t resist trying it on,” the cousin said, running her fingers through her long black hair. “I like the way I look in it.” She turned to the boy and gave him a small wink.

“It’s so old though. It’s fine to keep as a keepsake but keep wearing it and it’ll rip to pieces, especially with how tight it is,” the aunt said before sitting down to the table and beckoning the kids to join her. “What about you nephew? How was your day at university?”

“Eh? Tight… I MEAN!... Uh… it went well, thank you auntie,” the boy said snapping himself out of a stupor. “I found a friend who helped tutor me with a subject I was having trouble with.”

“It’s hard for me to believe you have any friends,” said the cousin with a cold and cutting tone.

“Don’t be unpleasant,” the aunt scolded her. “So who’s this friend?” the aunt said, taking an interest in her nephew’s school life.

“She’s a nice mutant girl, she has two heads. It’s actually the first time I’ve ever spoken to a girl with multiple heads. It was interesting,” the boy said as he started to eat.

“Ooooooh! A girl? Maybe there’s room for something a little more than friendship eh?” The aunt looked askance at the cousin who was doing her best to appear oblivious to the conversation.

“Not really…” the boy said, “But it would be nice…”

Suddenly the cousin stopped eating, pushing her plate aside, “Excuse me! I forgot I have to uh… send an urgent mail!”

She stood up abruptly and the skirt of the uniform got caught on the chair, causing it toi mostly rip off. She was left dressed only in the uniforms short vest, a thong, and her stockings. The boy dropped his fork, slack jawed, food still in his mouth.

“Th-this is your fault!” the cousin shouted, extremely annoyed before leaving the dining room.

“I’m sorry! I mean… I didn’t do anything!” said the boy, watching his beautiful cousin leave the room with clenched fists.

The aunt sighed. “I told her the uniform was worn out.” She continued to eat as if nothing happened.

“I’m really sorry about the uniform. Can you fix it?”

The aunt smiled and shook her head. “You know, it’s nice that you are so naive. I don’t think she will be angry over the uniform for long. It’d be nice if you took some initiative though.”

“Initiative?” the boy said. She shrugged and continued eating as he looked at her confused.




Man she just needs to stop playing around and tell the guy he won't ever get a clue otherwise