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Story by Leena (@MyLifeIsARPG)

The next few days were very strange. Word on the street was the local mutagen dealers had gone silent for a while. The mafia must have moved their base of operations. They sure work quick. The mysterious cards that Emma and Mary saw stopped circulating around. Heck, all mutagen in the area seemed to dry up, much to the dismay of the party crowd.

But there were two people, or perhaps, one person depending on how you look at it, that were happy to be done with the mutagen trade. Emma and Mary… now sharing their body.

The day after the big confrontation was awkward to say the least. The pair struggled a bit to get used to their fused body. They couldn’t quite get used to sharing control of their many appendages. It kind of shifted back and forth. For a long time Emma did much of the moving. Mary was still getting used to the body.

Mary was feeling better, fused to Emma now. She still had desires to get a “fix” in but it was much more muted. Also, her new mutant body just felt… right. Like most addicts, a feeling of lonlineness and isolation was part of what drove her to more and more extreme behavior, and having Emma here to help her abated that a bit.

Many of the early days were spent with Mary apologizing. Emma was a level 2 mutant at best and now that they were merged they were both clearly a level 4. They got weird looks on the street. Mutants weren’t uncommon in their town but they were extreme enough to get some side eyes.

Emma didn’t care though. She was just happy that Mary was OK. She insisted that they visit doctors for a long time after their fusion, just to make sure they were healthy.

And for the most part, they were. Mary’s genetics were more stable and were combining well with Emma’s. Unfortunately, the mutagen abuse did take its toll and they were likely to mutate even more, perhaps even in more extreme ways in the future. But with regular visits to the doctor they could manage that, and still live a good life.

They began to really like their new body. They started to enjoy shopping for new clothes, learning to use their tails, and generally figuring out how to show off their figure. It was a different life, but it was a good one.

Talking to their family’s was the hardest. Mary’s family didn’t quite understand. They weren’t muto-phobic but they did not approve of her reckless lifestyle and it would be a while for them to forgive her “messing up her life with mutagen.”

Emma’s family was much more understanding. They had already learned a lot about mutants when Emma started showing the first signs of mutation and this was just another step in the process. Mary also did as much as she could to make up for Emma and her family’s kindness. During their first visit, Emma awoke to their shared body cleaning the dishes, just because Mary wanted to make a good impression.

Over time, the two began to be a bit more… honest with each other about their feelings. They were always good friends but… it’s hard not to share a body and get intimate. After all, any time one of them would masturbate, the other one would feel it. Friendship started to turn to affection and affection started to turn to romance… and after a while they wondered if it would be OK to try a small relationship… if it was even possible when sharing a body like this.

They weren’t really sure. Everything was kind of up in the air. It was a process, with each of them learning a bit more day to day. But it was a happy time, a safe time, a good time.




Super cute!


that was a great story!