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It was past noon by the time we got to the mall. I was sitting in the back of the luxury car with the silicone Nora beside me, and the huge teddy bear that contained her actual body in my arms. It was weird to feel her moving inside it as she tried to get comfortable.

The car rolled up to the entrance and I got out to unload her wheelchair, then delicately positioned Norah's fake body on it and handed her the stuffed animal. With the bag of care supplies slipped over my shoulder, I started pushing her into the mall as the car drove away. The moment we were inside, people started staring. At first I thought it was because she was in a wheelchair and I began to get upset, but then I heard some of the murmurs and whispers. They were talking about how beautiful she was, not the fact that she was in a wheelchair. I was taken aback, not at all familiar with so much attention. Norah, however, was completely unphased. If anything, she seemed to expect it.

"Victor, I want to get some ice cream," she said. "I heard there's a new shop with some specialty artisan ice cream that just opened up near the food court." Luckily no one seemed to notice that her voice came from inside the bear when she spoke. This was a good set up she had concocted.

I looked at her a little perplexed. "A-are you sure that's a good idea with your condition?" I said low enough that only she could hear me.

"Relax, it'll be fine. I can taste things just fine, and that's really all I want." She shook her head to do a little hair flip. That was all I needed to know her mind was made up and that's what we were doing.

"You're the boss!" I said and wheeled her down to the ice cream shop. I ordered the sample platter for us to share and we got situated at a nearby table to enjoy it.

"Just put some in my mouth so I can taste it," Norah said. I did as she asked and spoon fed her a bite of banana split flavored ice cream. The smile that spread across her lips told me everything I needed to know about how much she liked it. "Oh, it's delicious! Too bad I can't swallow it," she said. Her lips didn't move because her mouth was too full of ice cream, but her voice came from inside the bear just the same. Thankfully no one seemed to notice the ventriloquism act so we didn't have to explain anything.

"Are you sure you can't?"

“Yeah, if I swallow while I'm in my fake body it'll end up just falling from my head. I already tried it before and it was very uncomfortable." Her eyes widened as if an idea had suddenly struck her. "Victor, kiss me!" Norah commanded.

My face turned bright red as I leaned forward and touched my lips to hers. She deepened the kiss immediately, using her tongue to push the ice cream into my mouth from hers. I must admit the act turned out to be far more erotic than I thought it would be. When I pulled back I noticed Norah, too, was blushing heavily.

"Let's continue with the other flavors," she said. Her cheeks were bright red and she had a hard time meeting my eyes.

We repeated this process 14 times. I'd feed her a bite of ice cream and we'd share a deep kiss that left us both blushing. We got more accustomed to it the more we did it, but that doesn't mean it didn't have an effect on us. In fact it very much did. When we were finished with all the ice cream we'd ordered, Norah commanded me to take her to the bathroom, and honestly I was glad to be going somewhere away from people for a moment. With how turned on I was getting, the reprieve was very welcome.

I wheeled her into the spacious handicapped bathroom; it was quite ideal for a person in a wheelchair. "Please take my body out of the bear," she said as soon as the door was shut. She was a little breathless and when I removed her naked body from it's furry confines I saw why. It was wet. Sweat glistened on her breasts and stomach, and her crotch was already dripping. “Our little show with the ice cream…it turned me on so much. Victor, please f uck me now," her tone was a strange mix of pleading and commanding.

"B-but, we are in a public place," I replied. I could feel her warm skin in my hands and could smell her arousal. Her eyes shone with lust even in the dim light of the bathroom, and her breaths were coming in little gasps.

“Just lock the door, it'll be fine. Please, I'm bursting,” she command-pleaded. I had to admit the idea of it all excited me as well and my pants were already getting tighter. I pulled them down as I watched her trembling body on the table. When I went to pick her up she said, "use my central vagina, the one between all my breasts. I like how it feels when you pen etrate me there." Her voice was light and flirtatious and full of lust like her eyes.

I nodded and shifted her body a little, positioning us so I could do as she asked. We both moaned when I slid into her central vagina, and over on the silicone doll her eyes rolled back. I held her body tight, feeling over every inch of her skin that I could as I thrust into her over and over until we were both shuddering and stifling moans and cu mming fiercely - me directly into her, and her two dicks shooting white cream all over the wall behind me.

I laid her exhausted body back on the table and began to dry her off with a towel that I carried in our supply bag. Every time I touched her she shuddered, small little after shocks moving through her.

"Oh god, Victor… I think I love you," she said in a very low voice.

"Huh?" I nearly dropped the towel I was so surprised by her words. Maybe I'd just misheard her. "What did you say?”

“Oh uh. I said that I love when you do that. That's all,” she said turning all red and looking away.

I nodded and went back to cleaning us up. I could have sworn she'd said something else, but...nah must have been my imagination. After cleaning off the bathroom walls, I put Norah's body back into her stuffed animal and placed it between the arms of her fake body.

"Phew… I think we're all good now," I said, "Where do you want to go next?"

For a moment there was a look of sadness on Norah's face. It was gone a second later though and I wondered if I had just imagined that as well. I must have because she was giving me directions in her typical commanding tone. "I need you to take me to the subway parking lot. More precisely to the third floor, sector B, row 6," she told me as if giving me exact coordinance. I knew immediately why she was so precise in her directions. As soon as she saw my expression, she just smiled. "Don't be surprised, I had already told you why I wanted to come here."

We took the elevator and I followed her directions precisely. As we crossed the parking lot I noticed the surveilance cameras seemed to be turned off. The little red light that normally flashed to indicate there were on was completely black. An uneasy feeling came over me and I couldn't help glancing around us nervously. There were a few cars, but no people around at all. It was eerily quiet. Norah picked up on my discomort almost immediately. "Just wheel me right over there and ring the bell that hangs on the neighboring pillar. Open the biggest pocket of our bag and then leave. Don't ask questions, just go."

I was nervous and skeptical, but I did as she asked. In the big pocket I found a huge wad of cash just sitting there. I was fairly certain it was more than I'd ever seen before, or would ever see again, in my entire life.

"This my savings. It's a small fortune, put in place by my previous caretaker. At the last moment she regretted helping me with my plan and she took off. I want you to take half of that money, it'll easily cover all your university expenses. If everything goes well then we'll see each other again someday."

"Hang on a minute. You can't ask me to just leave you here and go,” I said vehemently.

“Relax, my parents value appearances a lot. Even if this ends badly they will never risk letting it be known that their daughter is a mutagen addict. I assure you that they will not even hold you responsible,” she said. Her voice was sad. I don't know if she didn't like saying goodbye to me or if she wished her parents paid more attention to her...or both.

“I-it's not about that. This is dangerous, and I'm already involved just from having wheeled you out here. I will not just leave you here alone. Maybe your parents are more worried about what people will say than they are about you, but to me you are the most important thing." The word just came tumbling out before I could stop them.

Norah's face turned bright red. “D-don't be dumb! If you are caught in this no university will let you into their medical programs,” she said as tears filled her eyes.

"STILL! I want to stay with you," I said.

The tears were spilling down her cheeks now. We were both quiet for a moment as we simply looked at each other. "I guess...if that's really how you feel..." she said after a moment, her lips curving into a small smile. "In that case, please stay with me."

I brushed the tears from her cheeks before ringing the bell on the column as she had commanded. It wasn't long before a dim light flicked on and a tall woman with four arms approached us. She was dressed in a perfectly fitted suit and her expression said she meant business. Norah was somehow incredibly calm even though the mutant woman towered over us.

"I think I remember you," said the tall mutant in a gruff voice. "And I think you already had too much of the elixir."

"Not yet. I'm coming for my last dose,” Norah said defiantly.

