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In the fantastic world of the Accessverse, there are beings, objects and places that sometimes violate their natural laws. These artifacts are studied, monitored and guarded by Access Laboratories.

The Insatiable Heels are an artifact that appear to be a simple pair of Louis Vuitton style high heels. However, they have a variety of peculiar effects when worn.

Putting these heels on immediately gives their wearer a confidence boost. They become more happy with their appearance and may even experience a slight euphoria. Continuing to wear these heels will cause individuals to become more sexually aggressive, looking for potential sexual partners at an increased rate. If worn for longer than a few days, the anomalous effects begin to accelerate.

First, the wearer’s legs will become longer, more toned, and shapely. Second, they will start to become obsessed with their own legs, how they look, how they feel. Their legs will become something of a sexual erogenous zone, about as sensitive as the genitalia. Weak willed individuals will spend long periods of times rubbing and caressing their own legs in self pleasure if they continue to wear the heels.

Continuing to wear the heels past that point will begin to induce mutation. The wearer’s legs will begin to split apart in an incredibly intense and almost sexual experience. They will continue to split until two new legs have formed, each wearing their own pair of the insatiable heels. At this point, the new multi-legged individual has a moment of clarity where the heels’ mental effects seem to wear off. This is usually when victims tend to remove the heels.

They are, however, extremely addictive and if kept in the vicinity of someone who wore them once before, they will experience increasing urges to wear them again, in order to feel the euphoria, sexual pleasure, and confidence induced. Continuing to wear the heels will repeat the cycle, with new legs forming again and again, each wearing a brand new pair of the heels. Individuals with an addictive personality who come in contact with the Insatiable Heels have been known to grow legs in excess of 20 or more before the addictive cycle can be broken.

It is unknown why the heels act the way they do, however, the best hypothesis is that they are some sort of living parasitic life-form and that this cycle is the way they reproduce. It shares much in common with known parasites, from causing its host euphoria to inducing addictive behavior that leads to procreation.

It is impossible to know how many pairs of Insatiable Heels exist in the world, however they are easily contained and destroyed. Tearing, burning, or otherwise physically dismantling these heels renders their abilities inert. Several pairs are kept in top labs for study, but it’s the pairs that are still out there in the wild that are most concerning. Keep your eye out for mutants with an absurd number of legs. Chances are, you’ll find a few pairs of Insatiable Heels not far behind.




Access making his own sexy SCPs


That was my exact thought when I started reading this