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 (The content for Ask Ms. Jessica comes from real questions from real people sent to AskMsJessica@gmail.com)

Dear Ms. Jessica,

Is it safe to drink milk or other foods produced by mutant girls?

Good question. For the most part, yes. In fact, it’s also safe to drink the breast milk of non-mutated humans as well. It’s just considered weird in most places of society.

Of course, the same limitations of mutant sourced foods apply to animal sourced foods. If the mutant is sick while producing milk, then the milk might carry disease. Simply put, if you wouldn’t drink milk straight from a cow’s udder, then you probably shouldn’t drink milk straight from a mutant’s breasts. However, through pasteurization and homogenization these foods can be made safe to consume. 

I’m also sure there are those of you who have consumed some mutant milk during some bedroom play. Don’t worry, it shouldn’t harm you much. Just don’t make a habit out of it. Don’t, like, use it in daily meals without processing it first.

It is true that some mutants produce relatively safe foodstuffs from their body. In this case, their body is essentially doing the processing that factory machinery usually would. However, it’s really hard to tell if this is the case without a specialized checkup. Not to mention, factories use sterilized equipment to prevent outside contamination, so you should probably do that too if you are regularly eating mutant sourced food.

That being said, mutants can eat their own food without fear of infection. Anything that can be transmitted they already have in their body. However, whether or not they feel comfortable doing so is really a personal choice.

It’s also completely safe to eat mutant sourced food that you might find at your local super market, direct wholesale farm store, or any other regulated vendor. Nearly every national government has standards in play that ensure any mutant sourced foods have been properly processed, decontaminated, and cleared for human consumption. 

Not to mention the simple act of boiling or cooking mutant sourced foods should decontaminate most of them.

Finally, I’d like to address a rumor that mutant sourced foods can turn you into a mutant. That is untrue. You either have the mutant gene or you don’t.

What they can do, however, is cause an epigenetic shift in someone who already has the mutant gene, especially if the genetic strains found in the mutant sourced food are similar to the strains found in a potential mutant’s junk DNA. So yes, they can trigger a mutation, but this doesn’t actually count at “turning someone into a mutant.” You either have the mutant gene or you don’t.

That being said, all mutant sourced food that you might purchase at a store is heat processed to denature and unravel the DNA inside it, just like any other food you’d get from any other animal. This means that if your food is processed properly, there is no chance of it causing a random mutation. So just be sure any mutant sourced food comes from a reputable source and you should be fine. 

Happy snacking!

Dr. Jessica Park




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