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Original idea by @ MyLifeIsAnRPG  

“You need… how many?” the store clerk said, a pale look on her face.

“For the last time, twelve!” said Alexis, exasperated. “Twelve pairs of heels, all in the same color, all in the same size.”

The local Payless Shoe Source was having an overstock sale on high heels. “All styles must go!” the advertisement said “20% off all heels! Take another 50% off if we don’t have the style or size you are looking for.”

“Your ad said you’d have it in stock” said Alexis, growing increasingly annoyed. She pointed one of her many foot hands toward the cashier “So like, I said, twelve pairs all in this style, or I get 50% off. Or do I have to talk with your manager?”

The store wasn’t any stranger to mutant business. In fact, having the occasional girl come with an extra pair of legs or two really boosted sales. Normal humans don’t usually buy multiple pairs of shoes at once. But Alexis was a different story. She had so many legs tipped with so many hand feet. Her mutation was obviously more extreme than most.

But it wasn’t her mutation that was hard to handle, it was her personality. She was confident and aggressive. She knew her legs were beautiful and she loved showing them off, dressing in sexy attire even on routine days. She also wasn’t afraid to raise a stink if she wasn’t catered to. Maybe it had something to do with her rich upbringing, or maybe it was her way of dealing with having a more extreme mutation, but she didn’t take shit from anyone.

“I’m sorry miss” said the clerk. “I just don’t think we have twelve pairs of shoes in any style that are the same size.”

“Listen you!” Alexis said, leaning over the counter. “I have a very important party to go to and I need to look my best, and that means all my shoes need to match! Or would you have me show up, the guest of honor, wearing mis-matched heels like some sort of rag-tag patchwork doll!” Other customers averted their eyes from the scene, including some other mutants who were more than happy to wear multiple styles of shoes at once.

“Now your advertisement said that you would have these shoes in stock, any style, any size. Well this is the style I want, and my size is twelve pairs in a size seven!”

“B-but twelve pairs isn’t really a size” the clerk said meekly. “It’s, more like an amount?”

“Oh is that the case!” barked Alexis, flipping back her long hair with another foot-hand. “So normal human girls get to waltz in here and say ‘hey I need one pair of shoes to fit my normal two feet’ and you hop right to it, saying ‘oh thank you ma’am! Thank you miss normal! We will help you right away’” Alexis said in a mocking voice. “But a mutant girl comes in and suddenly it’s ‘sorry we can’t help you!’”

“Th-that’s not what I meant, I…”

“Look here. Your shoes fit when you get the size right… right!? Well I have twenty four feet, which means I need twelve pairs of shoes in a goddamn size seven, for them to fucking fit! Now do you have them or not!” She slammed one of her perfectly manicured foot hands on the counter, her anklets jingling as she did.

The clerk practically jumped “I…I’ll go check the back!” he said running into the store room.

“Thank you!” exclaimed Alexis, adjusting herself after her frazzled outburst. “It’s so hard to find good help these days.”




Excuse me, OH MY GOD


Great work. You should do a series of her. That looks like some of your vintage work


I guess the manager coincidentally found a convenient reason to take a break far away from the store as soon as Alexis entered, because why else is a simple clerk having to deal with her?


I hope to see more of Alexis in the future. Extremely good work!!!