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  “Shit, I’m late!” Miranda thought looking at her watch. She was desperately trying to push out the last egg, but it was dangerous to rush it. Tense up too much and it would break, which would make her spend more time cleaning egg goo off her legs, and painfully picking egg shards out of her private parts.

This was her job, a living embodiment of the “it’s a living” joke from The Flintstones. She sat in her favorite chair, watching television, as she pushed out her quota of products. Half a dozen freshly laid eggs, two gallons of cream milked from her penis, several quarts of honey from her lower breasts, and several gallons of milk from her upper breasts.

  This was Miranda’s routine every morning after her second mutation four years ago. She always had the pointed ears, four breasts, and small penis in addition to her vagina, but one day she woke up with a strange pressure in her tummy and moisture in her vagina. She moaned, squatted, and before she knew it she laid an egg, dripping in fluid. Before she could call the doctor she laid another, and then another, a strange mixture of pain and pleasure after each one. As she sat there laying, two more arms grew, forcing themselves out of her sides, growing bigger with eah egg she forced out.

It was many hours before she could go to a doctor to get a checkup on her situation. The transformation was quite a shock, but she had always told herself she wouldn’t mind an extra set of arms. Maybe they would let her be a little more productive.

 One night, she tested out her new arms, fondling her breasts. At the lightest touch, she saw small drops of milk drop from her nipples. She did the same with her lower breasts, but the liquid that came out was warm and stickier.   Her penis had grown as a result of her last mutation, and of course she couldn’t help but play with herself,  but was shocked to find that it was pure fatty cream coming out. 


She went to the doctor again to check up on these strange mutations, and sure enough she was producing shelf ready food right from her orifices. 

Over the years, Miranda took up an job as a regular supplier to pastry shops, some of which specialized in creating foods with ingredients of mutant origin. Eating mutant produced food still felt a little creepy to a lot of people, but the small market for it was very enthusiastic. She was sure that they were getting off on it. It’s a shame because the milk and honey she produced were some of the best tasting around.

“Mmmmm just a little more” Miranda said as she gently pushed out two more eggs. She finally felt the contractions stop as she got off her chair and disconnected the milking devices. “Seven in a single day, one over quota” she said picking up the extra egg. “Time to treat myself to a nice breakfast.”



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