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It’s been a few months since the lab shut down for quarantine. You might be wondering, what have all the lab girls been doing.

Maddie was fortunate enough to have a decent amount of scientific equipment at home and has been slowly transporting official lab equipment there to create a remote lab setup. In addition to her standard mutation research, she has been looking into how mutant physiology interacts with the virus, in order to better serve any members of the mutant community that might become sick.

Nurse Grace is on the frontlines, acting as an ER nurse for COVID-19 patients.  She works long hours and is constantly on call. She has moved out of her apartment and now lives in a co-op with other doctors and nurses that are responding to the pandemic. While this is certainly one of the most stressful times in her medical career, she is doing important work and saving lives on a daily basis.

With the lab closed, Sophie and Lucy have had less secretary work to do. While they still handle paperwork here and there as it comes up, they mostly spend their time doing web-based cosplay photoshoots. They’ve amassed a decent following and host several charity streams, donating all the money raised to COVID relief.

Thea moved back to her farm, away from population centers that were dealing with massive outbreaks. She has begun donating her crops food banks in order to serve communities that are going through resource shortages during the pandemic. She has also started organizing a mutant co-op so that any mutant that produces milk, eggs, or another food-stuff can donate personally to local food banks as well. She has begun turning her own milk into cheese, butter, and other dairy items so that it can be more easily preserved and shipped to communities that need it.

After Leena caught COVID-19, she had to take a full month to recover. While she’s still having a few breathing problems here or there, she’s feeling much better and resumed her normal life as one of the few who now has active antibodies to the disease. She has since donated blood plasma to aid in the search for a vaccine. Unfortunately, the quarantine has put a temporary stop to her duties as a lab assistant. So instead, she’s become the labs writer and editor, going over every press release and official document that the lab puts out. In fact, she may be typing this right now. Ooooooh, how meta!

Carl has been using his 3D printer to print medical equipment such as face shields and respirators for hospitals in need. What? You didn’t know that Carl had a 3D printer? Well he does, and he’s a very active part of the maker community! He’s a complex guy you know.

Karin has been continuing her work for Access Labs at home, performing genetic experiments with samples that Maddie sends her through secure mail. Of course, this means that she actually has to live her normal life in some of these forms, whereas normally she would only have to spend a short time in them in a controlled lab setting. It’s created some… interesting scenarios.

And Access…. Actually… wait… has anyone seen Access recently? 




Hope Grace stays safe.