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It was late in the afternoon on yet another day of quarantine. I prepared a cup of coffee as I readied myself for work. I work as a freelance coder so I was lucky enough to work from home on my own schedule, and sundown was when I was most productive.

I had just sat at my desk when I heard  noises come from the apartment next to mine. A few days ago, the previously vacant apartment had be filled with some new neighbors. I didn’t know who they were and I wasn’t going to knock on their door, what with social distancing in place. Besides, moving during a global pandemic must be stressful enough. I didn’t want to add to that stress by having them deal with a visitor only a few days after move-in.

Still, I couldn’t stop myself from speculating. The walls were thin so I could hear their voices decently well. They sounded like a pair of young women. Roomates? Or maybe a hot lesbian couple? Nah. Their voices were somewhat similar so it was probably just a pair of sisters shacking up together until quarantine ends.

Most of the time the voices talked about how to decorate the apartment and where they were going to get food, but this time my work routine was broken up by what sounded like morning. I tried to ignore them and focus on my project, but the moans just got louder and louder. It was like an audio track from an adult movie was playing right through my wall.

As the screams of ecstasy got louder I noticed that I could pick out more than two voices this time. “Are they having an orgy? During quarantine?” It seemed weird, but it was the only conclusion I could come to. 

I started to hear thumping and pounding in time with the moans and screams. At this point my imagination was racing with what sort of freaky sex party could be going on in the apartment next to mine. My work focus had long since passed on to a better life, as my mind was now completely obsessed with trying to pick out what was happening next door. I placed my ear to the wall to get a better picture.

“Five voices… six? How could they even fit so many in a studio apartment.” I mumbled to myself. I listened to the actions as the voices rose to a shout, obviously not even trying to hide themselves anymore.







“OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!” The group screamed out in unison. My suspicions were correct, it was definitely an orgy.

I had never been so excited and yet so conflicted in my life. My new neighbors certainly put on a show for me, but that really wasn’t an excuse to be having get-togethers like this in the middle of quarantine. Public guidelines said to call the police if you found anyone disobeying quarantine rules and hosting a party. I wasn’t going to go that far, but I also didn’t want them putting anyone in danger. 

I decided to handle it myself. I put on my mask and headed over to their place, hearing a soft gasping “uaaaaaaa mmmmmph” come from the other side of the door. I gave it a knock.

“Hello? Can you please respect the quarantine rules? I don’t want to interrupt your orgy or whatever, but it’s really dangerous to have gatherings right now. It puts everyone in danger. If I hear it again I’m going to have to call the landlord.”

Dead silence. Apparently my words had taken effect. I was nervous, but I also felt like some kind of health vigilante. I hate prying into other people’s business, but this outbreak is serious stuff. The more I thought about people blatantly disregarding the rules put in place to keep us all safe, the angrier I got.

I had sat back down to continue coding. At this point, I was more distracted by anger than arousal. I hadn’t heard the slightest noise for an hour or so. I didn’t hear anyone leave the apartment so I assumed that everyone was still there, just keeping quiet. That’s when the doorbell rang.

“Damn, are they going to start a fight?” I said, assuming it was my neighbors coming to give me a piece of their mind. “Fuck it!” I said, getting up, ready to have an argument with some COVID deniers. I put on a mask, put a bottle of hand sanitizer in my pocket, took a deep breath and opened the door.

“Now listen you… oh? Oooooh….” I didn’t quite expect the sight I saw on the other side of the door. IT was a beautiful mutant girl with long gorgeous hair. She had three breasts and a peculiar face. It was hard to tell through the mask, but it seemed like maybe she had two chins, and two mouths. She was blushing a deep red and could barely make eye contact me. 

“I’m sorry!” she said with a slight bow. “I really thought the walls were thicker. I didn’t think anyone could hear me.”

“Well, I have pretty good hearing” I said, trying to look good “But it’s not the noise that bothers me. It’s that you had so many people over during a national lockdown.”

“People?” She said confused. “Oh no no! You misunderstand. I live alone. You were just hearing me”

“Just you?” I said, raising an eyebrow. But I did notice that something was weird. Sometimes I saw her chin move as she talked, but sometimes they didn’t at all. Sometimes I saw her breasts move instead, and the sound would come from her body. I was starting to get the picture.

“Yes,” she said blushing, embarrassed that she had to explain her mutation to me. “I have six mouths. Don’t get me wrong, I have one personality! It’s just that I, sometimes get lonely so I talk to myself. And in… certain situations… I just can’t help using all of them at once y-you know? I try to keep them shut but I only have two hands. I can’t cover them all…”

I had no idea what to say. There was never an orgy next door.  It was just a lonely mutant girl having some fun alone… and I had to be the prude that interrupted.

“Ah! Uhm, well, that explains everything. Carry on! I mean, don’t carry on!  I mean not if you don’t want to, it’s not like I have any say in what you do. What I mean is, I won’t complain to the landlord because he doesn’t care if you masturbate. I mean he shouldn’t even know if you masturbate! I’m not going to tell him you masturbated. I just thought it was something else. Hehe… excuse me!”

I felt like I was going to die. I was ready to slam the door shut and jump out a window before she spoke up again. 

“Thank you for understanding. I promise I won’t… uh… partake in recreational activities in the living room anymore. You shouldn’t be able to hear it from my bedroom. “

“No, no, don’t worry about it. Like I said, I have good hearing so I’ll always hear it a little. But as long as you are staying safe I don’t care.”

She bowed again politely “Thank you so much. When the quarantine ends, let me treat you to a cup of coffee to make it up to you.” She turned around and left.

“Hold on…” I thought to myself. “She has six mouths. Two were on her face and three were on her breasts… so was her sixth?” I opened the door to watch her enter her own apartment. She turned around and gave me a cute little wink before closing the door behind her.

I went back inside and sat on my desk chair with a thump, as if my legs couldn’t carry my body due to sheer embarrassment. This was going to be one long quarantine… but at least I had a coffee date to look forward to.




Alright Access, enough with the teasing, we need to see this girl in all her glory! :<