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“Gah, couldn’t we have made this bikini out of foam instead of metal. It’s pinching our right boob.” said Sophie with a groan.

“Upper or lower?” replied Lucy.

“Both and you know it!” Sophie snapped back, adjusting the cold metal bikini with their upper set of arms.

“Look, I know it’s just an internet photo-shoot, but we still have to take it seriously. Besides, it’s for charity!” Lucy said. She reached down with their lower set of arms to adjust the long red loincloth which had a habit of falling off center, fiddling with its position every few second.

“Ugh, you and your high standards. Fine! You win this time” said Sophie with a small sigh.

“This time?” Lucy laughed. “Try always.”

The twins had been preparing their outfit for days. Unfortunately the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in all their favorite May 4th Star Wars conventions to be canceled, but that didn’t discourage them. There were plenty of fan events happening online and they were going to be a part of it.

“Do you think the fans will like it?” asked Sophie as she brought up a pair of hands to brain her twin’s hair. They had both spent hours the night before dying their hands a chestnut brown, to more accurately recreate the color of Carrie Fisher’s hair from the legendary “Slave Leia” scene.

“I’m sure they will. Heck, they better. We went through so much paint and fabric. There’s almost nothing left in our reserve and it’s really hard to resupply right now.”

Sophie and Lucy went on to put the finishing touches on their costume, fitting real metal chains around their wrists, adjusting their homemade headdresses atop their freshly braided hair, and putting the finishing touches on their makeup. Once satisfied, they went about adjusting their makeshift set. They had painted a red rebel alliance logo on a large roll of fadeless white background paper they had left over from one of their other shoots. It wasn’t much but it would have to do.

Lucy went about adjusting their webcam, making sure the set was in frame. “When you are ready, I’ll put 20 seconds on the timer and then we can go live.”

“Wait!” Sophie exclaimed. She turned and gave her twin a sudden and surprisingly deep kiss. For a second, it was as if the two heads were fighting over their shared shoulders, as their tongues gently slipped into each other’s’ mouths. Sophie smirked as she softly broke the kiss. “For luck.” She said with a giggle.

“What the h-heck” Lucy said stammering over her words. “Are you trying to make me wet right before the shoot!” Their legs twitched a bit. It was very clear that Lucy was turned on, both of their vaginas moist with anticipation.

“You’re already wet” Sophie said “remember? I can feel them both.” Sophie reached over and started the timer. “I know being aroused might be distracting to you, but it calms me down, lets me be at the top of my game. Don’t worry, the skirt will hide it. Now let’s do this thing!”

Lucy bit her lower lip and took a deep breath “F-fine. We will do it your way this time…”

“This time?” Sophie giggled to herself as she struck a pose, putting her upper hands on her hips and grabbing the slave chain with her lower pair.  “Try always”




Now I just have to figure out which one is the 4th...