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- Tell me what happens? What is the emergency? - The beautiful mutant girl said from the bathroom door. The drops of water trickled through her beautiful body.

- Sorry to bother you cousin, but the pizza that I ordered arrived and I ran out of cash - the boy said a little nervous at the charming image in front of him. - Would you lend me some cash.

- Wait a minute, is that why you took me out of my shower? You know where I keep some cash and don't pretend you never borrowed money from me there before.

- Well, I wanted to be respectful of your possessions. - the boy muttered nervously.

- Yeah right! - Said the girl with disdain - For me this is another of your tricks to see me naked. The bulge in your pants gives you away.

- Well, in that case I am not the only one with a telltale lump - said the boy while pointing to the evident erection under the towel of the girl, who blushed quickly.

- DO NOT PRETEND YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN MASTURBATED IN THE SHOWER! MORON! - She said while slamming the door of the bathroom closed in the face of her impertinent cousin.




I really like this one. There's not enough 3 breasted girls in the world. You also did an awesome job with this one.