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Finished the last shot (first pass, anyways) of the Pete episode today! Very exciting!

And okay- from watching other folk's animations, I'm not the only one who has trouble with this; just some quick thoughts on animating big and little stuff!


Animating Huge Things and Little Things in Blender

Finished the last shot (first pass, anyways) of the Pete episode today! Very exciting! And okay- from watching other folk's animations, I'm not the only one who has trouble with this; just some quick thoughts on animating big and little stuff!



Just saw this and learned about your Camera Shakify addon. Too cool!


I really can't wait to see the pete episode. Everytime you've shared a bit of the fight in your IG story I've showed it to any and everybody standing around me and gushed hard.


Cool :) Interesting to see the details of this and might come in handy


This is a really interesting post! I've been animating for 25 years and there's ideas in here I hadn't really considered before. You keep claiming to be a poor animator but that really doesn't hold up at all. You've been doing it day in, day out for years so it's statistically impossible that you could still be bad at it, even if you didn't have all these very convincing animations all over the internet. And you do what all good animators do, which is to really consider the physics of what you're animating and to learn from real world examples. Also, if I was new to it and someone as accomplished as you kept claiming to be bad at it, I'd probably feel really discouraged...!


Very useful tips in this Ian thanks! It's all about the physics! (and I hated physics in school ;( )

Hans Jacob Wagner

Just made me wonder how it would have been - being your teacher or classmate 🤣 anyway I love the outcome !!


"We are a part of the universe that can turn sandwiches into a ball-throwing good time" — Ian Hubert This should be a T-shirt on Qwertee.


Fannnn Tassstic! So many good morsels of info. Thank. You. Ian.


hey ian. I wish to be like you one day. so cool. Tacoma legend


Wow, so many cool things to think about! At the end Ian, you suggest that big things don't need extra noise or fiddly animation which lends them weight. But I notice that noobs often make all their animation this way. Perhaps it works best (doing less animation) when there's a contrast to other elements doing more. Leaves blowing or people moving around in the foreground. It seems to me that this idea of "contrast" is everywhere... from composition of frame to composition of form (big little shapes), even color grading relies on it... as well as lighting and sound mixing. Damn it really is everywhere!

Maxime Gérardin

Thank you Ian for this super video as always ! I wanted to ask you, even tho it has nothing to deal with what you talked about here, but will you come to the Blender conference of 2022 (27-29 october in Amsterdam) ? Not necessarily to give a talk but to join as a spectator ? Would love to know, thank you very much and have a nice day!


Thanks, these energy transfer concept helped alot ;)