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So- I've touched on a few of these techniques in the past, but this goes more in depth, and a few techniques are significantly more straightforward (and *powerful*!?)  My previous method is frankly a tad embarrassing in retrospect (as will be all future previous methods!)

Below's the cheat-sheet for how to set up a "randomized selection from a grid of something". In the Math nodes (currently set to "snap"), you just type in "1/X" (where "X" is however many rows/columns you have on that axis), and it results in the decimal you need- it makes a lot more sense in the video.

Some may be wondering why I used 1D white noise instead of the 4D (which includes an additional "W" slider)- and it's just because as far as I know 1D is pretty darn lightweight computationally, and 4D is many times heavier while giving the same result.

Also- I just put it together as a quick-n-dirty demonstration, but if anyone wants the storefront from the ending of the video to use in anything, here's the blend file! It's got the scrolling sign and a couple other randomizing things in there.


Creating Auto-randomized Signs/Neon/Such! (getting random)

So- I've touched on a few of these techniques in the past, but this goes more in depth, and a few techniques are significantly more straightforward (and *powerful*!?) My previous method is frankly a tad embarrassing in retrospect (as will be all future previous methods!) The storefront at the end of the video is available here if you want to use it for anything: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jbSZLcbK7PdLuzNyJmvHD0GF58YeE3dI/view?usp=sharing



wow, that thumbnail is looks amazing, love the neon!


you absolute goddess

Jostein Lie Svalheim

In Europe, your vids often drop in the morning, so you and me get to have morning coffee together, Ian.


Nobody going to talk about the default cube with a dumpy of an arse?


Love getting a sneak listen of the Soren track in the beginning!!


tutorials cant get any better


This is cool and nuts (coolnuts) I've always wanted to create a scene where I can explore and be surprised because I haven't had to hand make each and every sign etc. Thanks dude!!


hey IAN ! You should come to the city Melaka in Malaysia. You can ride on that thing for real ! ILL BE YOUR GUIDE ! !!


A Christmas sweater in November ?


Ian Hubert, doing something random? Seems so out of character.

Tolga Katas

thank you, this was good!


great stuff as always, Ian! I've learned so much since I joined your Patreon!


This is terrific. I got excited recently about an addon I saw on BlenderMarket which looked like it did this, but it didn't, so I am really glad you made this thing! PS why did the cube have an arse? This is the audience asking a question...


This is amazing learning so much. Working on my first short fil for my university final project and these tutorials have been a godsend. Thank you Ian.


The cube has an ass, obviously because it's superior to the default cube.


Ian, I’m sure this is the wrong place do this, but is there a good contact for you for work? Tried the myriad of social inboxes so far…


Ian! Speaking of store fronts… when are you going to make a “Gombo” stand? 🤣

ash katchum

Have you gone over your photo rig yet? I would love to see a video on that. Love your patreon Sessions!


Awesome as always! Thank you! Another neat way of creating many random values from just one Random input is to multiply it by different numbers and clamping the result to 0/1 using fraction. It's easy to visualize how it works using 10, 100, 1000, etc. as a multipiers. You shift the result left, and ignore the nondecimal part. But it works flawlessly with smaller increments like 10, 20, 30 etc. https://ibb.co/9sHZf7M I made it into a node group that spits 10 random outputs just in case :-) All your tuts are a treat! Thanks again!


I’d love to see how you make larger terrain shots. Just the backgrounds or when your high up. Quick and dirty landscapes


Ridiculous good tutorial. Signs-Science at it s best!


Hey, how would you do stuck or dead pixels? I’ve seen those on that type of signs all the time.


ian is this beautiful butt-cube available for download?


I'm using this technique to randomize uv offset on a texture atlas for small "filler" buildings (mostly different sized cubes), and it works great, but Blender balks when you have thousands of individual elements, and obviously this approach breaks when you group them to improve performance. I've been poking around, but cant find another ID in the nodes. Is there another unique ID for faces? Or am I going down the wrong path? Can I "Bake" the resulting UV positions? Can I borrow 20 bucks?


Ooo- there's "Per Island" (in the "Geometry" node), which gives a different ID to each disparate "mesh chunk" in the object. If you multiply that by the object ID, that might give you what you're looking for?


worked perfectly! To anyone else doing this, heads up that it only works in Cycles, so material preview will look borked


definitely would love the hair tutorial because blender hair makes me pull out my irl hair


Instead of the color ramp to select the random colors, you could probably also plug three separate random nodes into a combine RGB node and then plug that into the color! Only if you want it to be literally any color though


One other suggestion for truly random emission colors across the entire spectrum -- plug your random [0,1] value into the Hue input of a "Combine HSV" node, set Saturation and Value to "1", and the node output is a fully saturated/fully bright random color.


This was awesome!, this totally changes how I do textures in Substance Designer. For instance, If I make a concrete texture and have it scaled right you can get so much more use out of textures. Thank you Ian!


kinda looks like Amharic letters


It's the greatest thing I have ever scene how easily we can randomize stuff with these, it gives us many possibilities, what if we can generate randow store with randow shape also with a shape keys as you did the cars.


the butt cube just sat there, no comment at all. dead.


I was gonna say something but then I remembered this is Ian's tutorial so I let it go lol


This tutorial got better and better the more I watched it.


freaking genius .... dope3000!