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Woooo this feels good to release! And also nerve-wracking!

I have a TON of thoughts about this, and I'm excited to make a bunch of breakdowns and all that ASAP, but for now I'm happy to just get it out there.

Thank you SO much to everyone here. I used to have to cram all my work in between professional gigs, but about halfway through this episode all of you here on the patreon meant that I could work on this full time, and you can totally see it in the quality. There's a lot of stuff I could go back and update, but- man honestly the perfectionist in me really had a hard time letting this go. BUT I think the best thing now is to use all the lessons I learned from this episode and keep moving forward! I'm really excited to dial in the plot/characters over the next episode (the whole point is it starts small so it can grow)- I think it'll be fun.

Anyways yeah- a lot more I want to say here (and I'll post a patrons-only link to a full-res version soon), but for now I'm going to give myself a bit of a break (and... maybe read some reactions. I'm inordinately nervous). 


Episode 1 : Salad Mug - DYNAMO DREAM

Feels so good to finally post this! Unending thanks to all the friends who worked to help make this happen, and all of the folks over on the patreon! A lot changed over the course of making this episode (you can probably feel it), and while I'm really excited about this episode, I'm even more excited to keep everything moving for the next bit; the big goal is to be able to finish these things a bit faster than every 3 years :P Thanks so much for watching- I hope you enjoy it. If you DID enjoy it and want to chip in a bit financially for future episodes, I've documented a ton of the process (and shared a bunch of assets) over on my Patreon. Mostly VFX/blender tutorials and such, but also more general breakdowns, too, and I'd of course love to see you there. http://www.patreon.com/IanHubert Also, HUGE thanks to Impossible Acoustic for being down to take on this project! The degree to which the audio sculpts the end experience here is absolutely wild. http://www.impossibleacoustic.com Composited in After Effects, All 3d work in Blender (blender.org) Huge thanks again, to everyone :D



Yes man! I’m always hyped to see your output!


Can't wait to watch it!


oh YES


Can't wait to turn back home to see it!


I honestly don't remember when was the last time I was so hyped for something, i literally just woke up and I'm shaking just to think that it's finally out, it's already incredibile and I still did not press play


WOW man !! congrats for releasing it, watching now and taking notes :) be back in twenty minutes


Congrats Ian!!! Your constant tutorials and the quality of them has really helped me get through the pandemic as I learnt Blender for the first time.


Wow. Looks phenomenal. Congrats on the release Ian!


Congrats! 🙌


I've stopped watching after a few minutes because I want to watch this properly at home, but man this is already completely depressing but also totally inspiring in how stunning it is. Truly amazing work Ian


Loved it!!!


Just finished watching - absolutely incredible work. That train scene was genuinely one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. Totally scratches the sci fi world itch lol. Also, realized who was voicing the bot about halfway through, had to do a double take! Also also - very excited to see the dynamo story expanded on - so cool to see the shadow state dudes again. Can’t wait for more, and CONGRATS!!!


Unbelievable beautiful....!!! It‘s huge!! Congratulations!!! I love it.


consistently raising the bar with every release. GOATED


That was amazing. it's weird seeing all the work you've done over the last year or so condensed down into 20 minutes, it really shows how much effort goes into your work.


Congrats Ian. Looks great!


The grandest of congratulations to you! A monumental achievement that was worth waiting for!


Really no words. An amazing accomplishment. Thank you for continually raising the bar!


After more than a year of seeing it in piece meal form, it's kind of unnerving to see it fully realized and then watch it and realized that the sum is SOOOO much more vivid and greater than any of it's single parts. This was kind of moving. Thanks for sharing this, Ian.


This is incredible man! Very very well done!


congrats Ian! really beautiful, when we do what we love this result is what cames out


Amazing, you've created a immersive world that's totally believable!


God what eye candy! Looks like an effortless spewing of pure creativity into video, even though I'm sure it was far from effortless.


I excitedly smilled throughout the whole thing and the ending made me say out loud WHAT!?!? So yeah definitely on the edge of my seat. Very very incredible :O Such a pleasurable experience, really enjoyed the tempo. All the incredible details my oh my. I cannot phantom how nerve-racking must be to let this bird fly out of the nest! The bird however is majestical and and greeted from the world lovingly! So happy to see this :)


watched it, wow! You are SO ambitious with the number of shots you crammed into 21min! The richness of each scene and the zeitgeist / world building you've done is astounding. I have so many questions about this world and the exposition was just right. I don't even think I need to say how awesome it is to see this come together from the pieces up, I recognized SO many scenes and assets (I've used those fox glove models from your yard on several personal projects, and the other plants). The acting is ace, and the story is compelling. The role that Kaitlin plays is quite sensitive, really reminds me of my ex (made me quite sad for a bit there, but hey, your 20min short made me cry, that's something). The fact that you made Hyperbole for a 3s pass-by.... it inspires me knowing that totally nerding out on small things can be worth it (of course, you also made it into a longer sequence and released a HD version of that, so waste not want not). I love the feel-good score, did you play guitar? At the end when she's passing by such a vast and dense world you've made - that's where the value is here imo. Introducing places of interest in a pass-by (kinda like Zootopia, but they had millions of dollars to do that). And I am f'n blown away with the contrast ending. Just, like, you've made it man. This is it. So inspired to see you do this with such a small budget and team but such a strong vision.


Hooolyyy shiiii.....this is amazing, i mean I have no words except that I feel lazy, heheh. Truly a spectacular achievement man.


Also, did anyone else try to spot repurposed props from "Prospect"? :-p


incredible man - this was a beautiful looking episode and I'm excited to see what's next. And you bringing us it all made me feel like I was part of it




It's so crazy to recognize all the work he'd put into just a 2 or 3s sequence, and the number of sequences in there is insane for the length

max pirrit

incredible man holy shit, huge congratulations


that last 2min makes the ENTIRE thing, that's how I know this is compelling and he's 'made it' with this. It's really f'n good.


it's breathtaking - the whole experience of being a part of it and seeing it come together


AMAZING! Mega Iyashikei vibes. So good. So very, very good. Congratulations to everyone involved. I'm in for the long haul.


Stunning, thank you Ian and everyone else who helped bring this beauty to light


seriously awesome ! huge congrats for all the work you put here (and for sharing with us all your tricks )



Kai Christensen

HOLY-- WOW I CAN'T EVEN-- JUST WOW. Seeing the teaser trailer for this back when it first came out was such a big inspiration for me. It got me to join this Patreon, where I saw how to obliterate the limits of filmmaking as I knew it. I've learned so, so much either directly from this Patreon or indirectly thanks to the projects it has inspired me to take on. Heck, I wouldn't even be studying AI if it weren't for Dynamo Dream. Thanks for two things, Ian: 1. Letting me watch this short film. 2. Letting me learn so, so much from watching it being made. It's past midnight and I'm tired so this probably sounds corny as heck, but this community and your videos have totally changed my life. Looking forward to whatever comes next! Episode 1 was incredible :)


Absolutely brilliant! The amount of work that has gone into this is staggering. Well done to you and your team. I am looking forwards to following this series as it progresses!


I haven't watched it yet, and I'm nervous. And excited. OMG, I can't believe it's here. Definitely not gonna watch it in the toilet, this deserves the big screen 😍

Tolga Katas

Sooooo good! big congrats, what an inspiration!! all these shots!


Huge congrats on getting this out into the world Ian! Absolutely incredible work! The quality and the world-building are simply mind-blowing! So many crazy-fresh ideas and designs. Just incredible.


Im speechless...that a small team on a budget can create something so beautiful and impressive. Next stop for Mr Hubert: Hollywood...(or at least some steampunk version of it.


I'm blown away...! This is incredible. So great to see the things you've been teaching/demoing for us come to life, in such an amazing way!! You must be so proud. It's an amazing achievement. The whole thing has gelled so well... from the music to the visual language of the whole thing, and Kaitlin is a natural too. So when is the next episode dropping? :) :) Can't wait. And. yeah... I'm a complete lazy b*stard. :)


remarkable short credits All respect

Kai Christensen

Watching this on my projector screen was 112% a good idea. Loved the soundtrack, acting was superb and convincing, effects were so so good, worldbuilding felt tangible and real, and the writing was so snappy and natural. It felt like I was just getting this amazing view of normal life for the characters-- and left me questions and curiosity at just the right level.


It was amazing! You really managed to blend all the old stuff with the new. And it looked so good. It was hard not to be like: Ohh, it's that shot! Or, it's that tutorial! Or THAT asset! But then I was just sucked into the world, and didn't want to leave. Thank you Ian!


This is insane!! Really great job!!


Ok, so I have seen it four times so far and what I completely failed to mention yesterday when I couldn't find proper words (due to being overwhelmed by the intricate world design, the story, the mood, the music and everything) was: Kaitlin's portrayal of the main character was brilliant! Every component in a work of art are of course important but good acting is what really creates an emotional connection. Everyone did a great job but Kaitlin's acting made me believe in this beautifully crafted world and the stories within it. Oh, and I also liked the added crosshair in the final version that someone suggested yesterday.


Incredible Ian! And amazing you managed to wrap it all up! Congratulations and thank you!


So amazing! I literally had to watch it once to enjoy it and then once where I just paused on every scene because it looks so gosh darn beautiful. Really love the world you’ve created it’s entirely unique and your own. Cant wait to see where the story and these characters go from here!


Oh man this was beautiful, every frame a painting! It is so amazing to see it all finally come together and spotting all the bits and bobs we've seen earlier! You are truly inspiring, and I wouldn't have been able to do my own cyberpunk animation, or maybe got into animating at all, if it hadn't been for everything I've learned from your tutorials! I'm already looking forward to watching your journey to make episode 2! (Also coincidentally it has just now been exactly a year since I joined this Patreon! And I just want to say thank you for all the great things that you share here!)


Oh. My. God. This is absolutely phenomenal. The care and craft evident in every second is beyond breathtaking. I knew I would be impressed, but I really had no idea. I cannot overstate how stunningly beautiful and awe inspiring this is. And when I think about how (compared to even a small studio) resource constrained you are I am even more impressed. I’ve worked at places that are pretty well funded that couldn’t have pulled off something as good as this. I apologize if I’m gushing but seriously... you have knocked me on my ass with the quality, breath, depth, and love in this. Well done. You should feel like you are 1000 feet tall my man, because you actually are.


Absolutly brilliant Ian! Big congrats to you, and all the folks involved in the big project. I'm proud to support you, and i'll continue till next episode (4 years... shiiittt :D ) Cheers


Thank you very munch for sharing this with us. It was a good starting point for my day. The director inside me found some flaws in the film but the motion graphics artist / Blender lover just kicked his ass and still has plenty of stars in his eyes! It's a damned titanic and impressive job sir! I'LL TAKE MY HAT OFF TO YOU!


Great job Ian!


This is just perfect! Glad you published it! Now I want to binge 12 Episodes


The best part made my day: "If you would like to make a call, please hang up and try again". :-D Hahaha, brilliant!


Can't even imagine where to begin from but maaan! Been looking forward to this for a long time and I am not disappointed


Wow! So much rich detail! All the little bits you've shared in the past were just pale phantasms compared to this "final" synergistic pachage! Some cool Salad Mugshots (I just can't help myself) I thought the OPEN sign being rearranged to say NOPE was a brilliant way to say CLOSED. I really like your sense of Humor which over shadowed everything in such a subtle way. Any up-coming casting calls? I live somewhat nearby in Alpha (probably about 100 miles from you). Excellent job!


Bravo! So much goodness in there man. Can’t quite believe the attention to detail. Some amazingly clever camera moves hiding in there. Kaitlin was amazing, breezing naturally through your world. I’ll be watching the high res version with a magnifying glass. Congratulations on finishing this episode and for also being awesome.




Ahhh! It's amazing! You all really knocked it out of the park! So so good. Not only was I wowed by the FX but the worldbuilding and story was compelling. I want episode 2!!


OMG brilliant!!!! <3 This is beyond awesome :)!!!


Trully an inspiration to us all !!!!


This is so good! How many episodes are we going to watch? Besides your amazing world building, the storytelling is also working really good, from the beginning to the end.Congratulations ;)


This was so, so wonderful. :')


I wanna learn how to make this impressive lighting and skyboxes


Amazing work! I love your world building so much.


Congrats! It's insane work!


I am so excited to watch this tomorrow!!


So beautiful Ian. All the hard work you put into this and the amazing result, it was slightly emotional to watch. Got both shills and perhaps a tear. Even if the next episode takes 3 years I look forward to the journey here on patreon. Kaitlin was great as well. Intentionally left blank...


Congratulations, Ian. Truly an *EPIC* event. Well done!


I was sure after Hyperbole my mind couldnt blowen away more ... i was wrong. Probably the most entertaining and most inspiring 20 minutes what I've ever seen... solid 10/10 without hesitation. Also a bit of joy to see this short parts came together and finally make a sense! Anything possible in Blender and you are the proof of that.


Wow. Every single aspect of the film is phenomenal. Seriously Ian, fantastic job. This is beautiful.


Incredible stuff, Ian! Really happy for you! You have a hell of a dystopian imagination :D Really enjoyed seeing how all the little glimpses of the world we've gotten over the past year(s) through your videos have been put into a big cohesive piece!


Congratulations Ian, and a big thank you for bringing us along during the production! This is so awsome!


Grabbing my jaw from the floor. Yeah, you should definitely go look at the comments and bathe in 'em for a while. BTW, did you know that 'Hubertian' is now a word in fx and concept art circles? :P


Holy HECK, Ian! This looks a million times more amazing than I even imagined from all the behind the scenes stuff! The world-building and visuals are phenomenal! Can't wait to see more of this reality you've created!


Crazy good, can't wait to see more of this world!


Well done Ian, you have done a fantastic job of this mate, it's been an inspirational and educational journey following the development of this project, you should be proud mate...


Really well done, Ian Hubert!


Fascinating, I have to say. I have always been a fan of the little details, and this one had many. Like the floating bot having a "lost cat" sticker in it, or where at closing time the OPEN sign changes to NOPE. While I thought the story and visuals overall were intriguing and eye catching, those little details made it more "real," if that makes sense. Very curious where the next episode will take us. Take care Ian. 🙂


open? nope! wow. i just sat here with my jaw open (for the first minutes ;) ) being transported to a new world immediately, full of mood and such an incredible amount of detail. and bringing (and keeping) it all together cohesively, although it is far from reality - whoo. loved the acting, too, first of all joe/kaytlin of course but also the robot, very charming little fella. could be a far cousin of R2 ;) (in the way he immediately got my sympathy). i feel bringing these two completely different characters and performances to life and creating a chemistry between them in this way is another big quality in here. that's where big productions oftentimes failed countless times, so bravo for that as well! suberp sound design also. i could go on and on, but... i have to go work on my own stuff now ;P can't wait for the next episode and before it, a ton of breakdowns and stuff :D


I loved the 'OPEN' sign, not just the clever concept, but also how we don't even see it complete the change yet we still just *get* it. That's some damn good editing sense! EDIT: Oh, I'm dumb...it finishes in the background of the next shot, I didn't even see it the first time!


Beautiful and inspiring! I’ve been following you for some time and I’ve learned a lot from your tutorials and stuff that you’re showing to the community. Seeing the final result, with all the pieces together, knowing the effort, the commitment to it all is impressive! I loved the episode, the story, characters and all the little details. I will see again and again without a doubt! Congratulations and I wish you all the best and that your project will continue for a long time!


Stunning. Beautiful. Going back straight away for a second watch, and third, forth...


This turned out so good, man! The whole cinematography, the acting, sound, color, the pacing (I think you once called this "passive movies", or something along those lines? The kind of movies where you just whitness a slow-paced slice of a character's everyday live? That works great.) I was especially blown away by the sheer amount of detail in every shot, like, "How can this guy do stuff like that so fast?" (Then, all the shots that I knew from your tutorials from like a year ago showed up and I was like "Okay, now I am about 10% less impressed by Ian's working speed, but about 200% more impressed by the sheer commitment and determination to this project".) Great stuff, man! You taught me so much and now you just casually throw another 20-min-piece into that intriguing DYNAMO puzzle on top. Thank you, Ian!


Damnnnnnnnnnnn. It's absolutely incredible! Joined the Patreon right after I saw it!


Beautiful. To start with my eyes were all over marveling at the world - the detail - the textures, but at the halfway point I realized I was captured by the story and studying the world would have to wait for future viewings.


I've always been (happily!) frustrated when you do a throw-away video that is better than I could ever do. But then you release something like this, which is your full 100% effort, and I'm left waaaay behind. Congratulations :)


Congrats man! This is friggin insane! Honestly full on movie quality :D


Amazing through and through.


Thank you for your mind, Ian. My jaw is on the floor watching this. I will spend the rest of today lost in this world you've made. So much to think about. Incredible filmmaking. You are truly a visionary.


Oh dear. Utterly nuts.


Congratulations! I'm so hyped for more. So awesome being part of your journey so far

Jordi Cervera

Thank You Ian, you have showed again how much further one can push with Blender. it was amazing. I will re-watch it again and again. There was not a single shot that "pulled me off" of the reality of Dynamo Dream. Now we have a new benchmark to measure our work against. And I'm grateful for that. I did really enjoy the subtitles too "Obnoxious inescapable party music" and such details. Also, Thanks Kaitlin for your acting, it was, really great.


Ian happy to be a patron of Blender GOD


Wooo! Each episode in this series is like unfolding another dimension. Honored to be a small part of it. Loved seeing the lights from Project London at 1:34 as well.


Congratulations, Ian. Wonderful work, man. Really enjoyed it and I just want to say well done.


Wow I'm blown away! Can't wait for ep2!


Amazing!! Even if it is not much I'm doing, I'm really glad to be supporting you on doing this!


Ian, you have blown my mind... can't wait for ep2! ps: can we have a tutorial on the warping at the end 🤣🤣 much love

Jostein Lie Svalheim

Holy shit, when is episode 2 coming? This was really, really interesting and it looks like a million bucks (or millions even!)


Congratulation, incredible job. I enjoyed every minute of it. It was nice to recognize some scene that we saw in some of your video, where you breakdown scene or explain effect. I loved the color palette and the mood that you have created and of course all the visual was just breathtaking. I’m so much curios to see how the story will go on. I really liked the soundtrack as well and I saw that some of the music have been made by you. Keep going :) we wait for your next masterpiece and for your next video.


Awesome :)

Jostein Lie Svalheim

Also, your lighting and light matching is extremely well done. Possible to get a tips and tricks video on how you plan that out in your workflow and what lighting setups you have to work with? After you've taken a well-deserved break ofc! Haha


YAY!!! was waiting for this every day, THIS IS GREAT!!! I'm so happy for you man, CONGRATS!!!

Alex Ezorsky

I'm genuinely curious what you were nervous about. Maybe the level you have risen to with such hard work has you forgetting that any flaws you see are soo massively high on the quality scale that for even the skilled viewer spotting those flaws would be like noticing a pimple on the statue of liberty. This is so epically gorgeous I have no words. Is it stuff other than the look you are worried about? (Sound and music are tip top too)


Congrats IAN. I love the world building, the ideas, the sense of humour. I was not expecting the dark ending, which was dope. You published!! I hope you're celebrating rn


This is so amazing Ian! The world warping scene in the end was stunning. Get some rest now!


I never comment on anything, ever. I've rewritten this comment about four times because honestly, I cannot think of anything to say other than... absolutely stunning work. If I even attained a hundreth of the talent you have displayed here, I could die happy. That was without a doubt the most engaging and absorbing thing I have seen in the last two years. If you hadn't mentioned it yourself, I would not have even dreamed that there were imperfections, but we're all our own biggest critics. Wow, just wow...


It's mind-blowing to see what you were able to achieve. Truly an inspiration. Congratulations on the release!


This is absolutely fantastic, well done! Can't wait for Ep2!


Nothing I can likely say that hasn't already been said! Amazingly beautiful work by everyone involved. The sound design is flawless and worth that little extra wait time. Kaitlin was wonderful as Jo! Give that lady a kudos from all of us! Now on to the obvious bits. Ian, your work is impeccable as ever for aiming at "screen ready". It's almost impossible to point at any one thing we know as CG and declare, "Ah HAAA!". The level of detail is almost overwhelming, but nothing is out of place, everything gels into a beautiful frame by frame experience. Lastly, nearly all of the tutorials were directly influenced by Dynamo Dream production, and I gotta say, it was like every scene was a shout out to us here. Thanks for including us so closely to the progression!


I feel like I've just seen what's inside Ian's brain. What a terrific emotional trip! I want more!!!! It's literally how I've envisioned the Sprawl from Gibson's books looking like, a brilliant mix of everything. I love the story is subtle and we get to slowly uncover what's life like for the Salad Girl! It's such an eye candy world with a ton of details and tiny brilliant nudges to pop culture and steam/cyberpunk elements that required multiple viewings. Very cool cliffhanger! Waiting for the next episode Ian!


Wow, what a ton of work... it's hardly believable... A lot if it is really good, but some things are truly masterful... Just a stupid question, but how did you film the shots at the beginning with the rain pouring over the windows? Did you animate this or did you use a screen behind an actual window. Because this is technically speaking pitch-perfect!


Congratulations!!! I might even comment on the Karma Pirates pages in celebration of the new episode!! We all love your work and am excited to learn more from you in the future!!


This is massive. Excellent masterpiece!


Amazing from the CG work to the acting! Congratulations, this must feel really good!


Just....brilliant Can't tell where blender stops and live action starts. Want more!


Fantastic. Loved every frame and every sound!


Dude, that was amazing, you had me absolutely absorbed. Felt so stunned afterwards, the feeling lasted a half hour I will be rewatching it many times. Congrats Ian!!!


Great job. Amazing work!! Looking forward to more episodes and tutz!


Fantastic Ian, what a beautiful world. Congratulations on the episode and thank you so much for sharing it with us.


You just changed the game of indie filmmaking. Astoundingly good. Well done.


Already commented on youtube but in brief - Wawaweewa! SO inspiring that you're able to pull this off as a mainly one man army, music and everything too so cool! With help from friends of course. The world building is so dense and feels distincly Ian-y. Also love the blend of practical sets and costumes with 3d, I think it adds a lot playing to the pros of what each could provide. Massive congrats and thanks for all the knowledge you share and inspiration pal.


BRAVO. This was an amazing episode. Ian you are opening the gap for more young artist coming into this industry.

Phil South

Holy shit that was incredible, Ian. I knew it was going to look amazing, but what I didn't expect was how cinematically gorgeous it would be. You see all the time you took over it up there on the screen, and the acting, sound and mood are just perfect. I really hope it doesn't take another 3 years for the next one, but if waiting's what I have to do to see more, I'm in. :)


A great story so far and a world worth paying attention to. Seeing all your work come together is truly gratifying, can't wait to see more!

Phil South

I have to get this up on the projector. :D With snax


That was Awesome!!

Greg DiGenti

He actually has a basic breakdown of this scene in one of his tutorials. That entire window is CG! It’s amazing.


Dammnnnnn, wow!


Wow ian amazing job! I could watch this 10x and still discover new things cant wait for the next episode!!


Love Death & Robots season 3


Appreciated as both a lover of character-based sci-fi melodrama and as someone who has eaten salad out of a mug. :)!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am completely blown away! It's amazing seeing all the parts and pieces you've been showing us pulled together into a final production. Lends even more value to the terrific lessons you've taught us. Very inspirational.


Huge, huge congratulations on finishing this! An incredible piece!


Truly inspiring and refreshing! Congratulations Ian!!


The pacing of the final edit is an achievement by itself- fantastic work sir


Wow. Just wow.


Hi Ian. Are we allowed to share this now or still not? :-) Best regards Miguel.


You are truly an inspiration to any aspiring filmmaker out there (myself included). I have recently become a patron and have been blown away by the quality of your content. I have watched many Blender tutorials, but you are one of the very few that truly understands the balance between striving for perfection and making something that looks incredible on camera. Seeing this work come together in such a spectacular way is such a special and unique experience - thank you for being so generous with your time and showing us all how something that looks so daunting can be broken down into manageable bits. To my eyes - this is Hollywood level VFX - something that you would expect many VFX houses would need to work together to create. I am stunned at what you can accomplish with a small crew, a vision, and the will to persevere. Thank you so much for all that you do!


Incredible work Ian!


I love how the robot talks rumors! XD "Lost Cat" pic is stuck on to the robot's front too


I watched just a few minutes, but i find amazing what you did.... immersion level 1000, details that sucks you inside the visuals! Grat job as usual!


Wow. Great to see it all put together. It was fun to point to the scenes I recognize . “I know how you made that. I know how you made that too. And and that’s how that finally turned out.“ such a fantastic world. I definitely want to see episode two.


This is freaking amAaazing Ian super cool to see all the shots you have been working on, along with some sneaky hidden things we havent saw all come together. This is excatly how i want to make things. I hope i can get on this level someday


I don't like to gush over someone on the internet that I've never met, but you led me down the Blender path (after stumbling on a Lazy Tutorial two summers ago) that is now my employment tool here in the UK. Watching you create stuff and doing it so well (from Blender to film making in general) excites me as much as it's helped me to realise my dreams. Have a good break! Looking forward to more. You knocked it out of the park with this one.

Gehrig Campbell-Dempsey

You dang hecker. You we supposed to be the greatest VFX one man army to ever walk among us mortals, not ALSO tell a deeply compelling and emotionally complex narrative with nuance and tension and brilliance. Truly the biggest congratulations. This was everything visually epic I was expecting, and so so so much more. Cannot wait to tell my grandkids about episode 1 when episode 3 finally drops (hah jk! Stoked for ep 2!!!)


so awesome ! ! !! !

Ken - Kendo161

Holy shit man, excellent work, very impressive, patiently waiting but excited for the next episode. glad I started following the work of the next James Cameron or<--insert favorite film maker.


This was really amazing. I loved a lot about it, feels like something new.... It's like the live action version of my favourite anime that doesn't exist yet, the pensive cyberpunk I've always wanted but never seen. I also really want to know what's going on!! Felt very invested in the characters at "Why are you a missile?" 😂


Fantastic, and well worth the wait. Inspirational is hardly an adequate word.


Brilliant Ian. It looks fantastic. What an insane amount of work you put into this. Truly inspirational. Congratulations on staying with it. It was well worth It in the end.




oO AWESOME bro!!!! Goosebumps on several occasions. Don't let us wait another somewhat ten years for the next part!


Holy fuck. All that work... it was worth it. You've made the first sci-fi slice of life flick. Move over Los in Translation. YOU will be made to turn this into a feature because Hollywood is coming for you, son. holy fuck,


It was so incredibly good, amazing work! Also the execution with the sign changing from open to nope revealed by the bus was perfect and so funny!


OMG this is the best thing I've ever seen. I screamed in excitement multiple times while watching this by myself. This is such an incredible feat Ian, BIG TIME RUSH.


Haha "I'm not, I'm just making a phone call"...


AMAZING. So good. Some shots I had a hard time knowing where to rest my eyes at but holy heck, that was still a crazy cool film. Will be re-watching several times.


Amazing. - if anything, Ep. 1 is a masterclass in just how much storytelling you can do visually - without a single line of dialogue. Your sound guys did an amazing job with the mix as well.


Soooo amazing Ian!! Totally speechless, nothing to say that hasn't been written above already. Can't wait to see more of this universe... feels so real!


Just spotted a certain easter egg 'frame' after a really funny scene!!;-) Really enjoyed watching your film. Congrats on releasing it and to everyone who worked on it.


Even though I recognized almost every shot in this from your tutorials it was still absolutely stunning to see it all put together. The Floorhead scene was especially intriguing! Incredible work, Ian. You are a magician.


Love it! so cool to reconize the different shots :D and to know how you made them.. also love how everything played together, ant the story element is just super intriguing! Stoked to see how it continues :D


The attention to detail is insane. There's more world building in this episode done by one man than in a feature film made by a Hollywood studio for hundreds of million dollars made by hundreds of artists.


I’m crying tears of steel right now. Soooooooo good, Ian. Great story and cinematography! Also VFX of course. You are going to inspire a generation of blender movie makers. Imagine the impact you will make and the movies you’ll inspire. I predict 20 years from now your influence will be almost universal among 3d artists. One guy... made most of this cinema-quality VFX extraordinary feature!! Btw- I love the way you combine warm and cool color temperatures! The pacing of the edit is perfect. And the “OPEN” to “NOPE”... brilliant!! In most ways this has an authenticity that most sci-fi films lack. I’m sure it’s no coincidence that the other one that comes to mind is “Prospect”. The only way that this didn’t measure up or exceed a Hollywood production IMO, is a few audio mix items, some of the clipped highlights and a few obviously 3d people. I’m sure you’re acutely aware of all the areas it could be better, but great job putting perfectionism aside. I hope to be more like you in that way and many other ways. You are so inspiring, and Soooooo good! The acting was actually superb! Please clap your hands over your head and give yourself a high-five from me.


yep this was a good patreon subscription. scratch that, a great subscription


Great work Ian and team. Congratulations to this awesome release. Looking forward to the next episode. Continue to inspire. 🙌 from Germany.


seriously ian, hands down amazing. youre a huge inspiration!!! my brain is craving a full cg breakdown but for now im eternaly grateful for the episode and all the content!


this is sick dude!


Hi Ian, This is amazing. This worlds are so tangible and deep. Congratulations! It's really beautiful work!


incredible. I felt like that dicaprio meme pointing at all the stuff I recognized from your tutorials!


What a great stuff! Amazing. This quality is hard to achieve and you just made it. Your team is great as well, you are very lucky with such people around you. Can’t wait to see you future work!


This was amazing to watch. I have been following you for a while and I saw you share how you built so many of the assets here. Felt like watching the greatest hits! thankyou for all you do.




Thank you


I watched this last night but was too tired to post a comment. What an incredibly stunning, well composed, visual feast. I'm just in awe of the plans coming to fruition. I know you've worked so hard on this, and seeing it all together with the audio is mesmerizing. 10/10. Seriously the most inspirational video I've ever seen to keep me digging into blender. Exactly what I needed to help aid my motiviation again. Thank you, Ian for being so incredible and showing us the ins and outs of how you did this. So many times I saw a shot and thought " Oh hey that's from the tutorial where I learned this". It's just incredible. Thank you for letting us see this astonishing video. - Kyle


I cant wait to re-watch it high af! Thank you!


UNBELIEVABLE!!! cannot wait for more! thank you!


But she was so young!


Congratulations Ian! This is an incredible accomplishment. It's hard to believe this wasn't put together by a larger team on a Netflix budget. I know how much work you put into even the shots that were fleeting background details, and now I can confirm it's all worth it: you've created a dense, textured, lived-in world where a million stories can happen. Also, just looking at the episode as a standalone piece of entertainment, it's an intriguing show, with an exciting dynamic between dystopian nightmare and lighthearted whimsy that never drifts too far into either. I am proud to be a supporter. Well done, all of you, and I can't wait to see the next one.


Not only was this incredible, but genuinely motivating for anybody (myself included) learning blender. Despite being VFX heavy, there was this really organic quality to Dynamo that I'm completely obsessed with. Embers, smoke, dust motes, I love that kind of shit. The lighting too was amazing. That scene with her in her little green house with all that bisexual lighting was *chef's kiss. Everything, despite being this dystopic world, looks beautiful.. Out of everything, I know it's gonna be weird to ask, but how did you create that office ceiling texture in the very beginning? I don't know if there are other breakdowns you're gonna release involving some of the work you did on here, cause there's so much to talk about, but whatever you do next I'm already hyped for.


Wow! Wow! Wow! There were several points I just teared up - for so many reasons - the story and all your hard work! Way to go Ian! I love her going to meet her boyfriend returning from his distance work assignment, oh look a giant crab is attacking, then things get trippy, and whoa what is this? Where does this go next for you?


I did not like it... I LOVED IT !!!! So cool, Ian!


I waited to watch it on my big TV tonight and it looked great on a big screen. Congratulations on the amazing work Ian!!! What a labour of love and you can see it in every frame and pixel! The trippy dolly zooms and transitions in the last few minutes were amazing. Really excited to see where the story is going. P.S. Brilliant work from Kaitlin and everyone else involved too!


Aside from Blender, did you do a lot of the comp in AE, or, was it mostly Blender? Was all rendering EVEE?


Absolutely incredible! The attention to detail is just astounding; not only is it extremely technically impressive, it's a fantastic feat of world-building. There's so much in each shot to look at that I think I could rewatch the whole thing several times and still not spot everything. Well. Done.


I’m pretty sure you’re going to need merch. Where do we buy the Dynamo Dream t-shirts please?

Michael Steinheiser

so amazing to see it all come together. insane work, well done.


Outstanding. Loved the ending. It's amazing to see how much work went into even the smallest portions of the smallest shots. Great dedication!


Excellent on so many levels, creativity, etc. Impressive indeed.

Max Cahill

Awesome work Ian! Came together really well, you and your team put a lot of heart into this and it shows.

Film Vagabond

This blew my expectations out of the water: I really enjoyed that sci-fi slice of life


Ian, that was ridonculous. And absolutely amazing. It was fun seeing all the little bits and bobs you've shared here, but seeing it all come together like this is something else. Excellently done!


Ian, that was beautiful man! Don't sweat how long it took to make. That exists now and you freaking did it! It's inspiring. It was fun spotting all of the little set pieces that you have built over the years. I'm looking forward to seeing the next episode take shape however long that takes. :)


It's wild to see years of stuff - tutorials etc - integrated into a thing. It looks amazing, and more importantly, you've got the actual storytelling bits in. This is really impressive, better than I thought it would be and I'm a fan!


Blimey Ian!


It looks like the reactions on Youtube are nothing to be nervous about. 😃. Wonderful feat man. Really motivational as well!


The head in the Jar is very well done, that whole scene is so excellent. Pacing overall is fantastic. The huge 'tim's limbs' shot works so darn well in context and the birds absolutely work.


You're awesome man, thanks for all the amazing info and fun times!


This was absolutely amazing. Intriguing story, interesting characters, fantastic dialog, great music and of course, the AMAZING visuals! I have been watching your tutorials and walkthroughs for months but this has really inspired me. I am heading over to Amazon to buy a green screen right now! Thanks for being so awesome Ian.


So inspiring! Absolutely amazing!


Absolutely Insane Ian, you've come a long way from the TFN/NP2k days. Narrative is fantastic and the worldbuilding is so immersive. Looking forward to what comes next.

Davide Bertolini

It's so amazing, it's even better than expected and expectations were HIGH. It seems to be going very well with views and reactions! Are you happy?


Incredible. What an inspiration - I kneel at your altar begging for but a fraction of your wisdom and a divine blessing LOL - Really awesome work!




Incredible work Ian. Based on what you had shared already I had high hopes, but this blew past those expectations. Can't wait to see more, eventually!


I've seen it 3 times now. Its just incredible af! I'm glad i found you! You motivate so many people and your work is just so great! Its a masterpiece! Holy shit!

Jay Gonzalez

this is so good and immersive, incredible work as always!


Wow man! I'm blown away. I keep looking at the details and how they really shape the experience. The end felt like something Philip Dick would do. It's amazing because I feel like I was on-set with you (following the tutorials) and yet I was able to watch it for the first time and just enjoy it, without being reminded of the production. Thanks broski!




Off the wall! This is amazing!


Watched this in my garage on my crude little home theater setup. Made all the signs easier to read!! Lol this was wonderful.


Beautiful. Astonishing. Brilliant. And I'm just talking about the NOPE sign.


No really - this is a masterpiece. What an achievement. You'll inspire a whole generation of young 3D artists and I can personally tell you that I just showed parts of the video to our kid and he will most likely spend this weekend experimenting with Blender. Thank you.


So Ian will you still be posting you're work now that you finished your episode or will we need to wait a while before anything comes out?


This is so so SO above and beyond. Amazing. So extra especially fun to see all the scenes that you've covered over the past months in your Patreon tutorials in action. But I have a criticism to share. It feels somewhat inappropriate to bring up because this is SO EFFING GOOD.... but it is also for that reason that i feel the need to share my two cents. The music... just does not make the cut. While it is technically impressive, and professionally produced, it brings this piece down IMO. It is glaringly the worst part of this. It was no surprise that the vfx and the world creation aspects were grand slams.... naturally expected from following your phenomenal work. So that high bar was well established already, and fully met. Furthermore, the tone, writing, acting, cinematography, and pacing were pleasent surprises (for me at least) as they all were also SO WELL DONE. But the music/score fell short. I feel this piece could be elevated so much more by a better score. It was the only real flaw IMO. This masterpiece deserves/needs a more appropriate soundtrack. With that, I know somebody worked hard on the music, and I want to just reiterate that it was well done, just not right for this world IMO.

Zeke Faust

I disagree, the music was intimate, small when it needed to be, big when it needed to be, and had the right balance of ominous and hopeful. We've heard the Bladerunner stuff before, we've heard the cyberpunk stuff before. We've heard dour, we've heard depressing. That stuff is all so stale. This episode's music fit the the world of Dynamo perfectly


Amazing work!! It looks and sounds sooo good and that ending just left me excited for the next episode! Congratulations to the Release!


Damn Ian that was great. I particularly liked the guy who talked with his eyeball and the ‘mall tours’.


W000000!!! Congrats!! Agreed. I like the scene with the guy in the tank. Great sound too.


👏 wow . AMAAAAZING ! I'm in awe of your abilities . Great work to you and your team




Dude this is amazing. To me you are like that one crazy dude that lives in the foods haha! I need the full thing!


It was super entertaining!! bravo!!


Congrats on your awesome release!!! <3 It's such a visual wonder! Goddamn cliffhanger! I wanna be a concept artist; this makes me wanna think thru' your worldbuilding logic in your design, and f**k man I really wanna make concepts and 10-sec vids that look and feel as good as this! I wanna know more about your world, all the implied backstories and such. Kudos on the "open/nope' signage, lol. I feel that visually a lot of your big spaces feel better presented than the newer Total Recall movie, which had a lot of interesting details but it was so messy to look at for something so big-budgeted. Have a good break! It's well-earned. Looking forward to what comes next! And thanks again for taking us on your dedicated journey on Patreon!


This is amazing! I’ve seen so many of these shots, and still I watched it with my mouth open like a little kid. Your world filled me with wonder! The music felt reminiscent Amélie, each note adding to the feeling of wonder and curiosity. You absolutely killed it! My friend is going to come over later, and we will probably spend the better part of the night watching it, pausing it, and replaying parts over and over, trying to figure out how you did the shots I haven’t seen tutorials on. This is amazing. This is beautiful.


Dude this is perfect but what is up with that intentional blank frame?🤔


Absolutely incredible man! I'm blown away. Brilliant creativity and just refreshingly new ideas. I can't say enough.


Just awesome!


15:30 attention to detail is infinite.


That was awesome! Just love the look of it all. Well done!!!


Awesome ^v^


This make me hype. Mr. Ian Hubert. <3


-melted- I've watched this so many times now, and its still good. I love your brain. ITs got rich environments, mysterious background stories, comedy elements, moisture. Just this entire episode was i glued to the screen enjoying all the details and depth to everything. Been craving more Hubert scifi since Dynamo Episode 6


I just got around to watching this, and man it was great. Always excited to see what you create!


Dude. Seriously. The Floor “head” guy blew my mind on a Heinlein or Lem or Gibson level. Like profoundly beautiful and grotesque existential crisis like I was 23 again in an old school way. If this masterpiece is just the first ep, we are in for a hell of a ride.


A masterpiece. Bravo. Amazing. And on Blender :D Thank you so much for your amazing work (and on an open source software :) )


Ian, really, really, great. Congratulations. No flaws, I was there.


Adore! Muito bom, gostaria muito de aprender a fazer essa mistura de greenscreen e 3D <3


AMAZING! I'll mark my calender 3 years hence


Dude this is magnificent, what an art... Hey Ian I'm desperately want to know how you have accomplished the inside of the train stretching effect? video time stamp at 19:38 It would be great if you have a mini tutorial ;) Love your work, you are an inspiration


Holy crab! Very good work!


I think he's just animating the camera's focal length. I did a test and it seemed to have that effect.


Oh I understand the concept now, its like an infinite Dolly Zoom effect!


One word: Amazing


I love the look and feel of this world, the characterisation, both artificial and human, and where the story might go next. Using a missile to make a long distance phone call was hilarious.

Øyvind Wallentinsen

Amazing. I'm just worried the next episode will be too different from this one. Hoping you'll keep using the rich, vibrant setting like in the first episode, with the same attention to detail :).